fix articles 232383, my grandfather
San Francisco Rally Protests Hate Crimes in Charlottesville (tags)
Tata Noah chief of Indigenous communities (tags)
My grandfather walked with a very long stick adorned with many allegories. Tata Noah told me long ago that it represented our true nation, which was all unknown, because many of those living in the village had given in to the viciousness of the white people and did not follow the customs of our fathers. That hurt my Tata, so when I arrived, he ever and ever told me many things and stories of our nation...
1,000,000 Signs Of Hope, Latino Immigrant Rights Activists Stage 27 Days Of Hunger (tags)
This is the promise to the immigrants coming to America. The promise of justice, the promise of prosperity, the promise of being able to work hard, and prosper, as a result of your own efforts, and to do so in safety, for not only yourself and your family, but your work enterprise as well. This promise has been broken for the most recent immigrants to the United States. They seem to be no longer welcome on our shores or in our cities anymore. Instead of being welcomed, they are hunted, their families are torn apart, their adults tried as criminals for the dubious “crime” of being street vendors on the streets of Los Angeles.
Open Letter to My Grandfather (tags)
I never really got to know my grandfather, Austin A. O'Malley, as he died when I was only four years old. He came over to the United States from his native country, Ireland around 1889, as a little boy of eleven years. Like many other Irishmen from Louisburg, County Mayo, he settled in Clinton, Massachusetts. I know that he worked there for a baker for awhile untill the Spanish American War broke out. I also know that he was in and out of the Veteran’s Hospital all through his life. I also know that he liked to drink at bars in South Boston, sometimes with his dog beside him.