fix articles 232311, search engines
Why Are Linux Apps So Crappy? (tags)
I've been a linux user for 11 years now; and like many others, I've been fooled by the US Government mandated, linux-false-flag-Psyop.
Maximizing Your Indymedia Post's Effectiveness (tags)
Tips on how to use this website to publish stories that will help boost your web visibility.
How to stop sex scandal, women activists suggest ways (tags)
Manila, Philippines: Gabriela Women's Party Representatives Luzviminda Ilagan and Emmi De Jesus are now sisters, having Scandal as their new surnames.
Revised: The Best 2008 Activist's People Resource Guide (tags)
Welcome to The Best 2008 Activist's People Search Resource Guide... Seek & Yee Shall Find... As a companion guide, don't miss the Best 2007 Activist's Information Source... See below...
Activist's 2007 Information Source (tags)
Seek & Yee Shall Find!
The Web: Niche search tools proliferating (tags)
Chimpy W. Bushitler's buddies make lots of money with new search engines - gross.
The decision by Google to remove my top position was politically motivated by the Bush regime.
Engineering Google Results to Make a Political Point (tags)
The Liberty Round Table, a libertarian group, started a Google bomb that linked the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutrition advocacy group, with the term "food Nazis."
Way to go Indy... "open publishing" allows various jerks to post porno images, racist tirades, and genuine anti-Jewish trash like the "Protocals of the Elders of Zion " (the tract used by the Nazis)... the result?
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