fix articles 232172, john murphy
More Green Party Bullshit... (tags)
Just when you thought there was nothing more to say about the Green’s self-destructive behavior. In the last few days I’ve taken a gander at what the Greens have been talking about on their discussion list. Nope, they are not talking about how they are going to end the war. Nor how they are going to organize to fight the Democrats. They are instead preparing to cyberlynch John Murphy, the delegate from Pennsylvania that I wrote about in a column earlier this week.
The End of the Green Party? (tags)
While the Democratic Party refuses to impeach President Bush, continues to fund the war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan through 2009, spreads the same lies about Iran's nuclear ambitions, and gives the administration a blank check for domestic spying, what are the leaders of the Green Party up to? Fasten your safety belts kiddos because they are doing some astonishing things.
The government pays these criminals rather well (tags)
At least 20 former lawmakers convicted of crimes are eligible for taxpayer-funded pensions, some as high as $125,000 a year
A symbol of American manufacturing’s decline: Ford to slash 44,000 jobs (tags)
Ford Motor Company on Friday announced a plan to drastically downsize its North American operations, cutting about a third of its salaried employees and offering buyouts to all of its hourly workers in the United States. The move—an acceleration and intensification of the company’s “Way Forward” plan announced in January—is aimed at cutting annual operating costs by $5 billion.
Abramoffgate: It’s the Same Sleaze, Just Bigger! (tags)
Jack Abramoff may be the sleaziest influence peddler to hit the halls of power in Congress - ever. As many as 20 Congressmen may be caught up in the crimes of this confessed master briber. Yet, there is nothing really new about corruption scandals on Capitol Hill. The biggest obscenity is this: Brave U.S. soldiers are dying in Iraq in a war sanctioned by the “most corrupt Congress in history,” and started by a wacky President - George W. Bush.