fix articles 2318, no one Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : no one

no one

Courage ahead! (tags)

Every person has the right to behave as he or she sees fit. The dignity of the human being is inviolable - even when we think we see that harm is coming from the behavior of another. This is how we preserve our own dignity. No one can stop us from being the change we want to see in the world ourselves. No one can stop us from believing in the good in people and from resisting,

The population is deeply alienated from the leadership (tags)

Russian culture is deeply individualistic. It has a very low level of trust. People can't trust each other, they can't trust their fellow human beings, and they can't trust their leaders. It's like Solzhenytsin's famous formula: trust no one, fear no one, and demand nothing from no one.

Double Standards in Iran Reporting (tags)

Iran has not attacked any country militarily in the last 100 years. Demonizations occur in the Iran reporting. In comparison, reporting about human rights in Saudi Arabia is not on the agenda.

We the Scattered in the Insult Society (tags)

Hans-Peter Martin is the author of "Game Over. Prosperity for a Few, Democracy for No One and Nationalism for Everyone" (2018). Now it is Game Over for the West, for our civilization model. Capitalism functions without democracy, without observing liberal human rights.

Time Magazine Exposed Chinese Anto Satellite Space Delivey Test Against Carriier of Space (tags)

Time magazine about 12 years ago discussed a space mission from Lop Nor a governmental small town in western China . THe town 's history and environment are related to Nevada 50's history with nuclear testing in the atmosphere.

Requiem for Rose Lynn Mangan (tags)

In the words of Jim DiEugenio: We all owe Rose Lynn Mangan a salute upon her passing. She worked the primary evidence in the RFK case like no one else did.

Fbi's Comey and his thugs on warpath (tags)

This short, but meaningful report shows how the psychopaths of fbi/cia engage in gratuitous atrocities when their crimes are made public.

...And Then They Came For Me (tags)

See some parallels between jack booted thugs of Hitler's Nazi Gestapo and today's fascist fbi and police thugs in USA

KPFK & Pacifica's Archives seem oddly silent about transitions. Any ? (tags)

Has anyone else heard what is happening to Pacifica’s [5 station’s] Archives ? Or what is planned, hoped for, funded or transitioning there ? Those treasures and no-where-else-held audio files contains so many years of very valuable recordings - much transferred from audio-tapes, CD’s or big huge tape reels, to sell, share or make available to the Public. We, the Public, all who have donated, paid, and volunteered there too. And more that needs to be transferred on to more modern technological resources that has to still be done. And who has tried to UPDATE what is happening or has happened [since early 2000’s] on WIKIPEDIA ? Anyone ? No one? No one cares to do this free work, if allowed by Wikipedia editors ?

KPFK in MeltDown.NOW. (tags)

KPFK seems to be sliding down....hill...into financial say the paid-staff-programmers, now, finally admitting what has not been on-air told before. Or changing owners maybe ? Wont know till After it all Fallllls away ?

A guide to California's water crisis-and why it's so hard to fix (tags)

"The underlying problem is bigger than almonds or golf courses"

Shoot the Messenger: Blame the Victim (tags)

Victims of rape are often blamed for the assaults because of the lingering sexism in our society.

Home-less-free occupying is not a free ride either (tags)

Another article written on LA Indy was full of comments that derided the author as if that answered the question of how the everywhere-living-homeless in LA have used up what were spaces intended for the general public - for children, for athletes, for elderly, for the tired, the disabled, the visitors. And no blame is made but the reality is noted and forthrightly stated. No PC necessary. No attack the writer is needed. No solutions are available, apparently.

9 Animal And Tree Rights Poems By Shel Silverstein (tags)

The deep meaning inside Shel Silverstein's poems

9-11 not remembered, in LA, anyhow (tags)

Are people in LA so complacent and uninvolved with the stories that were used as the 'causes' of why USA still continues to invade, interfere, and play war games….. and kill people in the middle east ? Are “9-11” and irrelevant set of numbers now ? ….long forgotten, got tired of the symbols, was too long ago and now tired of the same old questions, lies, and 'theories'? huh?

Media Gets Targeted by Obama, Discovers No One Cares Except the Media (tags)

It remains to be seen whether the media will start doing its job now that it’s been subjected to a small taste of what the public has been bludgeoned with for years via FISA, CISPA, the NDAA, the PATRIOT Act, et cetera. All these laws basically allow unlimited spying on and detention of Americans without any due process guaranteed by the Constitution.

Crisis in Greece (tags)

In Greece, the functioning society was undermined until it finally collapsed. The crisis has destroyed the social state. A person becomes a kind of predatory wild animal in dramatic situations as now seen in Greece. He only sees himself and his own survival.

Palestinians: Dying to Live Free (tags)


Rage Against Austerity (tags)

class war

Washington's Total War on Syria (tags)


How could they [SNWA] not have known? (tags)

Drought and over extended water rights to developers resulted in the SNWA pushing the panic button and proposing the rural water grab pipeline as a needed measure to prevent an "urban collapse" scenario. The SNWA propaganda may be serving the interests of developers looking to build suburban sprawl along the U.S. 93 corridor parallel to the proposed pipeline route.

Murder Inc: Official Obama Policy (tags)


State without Shame: Contradictions (tags)

The central question remains unanswered: why no society in the past could permanently guarantee freedom and equality. Are we lacking in brotherliness and human relations? Are we not equal to the size of the task? Or are we prisoners of structures that force us to act against our will?

Betrayed trust (tags)

Betrayed trust

For a Proletarian and Communist May 1st! (tags)

Workers! The general conditions of life and work have been deteriorating for years, becoming ever more intolerable.

Israel needs peace now (tags)

Before it's too late

lisbon treaty voting fraude (tags)

The Lisbon treaty replaces the Irish constitution and is a replacement of the old European union. Now there are no more countries in Europe, only states. The only ones to vote were the Irish and the voting was rigged.

Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama (tags)

Liberals once again were fooled by "lesser evilism" tactics of the Democrats, many devoted much time and energy to elect Obama, yet only receive more of the same as their reward. Our only changes are military use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" on prisoners instead of torture, under Obama the only change we will get in reality is a well spoken war criminal instead of a war criminal that speaks jibberish! Think Obama will allow for any domestic or international war crime trial of his predecessor?? Forget about it!! More of the same!!

Enjoy life to the fullest……………. (tags)

Don't over do ; keep your limits 14. Don't take yourself so seriously ; no one else does 15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip 16. Dream more while you are awake 17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

RP Government Impotent (tags)

( The AJLPP Secretariat reprinted the editorial of the Inquirer, the prime newspaper in the Philippines in its reaction in the CA decision on the Smith rape case) MANILA---Close this When the Court of Appeals handed down its decision acquitting Daniel Smith, no one was surprised. The departure of “Nicole,” his accuser, from our shores had already conditioned the country into believing an “arrangement” was in the works. In that sense, whatever the actual merits of the court’s decision, the case may be relegated as yet another one decided on clout rather than in fulfilment of justice. The United States can claim it fulfilled the letter—though not the spirit—of the Visiting Forces Agreement by keeping Smith in Manila throughout the judicial process, but not a second longer. Smith is now out of sight and, probably, out of mind—seemingly the objective of both the Philippine and American governments. Smith’s co-defendants went on to dishonorable or less-than-honorable discharge from the military. And no one expects Smith to be glorified or rewarded by his military or country. But that is a pretty small consolation for the manner in which Smith’s case proved that the VFA is a lopsided agreement; and worse, that the instinct of our own officials is not to assert Philippine rights and processes but to kowtow and grant every possible consideration to American wishes. Public opinion forced the prosecution of Smith and company. Public opinion kept the justice system creaking along; and while the beginning of the case found American authorities complying with their obligations under the VFA, Philippine authorities began finding ways to subvert the spirit of the agreement. Most dramatic of all was the handing over of Smith to American custody in the dead of night in December 2006. All throughout the judicial process itself, it was hard to tell whether the Department of Justice, for one, was lawyering for the government, the alleged rape victim, or the American soldiers.

Financial Markets: Is No One Responsible? (tags)

Enlightenment is part of overcoming crisis, not only money packages. Ten officials in every boardroom is not the solution. Rather the problem is the incredible transformation of the modern bank into a service enterprise with an adjacent casino.

The Concept of Work for Less (tags)

Work For Less laws (otherwise known as "Right To Work") are on the march, with backers attempting to add Colorado as their twenty-third state. Coalitions of labor, business, and religious organizations are fighting the onslaught, but they could use some help.

Anatomy of a Crisis (tags)

The problem is that a large part of US real estate financing, the "subprime" market for real estate credits to poor borrowers, functioned according to the model of a chain letter. Radical redistribution, nationally and internationally, is the command of the hour.

KPFK needs to update and keep website relevant & current (tags)

KPFK website is outdated, except for what the promotions the station wants to profit from. But information about it's doing is vacant and ancient .

Grace Aaron Committee to Strengthen KPFK Run Station Board Shuts Down Web User Forums (tags)

The new Grace Aaron/Ian Masters Local Station Board slate candidates have moved to strengthen their control over the station by eliminating a source of listener criticism.

Global Casino Capitalism (tags)

What began with cheap money for American homebuyers has expanded to the greatest financial market crisis since the war. The whole extent of bad credits with banks is not yet known, let alone the effects on the world economy.

23 Theses on the Unconditional Basic Income (tags)

Without vision the people perish. Basic unconditional income like community centers could restore public spirit and interdependence. The anti-social or capital offensive leaves people mere consumers or cogs in the machine and represses our gifts, talents, desires and health.

New Year Sermon (tags)

God waits in the tomorrow. The orientation in Jesus Christ goes beyond all the technical achievements of our time. The navigation system is trust. Thomas only receives an answer because he questions. If Jesus is the way, no one is alone on this way.

Bamby Salcedo's speech on Victoria Arellano (tags)

English Transcript of the speech that Bamby Salcedo gave at the vigil.

Compulsory Patronage of Private Business? (tags)

Forced Patronage of Private Businesses seems to violate Constitutional Protections against Compulsory Speech. It also forces people to give money to investments, by insurers, in what may be the very industry that caused one's illness!

I Can Stop The War (tags)

They say that one man can change the world, but no one really believes that. Still, every once in a while, one pops up & does just that, & I could prove to be the next.

I Can Stop Global Warming (tags)

They say that one man can change the world, but no one really believes that. Still, every once in a while, one pops up & does just that, & I could prove to be the next.

Freedom for Anarchist Prisoners in Oaxaca! Freedom for Oscar and Sacramento! (tags)

Anarchists and anti-authoritarians have played a vital role in the struggle against the government of Ulisses Ruiz Ortiz in Oaxaca. Among the many prisoners being held in jails around Mexico are anarchist activists Oscar Santa Maria Caro and Sacramento Delfino Cano Hernandez who were arrested on November 30th in Oaxaca.

How George W. Bush has brough peace, freedom, and democracy to Iraq. (tags)

I was buying groceries in my beloved Amariya neighborhood in west Baghdad when I heard the sound of an AK-47 for about three seconds. It was close but not very close, so I continued shopping. How Iraq reporter's world has changed

No one cares, No world cares (tags)

Prose written by: Nezam Al Mehdawy The first cry: oh, Mother…Don’t die... You said you would prepare dinner….You were worried that I may get killed .Don’t die, Mother… Take my heart, my head, my blood, my life….. It is too soon to die ... from...

oldie but goodie (tags)


Europe and the Power of Capital (tags)

"The economic form of neoliberalism is based on political decisions, not practical economic necessities.. Only the democratic nation state can show the economy its place entitling it to exist for people and not vice versa.."

$5 Per Gallon Gas (tags)

Muggers, Thuggers and Thieves

Rachel Corrie vs Kobe Mandell (tags)

The latest crime bill has something in it for everyone.

Flu Shot Shortage? NO LINES AT KAISER! (tags)

)o: ???

A Note Of Appreciation From The Rich (tags)


A Forgotten Day (tags)

A Forgotten Day & a Forgotten Country

Is this site dead? (tags)

whats up la indy media?

Meet the Opposition (tags)


Capital Logic on Trial (tags)

"Rainer Roth in The House of Cards puts the mechanisms of the capitalist economy on trial.. To counter the long-term descent of profit rates, the tax burden for businesses, a constant 21% from 1960 to 1980, has spiraled down to only 8% today.."

{Znet} Stateless and Deported - Palestinian Refugees in Montreal (tags)

An Interview with the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees

War: Then and now (tags)

This Week in Rape-oops- Sports (tags)

Kobe screwed, but is his accuser screwing us?

Don't Order the Fettucini (tags)

a personal account of the Iowa Caucus experience: riding the "Peace Train" to Iowa with the Kucinich campaign, and discovering the not-so pretty truth about the electoral process ... 1682 words

a cry for help (tags)

can anyone help please

What Does Equal Time Mean? (tags)

CNN's version of EQUAL TIME in a Presidential Debate means that 1 candidate get 14 minutes and another gets 5. NO ONE recieved EQUAL time.



Taking a Bullet for Bush: The REAL Reason the Terminator Is Running for Governor (tags)

What makes Arnold run? Could it be because the White House asked him to? Afterall, the 'Terminator' makes a great big media bullseye, drawing fire away from the Fuehrer

Medical Marijuanna (tags)

House meeting on Marijuana produces eloquent speech from both parties, and more stupid Republican scare tactics than one can stand.

Karma (tags)

so the bible says, as you sow so you shall reap

The State is the Opiate of the People (tags)

Why does no one talk about the State?

First Aid Gear List For Activists (tags)

This is a list that you can use to help put together a good first aid kit for the streets. No one carries all of this - pick and choose those items that make sense to you, and match your skill level.

First Aid Gear List For Activists (tags)

This is a list that you can use to help put together a good first aid kit for the streets. No one carries all of this - pick and choose those items that make sense to you, and match your skill level.

Iraq, the 51st state (tags)

Now that war is finally upon us, we must all hope or (if we share our leaders' piety) pray that, within a matter of days, the thing is done with, the Iraqi people will be free of their oppressor and able to enjoy the benefits of American-style democracy.

Lies Lies Lies --- "Lies with a purpose" (tags)

"Lies with a purpose" Printed on Friday, March 07, 2003 @ 02:59:12 EST


Mothers of the World, don't let our Children Kill other Mothers' Children

Exile (tags)

Who needs either of them?

Towards Abolition of the Death Penalty (tags)

Professor Michael Radelet from the University of Colorado-Boulder presented the keynote address at the IADP event. Professor Radelet is co author of In Spite of Innocence and has been a consultant to the Illinois Governor's Commission on Death Penalty Moratorium, among many other contributions to the movement to abolish the death penalty.

Think About It (tags)

This article is the one written just weeks following 9-11 mentioned in "Leftist Conservatism" that was ignored by nearly all on the left

Global Women's Strike Benefit at the smell (tags)

fundraiser for the 3rd annual global women's stike at the smell, feb. 17th sunday from 3pm to midnight


A song from "The Mob." A British Punk band on "Crass Records." 1981

Chicage Action against Media Program (tags)

Interesting targeted protest against a media vehicle, "the Real World".... or surreal, yuppie-dom world, more realistically.....

Don't be a simplton Big Blue (tags)

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