fix articles 23169, union rescue mission
David's Daily, Day Journal Of A Freelance Reporter, 09/12/08 (tags)
According to the people who work with the homeless in Los Angeles, the problem of homelessness is getting worse, much, much worse, not better. According to one source, "We are seeing people we have never seen before, full time students from very good schools like USC and UCLA, full time working singles who cannot afford to pay the high rents in Los Angeles, Grandmothers, the elderly, with retirement incomes, forced out of their apartments by the ever escalating rents, even during a time when housing prices are spiraling downward, the inflated rents of Los Angeles keep going ever higher, not lower."
Homeless Denounce Delgadillo at Press Confrence; Expose LAPD’s "Broken Windows" (tags)
Homeless Activists in LA dive bomb City Attorney's Press Conference exposing LAPD "Broken Windows" mass arrests. Group demands meeting with Mayor Villariagosa.
Homeless Activists Denounce Delgadillo at Press Confrence; expose LAPD’s "Broken Wind (tags)
Homeless Activists in LA dive bomb City Attorney's Press Conference exposing LAPD "Broken Windows" mass arrests. Group demands meeting with Mayor Villariagosa. (video, 3 minutes)
Los Angeles and the people who live on Skid Row ... help us to help them (tags)
Thousands of homeless families and drug addicts live on Skid Row in Los Angeles. We are there to help.
A meeting with the new Chief of Police was a great disappointment to local downtown residents.