fix articles 23165, broken windows
7 Day Occupation against Downtown Gentrification (tags)
IneQuality of Life and the Butt End of the City Budget (tags)
Mayor increases police state with the 2008-2009 Los Angeles City Budget and reduces human state.
Activists Call for Downtown Base Camp to End Sweeps at Saturday Rally on Skid Row (tags)
Homeless activists are calling for people to attend the next next rally, this Saturday, and to pack tomorrow, Tuesday’s 9:30 a.m. Police Commission hearing at Parker well as every Council meeting this week...and to demand an immediate halt to the homeless sweeps --and now, also, the city's Grand Avenue Project --no matter what it takes...
Homeless Denounce Delgadillo at Press Confrence; Expose LAPD’s "Broken Windows" (tags)
Homeless Activists in LA dive bomb City Attorney's Press Conference exposing LAPD "Broken Windows" mass arrests. Group demands meeting with Mayor Villariagosa.
Homeless Activists Denounce Delgadillo at Press Confrence; expose LAPD’s "Broken Wind (tags)
Homeless Activists in LA dive bomb City Attorney's Press Conference exposing LAPD "Broken Windows" mass arrests. Group demands meeting with Mayor Villariagosa. (video, 3 minutes)
LAPD Chief of Police Bad News(amsellem) (tags)
On the past and recent record of LAPD chief of police William J Bratton
Looking at America Through "Broken Windows" (tags)
As the 'broken windows' theory of law-enforcement gains popularity all across this country, so the body count climbs.