fix articles 231213, good god
Corona containment and capital utilization (tags)
In the Corona crisis, it became obvious that our capitalist economic system is not suited to protect human life. There must finally be an end to eternal growth, the exploitation of nature and people and the shortage of time, an end to "more & more, faster & faster and further & further."
Bernanke Stays the Course (tags)
Mike Copass: Progressive Democrat Takes On Pro-War Incumbent (tags)
Though San Diego Congressmember Susan Davis voted against the original authorization for the war in Iraq, since then she's been a faithful supporter of funding the war and last year crossed party lines to vote for the open-ended, three-year commitment to the occupation pushed by the Bush administration. Mike Copass, scientist and legal consultant, is mounting a grass-roots primary campaign against her with the support of Progressive Democrats of America, who helped Donna Edwards mount a similar challenge in Maryland to a pro-war Democrat.
detecting terrorism by observing movements of the rich (tags)
detecting terrorism against yourself and your loved ones by observing movements of the rich
Why wasn't Davis investigated too? (tags)
Davis should have been investigated for his violent assaults on women.