fix articles 230375, city school district
Dear Anaheim City School District Board of Education, (tags)
Anaheim Elementary Education Association (AEEA)/Anaheim City School District (ACSD) contract negotiations CONTINUE at impasse. A rally was held at the ACSD School Board Meeting on Monday evening, August 27, 2007. Over 400 enthusiastic educators, family members, and Anaheim community members crowded the ACSD Board room to rally in support of ACSD teachers. Impassioned speakers from ACSD delivered speeches to the Board. Executive Director of Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development (OCCORD), Eric Altman, spoke in support of ACSD teachers and for a speedy contract settlement. This YouTube video features highlights of the Board Meeting, speeches, and rally. We are asking the public at large to show support of AEEA teachers by contacting the Anaheim City School District's Board of Education members and urging them to settle our contract NOW.
Anaheim Elementary Education Assoc. and Board of Ed at IMPASSE! (tags)
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Anaheim Elementary Education Association (AEEA) and the Anaheim City School District (ACSD) bargaining teams met with a State mediator on Friday, July 27, 2007. While the entire AEEA bargaining team came prepared to reach a settlement – cancelling vacations and other personal plans – a crucial member of the District team was NOT in attendance. This absence reinforced the perception that teachers are not a priority in the Anaheim City School District, and it is an indication that reaching a timely settlement is not a District priority. The presence of over one hundred AEEA members, waving signs, wearing buttons, and encouraging honks of support, inspired the AEEA bargaining team and showed the mediator that both its membership and their needs are truly being represented. Public support of AEEA UNION members is very much appreciated!