fix articles 229774, peace camp
USA: Human Rights Activist Ordered to Six Months of Jail (tags)
The case of Ed Frey is reminiscent of an earlier Santa Cruz case where Sandy Loranger did time in jail for feeding the homeless soup. When the judge offered her counseling instead of jail Sandy Loranger replied, "If feeding my fellow man is a crime, I am beyond rehabilitation."
Homeless 'Anonymous' Attack on Anti-Camping Laws (tags)
TPM reports on
Free Gary Johnson! Homelessness in California is now punishable by a year in jail. (tags)
Free Gary Johnson! Overturn the Convictions of Ed Frey, Arthur Bishoff, Collette Connolly! Hands Off Christopher Doyon! End Laws making it Illegal for the Homeless to Sleep at Night! Seize Housing From the Banks for those Who Need Housing! For a Nation Wide Jobs Program Building Housing for All!
Marcos at Mexico-US Border (tags)
“We Will Come and Stay With You, Without Guns, Only With Our Words” Zapatista Comandantes Arrive at Mexico-US Border
Black Mesa Support Updates (tags)
Black Mesa Support Updates
September Iraq War Demonstrations and More (tags)
A Peace Camp in England held a month long demonstration against the movement of American arms to Israel, and "Camps" in Crawford, Tx and Wash., DC staged many actions along with workshops and conferences where many prominent anti-war activists gave inspiring speeches. Also, Bush was pronounced "Guilty" at Camp Democracy in DC of War crimes and crimes against Humanity by “The International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration.”
Stop "Divine Strake" Bombing in Newe Sogobia (NTS); May 28 (tags)
On May 28, 2006 dozens of indigenous, environmental justice and peace and disarmament organizations will converge at the Peace Camp outside the Nevada Test Site near Mercury Nevada to protest the Divine Strake test scheduled for June 2, but now apparently postponed to June 23.
Comment Regarding Venice Food Not Bombs (tags)
Comment received regarding a post by Barbara Peck.
Removal of the international witnesses
L.A. Activist Detained by IDF, May Face Deportation (tags)
At 8am today (Palestinian time), Los Angeles native Garrick Ruiz was arrested along with 45 human rights activists who were trying to stop Israel's "Apartheid Wall" in the Ma'sha area near the Palestinian City of Qalqiliyah (Kal-Key-Lee-Ah).
AFGHAN MASSACRE LA premiere (tags)
New Year's Eve @ the Nevada Test Site (tags)
Join the prayer-action to STOP the works of war at the US nuclear test site! This annual vigil for peace and justice is helpful in the Western Shoshone resistance to the violence of nuclearism