fix articles 228284, exposing media disinformation
President Re-Affirms Solidarity With Cuba (tags)
I'd like to remind all citizens that I've already expressed solidarity with the popular governments of Cuba, Venezuala, France, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Palestine, Russia, the Swiss Confederation, the Iroquois Confederacy, and all the people of the world who advocate equal rights and equal responsibilities....
Ah, shucks! Now the ADL-Mossad will threaten to burn down my apartment again. Well, I'm getting used to death threats and financial harassment. It builds character....
The solar-industrial revolution would have put you thieves out of business before trying to enslave the entire world. But then you'd have no "power", would you?
Sex, Lies and Weapons of Mass Distraction (tags)
Tomorrow's Edition of Our Historical Crisis....
Just Another Coincidence.... (tags)
As most folks outside the USA already know, real Jews worship God, not "money". Real Jews are not mammonists. Talmudic Euro-Ashkenazis are neither real Jews, nor are they Semitic. And since the so-called "Jewish banking conspiracy" is EXPOSED, by definition it isn't a "conspiracy", but just a manifestation of the neurotic death-industrial COMPLEX....
The So-Called Elections (tags)
In light of the fact that the United States has no legitimate elections, provisional President Jon Chance again thanks our citizens for the popular mandate to fight domestic white-collar terrorism....