fix articles 227517, californian
Night of Remembrance in Temecula, March 20 (tags)
Peace Works! in Temecula Valley held a peaceful candlelight vigil, braving angry Republicans and meeting a friendly duck. This is how it happened -- with hyperlinks and pictures.
CA Senators Call to Decertify Paperless Voting:You can help push! (tags)
CA Senators Call to Decertify Paperless Voting:You can help push! Any Californian mistrust paperless voting machines? Well if you do, now is the time to tell Secretary of State, Kevin Shelly. "Delete the Machine, Save your vote" Last week two excellent Californian Senators Called on Secretary of State, Kevin Shelly to decertify all paperless voting systems in California. Please call Kevin Shelly and ask him to support this action.
Yet another white liberal perspective tries to sway Californian's to support the recall and possibly hand over the state to the terminator.
Temescal Canyon students protest military recruiters (tags)
The students of Temescal Canyon High School's erstwhile peace club stood up to military recruiters, while outside the rain and another event conspired to turn a planned demonstration into a mini-protest.
Californian's are paying for new PG&E investments, not power crisis (pt-2 text) (tags)
While the current "energy crisis" looms on for Californian's, many still question the real reason behind the hype. Most all of the media reports focus on the superficial aspects of this serious issue, only alternative news sources are digging deeper to reveal the true story.