fix articles 227291, public records act
Pasadenans - get your license plate reader records from police (tags)
The former head of the local ACLU is urging anyone who lives or works in Pasadena to participate in an information-gathering project by filing Public Records Act (PRA) requests for data being captured and stored in the city Police Department’s Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) surveillance program.
Is Jerry Brown Involved in the San Onofre Nuclear Plant Shutdown Scandal? (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US nuclear power industry in this country and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world.
Queer Democrats Oppose Strong-Mayor Proposition (tags)
The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club overwhelmingly opposed continuing San Diego's experiment with strong-mayor government. At their April 22 meeting they voted to oppose Proposition D on the June 8 ballot, which would make strong-mayor permanent, add a ninth seat to the City Councll and raise the threshold to override a mayoral veto of a Council action from a simple majority to two-thirds. City Councilmember Donna Frye led the debate against strong-mayor; having served under both strong-mayor and San Diego's previous city-manager system, she said it's been harder for her as a Councilmember to hold the mayor accountable and get information she needs to make responsible decisions, to the point where she's had to sue the city, or threaten to, to get needed data from the mayor's office.
How the California Justice System Covers Up Crimes Against the Elderly (tags)
A Method to the Madness
Fabian Nunez 12-Day Posh Trip to Rio Paid for by Chevron Oil (tags)
Schwarzenegger's powerful chief of staff, Susan P. Kennedy, and her partner spent a legislative spring break in Rio de Janeiro at the posh Copacabana Palace with Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez and his wife — on the tab of a foundation largely financed by Chevron and other energy companies. During the 12-day conference, Chevron's lobbyist got an entire day on the official agenda, which the public knows about only because of our Public Records Act request. Nuñez, who last year was highly critical of oil companies, seems to have nothing to say this year.
Public Extermination Project (tags)
Following 911, a specific public works project became "classified." This project has lethal capabilities, on a scale that has devastating possibilities, for innocent civilians in the U.S.