fix articles 22566, data Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : data


Immigrants Are Not Hurting US-Born Workers (tags)

immigration is contributing to strong economic growth—with future immigration forecast to boost real gross domestic product by 2% over the next 10 years—as well as increasing government revenue. Immigrants are also complementing U.S.-born workers by contributing to overall population and workforce growth.

Omicron and the Black Seers (tags)

Hope is not in season at the moment. The doomsayers determine the program and the policy. And unfortunately, the "Festival of Hope" just around the corner won't change that.

Put Facebook & Co. in its place! (tags)

There has been growing concern in civil society and among policymakers that these practices conflict with users' right to privacy, enable manipulation and disinformation campaigns, and ultimately undermine the principle of a public sphere subject to democratic rules.

Digitization and poverty (tags)

Technology is replacing human labor. .. A widely acclaimed study by Carl Frey and Michael Osborne estimates that 47 percent of U.S. jobs in manufacturing, retail, or service industries such as medicine, banking, or architecture are at risk.

Message to Indymedia Users and Others (tags)

Re-start LA Indymedia with funding, forgetting the old data and a new file system.

The new school and Farewell to capitalism (tags)

"You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them." That is why copyright reform, patent and property law, and many other regulations of the material "goods economy" that have grown up in the industrial age are not suitable for meeting the challenges

The Vaccinated are Dying (tags)

Like it or not, if you truly research all the data, and not just what mainstream media is saying, all the while producing no data, following the same pattern of lies that were told previously. You will find it is the vaccinated that are getting sick, hospitalized, and dying.

Pathetric Medical Liars (tags)

Those people who keep saying it is the un-vaccinated who are the problem. Hey, I do not know of any unvaccinated people who have been tested. All that I know, do not believe this hype anyway. We asked 347 unvaccinated people if they had been tested, all answered no. Where are they getting these people from?


Use the forms and information found on this site to file charges of Crimes Againat Humanity against your elected officials.

Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus (tags)

The political reaction is disproportionate, it is authoritarian, dogmatic and it is excessive. There is no question about that. And we as citizens expect to be informed and treated in a science-based, rational and measured way. Why is the hospital system overloaded?

No Health Emergency (tags)

All of a sudden, what has always been a taboo subject is being discussed in public: the question of whether the political leaders and their scientific advisors have overdramatized the threat posed by the virus and whether the lockdown strategy has overshot the mark.

The Covidian Cult and The Higher Breeders (tags)

Back in October 2020, the author wrote an essay entitled "The Covidian Cult" (1), in which he described the so-called "New Normal" as a global totalitarian ideological movement. Developments over the past six months have proven the accuracy of this analogy.

The American Court of Human Rights (tags)


Game over for monopolists? (tags)

Elizabeth Warren, for instance, seeks to break up large technology platforms and then use public utility rules to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest in the dominant platform business model. In other words, if you operate a marketplace and set its rules, you cannot also sell products on it.

Behavior and body in the sights of capital (tags)

The proclamation of states of emergency in the spring of 2020, even if not in all countries, helped to consolidate a state crisis management system that overturned constitutions and now completely bypassed democratic decision-making processes.

Security State 4.0 (tags)

The future of humanity and the earth require a break from the rule of capital and the security state.... The political public is now at least beginning to discuss again how to deal with the constitution and fundamental rights. It remains to be seen what will become of them.


li ka shing misuses private data on a massive scale and sells them for profit

Why Cities Should Stop Playing Amazon's Game (tags)

New York City should count its blessings. Amazon’s decision to walk away from its plan to build a new headquarters in Queens stunned city and state officials, who had promised US$3 billion in incentives in exchange for some 25,000 jobs.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 28 (tags)

anne frank did not author her diary

Google, World's Biggest Censor, Was Founded By The CIA (tags)

Google censors by totally erasing some search links, hiding others in the back pages, designing algorithms to generate more negative than positive links, placing old data first,

What Big Brother Knows About You and What You Can Do About It (tags)

ACLU Pasadena Foothills Chapter report back

Pasadenans - get your license plate reader records from police (tags)

The former head of the local ACLU is urging anyone who lives or works in Pasadena to participate in an information-gathering project by filing Public Records Act (PRA) requests for data being captured and stored in the city Police Department’s Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) surveillance program.

LA Times Homicide Report (tags)

The Homicide Report is an interactive map, database and blog that chronicles homicides in Los Angeles County. Any death deemed a homicide by the coroner’s office -- the death of a human being by the hand of another -- is included in the database. Coroner's officials currently are providing a bi-weekly list of homicides to The Times. At a minimum, the Homicide Report provides basic details of each killing. In addition, the report includes in-depth reporting of cases and communities, as well as updates when arrests are made and suspects are tried in court.

The expanding inhumanity of world governments (tags)

Discover the wars within the wars that are waged against our brothers & sisters the world over.

Paying More for Being Poor — Bias and Disparity in California’s Traffic Court System (tags)

California's traffic fines and fees are some of the highest in the country, and new data shows that current California policies disproportionately impact people of color. Two bills before the California Legislature (SB 185 and AB 412 ) would address many of the disparities.

Police shootings 2017 database - Washington Post (tags)

Police shootings database 2017


Geofeedia Exposed for Police Monitoring of Social Media (tags)

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Provided Data Access for a Surveillance Product Marketed to Target Activists of Color

Fbi illegal methods and criminal agenda exposed (tags)

In this report I demonstrate how the homicidal sociopaths in the fbi and police community corrupt all who they come in contact with in unbridled efforts to silence a whistleblower.

Examples of fbi/police/DA/AG subversion of laws (tags)

This report serves as an indictment of all who protected the fbi by covering up their crimes against me.

Posada Adventure (tags)

My letter to AG on the defective detective Posada report:

Economic Crises as Sicknesses and Catastrophes (tags)

The 2008 financial crisis is often wrongly described as a "state debt crisis" where cause and effect are inverted and economists and the market are released from responsibility. Sickness and catastrophe metaphors dominate discussion

fbi tries to prevent my tsunami of data offerred globally (tags)

fbi operatives globally try to intimidate readers of my site.

Intelligence Report on A Wave of Crimes By Police, fbi/cia (tags)

See my latest intelligence report which is prompted by contacts with me by fbi,cia,police, congress.

Charlie Hebdo Fallout in America (tags)

police state

MH17 Coverup (tags)


Piketty's Big Data (tags)

The empirical-historical analysis of the top incomes and their wealth are in the center with Thomas Piketty's "Capital" (2014). The share of the top 10% was never below 60% from 1917 to 2012. A wealth tax is vital to reverse the exploding inequality.

S&P 500 Companies Spend 95% of Profits on Buybacks and Payouts (tags)

“Buybacks have become sort of the low-risk medicine in the C suite,” David Lafferty, the chief market strategist for Natixis Global Asset Management in Boston, said by phone on Oct. 2. His firm manages about $930 billion.

No Redistribution Without the Social State (tags)

In Austria 30 percent of the gross domestic product is spent on social services (not including education spending)...Since the 1990s social security has been increasingly discussed as a financial burden and less as a social achievement

The Middle Class Continues Shriveling (tags)

A century ago people said a progressive income tax would never happen. Today it is reality. The top tax rate in the US between 1930 and 1982 was 82 %. That was a very interesting experiment because very high incomes were covered.

America's Hidden Hunger Crisis (tags)


Myriad Google Crimes (tags)

Some Categories Of Google Crimes: Promoting Illegal Wars, Worldwide Sleuthing, Censorship, Spying on Chidlren

Does the NSA Spy On Confessionals, AA Groups, Shrink Visits, Class Action Lawsuit Conferen (tags)

virtually unlimited sleuthing by the NSA used for everything from imperialist military actions and assassination squads to blackmail, industrial espionage and insider trading

US Press Freedom Threatened (tags)

police state

International Data Privacy Day (tags)


Newspapers Push for Snowden Pardon (tags)

The New York Times and The Guardian (London) published major editorial statements on New Year's Day, reviewing the evidence that Edward Snowden's whistleblowing on NSA spying has largely been vindicated. They call for the creation of conditions that will allow Snowden to return home with dignity.

NSA Mass Monitoring Cell Phone Calls Globally (tags)


Mass Surveillance Violates EU Law (tags)


When Prevention Becomes Paranoia (tags)

According to Bernd Greiner, more Americans die annually from deadly bee stings than from terrorism. The 68-antiwar movement should have taught us to redefine security, health, strength and happiness and not fall into the traps of militarism or financialization. Jobs create true security.

REPORT: ACLU releases comprehensive report on law enforcement’s use of license plate reade (tags)

REPORT: ACLU releases comprehensive report on law enforcement’s use of license plate readers

Obamacare Fallout (tags)


NSA Spying on World Leaders (tags)


America's Economic Dark Side (tags)

class war

NSA: Rogue Spying Writ Large (tags)


NSA: The Ultimate Spy Machine (tags)


NSA Conspires with Israel Against Americans (tags)


NSA Caught Red-Handed (tags)


Information Consumption The Price of Hypocrisy (tags)

"Even the best laws will not lead to a safer internet. We need a sharper picture of the information apocalypse that awaits us in a world where personal data is traded to avert the catastrophy. "

America and Germany: Longstanding Espionage Partners (tags)

police state

Obama Blocks Snowden's Asylum (tags)


Stasi's New Incarnation (tags)

police state

Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying (tags)

police state

Google Transparency Report 2013 (tags)

Google Transparency Report 2013

President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person's Register (tags)

President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person's Register because of his connections to Russia Hell Angels

Another Dismal Jobs Report (tags)


LA Indymedia has JSON (tags)

This is for Javascript developers who may want to consider developing a client for this site.

CISPA Is Back (tags)


Record Number of US Military and Veteran Suicides (tags)


Obama: Jobs Destroyer (tags)


Americas Lackluster December Jobs Report (tags)

class war

Atheist Census is back online! (tags)

We are pleased to let you know that Atheist Census is back online at URL below. PLEASE SIGN UP

Greek Whistleblower/Journalist Risks Imprisonment (tags)


Trillions Stashed in Tax Havens (tags)

grand theft

America's Fiscal Cliff (tags)

class war

America's Sham Economic Recovery (tags)

class war

America's Great Divide Between Rich and Poor (tags)

class war

Uncle Sam wants to know what you googled for today!!! (tags)

"U.S. government agencies sent Google 5,950 criminal investigation requests during the first half of 2011 compared with 4,601 requests during the last six months of 2010. Google complied in part or completely with 93% of those requests"

LA IMC Maintenance : Vanishing Content (tags)

We're fixing it.

Get a secure email account (tags)

Get a free data secure web mail and pop email account at

Your cell phone company is helping the police spy on you (tags)

Uncle Sam is listening to your cell phone?

Data Doctors searchs customers computers for the cop (tags)

From this article it sounds like if you bring your computer to Data Doctors, they are more interested in searching it for the police then helping you fix your computer problems.

Is that OnStar or OnSnitch (tags)

Will OnStar keep the police informed of your every move?

Police use your cell phone to spy on you (tags)

Please be paranoid about your cell phone!!!! Remember anytime your cell phone is turned on the police know where you are.

Antisec Hacks Police (tags)

holy shit

Health Care in Cuba and America (tags)

health care

Phantom Jobs and Economic Recovery in America (tags)

fake recovery

America's Total Surveillance Society (tags)


Camino Nuevo Staff Admonishing Echo Park Community to "Fact Check?" (tags)

Camino Nuevo Charter Academy's paid staff are the first to tout statistics, except when those statistics reflect poorly on them. Here's a rebuttal to their fact checking admonishments. Ultimately, the battle for CRES 14 comes down to who should control our schools -- public or private?

Korean Guitar Workers to Protest at Music Instruments Trade Show in Anaheim (tags)

Guitar workers who used to work for Cort Guitars are demanding justice. They are protesting at the NAMM trade show in Anaheim, Jan. 13 to 16.

Rising Poverty in America and Israel (tags)

mostly unreported

Growing Poverty in America (tags)

exponentially rising numbers

EPA Hydro-Fracking Hearing Begins In Binghamton, NY (tags)

9/13/10 - Binghamton, NY - EPA hearings discuss safety issues surrounding hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" when related to pollution of groundwater. Fracking is the newest source for some natural gas pipelines like the one in San Bruno that recently exploded. Many older pipelines have serious safety concerns yet many more new pipelines are built each year due to expanded fracking of shale deposits without any clear oversight from federal regulators at PHMSA.

ANAIRC’s campaign against Flor de Caña on CKD (tags)

Henry Beteta, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, stated last April that up to three people die each year of chronic kidney failure in Nicaragua.

Conditioned Acceptance to Deceit (tags)

Language of Liars

JFAV Scores the DVA Data on Veterans Claims (tags)

As the deadline for application for one-time claims payment, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) expressed doubts the DVA report that “ 11,300 Filipino veterans have received their claims”. The US Embassy in Manila reported this data. As of September 22,2009, the DVA has reported 22,800 claims pending an entitlement decision out of the 32,000 applications. Since then 34,000 applications have been applied. JFAV, a national alliance of veterans, youth and community advocates in the United States said the report of the DVA that half of the claims received are Filipino veterans are in the United States are greatly exaggerated.

TVA Coal Fly Ash Disaster 1 Year Anniversary and Videos (tags)

On December 22, 2008 the largest coal fly ash disaster in the world occurred in Roane County, Tennessee along the banks of the Emory River at the Kingston Electric Coal Plant which is owned and operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

CO2 Climate Change Global Warming Hoax (tags)

It seems that the UN agency in charge of correlating data concerning the supposed increasing worldwide temperatures, the CRU, has been faking, fudging, fluffing and frauding with the hundreds of millions of dollars spent to gather raw data on what they have asserted are rising global temperatures.

Census Bureau Confirms Rising Poverty, Falling Incomes, and Growing Numbers of Uninsured (tags)

growing poverty and despair in America

The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Em (tags)

"There was no attempt to improve the process of data collection in terms of lab. confirmation. In fact quite the opposite. Following the level 6 Pandemic announcement, both the WHO and the CDC decided that data collection of individual confirmed and probable cases was no longer necessary to ascertain the spread of swine flu. As of July 10, one month after the announcement of the level six pandemic, the WHO discontinued the collection of confirmed cases. It does not require member countries to send in figures pertaining to confirmed or probable cases. WHO will no longer issue the global tables showing the numbers of confirmed cases for all countries. However, as part of continued efforts to document the global spread of the H1N1 pandemic, regular updates will be provided describing the situation in the newly affected countries. WHO will continue to request that these countries report the first confirmed cases and, as far as feasible, provide weekly aggregated case numbers and descriptive epidemiology of the early cases. (WHO, Briefing note, 2009)."

fbi and Turner Publishing in Dark Alliance (tags)

fbi & Turner Publishing Apparently Team Up To Delete Data From fbi Book

Where Is LA’s ‘Secret Room’? (tags)

In 2005 the Electronic Frontier Foundation exposed the existence of a secret NSA spy room monitoring Internet activities in an AT&T facility in San Francsico. The EFF also found there was a Secret Room in LA. But where is it?

Lessons from the Great Depression: Christina D. Romer (tags)

This paper was presented at the Brookings Institution Washington D.C. March 9, 2009. Christina Romer, economics professor at Berkeley, is one of President Obama's economic advisers in the Council of Economic Advisers.

USA admits to brain entrainment (tags)

see the admission by usa of its brain entrainment program

Documents reveal how Ohio routed 2004 voting data through company that hosted external Bus (tags)

Newly obtained computer schematics provide further detail of how electronic voting data was routed during the 2004 election from Ohio’s Secretary of State’s office through a partisan Tennessee web hosting company.

Huntingdon Life Sciences Collaborators in CA (tags)

Huntingdon Life Sciences kills 500 animals every day and has been caught in 6 undercover investigations abusing animals, including shaking and punching 5 month-old beagle puppies on tape, and has been documented falsifying research data. These companies help keep them in business...

Potential Future Hyperinflation (tags)

Potential economic trouble ahead.

Institutionalized Spying on Americans (tags)

Big brother really is watching.

Researchers Believe Wastewater Analysis Tool Could Improve Drug Surveillance (tags)

“It’s like a very diluted urine sample collected from an entire community,” Field said....A team of researchers has developed an automated monitoring method that makes it possible to detect traces of drugs – from cocaine to caffeine – in municipal wastewater.

GSA turns to industry to study Web users (tags)

GSA said it intends to buy the results of research conducted by a company that reviews Web users’ Internet activities. GSA plans to compare and perhaps benchmark the company’s results against what the agency already understands about who visits, the RFP states.

A 21st-century head count (tags)

The Census Bureau prepares to conduct a decennial census like no other it has performed in its 220-year history

UCLA group carries torch for less advantaged API classmates (tags)

Activists of the Asian Pacific Coalition met the press Thursday at the Ackerman Viewpoint Conference Room, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) to urge public support on an ongoing campaign to enable Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have own identities. According to the Count Me In campaign it is addressing educational inequalities within the AAPI community. It said that hidden by the “model minority myth”, AAPI continue to suffer severely from access to resources for higher education, adding, “The myth homogenizes the diverse make-up of AAPIs despite the fact that each group has its own unique history, language, culture, and experience.” There is a need to disaggregate the racial category of AAPIs into their specific communities “to ensure that public policy reflects the needs of diverse communities.”

FBI: Encryption Really Pisses Us Off (tags)

Urge a Complete and Feasible Animal Protection Act in Bulgaria (tags)

Bulgaria: In the Animal Protection Bills discussed in the Parliament the main animal welfare problem - the exstreme instability of cat and dog populations - remains unsolved.


[Surprise, surprise, surprise! Actually the biggest surprise is that the Bush Administration officials have allowed this report to be published.]

Screw the 5th!! Feds now require you to keep computer snitch data (tags)

Feds now require you to snitch on yourself, or at least keep backup of computer files that can snitch on you

Quality of FBI terror investigations criticized (tags)

Sounds like the FBI is either a bunch of racists, boobs or perhaps both!

EU will provide airline data to US (tags)

English Police State to sleep with the U.S. Police State

Swift,IBM and U.S.Government spying on stock transactions (tags)

Below are pertinent links to the Swift or Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications controversy over allowing the W Bush regime and its CIA and Treasury Department to spy on international banking and securities or stock data with no questions asked.As you will see from one link below,this may have not phased brain dead American public but it has indeed raised ire over seas where complaints against U.S. snooping have been filed in up to 32 countries !

9/11 Airplane Impact Time Discrepancies: Smoking Gun - US Gov't Complicity (tags)

author: Craig T. Furlong e-mail:e-mail:


COOKING PURE DATA COOKIN RAW DATA RAW IDEAS ? Converging recipes… we’re always ready to cook…

Tax dollars to fund study on restricting public data (tags)

Hmmmm.... A one million dollar grant by the feds to this law school to come up with excuses to flush the Freedom of Information Act down the toilet. I bet the number of reasons they come up with to flush the constitution down the toilet is directly proportional to the amount of money the feds give them!

SEC Chris Cox,New York Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock f (tags)

This in truth is how Patrick and his billionaire daddy Jack Byrne donated to or bribed Republcans, both Utah and national,and gave over $1 million to them in the last presidential campaign alone! Patrick Byrne was also a big backer of the W Bush connected Swift Boat Captains Opposed To John Kerry.Don't you believe,Mr.King,that Republicans should raise political funds by other means than aiding stock frauds,penny stocks or other ?

New York Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud (tags)

Speaking of 'Swift' as in 'Swift Boat Captains For George Bush',not Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication,Peter King's Republican colleague,the mad Utah Mormon Senator Bob Bennett as well as Orin Hatch and Republican Gov.Jon Huntsman are supporting a penny stock scam called National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling' or NCANS,founded by's Patrick Byne and anonymous penny stock promoter.I believe James Dale Davidson of 'Clinton kiled Vince Foster' fame is involved in this fraud as he was a similar 'anti-naked shorting' scam called NAANSS.Do a google search.

Total TIA Data Theft (tags)

level 7

data theft huge and wholesale, and oth crimes ... - and - ... waves ... (tags)

the unprecedented physical theft of personal data by a U.S. intelligence operation to populate Total Information Awareness (TIA) surveillance databases ...

JFAV Persevere Our Struggle For Full Rights for All Immigrants and Recognition, Justice an (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) is seriously monitoring the US Congress debates and deliberations on the current bill on immigration overhaul that will make a long lasting impact on the whole gamut of American lives in years to come. ? Arturo P. Garcia, People’s CORE immigrant rights and advocacy desk and JFAV coordinator said: “More than 1/3 or 4 to 5 million immigrants will be forced to hide deeper into the shadows when the US Congress decides to send them all home when it chose to implement the “temporary guest work program” that will divide immigrants, separates families and put up obstacles for undocumented immigrants in their quest for residency and citizenship.”

Contact LA's DreamHost/New Dream Network about the Nazi stalking website they host (tags)

from the worldwide Indymedia: A few days ago, at 6pm on the evening of the 16th of May, at the corner of Tamka and Dobrej streets in Warsaw, an antifascist activist was attacked by two nazis, with clear intentions to kill him. He says that he is sure that the attack was due to the recent appearance of his personal data on a nazi site called "redwatch" ( which publishes names, addresses, photos and other personal data of human rights activists in order to encourage violent attacks against them.

Lawsuit details AT&T cooperation in illegal government spying on Americans (tags)

A lawsuit underway in a US district court in San Francisco charges telecommunications giant AT&T with violating the privacy of its customers by handing over massive amounts of data to the government. The class action lawsuit, filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation on behalf of AT&T customers, is based on documents provided by a former AT&T employee that detail the company’s participation in the National Security Agency (NSA) warrantless spying program that was first revealed late last year.

Extremely localized LA economics poster series (tags)

"Your stars will abandon you and you will kick me out of your house."

Depleted Uranium Contaminates Europe - Evidence Was Hidden By Halliburton (tags)

....estimated that the atomicity equivalent of at least 400,000 Nagasaki bombs has been released into the global atmosphere since 1991, from the use of depleted uranium munitions.

DU Contaminates Europe - Halliburton Hid Evidence (tags)

Death in the Air

After spy scandal, U.S. plans “massive” data sweep (tags)

"The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged...” The New York Times once said.

US plans massive data sweep (tags)

Little-known data-collection system could troll news, blogs, even e-mails. Will it go too far?

Networking: Not-so-secret documents (tags)

The government can track what's in your word processing files if you don't watch it.

ShelterFinder volunteers needed (tags)

Call for help with shelter data in LA area



quiet war (tags)


HELP! (tags)

a strong wind

The Web: Social Security numbers online? (tags)

A story about criminals stealing social security numbers online.

CRISP-ER: Biodefense Transparency & Open Government Tool (tags)


Mars. Red planet, Misread planet. (tags)

The finest data and the worst interpretation in the history of Science

Wireless World: A breakout year for tags (tags)

A story about RFID achieving market success.

cyberpunk is dead (tags)

fuck i'm dead. i better dosomething.

Popular Blog Site LiveJournal Struck Down (tags)

Internet free blog tool, LiveJournal, goes down after server host Internap loses power.

Company Supplying Software May Be Related to Online Hate (tags)

Sigma Data Systems of Tucson, Arizona supplies software to governmental agencies across the State of California. This software is used for applicant management, ostensibly to guarentee that laws regarding fair hiring are followed. However, there may be a problem...

Global warming 'threatens rice yields' (tags)

"more than 50% of global rice supply would be negatively affected by increasing temperatures associated with global warming"

An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science (tags)

"Withholding of vital environmental information is getting to be a bad habit with the Bush administration." -- Republicans for Environmental Protection

America's Job Wonder is Pure Statistics (tags)

"Everything is only marketing.. The new statistical methods only help marketing to keep the high deficits in the US finacable. The data does not reflect reality in the US.. America wrestles with a so-called double deficit.."

Costly US intel failures continue in Iraq (tags)

Two seperate reports clearly demonstrate that a "process for systematic sharing of intelligence and tactics is badly needed" -- proving that the lessons from 9/11 have not been learned

Kerry Attacks Venezuela's Chavez (tags)

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has attacked Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as a dubious democrat hostile to U.S. interests, delivering a slap in the face to the leftist leader who had portrayed Kerry as a potential friend.



BTL:Leading U.S. Scientists Condemn White House Censorship and Distortion of... (tags)

...Science Data. Interview with Dr. Kurt Gottfried, chairman of the Union of Concerned Scientists, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


Communique from The Jah (Department of Environmental Protection) DEP/The Sons and Daughters of Liberty RISE UP! Stop Being the Bitches of the Corporation Masters of our stolen Nation! The Free, Immaterial Data Edition of the underground classic ‘The Jah DEP: True Possession of Place in the Time of the Indian Casinos,’ will soon be available at . The book narrates a comically and tragically failed attempt to establish The Jah DEP.

KPFK Ballot Counting (tags)

Photos of the KPFK voting tally operations.

The Hutton Controversy (tags)

An article about the Hutton Report, and David Kelly.

The Role Of Think-tanks In Washington D.C. (tags)

Think-tanks like the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Project for the New American Century (PNAC) have considerable influence on US intelligence -- from data gathered in the the field on up to decisions in the Pentagon.

Medical evacuations from Iraq near 11,000 (tags)

The total number of wounded soldiers and medical evacuations from the war in Iraq is nearing 11,000, according to new Pentagon data provided in response to a request from United Press International.

Why we should fear the Matrix (tags)

Backdoor to Totalitarianism - this is nothing more than attempt by Der furher und his minions to do what Congress has forbidden them to do overty. It is nothing more that "Total Information Awareness" by another means. "Your Papers Please!?"

Mark of the Beast Technology to Be Implemented in EU (tags)

Europe is following the US in the snoop technology of the century. They will be supplying their citizens a health indentity card with an embedded microchip. Sounds good, but wait there's a catch. You will be able to be tracked everywhere you go, and have a brand with you almost like the cow. Plans are to eventually inject these into your beautiful body. Could this be the mark of the beast talked about in the Christian Bible? Could this be the final way to keep track of all of us without employing so many security guards, and policemen? Could this be a method of marking certain types of people as they did in the Holocaust? Please read the story from and decide if this is what you want?

Information on fires (tags)

Mainstream media makes it practically impossible to find out actual information about the fires. They prefer to concentrate on decontextualized human interest stories instead of providing sources of information. So, for those of us that like data here's some links to find out about the fires

Big Brother Is Watching You - And Documenting (tags)

One would think that preserving privacy of the users, whose moves are so meticulously recorded, would be keenly observed at eBay, whose good name in the Internet community is one of its prime assets. But in the U.S. of the post 9/11 and pre-Gulf War II era, helping the "security forces" is considered a supreme act of patriotism.   Who needs a subpoena?

AIDS doomsayers have fallen on hard times. (tags)

AIDS doomsayers have fallen on hard times. Just six years ago, the nation's top health official, Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala, declared that after the epidemic there might not be "any Americans left."

Climate Change Endangers Growth of World Economy (tags)

"The solar architect Rolf Disch in Freiburg sold the first solar-energy-plus houses that produce more energy with the help of the sun than is consumed in these energy-houses. Every homeowner becomes an energy-seller. Economy and ecology harmonize.."

Another Media Lab First - Dossiers on the Government (tags)

Annoyed by the prospect of a massive new federal surveillance system, two researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are celebrating the Fourth of July with a new Internet service that will let citizens create dossiers on government officials.

PayPal = SpyPal (tags)

PayPal is not your buddy. It is another corrupt Corporate Suck-up. Please do not use PayPal.

Bad Iraq data from start to finish (tags)

Ever since the tragedy of Sept. 11, the Bush administration has relied on selective and distorted intelligence data to make the case for invading Iraq. But the truth will out, and the White House is now scrambling to explain away its mendacity.

LA IMC down yesterday...... (tags)

Can anything be done about the hacking "Pro Bush" goons who continue to attack sites where you get actual information?

Protest Dachle (tags)

We need a Senate Dem. Leader that will stand up, rather than rollover. Dashcle is letting Bush and co. get away with murder by continuing his lack of leadership against the new right policies. I urge all to call write their senators and ask that they vote dashcle out as min. leader. Look at this latest legislation that dashcle thinks will pass- (that's your opposition- i think it will pass)... Maybe Boxer has a spine.


Two Israeli companies monitor EVERY U.S. telephone call. One tracks "billing", ie who calls whom, the other is used for wire tapping. This is an extract from Fox News, and can be found easily on Google, or by going to the "9/11 timeline" at


IT'S OFFICIAL FROM NASA. Glaciers cannot be receding due to Global warming - because the Globe is not warming.

War Powers Abuses (tags)

Discussion of specifics regarding FBI's abuse of power.


A Scientist has been forced to deny his work because it disproves the Global Warming Theory - the Inquisition returns!!!!

Polar Waters Temperature Surge (tags)

In polar waters, a surge in temperatures takes scientists by surprise

Finnish government registers contain faked and false information (tags)

Finnish criminal register contain faked and false information to protect police and jail innocent people. Education provided at The Faculty of Law or at The Police Academy is not good enough; we have false data in government registers when running complex crime case studies.

RTF data loaded into Freenet (tags)

I just uploaded some docs off the RTF mirror called the "Reclaim Guide" onto Freenet.

Why ZNet Isn't Online (tags)

"We could be back online with no losses tomorrow. It could be a week including huge losses of content, loss of our sustainer and other databases, etc."

The Facts Are In: Electricity Demand in California Was Lower (tags)

"The fact that demand in California is on par with previous years highlights power producers' attempts to circumvent environmental rules and local input on energy policy," - a new voice for the environmental community (tags)

A point Julia Butterfly raised eloquently in her recently published book says baically that no shes not a part of any group or organization she just cares about the trees, well...

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