fix articles 22558, my mother Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : my mother

my mother


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

My name is John Kinal and I have a story to tell.. (tags)

Justice for we guarantees freedom to be. My mother Jennie Kinal and I, at no time did we freely decide, her life was to be stolen by the first degree murderers at.. Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center A heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death. So.. what the hell is happening in our hospitals.

Support a Public Inquest into the continuing deaths at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center (tags)

We have a serious responsibility here to speak fair against the stealing of innocent life currently going on over at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center in "Comfort Care". They openly, without apology, deprive vital medicines, while torturing the patient with poisons such as with my mom, Jennie Kinal, now dead as crime victim to first degree murder.

Happy Birthday, Agent Smith (tags)

Today is the birthday of someone you have probably never heard of.

Alleged Co-Conspirator Presides Over Case (tags)

Privilege now trumps any semblance of law.

Confessions of an Adopted Child (tags)

As an adopted child, I felt ideologically out of place. I wondered if a person could have a genetic predisposition towards particular moral values? Could DNA be a factor in a person's attraction to sports or sequined evening gowns?

Interview with Kewan Lewis,Author of Into My Window (tags)

Into My Window is a book of poetry that focuses on expression, enlightenment and encouragement. The author’s intention is to give poems that inspire and comfort the reader, letting them know that there are other people who go through the same things on the path from child to adult.

Come out with your hands up, Grover Trask! (tags)

Call for the arrest of several public officials, including the District Attorney of Riverside and two Superior Court judges for covering up/collusion in attempted murder.

Deadly Corruption in Local Probate Court (tags)

"Soylent Green" operation being run out of local Probate Courts--turning the elderly into cash.

The Reich Gains a Judge--Mark Mandio Appointed to the Bench (tags)

Following his cover-up of an attempted murder, Assistant District Attorney Mark Mandio is awarded by an appointment as Judge in Riverside Superior Court.

Feds let Navajo put power and water in their home after 40 years. (tags)

This almost sounds like some punishment god gave the people in the bible. Force them to live for 40 years with out water or power. But nope it ain't the mean old testement god, its Uncle Sam who showed up 40 years ago and said "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you"

The Halls of Justice are Crumbling (tags)

This report reveals the existence of "Star Chamber" Courts, where hearings are held in secret, and rights are summarily dispensed with, as are lives.

The Halls of Justice Are Crumbling (tags)

This report reveals the existence of Star Chamber courts--where hearings are held in secret, and rights are summarily dispensed with, as are lives

Let There Be Peace (tags)

Speech presented by Alexander Yoo, Executive Director of GenderQueer Revolution ( at the 2004 Transgender Day of Remembrance in Los Angeles

Free Mehmet Tarhan! Gay conscientious objector jailed in Turkey (tags)

December 9, 2005, is an International Day of Action to support Mehmet Tarhan, gay conscientious objector jailed in Turkey. Turkey does not recognise conscientious objection and provides no alternative to military service.

Why Do Some Children Believe In Santa Claus? (tags)

Children's story...

Barry Goldwater, Social Security & My Mother (tags)

Goldwater's stand on Social Security became a turning point in my life

Abortion Issue Boiled Down to Reality (tags)

If my mother had felt the need to abort me when I was growing in her womb, I would have been grateful to give her that wish.

Open Letter to Don Bustani of KPFK (tags)

Last weeks Middle Eastern Focus on KPFK brought out some alarming misinformation that it's host, Don Bustani, is purveying. In the interest of fairness this letter will attempt to reconcile this information with the truth.

The War Comes Hom (tags)

A personal story of an extermination under the Bush administration

The Extermination of Dr. Amalie Phelan (tags)

The second in a series detailing extermination efforts under the Bush administration

I think that the US should allow North Korea to develop nuclear weapons (tags)

The Usited States should allow North Korea to create a threat in Asia. Maybe that might stop the fascist spread of Capitalism and help Anarchy

Indeymedia loses clout (tags)

Free speech is one thing, hate speech is another.


The Producer of the ABC Prime Time program, scheduled to air this evening, misrepresented the facts of how this program would play out. I was told that we would be allowed to ask an FBI representative any questions we'd like to ask. When the time came to ask my questions, the Producer said I was not allowed to present my questions.


This is Javier who was one of the demonstrators attacked and arrested on May 1st in Long Beach during the demonstration. He just recently got out of Jail.... Read this: ---

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