fix articles 22438, phase Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : phase


Present and history (tags)

Postmodern consciousness is completely absorbed in the present, the point of the now, indeed is eager to be absorbed in it - a state of affairs that manifests itself in the fact that all thought and action relates solely to it: There is the present - and nothing else. Or to be more precise: there is the present of the now (which continues indefinitely) and the past presents.

The Invention of Reality and the Second Phase (tags)

Being human thus becomes an unsolvable task in the technocratic society... An immense pressure to conform can arise in a technocratic society, since the devaluation of the subjective is accompanied by a suppression of needs, which, when an entire population is affected, leads less to rebelliousness than to social conformity.

Economics in the times of the coronavirus (tags)

Most people’s thinking is determined by the development of the Covid-19 crisis, the return of “the hour of executive power” (Gerhard A. Ritter), i.e. state of exception legislation, and the fears which it evokes as well as the economic measures in response to the health crisis.

Congress Passes Somalia Debt Relief (tags)

As part of the Federal government's year-end spending package or "minibus," Congress passed the first phase of debt relief for Somalia.

BTL:Triple Meltdowns at Fukushima Reactors Another Reason to Phase out Nuclear Power (tags)

Interview with Arjun Makhijani, president off the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, conducted by Scott Harris

On the History of Veterans Equity Struggle (tags)

A certain lawyer from San Francisco wrote his own version of the 63 years Filipino veterans struggle for equity and justice. Patterned after the waves in the history of Filipino migration to the United States, he ended the history with a glorious victory for the lump sum and so-called recognition and he called it“ the rescinding of the rescission act.” Like a typical American historian/academician he tried to simplify it in “ five different and distinct phases”

Israeli security cabinet cancels "third phase" of Gaza attack (tags)

Obama's warning and too many Israeli body bags did the trick

LAAS is NOT 95% No-Kill (tags)

The GM of LA Animal Services, Ed Boks, is claiming that LAAS is 95.75% no-kill, in spite of the fact that Boks admits that killing at LAAS is up 37% in 2008.

Dislocations and Crises (tags)

Liberalization of the finance markets started a mechanism where the broad mass of the world's population lost. Only a few conglomerates and wealthy persons are winners.

The Twin Towers & The Great Masonic Experiment (tags)

The world has crossed a Rubicon into a new and extremely dangerous phase. This is a pdf of the article written by Richard Hoagland and was published in the Spring 2002 Issue #29 of Paranoia Magazine


Dr. Michio Kaku and Stephen Hawking worry about the darnedest things that tend to scare tards yet scheming springs eternal and Silicon never rusts. The Dr. confused miniaturization for advancement when he speculated that "quantum electronics" might spell an end to the usefulness, tool set, and skills in Silicon Valley. The technology considered here could also save WALL STREET, the valley and the human race.

Basic Income Creates Trust (tags)

No life of luxury would be possible with the basic income. People in paid work would always be financially privileged by the promotion prospects..The protestant work ethic does not aim at persons only motivated by material reward.

Infoshop Update on Anti-War Protests (tags)

Tens of thousands and hundreds of local groups to protest locally against the third anniversary of the current phase of the U.S.-Iraq war


a messaged, cash-flow boycott

The B.U.S.H. Boycott, Phase I: My Experience...(correction...) (tags)

B.U.S.H. Boycott in Action... Phase I, November 22, 2004

The B.U.S.H. Boycott, Phase I: My Experience... (tags)

B.U.S.H. Boycott in Action... Phase I, November 22, 2004

JOIN THE B.U.S.H. BOYCOTT, PHASE 1, 11/22/04 (tags)


Second Conference of the Trotskyist Faction-International Strategy (tags)


Energy Independence (tags)

Request to increase hydroelectric power instead of imported oil.

Mark of the Beast Technology to Be Implemented in EU (tags)

Europe is following the US in the snoop technology of the century. They will be supplying their citizens a health indentity card with an embedded microchip. Sounds good, but wait there's a catch. You will be able to be tracked everywhere you go, and have a brand with you almost like the cow. Plans are to eventually inject these into your beautiful body. Could this be the mark of the beast talked about in the Christian Bible? Could this be the final way to keep track of all of us without employing so many security guards, and policemen? Could this be a method of marking certain types of people as they did in the Holocaust? Please read the story from and decide if this is what you want?

Lawyers Can Tattle On Us Now - No Juries (tags)

News from Alex Jones (

Venezuela: The Delta Platform: Sovereignty for sale? (tags)

(El Libertario, # 31, February 2003) (tags)

Upcoming lecture about information every activist needs to know about. The threat of new weapons of mass destruction.

Chaos Analysis Questionnaire (tags)

Give it a try!

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