fix articles 224089, buried alive
police state
804 Dead & Counting in Bangladesh, while Wall St. Laughs it up all the way to the Bank (tags)
As The Death Toll in The Rana Plaza NAFTA Death Trap Building Collapse is now at 804 People Confirmed Dead and Rising Daily in Bangladesh, where Workers were paid 16 Cents an Hour to be Buried Alive in The Wall St. NAFTA Garment Death Trap, The People of Bangladesh continue to Suffer their Losses of loved ones, while Wall St. Bankers and Clothing Retailers like Walmart continue to laugh about their NAFTA Death Trap Profits of Death all The Way to The Bank.
Buried Alive Cruel and Unusual Punishsment (tags)
Will Jerry Brown Close Pelican Bay Prison? (tags)
Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is under a federal mandate to release thousands of prisoners from California's overcrowded concentration camp-prisons. Abolishing the entire prison-punishment system and the death penalty would be best, replacing it with job training for decent-paying jobs in one year for those under 50 and lifetime good pensions for those over 50. He could start by closing Pelican Bay Prison, a vicious hellhole that would make Hitler proud.
Mubarak's Thirty-Year Dictatorship (tags)