fix articles 222860, jen
New York Singer is 'Lost in a Dream' After Winning ,000 Prize! (tags)
New York Singer is 'Lost in a Dream' After Winning ,000 Prize Ha Phuong Foundation Helps Others Break Into Entertainment Industry
Indynewswire: South Central Farm Update (tags)
Interview with Watsonville Brown Beret organizer, Jen, who has been taking part in the encampment outside the gate of the South Central Farm in LA. The 14 acre urban garden was forcibly evicted on June 13 after a long struggle to save the farm and buy back the land. Jen discusses some of the history of the South Central Farm, and updates us on the current situation. TRT- 12:39 and 11.5 MB
The Resistance Outs Republican Jen (tags)
Republican Jen placed a page on her website encouraging others to spam and harass protesters. She included a long list of protester email addresses. Payback is a bitch!