fix articles 222853, spam
Gert Postel and his questionable behavior (tags)
Stopp and fight sexism
State Legislature is where it's at (tags)
I got this bit of self-promoting spam in my mailbox, and it's a good example of a few things I want to tell my Greens.
CEO Marissa Mayer Creates Problems For Yahoo (tags)
Many Yahoo clients are criticizing Yahoo's email, advertising and Yahoo Groups policies.
Disruptive Spam to Bury Topics. (tags)
IMC LA is being targeted again, this time with a relentless ( could we venture a guess by whom as in the usual zionist lobby who has been on this site since the beginning, with the unrelenting badgering and lunatic input they are so dedicated [ and for some* reason are now ‘gone’ ] to produce? ) and unaccountable spate of porn and spam. Are the techs at LA IMC clueless?
Utha IMC under Porno Spam attack by Indybay Editor (tags)
just a sample of what the editorial staff has been up to in the past few weeks.
THE TRUTH ABOUT SPAM (Self Protecting American Measure) (tags)
Stop Spamming Me!
Our resident spammer/troll (tags)
Our resident spammer/troll is probably a macro.
The Web: 'Bots' pushing poll results (tags)
This is a great story by Gene Koprowski about bots influencing elections.
Lawsuit reveals SPAMMER is a White Supremacist (tags)
Hawke was the leader of a fledgling Internet-based organization called the "Knights of Freedom" while a student at Wofford College in South Carolina. He turned to spamming full time when the white-supremacist movement didn't take an interest in him.
The Chomskybot Code: Conduct In the Time of Terror (tags)
In spite of constant reassurances about the term "democracy" one is rarely allowed to criticize the country of Israel without suffering some punishing consequence for it. If you are a Jew you may survive the accusations of anti-Semitism but if you consistently express yourself online in any dissidence about Israel's current politick, you will probably not be immune to cyber attack.
The Resistance Outs Republican Jen (tags)
Republican Jen placed a page on her website encouraging others to spam and harass protesters. She included a long list of protester email addresses. Payback is a bitch!
KOBE spams the left. It's time for the left to spam KOBE.
Stupid postulations about and by morons.