fix articles 22192, customer
Barnes and Noble Continues to Persecute the Disabled (tags)
Aliso Viejo's Barnes and Noble has been caught repeatedly harassing and persecuting disabled customers
How come banks are still overcharging while pretending to be 'reformed' ? (tags)
Wells Fargo Bank is only the latest of thieving banks trying to extort the most profits from the customers it may even want to keep as theirs....KPCC Radio Host Pat Morrison talking to a guest about how t hese games are played on The American People and the rest of us too
Crazed Scientology Gunman Murders Fellow Customer (tags)
In a phenomena human rights and civil activists have been calling, "Another satisfied customer" for the past 30 years, another insane Scientology gunman shoots and kills another fellow Scientology customer.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to cancel an AOL account (tags)
It is IMPOSSIBLE to cancel an AOL account! This is standard opperating procedure for AOL. They are crooks!!!! Almost 10 years ago I worked for American Express in Phoenix as a contract computer programmer writting software that allowed AOL subscribers to get information about their American Express Credit cards. As a part of my job I was required to get an AOL account which I billed AMEX every month, and which AMEX promptly paid for. I never used AOL in my private life. When I left American Express for another job it took at least 6 months of letter writting by me before I got AOL to cancel my account and stop billing me. I am sure it was a very intentional that AOL continued to bill me after I told them I did not want to use their services any more. Other people I have talked to have had the same experience when trying to cancel their AOL accounts - ie: AOL bills them for months after they want to cancel the account.
What 4th Amendment? We're in Bushworld Now (tags)
The phone companies say they protect your privacy, but when the Bush’s NSA comes calling, they just can’t say no. Say hello to Admiral Poindexter’s nightmare future.
Being a list of sponsors of racist demagogue and hypocritical phony "conservative" Rush Limbaugh to Begin Outsourcing Customer Service Operations to India (tags)
Move reflects company's new focus on reducing U.S. labor costs.