fix articles 220880, bob kerry
Deficit Hysteria: Wrongheaded in Times of Depression (tags)
proposed policies are wrecking economies
Why SMALL Protests - People Want VIolence! (tags)
she says that everyone cooperated and planned at every single protest and then she backs this up with lies from some lady saying that in the 60s rude behavior was intolerable. All of this is the kind of middle class mentality that lies so easily with omissions and generalizations. I wish Jeneine had just made this up – ignorance is easier to tolerate than pre-meditated lying.
Iraq okays UN terms, Bush pushes war (tags)
Iraq has accepted a United Nations Security Council Resolution giving weapons inspectors sweeping new rights but allows many pretexts for the Bush administration to provoke a war. The resolution warns Iraq of “serious consequences” if it doesn’t comply – and the White House has made clear that anything it defines as a material breach will almost certainly mean a new war.
[RWWATCH] Strange Bedfellows: Republican Donors Fund DLC meeting (tags)
The DLC (Democratic Leadership Council) a splinter group of "centrist" Democrats whose membership has included Joe Lieberman, Al Gore, Bob Kerry, John Edwards, and now Hillary Clinton. One of the sponsors of their upcoming annual "Strategy Session" is Koch Industries of Kansas, owned mainly by two arch-conservative brothers (David and Charles) who are major donors to to the Bush campaign and the Bob Dole campaign, and provided startup funding for both the Cato Institute and Citizens for a Sound Economy, anti-labor advocacy groups with close ties to the Bush administration.