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A US Federal Judge Reports on Iraq (tags)
This is a report by Judge Don Walter, a recently retired federal district judge from Shreveport. He was ask by the US Dept. of Justice to go to Iraq to help them restore their judicial system. He has made several reports of this type since going there.
"Report From Baghdad" Part Five--U.S. Military in Iraq (tags)
This is a part five of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
"Report From Baghdad" Part Four--Women in Iraq (tags)
This is a part four of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
"Report From Baghdad" Part Three--Life in Iraq (tags)
This is a part three of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
This e-mail received from a good friend and he vouches for the authenticity of the message. As you read this, think about the murder rate on the streets of every metroplex in this nation. Summed up -- very likely in the double digits-daily. So why is there not the outrage exhibited by the Liberals in the media to match their outrage about our forces in Iraq? Do you suppose it is safer for our troops on the streets of Baghdad than it is for us on the streets of our large cities? Or is it the Vietnam card being replayed?
Demands regarding the invasion, occupation and 'reconstruction' of Iraq (tags)
This statement will be presented to the "Iraq and the Global Peace Movement: What next?" conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-21 May and at the peace and anti-war movements events during the G8 in late May.
Zionist plans for a new Iraq (tags)
This should give the thinking individual some insight to the future in the middle east...
U.N. Resolution Violations other than Iraq (tags)
This is an interesting list and summary of U.N. Security Council Resolutions which are being violated by countries other than Iraq.
13 myths about war in Iraq (tags)
This piece was created by the entire team, using an online collaborative process. Email: is a project of Organizers' Collaborative; for more information, visit
SIGN ON - Int'l call Boycott US war Iraq (tags)
This is an international call for a boycott of the US war economy. The American economy is directly linked to the war on Iraq. Oil companies and arms companies, in particular, stand to make huge profits from a war on Iraq. The Bush Administration is prepared to go to war unilaterally, with or without a UN resolution. Consumers worldwide can say "NO"
Freedom of Speech is the dearest freedom people can have, for without it political repression and social states are easier to accomplish. Raze 213 articulates one of the brutal torture method that been used by Saddam Hussein's regime against political prisoner in Iraq
Call for a Teaching Moratorium Against the War in Iraq (tags)
This is a newly originated call for a teaching moratorium against the war in Iraq. Please forward this message to anyone that you think might be sympathetic or interested in participating in such a moratorium. If you plan to participate in this moratorium or would like to receive materials and information for teach-ins, please send a message to