fix articles 219935, misinformation Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : misinformation



fake pandemics for global control



there are no pandemics - only big pharma genocidal lies for profit

Media Scoundrels Wage War (tags)


Human Rights Watch Misinformation on Syria (tags)


What the Azeris Don't Want to Admit about Khojalu (tags)

Deconstructing the Azeri Propaganda War Against the Indigenous Armenian Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh)

WE The People (tags)

WE The People

Ex-Conservative Insider starts anti-Conservative Media group (tags)

A new poll Indicates concern about the power of Conservative Media; "By 46 percent to 31 percent, respondents said that conservatives have more power and influence in the media today than do liberals. Moderate and Independent voters also reach the same conclusion."

CSICOP Tracks Misinformation and Hoaxes in the Wake of the Terrorist Attacks (tags)

CSICOP (The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) has created a Web page as a source for factual information that debunks much of the claptrap circulating in e-mails, the Internet and elsewhere. Everything from scam charities to Nostradmus and "images of Satan" in the smoke.

Independent News Media (tags)

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