fix articles 219216, federal prosecutor
As is well known, in war the truth is the first casualty, and so it is in the Ukraine war. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, politics and the mainstream in the press, radio and TV have been conducting an unprecedented game of confusion, combined with disinformation and agitation.
Propaganda against war fatigue and 12 theses for survival (tags)
What peaceful alternatives and perspectives of reconciliation must we demand against the prevailing war propaganda? Let us demand: cease-fire! Negotiations! Disarmament and mutual security guarantees!
Leipzig/Connewitz - Tesla damaged at Anti-Nazi-Terror Demonstration (tags)
According to the police, around 3500 participants attended a demonstration in Leipzig. A Tesla was damaged.
São Paulo, Brazil: Military Police conduct massacres of the population every day (tags)
LETTER OF THE “MAY MOTHERS” (MÃES DE MAIO) FROM BRASIL TO PRESIDENT DILMA ROUSSEFF São Paulo – SP, July 23th 2012 “For those that ever lived at war, peace has never been” Racionais MC´s (rappers) Regarded Ms. President Dilma Vana Rousseff
Finally a 10th Amendment lawsuit on medical marijuana!!!! (tags)
Medical marijuana advocates sue prosecutors over crackdown