fix articles 219004, violating
Biden Congratulates Poroshenko for Violating Minsk (tags)
VIDEO: Noam Chomsky on Secret Trade Deals and Destroying the Commons (tags)
Laura Flanders interviews Noam Chomsky on June 18, 2013.
Israel Violating International Law & the Media Cover-up: (tags)
Israel Violating International Law & the Media Cover-up:
Three Cheers and Thanks to the Leaker (tags)
Let's extend our thanks to the spook who outed Bush.
Over 20 non-violent forest activists who stayed out overnight at Fox Camp Gate, in the Mattole Watershed, caught Maxxam/Pacific Lumber red-handed violating Judge John Golden's August 29th stay, which ordered that all logging operations on all company land must cease.
House Votes 416 to 3 to Condemn Court for Tossing Pledge of Allegiance (tags)
Not to be outdone by the US Senate, which voted 99 to 0 to support the illegal, religious, reactionary Pledge of Allegiance, the House of Representatives voted 416 to 3 to condemn the 9th Circuit Court's excellent Church/State separation ruling, thus proving that they, like the US Senate and Gov Gray Davis all are proud of violating their oath of office which mandates they support the Constitution, including the First Amendment, which mandates separation of church and state.
Protest at CNN HQ in Atlanta -- Three Arrested (tags)
Three cheers -- one for each arrestee -- for the demonstrators. We, in LA, should do likewise and organize a demonstration against the pro-war propagandists (aka the mainstream media). Who better to organize such a demo than indymedia!!!