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ALLIANCE PHILIPPINES MARKS 113th Year Start of Filipino- American War (tags)
The Alliance Philippines marks 113 years ago, on February 4, 1899, the Philippine-American War (1899-1914) broke –out. Today we gather in protest and militant solidarity in almost 60 cities and several cities all over the world to condemn the US threat of war against Iran. The Filipino-American War begun by a United States sentry who shoots and kills a Filipino soldier making an attempt to cross the bridge in Sta. Mesa, Manila on February 4, 1899. This war deliberately provoked and started to legitimize America's colonial design to acquire Spanish colonies, the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans at the turn of the century. This is the same way that the US is going to provoke a war in Iran. The same way it use the sinking of the Maine in 1898, the Luisitania in 1916, the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Tonkin Gulf Crisis in the 60's and the 9/11 incident to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.
Pinoy Harvard grad facing deportation released (tags)
Mark Farrales, a Filipino- American detained by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for allegedly being an illegal immigrant has been released. According to EPCC NEWS based in Los Angeles, In a phone interview with ABS-CBN North America News Bureau, ICE said they granted a "deferred action" to Mark Farrales for one year to afford him "additional time to pursue his options." Farrales, 31, was detained at the Mira Loma Detention Center in Lancaster, California last October. Farrales's supporters in the Filipino-American community were happy about his release. The online petition against the deportation of Farrales was started by University of California San Diego students where Farrales is getting a doctorate degree. Filipino organizations in LA’s Historic Filipinotown joined this effort. This is the place where Farrales grew up and graduated valedictorian of his high school class.
Pinoy Harvard grad facing deportation released (tags)
A Filipino Harvard graduate detained by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for allegedly being an illegal immigrant has been released. In a phone interview with ABS-CBN North America News Bureau, ICE said they granted a "deferred action" to Mark Farrales for one year to afford him "additional time to pursue his options." Farrales, 31, was detained at the Mira Loma Detention Center in Lancaster, California last October. Farrales's supporters in the Filipino-American community were happy about his release.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), a national alliance of Filipino World War II veterans, widows and their relatives, youth and students and community advocates and their allied organizations welcomes the a new face in Filipino-American leadership in the National Federation of Filipino-American Associations (NAFFAA). JFAV National Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia, in a statement after Thanksgiving Day, expressed great hope that after the Midwest region’s Michigan-based Ed Navarra became the new chair of the disintegrating national organization, things will become better for the the prime national organizations of Filipino-Americans in the United States. Garcia said, “JFAV is elated at Navarra’s statement that he wants to fight for more benefits for the Filipino World War II veterans who are dwindling in numbers.” JFAV pointed out the fact that out of the more than 46,000 war veterans who applied for lump sum claims, around 22,000 were denied by the US Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).
Thank you for your public announcement of your support for equity! I would like to properly address your questions during our meeting last Friday, July 16th in your district office in my attempt to further elucidate the case of equity for Filipinos and provide an educational tool for your fellow legislators and the American public as we further gather support now for your anticipated sponsorship of a bill on January of 2011.
“ A high court for an oppressive neo-colonial and semi-feudal system, breeds oppressive laws" The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) shares the bitter disappointment of Filipinos and the Filipino-American community outside of the Philippines on the recent decision of the Philippine Supreme Court allowing President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to appoint the next Chief Justice. For the Alliance, the high court decision signaled that the US-Arroyo regime final consolidation of power is complete. GMA in her nine years at the helm has consolidated her hold on the AFP and the PNP with the ascension of the PMA Class 1978 in power; the Congress packed by her psychopaths, and now the judiciary filled with her appointees.
I speak in behalf of the Justice for Filipino-American Veterans (JFAV) and AWARE (Association of Widows, Advocates, and Relatives for Equality) with chapters in key US cities. I want to echo the veterans and widows huge disappointment over the slow processing of the lump sum. While your office claims that 25% have received their lump sum both in the US and Philippines, many veterans here in the US feel that your office fails to deliver an immediate and 100% delivery of an overdue benefit. How many more months and years do these veterans have to wait after having waited for the last 63 years?
KD70 Statement on the Partial Writ for Roxas (tags)
For the Kilusang Dekada 70( KD70), the association of Filipino-American activists who are now residing in the United States,we firmly believe that the CA partial writ for Melissa Roxas is just a carbon copy of the some of the ruling of the high courts and other courts that upheld the concept of justice but contradicts the inequities of the ruling system. The recent The Court of Appeals decision on the partial granting of the petition for writ of amparo and habeas data filed by Filipino-American activist Melissa Roxas only successfully highlights and exposes the contradictions in the bourgeois justice system in the Philippines.
Judge removes FACLA officials, orders new election May 31 (tags)
Complaint alleged defendants conducted a fraudulent and improper election on Nov.16, 2008.
Fil-Ams in US call for immigration reforms (tags)
Filipino-American community leaders are at the forefront of a campaign by Asian advocacy groups to press for humane immigration reform in the United States in the face of proposals from the Bush administration that seek to limit visas for parents, children and siblings of US citizens. No two issues inflame the passions of Filipino-Americans more than family-based immigration preferences and full equity for Filipino World War 2 veterans so it came as no surprise when key leaders like Alma Kern and Gloria Caoile began to mobilize community opposition to any move that could jeopardize those twin goals.
We Filipino-American students call for an end to the murder of activists in the Philippines and to a Philippine government that works against rather in the national interest.