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The CPLA is in the same sinking boat as the Ampatuan private army (tags)
The Philippine Peasant News (PESANTE NEWS) based in the US learned that the most recent in the long-running series of splits in the Cordillera Peoples Liberation Army (CPLA) has produced a purported new and reformed group but is composed of the same old opportunist elements. This was contained in an internet message posted by the CPDF signed by its spokesperson Filiw Naogsan posted on December 15, 2009. The reported ouster of Mailed Molina and the rise of a new group led by Arsenio Humiding is nothing more than a quarrel over the division of spoils within their dwindling organization. This same thing has repeatedly happened to the CPLA in the past as various factions squabbled over the funds, weapons, and jobs in the AFP that were dangled before them by the reactionary government.
- Pesante News learned through news sources today that the CPDF blamed the recent disastrous flooding and numerous landslides in Northern Luzon that inflicted heavy losses in lives and property highlight the often overlooked cost of developmental aggression. In more ways than one do the common people pay for huge projects that generate super-profits for foreign big business interests and their local lackeys.
On the Ancestral Land MOA of the MILF and GRP and the Escalation of Hostilities (tags)
The Cordillera Peoples' Democratic Front (CPDF) expresses deep concern and condemns the war of aggression being waged by the US-backed reactionary Armed Forces of the Philippines that has caused the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of both Christian and Moro people in Mindanao. It likewise condemns US direct intervention in the war-torn south.
Gloria "Makapal" Arroyo's SONA: as usual and of course (tags)
As usual, Gloria Arroyo resorted to lies, stage gimmicks, misrepresentation, misdirection, and statistical hocus pocus to conceal the true state of the nation. Of couse, she again did all these with her characteristic overbearing aplomb. As usual, she blamed the global crisis for the current national crisis. Of course, she failed to mention her role in implementing the imperialist policies of globalization, liberalization, and VAT collection that have led to greater impoverishment, hunger, and desperation among the Filipino masses.