fix articles 21792, ireland Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : ireland


What does the recognition of the state of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain mean? (tags)

Israel risks a diplomatic tsunami because of its government policy. In recent weeks, this tsunami has begun to descend on Netanyahu... Israel is also being investigated by the International Criminal Court for alleged genocide at the instigation of South Africa.

Des Monte Verità, passé, présent, futur (tags)

La foire aux époques...

Extrdition Now and Then (tags)

The looming extradition of Julian Assange reminds us of a similar case in San Francisco 25 years ago.

Is the Financial Crash 2.0 Coming? (tags)

Market ideology has been on the advance since the 1980s. Only a few voices warned of the risks and instability of the liberalized financial markets. After they profited from the generous bailout packages, the banks began to speculate against the most indebted countries.

Under the Gun in Ireland (tags)

A visit to the occupied North of Ireland in 1983. Happy Paddy's Day!


On the 100th anniversary of the start of the Irish Revolution that freed most of the country from 800 years of British tyranny, the author's 1988 report about British terror tactics and peoples resistance in the small border city of Strabane.

Portrait of an Irish Republican (tags)

The author's visit to Occupied Ireland is recounted on the 30th anniversary of the event.

Was Michael Collins assassinated? (tags)

"The Assassination of Michael Collins: What Happened At Béal na mBláth?" by SM Sigerson (Kindle / Create Space 2013) New book re-opens the mysterious death of Michael Collins, Ireland's charismatic & controversial leader of the War of Independence.

Orange Violence, Hangover from British Misrule (tags)

To many people around the world, the violence in Northern Ireland this weekend may seem incomprehensible. After all, it is nearly 15 years since the political conflict in the British province of Ireland was officially declared over, with the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.

Child Poverty Massively Increases through EU Austerity Programs (tags)

Caritas warns "lost generations" are growing up in Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. The Cairitas study blames the austerity programs for the impoverishment of children. A new prioritization and an even distribution of the burdens of the debt crisis are demanded.

Free Internet Book: "The Future of the Welfare State," Ireland, 2010 (tags)

Happy Martin Luther King Day! The state has a social nature and can't be only a power and security state. The social state seems to have capsized into the activating or punishing state. Thirty-years of neoliberal restructuring gave every privilege to capital.

Backing sought for bid to ban cruel blood sport (tags)

Campaigners against the cruel "sport" of live hare coursing in Ireland seek international help to have it banned.

Novelist Anne Enright Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Irish novelist Anne Enright came to the San Diego Public Library October 10 to present "The Forgotten Waltz," her first book since her previous novel "The Gathering" won the prestigious Man Booker Prize in 2007. Enright talked about the pressures of sudden fame, how she combines writing with being a stay-at-home mom, and the roller-coaster ride of the Irish economy from boom in 2002 to bust in 2007. Though "The Forgotten Waltz" is not literally a political allegory, Enright says she meant it largely as a metaphoric portrayal of Ireland during its boom and bust years.

UK: Bombers who killed a policeman in Northern Ireland may have used explosives from Libya (tags)

“The Prime Minister [...] reiterates, on behalf of the British Government, that they have no selfish strategic or economic interest in Northern Ireland. Their primary interest is to see peace, stability and reconciliation established” [Joint Declaration 1993 (Downing St. Declaration) by UK Minister John Major and the Republic of Ireland’s Prime Minister Albert Reynolds, 10 Downing Street, London, 15 December 1993] .............................................................................................“Let me be clear to anyone watching in the Islamic or the Arab world: Britain has no selfish or strategic or oil-related interest in what is happening in Libya. Our interest has been to try to help save civilian life.” [UK Prime Minister David Cameron, joint press conference with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 10 Downing Street, London, 31 March 2011]

What’s Going On In Europe? (tags)

"The attack on education is an international phenomenon. In the UK on Wednesday, tens of thousands of students walked out of classes over tripled tuition fees. Thousands participated in a demonstration in London, where more than 1,000 were penned in and contained by police for hours. Police used batons to beat back students attempting to reach parliament. The demonstrations in Britain came two weeks after more than 55,000 took to the streets throughout the UK. A crackdown by the government has included the arrest of dozens of students. In the US, there have been mass protests and, in some cases, occupations in the state of California against tuition fee increases of more than 30 per cent. The education cuts in Italy and the UK are part of a wave of austerity measures throughout Europe aimed at forcing workers and young people to pay for an ongoing economic crisis."

• 15 internationals killed as Israel attacks and hijacks Gaza Flotilla in International Wa (tags)

Up to 15 international human rights activists have been killed and over 30 others injured after Israeli commandos attacked the unarmed Gaza Freedom Flotilla early this morning in international waters, according to reports from the flotilla organisers, while Israeli military sources confirmed 10 dead. This attack is a clear breach of international law.

LA Musician sings at Dublin Protest Against U2's Bono (tags)

Former LA'er Paul O'Toole plays the role of Bono™ in begging for another Corporate Tax Break

Bad Hare Days for Jack Rabbits and Animal Rights campaigners in Ireland! (tags)

In Ireland, the public torture of jack rabbits (hares) is a pastime opposed by the majority of the population but supported by a handful of politicians who are turned on by the cruelty!

EU in Chaos after ireland's `No' Vote (tags)

Ireland voted 54%`No' on the Lisbon or EU constitution. In the draft, economic and business rights would have eclipsed social and union rights. While the EU (like the US) is in utter confusion, truth-telling and alternative economics can lead to a future of balance and justice.

On the 92nd Anniversary of the Easter Uprising in Ireland (tags)

The Filipino community in the U.S. is one with the Irish people in commemorating the Easter Uprising of 1916 in Ireland against British colonialism. On Easter Monday 1916, Pádhraic Mac Piarais proclaimed the Irish Republic from the steps of the General Post Office (GPO) in Dublin while leading a military uprising against the British Empire's seven century long colonization of Ireland. Piarais' proclaimed republic has yet to be won, despite the fact that the people of Ireland ratified that Republic overwhelmingly two years later in 1918 all Ireland general election. Because results did not suit British interests, the 1918 election became the one and only All Ireland election that was ever allowed to be held. However, faithful Irish republicans have since defended the Republic's ideals and continue to be inspired by the noble aspirations of the 1916 Rising.

Please Join the IRA (tags)

The State Department no longer considers the IRA to be a terrorist organisation.

Irish Students in IDAHO Warning over 'State Sanctioned Prejudice' (tags)

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is marking International Day against Homophobia today (Thursday 17th May) by calling on the Irish Government to oppose the stigmatising of gay people by laws and judicial decisions in Ireland and abroad.

Indymedia On Air - March 26, 2007 (part 2) (tags)

Today's events in Northern Ireland (part 2)

Indymedia On Air - March 26 (part 1) (tags)

Today's events in Northern Ireland.

Help Indymedia Ireland get back online (tags)

Help Ireland Indymedia get back online and cover important issues like Shell's takeover of Ireland's natural resources and US military flights through Shannon airport.

Mary Robinson Spotlights Human Rights Abuses in Darfur (tags)

Before the word “Feminist” became fashionable, Mary Robinson, a Barrister, legislator and educator, was shaking up the “conservative” establishment in the Republic of Ireland. After serving a term as its first female President, she became the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights. Today, human rights, on a global scale, is her cause. On Nov. 1, 2006, in a lecture at Adelphi, MD, she exposed human rights atrocities in Darfur and elsewhere.

Eamon McGuire: The Life of an Undercover IRA Activist (tags)

What is it like to be on the run with the CIA looking for you? Well, Eamon McGuire, an Irishman, can tell you something about that, along with what it was like to be member of the IRA’s South Armagh Brigade. For over 20 years, McGuire led a double life: one as an aircraft engineer, the other as an IRA operative. His newly-released book, “Enemy of the Empire: Life as an International Undercover IRA Activist,” is compelling reading.

Irish Government rules out use of nuclear power (tags)

By Seán McCárthaigh of the Irish Examiner

National boycott action targets Irish stores selling Israeli goods (tags)

Shops and supermarkets across Ireland were picketed on Saturday as the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) commemorated the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres with a National Boycott Israel Day.

Brits Out Protest (tags)

Promote action for a united Ireland.

Mayor Martin O’Malley Pimps for Israel Lobby (tags)

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) is a politician that regularly sucks up to the powerful Israel Lobby. Fortunately, she has an opponent in this year’s primary, Jonathan Tasini, who is calling her on her shameless behavior. In Baltimore, Mayor Martin O’Malley, who wants to be governor of Maryland, is following in Clinton’s footsteps. When the Israel Lobby called a rally, on 07/25/06, to boost support for Israel, O’Malley showed up to do its bidding.

Rings Around Tara (tags)

International Support and Volunteers are needed to assist a protest camp recently started at the Hill of Tara, Co. Meath, Ireland., to stop the building of the M3 Motorway, due to begin this year. Additional Camps can be located around the Hill, the more, the better!!!

Irish Free State: an entity without a backbone or a soul (tags)

The 26-County Irish Free State: an entity without a backbone or a soul of its own. No to the 26 county neo-colonial state. No to the 6 county colonial state. Support the 32 county Irish Republic. Work towards a new Ireland. Support the EIRE NUA proposals!

Solidarity from Ireland. Images of Mayday march for worker's right in LA (tags)

Indymedia Ireland's Los Angeles correspondent took in the powerful sights of the Macarthur Park/ Wilshire / La Brea march

Statement from the Leadership of the Irish Republican Movement (tags)

Statement from the Leadership of the Irish Republican Movement

Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta Easter Statement 2006 (tags)

Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta Easter Statement 2006



SAOIRSE - Irish Freedom (tags)

Keep informed on Irish Republican activism--Read SAOIRSE!

Should the Irish be Trusting the Brits? (tags)

The Irish people want peace, with justice, in the Brit-occupied Six Counties of N. Ireland. This is why, in 1998, they voted for the “Good Friday Agreement” (GFA), a formula for power sharing. At an Irish peace forum on 11/18/05, at Georgetown U., panelists debated the GFA. They all seem to agree the now-suspended Six County “Assembly,” had to be restored in order to make any additional progress. However, many other issues, like building trust, remain.

Pitstop Trial Begins: Ireland Protests Against US war planes in Shannon (tags)

(Dublin, Ireland Oct 24th). The trial began today in Dublin of five activists who took non-violent direct action against a US warplane illegally present on Irish soil two years ago. The Pitstop Ploughshares request solidarity from other anti-war activists in their fight against the Irish state.

Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta re-launches website (tags)

Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta re-launches website

Palestinian solidarity cartoons worldwide (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's terror.

Former Texas Mayor Compared to Alt Miss Ireland (tags)

Candy Sheehan, the former mayor of Coppell, Texas, was compared to former Miss Alternative Ireland (1997) , Shirely Temple Bar, yesterday in Dublin on live, national television (RTE 1)

Marxism or Nationalism-For a Class Policy! (tags)

Marxism or Nationalism

Students call for Coke boycott (tags)

The Coca-Cola Co. is trying to stop a boycott of its products that has been spreading across Ireland for the past month and becoming more visible on college campuses in the United States

Retired Irish Army Commandant Ed Horgan Protests the War (tags)

{ photos by redjade in .ie }

Germans go west in search of jobs and prosperity (tags)

Although Germany remains a wealthy country packed with well-paid jobs, the options have narrowed for a significant number of people.

DefenseWatch "The Voice of the Grunt": Loyalty to the Country Always (tags)

Like the Dixie Chicks, the Irish people aren’t afraid to sound off. Forever mindful of their hard fight for liberty, they don’t take freedom of speech for granted. And their stand-up-and-be-counted electronic media regularly – and righteously – go for their politicians’ jugular veins with a vengeance seldom seen in the USA these days. I suspect the reason for the difference is Corporate America’s control over our airways; the big guys are now shamelessly riding the same corrupting pork train as most Washington-based power players.


The Pit Stop Ploughshare Community in Ireland received a pardon from "acting" President Martin Sheen on May 23 just in case the Irish government does not grant the peace activists a fair trial.

Belfast: Bush not welcome in Free Derry (tags)

Bush, Blair and Bertie (Ahern) met for a summit in Belfast, Northern Ireland. This ironic location is the center of the Occupied Six Counties, a gerrymandered statelet created to propagate the racist superiority of Loyalists/Unionists over Republicans. These pictures and reports show some of the turmoil that lay beneath the sanitised media reports of the "summit".

Bush andBlair in Belfast : Interviews Available (tags)

"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore [individuals] have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." (NurembergTribunal)

Bush and Blair to meet on Iraq (tags)

Bush and Blair to meet to discuss how they will carve up Iraq's oil reserves for the benefit of U.S. and British Petroleum companies.

Not All Irishmen Hate America (tags)

An Appreciation

Documentary Screening "The Revolution will not be televised" (tags)

In April/May last year, two Irish documentary filmakers were in Carcas filming a documentary profile of Hugo Chavez. It will be shown this Thursday 13th of March in LA.

Help Ireland Throw a Spanner in the works of the GATS Machine. (tags)

Help Ireland Throw a Spanner in the works of the GATS ( Machine. A call to action Ireland ( to anti-GATS campaigners worldwide.

Anarchism in Ireland index (tags)

The anarchism in Ireland page is a new index of Irish anarchist web pages and related internet resources.

Ireland: On Socialism and Nationalism (tags)

James Connolly was a great revolutionary, an Irish hero and comrade of all workers. Commandant of the Irish Citizen Army, 1914 and Commandant General of Dublin Division of the Army of the Republic. In 1916, Connolly was captured and executed following the 1916 Uprising. His life was dedicated to socialism and national liberation in Ireland against British imperialism; the international class struggle against imperialism new and old continues... "Our demands most moderate are...We only want the earth!" - James Connolly: “Be Moderate”

Ireland: On Socialism and Nationalism (tags)

James Connolly was a great revolutionary, an Irish hero and comrade of all workers. Commandant of the Irish Citizen Army, 1914 and Commandant General of Dublin Division of the Army of the Republic. In 1916, Connolly was captured and executed following the 1916 Uprising. His life was dedicated to socialism and national liberation in Ireland against British imperialism; the international class struggle against imperialism new and old continues... "Our demands most moderate are...We only want the earth!" - James Connolly: “Be Moderate”

Irish Worker Solidarity Movement talk on audio (tags)

Workers Solidarity Movement speaks about anarchism in Ireland

BUSH places Irish groups on terrorist list/FBIbritish infiltrates US group (tags)

FBI and British agent provocateur disrupts US Irish groups.

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