fix articles 21791, northern Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : northern


Kurdish Lives Matter, Shame on Trump, Israel Do It Now! (tags)

Free Kurdistan, Israel Do It Now!

Recent Atrocities by Turkish Airforce in Kurdish Speaking Areas in Northern Syria NYT (tags)

On January 20, 2018 The New York Times reported that the Turkish news agency Anadolu reported that 72 Turkish military jets attacked 100 Kurdish targets in Northern Syria

Israel Must Recognize An Independent State of Kurdistan (tags)

This article surveys the historical mistreatment of the Kurds, and urges Israel to recognize Kurdish independence.

Court overrules Canada's approval of Northern Gateway pipeline (tags)

“First Nations and Canada have a lot of work to do regarding measures needed to finally put us all on the path of reconciliation and partnership.” The court’s ruling offers the Trudeau government with a unique opportunity to re-think Canada’s discredited pipeline approval process...

(A-Radio) Experiences of an anarchist prisoner on how to survive jail in Belarus (tags)

The following recording has been made by the Anarchist Group Dortmund (in cooperation with A-Radio Berlin) during a presentation on March 6, 2016. In it the former anarchist prisoner from Belarus Mikalai Dziadok shares his prison experiences and gives some advice on how to survive the jail. Total helplessness, psychological pressure, stupid convicts‘ laws, ever-lasting prison terms – this is what Belarusian prison is made of.

(A-Radio) Berlin: Anarchosyndicalist struggle in vegan pizzeria (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a member of the anarchosyndicalist union FAU in Berlin. Until very recently he was involved in a worker's struggle concerning the dismissal of two workers from a vegan Pizzeria and tells us about the background of the struggle, the methods they used and the succesful end of the campaign. Further topics are the situation of migrant workers in Berlin and the issue of self-organizing of those workers.


On the 100th anniversary of the start of the Irish Revolution that freed most of the country from 800 years of British tyranny, the author's 1988 report about British terror tactics and peoples resistance in the small border city of Strabane.

(A-Radio) Feminism and conflict resolution: the Afed Britain and its Safer Spaces policy (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of the Anarchist Federation in Britain about their Safer Spaces policy. In this interview she tells us about the origins of this concept, the misconceptions and popular defensive strategies and also about the actual practice and constant development of this policy that deals with conflict resolution in political structures and survivor-lead processes in case of physical abuse.

Time To End Ohio's Racist Executions (tags)

Ohio is the only Northern state which has scheduled an executon for 2016

(A-Radio) Mediterranean 3: The self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki (tags)

The following audio is a recording made by activists of the self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki, Greece. This material has been made available to us by our comrades at Crna Luknja, the anarchist radio show at Radio Student in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. The comrades of Orfanotrofeio tell about the conditions that led to squatting this place in Thessaloniki in the beginning of last December and about their struggle to keep the place despite of all obstacles.

(A-Radio) Brazil: The Passe Livre movement in Sao Paulo (tags)

The struggle for the right to the city, against the intensification of exploitation and valorization is complex and diverse. May it be people in Berlin stopping an eviction, squatting houses in Amsterdam, taking squares in Greece or fighting for free public transportation in Brazil. A state with a massive territory, huge cities and as in so many places a classist, racist and sexist division of labour that expresses itself among other ways through the public transportation system. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity to talk with an activist of the Passe Livre movement from Sao Paulo, Brazil, about their struggle.

(A-Radio) Mediterranean 2: Anarchists in Slovenia and the refugee Balkan route (tags)

For refugees heading to Central and Northern Europe, the Balkan route has been of upmost importance. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we talked to two anarchists from Slovenia about the situation in the Balkans, their work with the refugees and the perspectives of this struggle beyond humanitarian actions.

(A-Radio) Mediterranean 1: The occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview with two activists of the occupied and self-organized refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece. The comrades tell us about the origins and ideas of their center as well as of the anarchist influence and importance of the Exarchia neighbourhood. They also comment on the topic of governmental (Syriza) policies and the difference of their work to such policies. And they also mention problems encountered in this project.

Collective Punishment: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Humanitarian disaster unfolding today: IS encroaches on Kobane on five fronts (tags)

Dire news from northern Syria: The Islamic State is waging a massive offensive against its most hated enemy in Syria, the YPG (People's Defense Units) of Rojava, because they are anticapitalist, open to all religions, they invite women to participate at all levels of the organization, and have been collectivizing northern Syria into councils and workers' cooperatives since the Syrian government withdrew from that region in 2012. The YPG was inspired Kurdish leaders' reading Murray Bookchin and therefore seeks to be nonhierarchical and democratic. They are, incidentally, also the forces who actually rescued the Yesidis from Mount Sinjar, long before the first US airstrike. They truly are the Zapatistas of the east, and they deserve our support.

Wasecans hope trip to Ghana makes a difference (tags)

Wasecans hope trip to Ghana makes a difference

Orange Violence, Hangover from British Misrule (tags)

To many people around the world, the violence in Northern Ireland this weekend may seem incomprehensible. After all, it is nearly 15 years since the political conflict in the British province of Ireland was officially declared over, with the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.

Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln: An Ordinary Man in Extraordinary Times (tags)

I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to the institution of slavery where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861

Explosion Shuts TransCanada's Natural Gas 'Bison' Pipeline in Wyoming (tags)

The Bison Pipeline, transporting natural gas from Wyoming's Powder River Basin to North Dakota and the Midwest, has exploded 20 miles west of Gillette, Wyoming. The Bison Pipeline began operation in Jan, 2010 with capacity for 407 million cubic feet per day. This time everyone was lucky as nobody was close enough to be killed or injured. The explosion left a crater and a sent a piece of 40 foot long pipe section flying 70 feet away from the pipeline's original position, indicating that IF anyone was nearby they would not be so lucky!


On June 14, 1945, one of the greatest battle of World War II ended in a victory for the Filipino and American soldiers in Bessang Pass, in the Cordilleras Northern Luzon, Philippines. Before the light of day, on June 14, 1945, units of the 121st Infantry launched the final assault of Bucual Ridge, In dramatic but costly rushes they obliterated the last enemy soldier on Bessang Pass. To the end with flourish, the greatest feat of Filipino arms in modern times, the Filipinos secured the hill held by the Japanese Imperial army. It was a payback for the defeat in Bataan, three years ago. Presidential Citation No higher honors can be bestowed on the heroes of the battle of Bessang Pass , who avenged the defeat of Bataan and Corregidor than the tribute of President Elpidio Quirino in 1952 to the United States Forces in Northern Luzon (USFIP-NL) during the 7th anniversary of the Battle of Bessang Pass: ?To win the liberation of Northen Luzon in which the USFIP-NL played a a major role, you accomplished no ordinary achievement. Your battle of bessang Pass in eastern ilocos Sur in n1945, for instance stands out prominently as one of the major decisive battles of the Philippine Liberation Campaign.?

UK: Bombers who killed a policeman in Northern Ireland may have used explosives from Libya (tags)

“The Prime Minister [...] reiterates, on behalf of the British Government, that they have no selfish strategic or economic interest in Northern Ireland. Their primary interest is to see peace, stability and reconciliation established” [Joint Declaration 1993 (Downing St. Declaration) by UK Minister John Major and the Republic of Ireland’s Prime Minister Albert Reynolds, 10 Downing Street, London, 15 December 1993] .............................................................................................“Let me be clear to anyone watching in the Islamic or the Arab world: Britain has no selfish or strategic or oil-related interest in what is happening in Libya. Our interest has been to try to help save civilian life.” [UK Prime Minister David Cameron, joint press conference with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 10 Downing Street, London, 31 March 2011]

This is the heritage of the Democratic Party (tags)

This is the heritage of the Democratic Party

a collective response to a collective injustice (tags)

a collective response to a collective injustice

Ignoring and Distorting the truth (tags)

Ignoring and Distorting the truth

BTL:CIA Torture Victims Denied Access to U.S. Courts (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Stranded in Northern California (tags)

Women are too often at the mercy of the men in there lives.

White Christmas operation in Coccaglio 2009 (tags)

Christmas 2009 The ''White Christmas'' operation in Coccaglio, aiming the expulsion of all ''illegals'' out of the town, is not only a sign of utter racism and xenophobia, it also reveals the inhuman Italian asylumpolicy, which has hardened this year Therefore it is of great importance to undertake action against as well the White Christmas operation as Italian asylumpolicy in general


Nakiisa ang Pesante-USA sa pamilya at mga kaibigan ng pinaslang na tagapagtanggol ng karapatang-tao na si Fr. Cecilio Lucero nang gunitain ang ika-40 araw ng kanyang kamatayan nitong Oktubre 15. Si Fr. Lucero ay pinuno ng Human Rights Desk ng Social Action Center ng dyosesis ng Catarman at tagapangulo ng Task Force on Peace and Order ng Northern Samar Peace and Development Forum (NSPDF). Pinatay siya ng pasistang militar dahil sa matapang at tahasan niyang pagtuligsa sa mga paglabag sa karapatang-tao. May ilang pagkakataong tumulong siya sa pagsasampa o siya mismo ang nagsampa ng mga kaso laban sa militar. Bago siya barilin, malaon na siyang minamanmanan ng mga operatibang militar at paniktik ng pasistang estado.


Nakiisa ang Pesante-USA sa pamilya at mga kaibigan ng pinaslang na tagapagtanggol ng karapatang-tao na si Fr. Cecilio Lucero nang gunitain ang ika-40 araw ng kanyang kamatayan nitong Oktubre 15. Si Fr. Lucero ay pinuno ng Human Rights Desk ng Social Action Center ng dyosesis ng Catarman at tagapangulo ng Task Force on Peace and Order ng Northern Samar Peace and Development Forum (NSPDF). Pinatay siya ng pasistang militar dahil sa matapang at tahasan niyang pagtuligsa sa mga paglabag sa karapatang-tao. May ilang pagkakataong tumulong siya sa pagsasampa o siya mismo ang nagsampa ng mga kaso laban sa militar. Bago siya barilin, malaon na siyang minamanmanan ng mga operatibang militar at paniktik ng pasistang estado.

Arroyo government plotted and carried out Fr. Lucero's murder- NDF-EV (tags)

-The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today , September 7, accused the Arroyo government of planning and carrying out the dastardly murder of Fr. Cecilio Lucero, a well-known peace and human rights advocate who served as parish priest of Catubig town and chairman of the human rights committee of the Catarman diocese in Northern Samar. Fr. Lucero was shot and killed by assailants in bonnets and military uniform in San Jose, Northern Samar, yesterday Sept. 6 while his two companions were wounded. "Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo herself virtually signed Fr. Lucero's death warrant," said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson.

addressing the global crisis (tags)

The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.

Take action! New UC Berkeley animal research facility! (tags)

Call to action against the companies assisting in construction of UC Berkeley's new Biomedical Facility, which would lead to a seventy percent expansion of UCB's existing Northwest Animal Facility. 40,000 non-human animals are currently being exploited and tortured to death at the university.

Protect Sacred Sites: Stop Toxic Dumping on O'odham Land (tags)

On March 29, 2008 Traditional O’odham leaders and International Supporters arrived in the small village of Quitovac in the Northern Sonoran State of Mexico to honor the land, the sky, the water, and all life, and to continue organizing to stop the building of a toxic waste dump that’s planned to be placed just a few miles from one of the most sacred ceremony sites of the O’odham.

Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas Endovasc 'Biotech' Fraud (tags)

I only discovered the connection and double life of David P Summers Wednesday night while per using SEC filings for David P Summers and Mercantile Bankshares.As you will see below the SEC bank filings also listed Summers Endovasc, American Biomed(both Texas 'biotech' pump and dump money laundering frauds),as well as his long time Community Bank of Northern Virginia connections.

On the Turkish Armed Incursion into Northern Kurdistan (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) condemns the Turkish authorities in bombing and incursions in Northern Kurdistan part of Iraq for the third straight days. We equally condemn the US and Iraqi authorities for providing the necessary data for such bombings and incursions against the Kurdish people in the border of Turkey and Northern Iraq. The same military incursions and bombings in the islands of Sulu in Southern Philippines where a division size forces of the AFP and undetermined numbers of US military special forces and advisers were deployed for more than a year.

Northern Rock,GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About Naked Shorting (tags)

Dear SEC, I was only beginning to organize my thoughts about the Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul's statements re SHO to the SEC,(U.S Securities Exchange Commission),that were only recently posted here. However no sooner was I getting over the shock that Mr.Ron Paul was aiding the fraudulent penny stock naked shorting claim of his well heeled Libertarian pals such as the NTU founder James Dale Davidson, Porter Stansberry,Bill Bonner,,than 'news' came out of England that Northern Rock was a victim of 'naked short selling' as well.......

Mosul Dam: Engineering a Water MD (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, takes a hard look at the recent Bush League claim that Mosul Dam is in imminent danger of collapse, causing a catastrophe in northern Iraq. Is the cheerleader in chief setting up a mass murderer, and his presstitutes helping with advance publicity?

Blackwater Mercenaries on the USA-Mexico Border (tags)

very scary

NDF-EV condemns virtual martial rule in troop deployment to Tacloban City (tags)

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today condemned the virtual martial rule in the deployment by the 8th Infantry Division of soldiers to the northern barangays of Tacloban City and the outright role of the military in rigging the elections to favor the Arroyo regime. "The military psywar blabberers blatantly lie that the 8th ID is sending troops to the northern barangays of Tacloban City because of the alleged presence of the New People's Army," said NDF-EV spokesperson Fr. Santiago Salas. "What the military really aims after the elections is to forestall mass protests by heightening the psywar campaign against the people's organizations and party-list groups, whom they frame as part of the NPA to justify attacking and killing off their leaders and members. In the elections, various reports from Samar and Leyte also describe soldiers as terrorizing the people against voting for the progressive party-list. But the people have democratically defied the military and the Arroyo regime in the elections: Despite the barefaced use of fraud and military terrorism against them, the progressive party-list groups are clearly headed for Congress. The people have spoken, but in retaliating by sending troops against them, the military goes on with its script of mayhem and murder."

Indymedia On Air - March 26, 2007 (part 2) (tags)

Today's events in Northern Ireland (part 2)

Indymedia On Air - March 26 (part 1) (tags)

Today's events in Northern Ireland.

[VIDEO] Italy: 100 000 protest against the expansion of a US-military base (tags)

More than 100 000 Protestors demonstrate against the expansion of a U.S. military base in Vicenza, northern Italy, February 17,2007.

Bayan Muna member gunned down in Northern Samar (tags)

A member of the party-list group Bayan Muna and chairperson of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) in Northern Samar was gunned down late yesterday afternoon by a motorcycle-riding assassin in front of students at the University of Eastern Philippines in Catarman. Professor Jose Maria Cui, also a former secretary general of human rights group Karapatan in the Eastern Visayas, died on the spot after being shot in the head and chest by an unidentified suspect outside the Engineering Building of the campus around 4:15 p.m.

Mexican state of Coahuila to allow gay marriages (tags)

Mexican state of Coahuila to allow gay marriages (Coahuila is along the Texas border between the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon)

Philippine Armed Forces target: 5 communist reb fronts (tags)

Reports from Northern Command Camp Aquino, said, five communist guerrilla fronts in four regions where the New People’s Army has first taken root since its founding in 1969 are targeted for dismantling this year, the Army’s Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) chief said on Thursday.

Bears That Have Stopped Hibernating: More GW Consequences (tags)

This article tells of bears in Spain that for at least three years have not hibernated, rather they stayed active because there was plenty to eat and no need for the normal slumber. It also tells of many other plant and wildlife abnormalities attributed to the rising temperatures in Europe.

Lebanon’s Expendable People (tags)

''We get no sense of rage in Israel’s behavior, just the calculated savagery of men who see their duty as systematically decapitating an entire civilization and leaving it in ruins.''

Military batters rebels in Eastern Visayas (tags)

The 8th Infantry Division, Philippine Army has again battered CPP/NPA terrorists in the Eastern Visayas after hitting them in two separate operations in Leyte and Northern Samar, Eastern Visayas, Central Philippines.

The True Cause of Global Warming (tags)

With things warming up, no one is getting more hot under the collar than the president and vice-president it seems as a scenario not unlike "The Day After Tomorrow" begins to unfold on a global scale.


There are forces at work in this nation that dread the growth of a BrownAmerica (even if over a third of this country was originally Mexican territory!).

Israel's Silent Holocaust Against the Palestinians (tags)

While Israel commemorated the “holocaust” on 25 April, the Israeli state, through its army, paramilitary police forces and armed settlers were carrying out a silent genocide against the helpless Palestinian people, aimed primarily at killing, maiming and tormenting as many Palestinians as the “current international atmosphere” would allow.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

A 21-year-old U.S. Army specialist from Long Beach was killed in combat while on patrol in northern Iraq. Spc. Roberto L. Martinez Salazar died Saturday in Mosul, Iraq, after an improvised explosive blasted near the combat engineer's Humvee.

On the Scandinavian Model (tags)

The Scandinavian model could help us find our way to social compromise and true security through investments in education and apprenticeships. Has our wealth blinded us to alternatives and encouraged our altered state of paralysis, insecurity and fear?

State Sanctioned Murder of a Teenage Girl (tags)

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 07 – An Iranian court has sentenced a teenage rape victim to death by hanging after she weepingly confessed that she had unintentionally killed a man who had tried to rape both her and her niece.


One of America's leading newspapers, The Washington Post, was protested yesterday for it's failure to cover the leaked UK documents about Bush's 2002 plan for war with Iraq.

Call for Art- 9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice (tags)

The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance ahs issued a call for art- the theme "9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice." Over a thousand dollars in cash prizes, many additional awards, youth and adult categories, deadline July 1st. Entries to be posted online; winners art will also be published.

The Fight in California (tags)

Two weeks, the supermarket workers in northern California had a protest, against the efforts of Safeway and other strong chains of cutting again the health insurance in the negotiations of a new union contract in this part of the neighbor of the north.

SF Solidarity With So Cal Grocery Workers (tags)

On Saturday, several hundred people braved the San Francisco rain to protest in front of the Safeway in support of the striking UFCW workers.

Public disclosure - govenment agency says "no global warming problem" (tags)

Public Disclosure - National Weather Service(NWS), report by Senior Hydrologist with NWS shows clear trends for earlier snowmelt runoff, increasing average dewpoints & air temperatures... 100 years of high quality streamflow runoff and temperature records.

Israel offering free land to encourage Judaization of Galilee (tags)

KOBE members, stake your claim. One way tickets available - free of charge.

California Governor Election and PFP/Labor Events (tags)

California Governor Election and PFP/Labor Events:

Primordial Illogic (tags)

It is logical to lock people up in their homes and villages, and to sabotage the farming of their land because it is logical to subsidize the Jewish settlement in the land of the forefathers of Gush Katif and northern Gaza. It is logical to connect Jewish settler homes to electricity and water while forbidding Palestinian neighbors from connecting to the electricity grid and the water and sewage lines.

US pisses-off Turkey now (tags)

"Turkish forces were blocked from doing their jobs, their equipment was destroyed and some (soldiers) were taken away." Police in Istanbul had to use tear gas to disperse hundreds of nationalists who staged an anti-U.S. demonstration.

Bored with the Border (tags)

We're too busy protecting the borders of other countries.

Green Ejected For Collecting Signatures; Suburbs May Be Hazardous To Your Health (tags)

Green news and opion updated daily

Demonstrations in Baghdad Against U.S. Troops (tags)

While Kurdish factions in the northern cities accuse each other of inciting violence and looting, demonstrations against US lack of intervention continue in Baghdad.

Belfast: Bush not welcome in Free Derry (tags)

Bush, Blair and Bertie (Ahern) met for a summit in Belfast, Northern Ireland. This ironic location is the center of the Occupied Six Counties, a gerrymandered statelet created to propagate the racist superiority of Loyalists/Unionists over Republicans. These pictures and reports show some of the turmoil that lay beneath the sanitised media reports of the "summit".

Bush andBlair in Belfast : Interviews Available (tags)

"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore [individuals] have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." (NurembergTribunal)

Bush and Blair to meet on Iraq (tags)

Bush and Blair to meet to discuss how they will carve up Iraq's oil reserves for the benefit of U.S. and British Petroleum companies.

Turkey invades Northern Iraq (tags)

Defying the united States, Turkey invades Northern Iraq to go after the Kurds. Unbelievable...

ROLLING START: The Idiot Prince Will Have His War (tags)

There is a long struggle ahead, and it will become more terrible. But just as those before us fought slavery, apartheid, fascism, and colonialism, we will take up our historical task with confidence and determination, and assert our humanity against these gangsters.

Has war with Iraq already started? (tags)

In military jargon, all these attacks look very like a systematic effort to ‘prepare the battlefield’ ahead of any ground invasion.

The invasion of Iraq has already begun ... (tags)

The invasion of Iraq has already begun ...

Italians map strategy protests aimed at stopping american military trains (tags)

Anti-war militants took advantage of a national train strike in Italy to pause to map out strategy Sunday. Demonstrators opposed to a possible war in Iraq tried Saturday to block trains moving U.S. military equipment across the country, protesting at several rail stations in northern Italy. A group of anti-war protesters stopped a train reportedly transporting U.S. military equipment in northern Italy on Friday night, a police official said.

Old Europe Gives the New World Colonists a Geo Political Lesson. (tags)

On Friday the 7th of February February 2003 it was reported in the New York Times that the U.S. in negotiations with Turkey was essentially offering the Turkish government a military foothold in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.


If you thought those recently released Pentagon photos of Taliban POWs bound and gagged by American military forces was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. James Doran's documentary "Afghan Massacre" is now revealing more about what has really occured in Afghanistan under American rule.

the innocent in camp x-ray(Guantanamo bay) (tags)

a pakistani held by US in camp x-ray says he and many others are blameless

Dec 10 Anti War Demo Reports (tags)

A summary of RAWA support demonstrations for peace.

N + R event description and analysis (tags)

Below is a discription and discussion of the N + R event.

RAWA's Statement on the Northern Alliance's Entry into Kabul (tags)

RAWA acknowledges, in the below statement, that the retreat of the Taliban from Kabul is, indeed, a positive development. However, the Northern Alliance has a very bloody history of its own; and RAWA calls on the world community to assist the people of Afghanistan in their efforts to build a peaceful future where basic human rights become a cornerstone of Afghan society.


A war can not be won by air strikes alone. So far the U.S.ground force ally, the Northern Alliance, has failed to do U.S.any good even with massive U.S.air support. Bush says it may take 2 years- some say NEVER!


In any war a victory can't be won by air strikes alone. Ground action in Afghanistan, the U.S. admits, will be tuff at best.So far U.S.s ground ally, the Northern Allaince has failed in every effort so far even with massive U.S. air support. In three weeks the Muslim holiday and winter will become major hurdles. Bush says 2 years. Some say NEVER!

The UN calls Northern Alliance "main opium producer" (tags)

AFP, Oct.6, 2001 story featured at the RAWA site.

SALON: Our Scary New Best Friends (tags)

The Northern Alliance may be the enemy of our enemy -- the Taliban -- but it has its own grim history of violence and abuse of power.

BBC Analysis: Afghanistan's Northern Alliance (tags)

"The Afghan Northern Alliance is made up of an ethnically and religiously disparate group of rebel movements united only in their desire to topple the ruling Taleban." This brief overview highlights the 3 major factions, recent military setbacks, and renewed hopes that the Taleban will be toppled for them.

Intelligence Brief: Afghanistan's Northern Alliance (tags)

A concise summary of background information on the Northern Alliance. Identifies major factions and outside sources of support.

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