fix articles 2179, son
Fragmentation de la terreur (tags)
Le capital est comme une cellule cancéreuse...
Les gogos stakhanovisés (tags)
Tout en effet y est peau de vache...
Pot-pourri des carcans culturels (tags)
Le capital toujours opportuniste et malin...
Schutzstaffel le monde nazifié (tags)
C'est partout, en tout, l'organisation mondiale du commerce...
Mémoires artificielles régénératives (tags)
Le secret de l'ignorance, l'ignorance du secret...
De la couillonnade, vigie catastrophisée (tags)
La paranoïa paranoïaque à la paranoïa...
Paraphysique anamnèse de la ZAD (tags)
Chacun et chacune à l'autre est le pire ennemi ...
Biodiversité ou la nature privatisée (tags)
Mais aujourd'hui la pollution comme principal thème...
Tout nationalisme est un suprémacisme (tags)
S'abstenir même à l'abstentionnisme...
Paraphysique de la dictature étatique (tags)
Plus la peine de procréer, il vaut mieux adopter...
Viol légal, viol illégal (tags)
Un désespoir sans espoir...
Et pourquoi pas ?
Engrammes et niches environnementales (tags)
Satire paraphysique...
new testament jesus never existed at all : the ultimate evidence.
Rabbi Kahane, the Sarah Solution, and Peace (tags)
Peace Between Israel And The Arab States, Can Be The Basis Of Solving The Palestinian Problem
Needed: More Daughters of Zelophehad in Israel Today (tags)
Explores Jewish Women's Leadership in the Redemption of the Jewish People.
Vayera: Mother Sarah Was The First Kahanist! (tags)
Sarah Said: Transfer The Arabs Out Of Israel Now!
Mozambique Charges Former President's Son, Officials for Secret Debt Scandal (tags)
Mozambique charged the former president's son and 19 others on corruption, fraud and blackmail in relation to a $2 billion dollar loan scandal.
military consolation...
military consolation...
the real jesus
judas was a theocommunist fighter and no betrayer
fuck u zionazi censors of indy
MARY MAGDALENE DIDN´T EXIST . 10 and last (tags)
the NT is a lie
mary magdalene did not come from magdala
I tried to renounce my US nationality in 2011; and due to illegal actions taken by the US Department of State, my application was rejected. At the time the fee for renunciation was $400; it is now $2,350, thanks to former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, whose only goal was to extort as much money as possible from the fleeing masses. Why should there even be a fee for this? That speaks volumes.
jesus is fiction
christ is a lie
christ is a lie
jesus did not exist
jesus is fiction
jesus never was
gospel jesus never was
jesus christ did not exist
paris 13.11.2015 : puesta en escena total
soros y el bilderberg y bergoglio son criminales contra la humanidad
los attaques de paris del 13.11.2015 nunca fueron
Slain SEAL's Father Calls for Expanded Investigation of Yemen Raid (tags)
William Owens, father of slain Navy SEAL William "Ryan" Owens is calling for an additional investigation of Trump's botched Yemen raid that killed nine children and his son. This inquiry will determine if politics was involved in Trump's unwise choice to order the deadly Yemen raid.
honor killing in Los Angeles (tags)
Cops say Shehada Khalil Issa, 69, shot his son Amir, 29,Tuesday Amir's mother was also dead on the scene when cops arrived Prosecutors say Issa threatened his son in the past because he was gay
Shell paid out $15.5 Million over Saro-Wiwa Murder (tags)
Shell pressured the Nigerian government to hang Saro-Wiwa and 8 other nonviolent environmental activists. Ken Saro-Wiwa was nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1996. Besides his work to protect the Niger Delta, he was an author. Saro-Wiwa's son Ken Wiwa wrote In The Shadow of a Saint about his father. Richard North Patterson wrote a fictionalized account of Shell's role in the murder in the book Eclipse.
Ukrainian-Style Democracy (tags)
On MLK Day: Racist Bullying Cover-up In Riverside Dear Coach Rice (tags)
A campaign of bullying and racist attacks on students at the Riverside John W. North High School have taken place and a cover-up of these attacks.
Murder, Inc: Official US Policy (tags)
police state
California’s vigilante police justice: Trial by machine gun (tags)
In California, there is a new kind of justice. Forget the Sixth Amendment's right to trial. It no longer applies. Instead of an attorney, get a bullet-proof vest, Today's cops are armed with machine guns and innocence no longer matters.
Anatomy of a False Flag (tags)
false flag
Environmental Activist Murdered in Mexico (tags)
Environmental Activist killed by Mexican drug cartels and Co.
Otra vez el PRI en México (tags)
El fraude de siempre
Ziyad Yaghi: Guilty of Being Muslim in America (tags)
police state
Open Letter to Suzanne Khardalian, Filmmaker of “Grandma’s Tattoos” (tags)
The whole world, not just Armenians, is asking Turkey, "Why?"
In this pioneering article from the December 1968 issue of Vector, an early Queer publication, Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence, J.D. tells his coming-out story and advises other Queer people on how to come out. Four months after this article was published, Leo co-founded the Gay Liberation Front in San Francisco and led the first demonstration against a private employer for anti-Queer discrimination in U.S. history in March 1969, three months BEFORE Stonewall.
"Día del Latino" en Occupy Riverside / Occupy Riverside's Latino Forum Celebrates (tags)
Sábado, 17 diciembre 2011
RIVERSIDE (California) - El Foro Latino de Occupy Riverside hoy celebró tres meses de la existencia del movimiento "Occupy" con comida tradicional, música de resistencia, y piñatas en el Parque Fairmount de esta ciudad del interior del sur de California.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
RIVERSIDE (California) - Occupy Riverside's Latino Forum celebrated three months of the movement's existence with traditional foods, music of resistance, and piñatas at Fairmount Park.
Johnathan Cuevas Victim of Police Murder, a Family’s Fight for Justice (tags)
LOS ANGELES, October 22, 2011 - The 16th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality held a protest this Saturday with a march from downtown to a rally at MacArthur Park. Alicia Alvarez of Lynwood came with her family to fight for justice for her son, Johnathan, who was shot and killed by a Lynwood sheriff deputy on October 10, 2010.
Kelly Thomas Murdered by Fullerton PD (tags)
Kelly Thomas' fathered offered $900,000 as hush money on the beating and killing of his son by the Fullerton Police.
Dream Comes True for Mother and Son at Art Institute Graduation (tags)
The Art Institute of Orange County is a place where futurists can prepare to enhance their own future and the future of America
Relator?a del festival por la salud del r?o Tehuantepec (tags)
El 11 de junio del 2011 se llev? a cabo el primer festival por la salud del r?o Tehuantepec con la participaci?n de m?s de 200 personas de comunidades locales, grupos solidarios, grupos ambientalistas, visitantes for?neos e incluso alguna persona de la mina "El ?guila". Se present? informaci?n sobre los riesgos de la miner?a a cielo abierto a las comunidades locales, quienes, mediante su derecho a la informaci?n (art. 169 de la OIT), podr?n organizarse para decidir las formas que mejor convengan al desarrollo de su territorio as? como evitar la degradaci?n del medio ambiente y social.
Waging War at Home and Abroad While Pledging Peace (tags)
Remeber Mothers on Mothers Day: Art Institute?s Lucky Boy (tags)
Thomas Edison, John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama all had mothers who inspired them. Future car developer Alex H-R owes his fortune to the inspiration and support of his mother as well.
[Declaración de solidaridad internacional con quienes en Cuba, desde abajo y a la izquierda, se están atreviendo a pensar y actuar por transformar su realidad, sin esperar las promesas del papá Estado ni los cantos de sirena del Capital mundial, representando el legado más vivo y hermoso de la Revolución Cubana, que se resiste a morir pese al cáncer de la burocracia.]
Church Program Honors Southern Poverty Law Center (tags)
Though the guest of honor, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) director Morris Dees, didn't show up — his mother-in-law was terminally ill and he canceled with less than a day’s notice — the September 22 program honoring the Center went on anyway, with the group’s president, Richard Cohen, the main attraction. Cohen and other SPLC staff members discussed the group’s history, its spectacular lawsuits holding the Ku Klux Klan and other white-supremacist organizations responsible for the deaths of people of color, and the links between the ultra-radical Right and the supposedly “respectable” Tea Party.
To laugh right now.
BTL:Muslim Mother of 9/11 Victim Asserts Islamic Center a Matter of Religious Freedom (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
América Latina Enamorada - El Nuevo Single de Gunnar Njalsson Directa al Top (tags)
Seis años dispues del lanzamiento de "En sista vers" (Un verso final), su primer disco, en el contexto de Eurovisión 2004, Gunnar K. A. Njalsson ha estrenado a nivel mundial un nuevo single.
Philippines: Presidential son is above poll laws (tags)
In the Philippines, being a presidential son allows you to be a party-list nominee without possessing any of the qualifications for being one.
Previniendo la infiltración del Estado en los movimientos sociales (tags)
* En El Libertario # 58, marzo-abril 2009, se ha publicado originalmente este artículo que, aun cuando parte para su reflexión de la actual experiencia de lucha social en Venezuela, plantea situaciones e información de interés para activistas en cualquier lugar del mundo.
ANAIRC, Nicaragua Sugar, la IRC y el Boicot a Flor de Caña y al Grupo Pellas (tags)
Todas las organizaciones sindicales de Nicaragua, sean de izquierda o de derecha, han rechazado la campaña de desprestigio en contra de Nicaragua Sugar que impulsa ANAIRC.
¿Quien puede confiar en un cura con hijos?
El Socialismo, ¿medicina o enfermedad? (tags)
Es usual que en el debate ideológico entre el socialismo y el capitalismo, los defensores de este último recurran al argumento del «fracaso histórico del socialismo» así como al de la «riqueza producto del capitalismo». Este artículo pretende responder a esos argumentos.
El capitalismo, ¿Riesgo o Usura? (tags)
¿Son las ganancias una recompensa al riesgo del inversor, o simplemente el resultado de la usura y de las condiciones que se ve obligado a aceptar el trabajador?
Preview of Ramzy Baroud's "My Father was a Freedom Fighter (tags)
could only be written by someone who lived through it
Afirmaciones sin sustento de ANAIRC sobre IRC para justificar Boicot a Grupo Pellas (tags)
ANAIRC hace uso de datos que no son corroborados por ninguna autoridad confiable ni por ningún estudio serio sobre la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica en Nicaragua.
Code Pink Betrayed by Anti-War's "Leadership" (tags)
While Cindy Sheehan led Code Pink's protests against the U.S. led war in Iraq outside of Bush's Crawford , TX ranch, she was the most popular activist with the anti-war's pro-Democrat establishment, yet Code Pink's current protests against Obama's continued military occupations in both Iraq and Afghanistan are ignored and scorned by the establishment neoliberals who claim to lead the peace movement. Most likely we can expect this neoliberal establishment element to support additional U.S. troops sent to Afghanistan, our current alpine quagmire..
Fernando Suárez del Solár Speaks at “Senseless Death” Screening (tags)
In 2003 Jesús Suárez del Solár became one of the first U.S. victims of the current war in Iraq -- and his father, Fernando, expressed his anger and sadness at the loss of his son by joining the San Diego anti-war movement and becoming one of its most powerful activists. On July 8 the San Diego Public Library showed “A Senseless Death,” a 2006 documentary by a French-Canadian filmmaker that told the story of Jesús and other so-called “green-card soldiers,” immigrants (both documented and undocumented) lured into the U.S. military and promised citizenship in return for becoming cannon fodder for U.S. imperalism.
Bush's 4th of July Visit to Oklahoma (tags)
Former President Bush is coming to Woodward, Oklahoma to celebrate July 4th. This Oklahoma farmer, rancher and father who lost his son in Iraq has something to say about his visit.
La triste historia que se esconde detrás del ron Flor de Caña (tags)
El grupo en Facebook suma ya casi 750 miembros, y se basa en tres ideas básicas:
The Kilusang Dekada 70 (KD70 ) empathize with Mrs.Edith Burgos on her frustration over the promotion of fascist AFP officers implicated on her son’s disappearance Following the promotion of three military officers linked to the disappearance of her son, Jonas Mrs. Burgos exclaimed: “Dear Lord, when will all this injustice end?” In a statement, the Burgos family yesterday said it considered the promotion of Lieutenant Colonels Noel Clement, Melquiades Feliciano and Edison Caga to full colonel as a “reward,” which could only result in more enforced disappearances of activists.
God's Power and Powerlessness (tags)
"The stock market conditioned destruction of jobs widens into a new atom bomb of our days through which the social and cultural peace in the one world is destroyed..Jesus told parables, lives as God's parable and enables believers to be God's parables.."
Dole vuelve a mostrar los dientes en caso Nemagón (tags)
Algo huele mal en la sentencia de Los Ángeles. Entrevista con el escritor y periodista Vicent Boix
Sun May 3: CA Military Mom's LA Area Book Launch (tags)
Susan Galleymore, the US military mom who made front-page headlines from the San Francisco Chronicle to France's Le Monde, when she took a dangerous journey to Iraq in 2004, to visit her soldier son stationed in the 'Sunni Triangle', north of Baghdad comes to LA area.
United in the struggle to reunite son with birth mother (tags)
Judge David C. Dally failed to order USICE to bring Encarnación to his court during the adoption proceedings. Judge Dally made Carlos seemed like he was on the auction block.
Petition to Return Texas to Mexico (tags)
Texas wants out. Let's help them.
Siempre subsistirá una guerra (tags)
Mariano Cabrero:Mientras se sigan vendiendo armas para matar a diestro y siniestro, que dejan huellas imborrables de sufrimiento sobre los supervivientes, siempre existirá un dragón de la guerra, siempre subsistirá una guerra con su dragón.
May 3rd: LA Event for US Military Mom New Book on Mothers and War (tags)
US Military mother Susan Galleymore, made international headlines when she traveled to Iraq to visit her soldier son, is on a 10-city national tour launching her new book, Long Time Passing Mother Speak About War and Terror, a collection of dramatic first-person accounts of the impact of war on mothers and families around-the-globe. Local US military moms, musicians, poets, and artists will join Galleymore at pre-Mother's celebration.
May 3rd: LA Event for US Military Mom New Book on Mothers and War (tags)
US Military mother Susan Galleymore, made international headlines when she traveled to Iraq to visit her soldier son, is on a 10-city national tour launching her new book, Long Time Passing Mother Speak About War and Terror, a collection of dramatic first-person accounts of the impact of war on mothers and families around-the-globe. Local US military moms, musicians, poets, and artists will join Galleymore at pre-Mother's celebration.
CA Military Mom's New Book About War and Mothers Launches (tags)
Susan Galleymore made international headlines by taking the extraordinary and even dangerous step of traveling to Iraq in 2004 to visit her soldier son stationed on a military base in the so-called Sunni Triangle, north of Baghdad. What she found in Iraq – the horrors of war which was at once heartbreaking and compelling - challenged her to continue her journey interviewing mothers in war zones including Iraq, Israel and the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan and the US. These powerful first-person stories offer dramatic insight into the impact of war on mothers, families, communities, in those countries. On Sunday afternoon, May 3rd, local military moms, musicians, poets, and artists will celebrate the publication of Susan Galleymore’s new book Long Time Passing: Mothers Speak About War and Terror by Pluto Press / Palgrave MacmIllian.
Canadian MP Speaks Out for U.S. War Resister (tags)
Activist San Diego put together an impressive list of speakers for its March 16 meeting on the fate of U.S. war resister Robin Long — including Olivia Chow, a member of the Canadian Parliament who helped lead an unsuccessful struggle to persuade her country’s government to grant Long political asylum instead of returning him to the U.S. — but the most powerful voice of all came from someone who wasn’t there: Robin Long himself, via a letter from jail read aloud at the meeting.
Pancho Villa’s Last Surviving Son (tags)
The last surviving son of Pancho Villa meets the grandson of Eustorgio Ramón, captain of los Pronunciados de Don Catarino Garza
Lo que Hillary Clinton Debería Saber sobre Lugo y USAID (tags)
La nueva secretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton, abogó al asumir su cargo por los recursos para USAID, que en Paraguay fueron en gran parte a parar en el proselitismo del obispo Fernando Lugo.
La crisis perfecta, el dinero secuestrado y OBAMA; El nuevo mesías. (tags)
No voy a entran en esta clase de chutes de optimismo porque los jonkies de los medios de comunicación ya están en la materia. Lo que sí está muy claro para mi es que el Sr. Obama no va a ser suficiente para arreglar el monumental pillaje económico
Anarquismo en Wikipedia: la invención de una mentira. (tags)
Wikipedia es el centro de una vergonzosa campaña para desprestigiar al anarquismo.
NYCLAW Antiwar Bulletin: Israeli Massacre in Gaza -- 12.27.08 (tags)
Brought to You By . . . U.S. F-16s
LA Zoo shamelessly spams member email list to talk negatively about animal rights activists & urge members to support new elephant enclosure...
Nicaragua y Paraguay, contraste entre Izquierda auténtica y postiza (tags)
Tanto en Paraguay con el obispo Fernando Lugo, como en Nicaragua bajo el mando del comandante Ortega, se han descubierto vínculos incontrastables de la vinculación entre ONGs y la CIA norteamericana.
Mucho que agradecer a George W. Bush (tags)
El clérigo-presidente Fernando Lugo, viajará el 27 de este mes a Estados Unidos, en donde rendirá pleitesía al presidente George Bush, uno de los principales financistas de los movimientos que lo apoyaron.
Colombia: No existen palabras frente a las imágenes de la tortura que deshumaniza (tags)
Esta mañana recibí en el foro de un Colegio de Abogados al que estoy suscrito, un video para el cual no tengo palabras ni términos que lo puedan describir
The Gospel of Truth is joy for those who have received from the Father of truth the gift of recognizing him, thru the power of the meaning who comes forth from the fullness which is in the thought and mind of the Father. This is he who is called the Savior
9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International (tags)
Any review of the convicted,(in Israel)money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's's ICTS International would find that it was a securities,(stock),fraud as well as a security fraud. Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...
Reciben Pago por Publicar Anuncios de Credenciales USA (tags)
Banco Amex Internacional es realmente una companía hipotecaria, y no un banco
Fiscal de Distrito Investigará Credenciales USA (tags)
Loyo le Pide a las Agencias de Empleo que Contraten a Inmigrantes con Identificaciones No-Oficiales
Rep. Colón Pide que Fiscal del Condado Investigue Posible Fraude (tags)
Credenciales USA Sujetas a Investigación por Alegaciones de Fraude y Publicidad fraudulenta
Sun Aug 10: Celebrate the Life of Don White (tags)
An Evening to Celebrate the Life of Our Companero Don White Presente! WHEN: SUNDAY, AUGUST 10TH at 6:00 - 8:00 PM WHERE: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 3300 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 (@Berendo Street, 2 blocks west of Vermont Ave.)
Roberto Lovato: Companero Don White, Presente! (tags)
I just got word that Don White, a much-beloved, longtime companero in the movement for peace and justice in El Salvador, passed away. People of many walks of life, many movements - women's, GLBT, Middle East peace, labor, immigrant rights, education, Venezuela solidarity and others- around the planet mourn his passing as they celebrate his life. Though he fought many battles in many wars, none moved Don like that of his beloved El Salvador.
La batalla por la democracia local participativa no es una batalla perdida, sino abortada (tags)
Jamás ha sido tan clara y tan excluida una victoria: bastaría con aplicar conceptos, proclamaciones e instrumentos. No hay razones para explicar los escasos avances de la implantación de la gobernanza local participativa, aunque siempre encontramos, como explicación, el hecho del fraccionamiento de los escasos activistas en la participación en el poder.
Algo huele a diferente en Cuba (tags)
ººº Ante la coyuntura vivida en la isla en los últimos tiempos, el Movimiento Libertario Cubano – MLC (grupo de afinidad del anarquismo cubano en el exterior) se hace oír para dar respuesta a interrogantes y retos que hoy se plantea la sociedad cubana, con una voz que es la del indómito compromiso con la libertad, la igualdad y la solidaridad que históricamente han sostenido los y las anarquistas de Cuba.
50 Shots Equals Murder! (tags)
Sean Bell Supporters Take It to the Streets on Friday
Desesperación machista y los demonios del Obispo (tags)
Uno de los candidatos a la presidencia del Paraguay para las elecciones del 20 de abril, sorprendió esta semana a su auditorio en un debate confesando haber comprado encuestadores para posicionarse en mejores lugares durante anteriores campañas electorales, lo cual es un indicador de la escasa credibilidad que tienen las empresas que ubican al obispo Fernando Lugo en primer lugar en las preferencias de la ciudadanía paraguaya, la mayoría insertas en un medio conocido por sus falsificaciones piratas y donde hasta la izquierda ha demostrado ser trucha.
soul catcher 2025 liberty microdot (tags)
victima de implantes japoneses microdot
Embrutecidos y ocupados como estamos con nuestras pequeñeces y muy limitada vision de nuestro mundo y sus problemas junto con sus inalcanzables soluciones, en nuestro arduo camino hacia la emancipacion de nuestras mentes perdemos de vista a nuestros verdaderos enemigos de clase, quienes con su explotacion economica, dominacion politica, militarizacion genocida, discriminacion social y alienacion humana sistematica y despiadada nos mantienen en la mas profunda e infnita de las ignorancias.
El Paso Native Son Border Patrol Agent Luis Aguilar's Death Continues To be Investigated (tags)
Luis Aguilar Jr. lived in Yuma with his wife and two children. It happened 20 miles West of Yuma, in a popular recreation area on Saturday morning.
Carla Bruni. La EVITA de la post-`post modernidad (tags)
La señorita Marple indica al capitán Hastings el gran acierto de haber decidido escenificar las actualidades de Francia y de España en su rancho de Santiago, donde no faltarán actrices para encarnar a la presunta nueva compañera del presidente Sarkozy o espectadores para comprender las derivas de la actualidad.
Omaha killer Robert Hawkinsz HAD taken ritalin and ZOLOFT in the past: (tags)
'Rodriguez said her son's life had been a challenge from the start. She divorced Hawkins' father when the boy was 3-years-old, she said, and by 5 he was taking prescription Ritalin and Zoloft. She said she watched, feeling helpless the way a parent can, as raw anger took root inside her son. '
Blackwater Faces New Death and Injury Claims and Drug Allegations (tags)
The estates of two more Iraqis killed when Blackwater USA personnel allegedly opened fire on civilians in Nisoor Square in Baghdad on Sept. 16 and an injured survivor of the incident joined the pending civil litigation against the private military contractor late Monday.
British artificial intelligence expert, 84, and leading geneticist, 80, die in car crash (tags)
LONDON: British artificial intelligence expert, Donald Michie, and his ex-wife, leading geneticist Dame Anne McLaren, have died in a car crash, their son said Sunday.
The USA PATRIOT Act: Redefining American Principles (tags)
What is the USA PATRIOT Act doing to our country? It is obvious that the Democratically lead Congress will not stop the Administration. It is time for the citizens of the United States of America to start fighting for what is rightfully theirs: their freedom.
Von Wernich y la causalidad diabólica (tags)
Ya salió el nº 45 de LIBERTAD!. Solicítala a nuestra casilla de e-mail.
La mirada de Jokin. Carta de las visitadoras de Vargas Llosa a Charo, la prostituta de Mon (tags)
Las visitadoras de Vargas Llosa indican a Charo el papel que pueden jugar todas ellas, en su condición de “enfangadas”, en la activación de alternativas pragmáticas al método de la señora Maigret para confrontar la conspiración de los medios representantes de la opinión convencional para desconstruir los conceptos de Estado, de Nación, de ciudadano y de organización multilateral.
Cuando la incongruencia se disfraza de “Solidaridad Libertaria” (tags)
* Desde El Libertario de Venezuela, hacemos público nuestro desagrado y protesta ante lo que puede considerarse como una orientación política precisa por parte de Solidaridad Libertaria (vocero del Grupo de Acción Social de la CGT de Burgos, España) promoviendo una imposible afinidad entre el anarquismo y la práctica e ideas que sustentan al actual gobierno venezolano.
Renovación y continuidad en la ideología anarquista. (tags)
Quizás las controversias mayores entre los anarquistas tengan lugar al momento de considerar qué y cuánto es lo que hay que modificar y en qué punto los cambios deberán detenerse
Bamby Salcedo's speech en Espanol (tags)
Statement of Elvira Arellano on August 15th, 2007 (tags)
For the last 15 days, I have maintained a vigil in prayer. I have consulted with spiritual leaders and with those who face the same situation I face. I have made my decision.
Elvira Arellano Deportó... una conclusión triste y vergonzosa (tags)
Elvira Arellano Deportó... una conclusión triste y vergonzosa. Amargo dulce pero gravemente lo que le hace hace. Aquí tenemos a una sola joven madre fina con un niño pequeño que viene en América ilegalmente
To my friends in Los Angeles from Century City to South Central. I am now going to testify against Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.
The Economy of Bread Allone and the Economy of Enough (tags)
Jesus' discipleship demands seeing through the economy of bread alone or structural egoism and not submitting.. The economy of bread alone, the economy of hoarding and riches of a few costs the soul and freedom.
Where there is smoke, there is fire
Fw: Bush: 'All options are on the table' for Iran in this youtube short: (tags)
Fw: Bush: 'All options are on the table' for Iran in this youtube short:
El Libertario # 50: alérgicos a la rutina, incordiando al poder (tags)
* Ya es accesible vía Internet el nuevo número (julio-agosto 2007) del vocero ácrata de ideas y propuestas para la acción, que llega al medio centenar de ediciones reiterando el compromiso con sus objetivos de dar voz a la crítica radical, a la acción social autónoma y al ideal anarquista.
South Central Farmers: Displaced, NOT Defeated (tags)
This month marks the one year anniversary of the brutal and violent eviction of the South Central Farmers. Today, they gather for a special monthly gatheringi at their Tianguis to reflect and celebrate moving forward.
60 billones valen los indocumentados para el Congreso de EU (tags)
El Congreso de EU penaliza la pobreza e impone multas de 5 mil dólares por indocumentado que quiera legalizar su situación migratoria.Así el indocumentado se convierte en una mercancía desechable y en un ser invisible sin derecho a voto por 12 años, ni poder reunificar a su familia.
Local Soldier, William "Tony" Farrar Jr., Killed in Iraq (tags)
William Farrar Jr. was killed Friday after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. was driving the vehicle as part of a convoy patrolling an area in Iskandariyah, Iraq, about 30 miles south of Baghdad, according to his father and a Pentagon news release.
The internet medias in Acapulco (tags)
They are not media, they say
Fernando Suarez del Solar Fasts for Peace (tags)
GAPP to Participate in Fast for Peace March 21, 2007
(Video) Nablus: 2 New Clips from Military Operation "Hot Winter" (tags)
Today, a-films and RJI released another two short video-interviews from the recent military operation in Nablus, Occupied Palestine. The first interview was conducted with Ashraf al-Tibi, the injured son of 'Anan al-Tibi, whom the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) shot dead on February 26th, 2007. The second interview is with 11-years-old Jihan Tahdush, who was used as a "human-shield" by Israeli soldiers during house-to-house searches in the Old City of Nablus.
Local Marine, Alejandro Carrillo, Killed in Iraq (tags)
A 22-year-old Marine sergeant from Carson, who often came back to his high school alma mater to encourage students to stay in school, has been killed in combat in Iraq. Marine Sgt. Alejandro Carrillo, a Carson High School graduate, died Jan. 30 while conducting combat operations in Anbar. He was a driver with a combat logistics battalion.
Carta del comisario a la señora Maigret y a Jacques Chirac (tags)
El comisario Maigret explica a su esposa y a Jacques Chirac, respectivamente, su orgullo ante la capacidad de autocrítica que acaba de descubrir en la misma y su rechazo a los excesos de manipulación mediática cometidos por las derechas post-modernas.
Local Soldier, David T. Toomalatai, Killed in Iraq (tags)
Soldier enlisted 'to access all his dreams,' but died in Iraq. David Toomalatai, 19, spent time with his baby son before tour as a medic. He is the youngest South Bay fatality so far.
Local Soldier, Cornell C. Chao, Killed in Iraq (tags)
U.S. Army pilot Cornell Chao, 36, formerly of Fullerton, died Sunday when his Apache helicopter crashed in Najaf, Iraq.
Local Marine, Anthony C. Melia, Killed in Iraq (tags)
U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Anthony C. Melia died Saturday while conducting combat operations in Anbar province in Iraq, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Local Soldier, Brian Scott Freeman, Killed in Iraq (tags)
Freeman was killed Saturday in Karbala, Iraq when his Civil Affairs unit was ambushed by Iraqi insurgents disguised as U.S. troops.
Today, people didn’t want to talk about fear, but instead about the anger the repression has filled them with. They denounced the government and proudly upheld their struggle. The last six months has changed people. They have stood up—or as many describe it, finally the people have said “enough,”—and and the changes that thousands are going through are not so easily crushed.
Report from Oaxaca - Dec. 22 - "Fear and Then a Wave of Joy" (tags)
Over and over and over again the same story repeats itself: "We were kidnapped, beaten, hands tied and thrown face-down in a truck with a kick to the head for trying to look up. We were taken to a helicopter and they said 'let's see if you can fly' . . .we thought we were going to die." Then today came a wave of joy -- thousands of people marching through the city of Oaxaca (along with other towns in Oaxaca, throughout Mexico, in the U.S. and Canada, in Europe, and in Latin America), their chants and songs filling the air for miles.
Mythic Figures Spooking Dubya (tags)
President George W. Bush, the quintessential warmonger, is on the defensive! If you look close enough, you can see the fear in his eyes. Since 2005, Cindy Sheehan, an “Earth Mother,” has been challenging him to a face-to-face meeting. The cowardly Bush has declined. Meanwhile, other splendid activists, like the “Hero/Patriot” from the mythic past, are demanding the impeachment by the U.S. Congress of both Bush and V. P. Dick Cheney.
¡Alto a la represión en Apurímac (Perú)! (tags)
El gobierno central ha decretado el Estado de Emergencia en Apurímac, por 30 días. Es una paso más en la oleada represiva y antidemocrática que se vive en el país ( Cajamarca, Puno, Ilo). Son pasos hacia un estado policiaco.
Services Held for Local Marine, Mario D. Gonzalez , Slain While on Iraq Duty (tags)
Family, friends, and fellow Marines honored a hero Saturday with applause and a standing ovation. Services were held for Mario "Danny" Gonzalez, 21, of La Puente at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Baldwin Park. The Marine lance corporal was killed Nov. 14 when a roadside bomb exploded near his convoy vehicle in the Anbar province of Iraq. Copyright © 2006 Pasadena Star-News
Rudy A. Salcido, Local Soldier Killed in Iraq, Laid to Rest (tags)
The funeral service of Sergeant 1st Class Rudy A. Salcido at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside November 21, 2006. Salcido was killed November 9th in Iraq while serving in the war. Copyright © 2006 Los Angeles Newspaper Group
Local Soldier, Jang H. Kim, Killed in Iraq (tags)
Jang H. Kim – a member of the Army's 26th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division – died Monday from injuries suffered when a homemade bomb exploded near his vehicle during a combat operation in Baghdad.
Feeling misled by the military, families adding anger to grief (tags)
Hey don't be so negitive!!! Look at the Iraq war as a jobs program for Generals!!!! Of course we are forced to pay for it at gun point, and our kids are dying for it in Iraq and Afganistan
Killed in Iraq, Local Sailor Charles O. Sare, Remembered (tags)
Family, friends, colleagues and supporters recalled Sare's infectious smile, compassion and friendliness during funeral services at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hemet. Sare died Oct. 23 in Iraq when an explosive device struck his vehicle. He is the fourth Hemet High School alumnus killed in Iraq.
Steep phone rates cut off youth offenders from home (tags)
It’s not about rehabilitating juvenile delinquents! It’s about shaking down the kids parents for money!
Has Mumia's Favorite Cult Killed Again? (tags)
(English/Espanol) Propuesta para reunion de Intergalacticos en Sur de California (tags)
...nuestra idea es llamar a quienes son como nosotros y unirnos a ellos, en todas partes donde viven y luchan... — Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona (310) 424-7646 (solo para mensajes)
Hastert to marry Palmer. (tags)
In a Christian ceremony
Basta Ya?!?!
Mayor Compares ICE Raids to Nazi Germany (tags)
"This reminds me of what I read about Nazi Germany, the Gestapo coming in and yanking people up," Slater said.
Military Families Speak Out 'Visit' Rep. Dana "Warbacker", Huntington Beach (tags)
Durante las celebraciones satánicas que tuvieron lugar en Miami a raíz de conocerse la Proclama del compañero Fidel, apareció,el siguiente proyecto: crear el Estado 51 de los Estados Unidos que se llamaría Havami
Chicago Mother's Struggle AGainst Deportation reaches Los Angeles! (tags)
EL LIBERTARIO # 48: Destruyendo la arquitectura de la represión (tags)
* El nuevo número del vocero de la Comisión de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) de Venezuela comienza a distribuirse, con contenidos de imprescindible lectura para quienes se interesen en aproximarse a una voz ácrata de ideas y acción que ya es bien conocida en los medios radicales alternativos de Venezuela y de todo el ámbito de habla hispana.
¿Herbolaria? Mis amigas las plantas (tags)
Las plantas son la familia de uno, son amigas, son parientes y se les quiere, se les respeta, se les ama, y por tanto se les conoce. Hay que conocer su personalidad, su humor, su trato, y nunca verlas como una sustancia a nuestro servicio. Cualquier otra visión es parcial, no integral
Sen. McCain's son joins Marine Corps (tags)
Lets hope and Arab freedom fighter with an IED or sniper rifle gets lucky when this guy gets to Iraq!
"Murder suspect's motives remain a mystery" (tags)
"Murder suspect's motives remain a mystery" that’s cop talk for honest we didn’t coheres a confession from this guy!
The Foundations of Political AntiCuban. (tags)
More resources for their agents, none for the Cuban town neither it stops their churches and their fraternal associations; teams for the traitors and terrorists that facilitate their work genocides, but it doesn't stop the hospitals that return the view, the health and the life; I support material for the mercenaries, threats, punishments and to the jail for those who look for the family new encounter.
South Central Farms 2005 Live Concert CD with Zack De La Rocha, Son De Madera, and more.. (tags)
In November 2005 thousands came to the South Central Farms to attend a benefit concert in support of this struggle. The concert featured Zack De La Rocha with Son De Madera, Los Cojolites, Quetzal , and many others. You can download the entire LIVE compilation CD from this historical event below.
En CUBA siempre es 26... (tags)
Conmemoración del 26 de Julio...
South Central Farm 2005 Live Concert CD , Zack De La Rocha, Son De Madera, and more (tags)
Save The Farm (live concert compilation CD - NOVEMBER 2005) Zack De La Rocha, Son De Madera, Los Cojolites, Quetzal, and more..
Raza Students continue to say “No Somos El U.S. Army, NO to the Occupation of Iraq, and NO to troops on the border!"
Dumb ass LA cop lets his 3 year old son shoot him! (tags)
Now if your son or my son got the gun and shot someone we would be charged with several crimes. Will this cop be charged with a crime? Probably not!!!! They never are.
Old lady guilty of walking to slow (tags)
A new way for the government to shake down people for money? Yea they waved the fine this time, but once they get the taste of $114 for shaking down one old fart for walking too slow they will never stop shaking down old folks who walk too slow!
PGS nº 9 :: KirCHner: el BoNaparTismo PosModerno (tags)
Hoy la burguesía siente la necesidad de acabar con los republicanos pequeños burgueses, como en el 2002 había comprendido la necesidad de acabar con los trabajadores posfordistas revolucionarios. El burgués inteligente se pregunta: ¿por qué no hacemos permanentes las vacaciones parlamentarias?... Es que Kirchner ya ha clausurado el Congreso hace rato.
LOS NIÑOS DE NUEVO SOL y los niños índigo (tags)
Llamados del Nuevo Sol, “índigo” “superdotados”, “distintos” o como sea, son niños y niñas creativos, libres, cuestionadores de la autoridad ciega, alegres, fluídos, vienen para cambiar la realidad y generan ya, poco a poco, una sociedad mucho mejor. La Medicina tradicional entiende y cuenta con terapias adecuadas para la formación creativa de estos seres especiales.
La Medicina Tradicional Mexicana del Siglo XXI (tags)
Estamos en un proceso de apertura, de expansión, y de actualización para los nuevos tiempos
Audio/Video Son Jaracho (7min)
Local Marine, Salvador Guerrero, Killed in Iraq (tags)
Marine Lance Cpl. Salvador Guerrero, 21, died in combat in Al Anbar province, Iraq, June 9, 2006.
Lieutenant defies Army over 'illegal' war (tags)
Repost from Hawaii. Lieutenant refuses to fight, faces prison time. No CO status, just opposed to this specific war.
Operation Iraqi Freedom (tags)
Hoy Atenco, Manana SouthCentral FArm (tags)
!Se ha visto, se ha escuchado: La Otra del Otro Lado ha despegado!!!!!
Photos of evening concert vigil at the largest urban farm in the United States. Supporters patrol area into the night, calling all to participate in a 24 hours a day vigil to protect the South Central Farmers from the sheriff's eviction.
Turner Complains:Son's School Hurt by Immigrants (tags)
Joe Turner interview in "Hoy": Complains about his son's school having Mexicans. Translated from Spanish.
Why I Cannot Support The Troops In Iraq (tags) is absolutely necessary that I ask who, in fact, should be held responsible for the ongoing destruction of a such a substantial portion of the infrastructure of Iraq, the death of half a million children during an earlier embargo, the killing of as many as 100,000 innocent Iraqis, the deaths of 2,500 American soldiers, and the horrible injury of at least 25,000....
Hundreds Attend Funeral Service for Local Soldier Raymond L. Henry, Killed in Iraq (tags)
A group of nine high school friends and an Anaheim family say farewell to a soldier killed on patrol in Iraq.
Los Angeles: empoderamiento latino entre caos racial (tags)
Las recientes marchas por los derechos de los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos son imprescindibles, pero detrás de ellas hay aún un grave desconcierto interracial por resolver. Hace falta una ideología unificadora de las diferencias entre las etnias, entre las razas, por encima de sus inclinaciones sociales, culturales, económicas.
Fountainhead: XXI Black International Cinema Berlin Germany, St. Louis Mo. 2006! (tags)
Overview of an international, intercultural film festival presentation at the St. Louis Art Museum & Berlin Germany 2006!
why would the police gas thousands ofinoccent people
Una comida binaria tamaño grande, por favor (tags)
La McDonaldización del activismo intersex
Son del Centro y El Pinche Simón: El Enemigo Común in Santa Ana (tags)
On February 18th, about 50 people came out to El Centro Cultural de México in Santa Ana to hear Son del Centro perform son jarocho music and see a premier screening of El Enemigo Común.
Children raped at Abu Ghraib (tags)
Minors routinely tortured for CIA
“López Obrador instaurará una izquierda sin excesos dogmáticos de delirio” (tags)
Ciudad de México.- Uno de los principales estrategas y hombre de confianza del candidato puntero a la presidencia de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, del PRD, es sin duda Ricardo Monreal, ex gobernador del estado de Zacatecas. El hoy relevante constructor del tejido de las redes ciudadanas extendidas por todo el país en apoyo del presidenciable tabasqueño, en la primera etapa de la campaña hacia las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio, define ideología política, similitudes y distancias con las izquierdas latinas, y aclara los vínculos o diferencias con las mismas.
Estos no son mis solados! (tags)
Estos no son mis solados!
Para Celeste, cuando tenga edad de leerlo.
Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)
The crumpled wreckage of a U.S. military OH-58D Kiowa helicopter lies on its side, Friday, Jan. 13, 2006, in Mosul, 360 kilometers (225 miles) northwest of Baghdad, Iraq. The reconnaissance helicopter went down in the afternoon Friday, killing its two pilots. Military officials say that there were indications the crash was due to hostile ground fire. (AP Photo/Nick Wadhams)
-International Terrorism: definition. -Globalization: a simple definition. -Update Capitulate corresponding book "DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION”(GOOGLE) If to somebody it interests the extensions to him of the appointments, look for in google /yahoo "Terrorismo global y local” According to the book “DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION” (amazon, google, yahoo, netbiblo, Foro-los retos de la globalización, foro recoletos,, elcorteingles, netbiblo, !POR UNA GLOBALIZACION QUE SITUE EN SU CENTRO EL DESARROLLO HUMANO INDIVIDUAL!
Laro Nicol's oldest son dies in motorcycle accident (tags)
Please send love and support to Laro and his family. On Friday night, Laro James Nicol was killed while riding his motorcycle. Laro James Nicol is the old son of Laro Nicol, a long-time Phoenix-area activist, who is serving a 2-year prison term.
Ariel Sharon se muere, Bush reza (tags)
Primer Ministro israelí Ariel Sharon agonizante: Bush y el gobierno estadounidense "oran por él"
EZLN Otra Campana asambleas comienzan (tags)
Crónica de la asamblea en San Cristobal. Dos de enero 2006
Venezuela: un Cardenal sermonea sobre las Misiones (tags)
* Partiendo de lo descrito por un conocido defensor en el extranjero del actual gobierno venezolano, se examina lo que hay tras las promocionadas Misiones o programas de acción social del régimen chavista.
Depuis plusieurs semaines voire plusieurs mois, on peut trouver sur une multitude de sites internet un descriptif mensonger des idées et des actes que l’on me prête… tout cela étant tiré d'un seul et même article écrit par un partisan d'Aristide.
Letter From A Military "Mom": Domestic Spying & Incident of Intimidation of Mili (tags)
author: Written by: Robin Vaughan
LEVANTAMiento de paris :¿los esclavos queman la plantacion? por ABUY NFUBEA (tags)
Reflexión sobre la revuelta francesa.Comunicación presentada el 2º Congreso Panafricano de España. La misma busca profundizar en las razones no confesadas de la revuelta DESDE LA PERSPECTIVA DE LA SEGUNDA GENERACION PANAFRICANA
Minuteman leader has troubled past (tags)
Minuteman leader Chris Simcox paints himself as a heroic guardian of national security. Those close to him see him differently.
Concert to Support the South Central Farmers (tags)
Zack de la Rocha, members of Ozomatli, Quetzal, and others perform to support the struggle of the South Central Farmers
Kirsten Anderberg's Selfish Hate-Fest Against Cindy Sheehan (tags)
Why is Anderberg slandering Sheehan?
Concert for the South Central Farm (tags)
Zach de la Rocha, Members of Ozomatli, Quetzal and others join 350 Families in South L.A. to Defend Community Farm Concert to save the community farm @ 41st & Alameda. Nov. 22nd event will mobilize the community in Support of the South Central Farmers
SAT 11/12 NOON: Peace Procession Led by Families of Soldiers Killed in Iraq (tags)
Peace Procession Led by California Contingent of Gold Star Families Carrying Large Photos of Loved-Ones and Joined by Iraq Vets and Veterans For Peace Including Famed Vietnam Vet Ron Kovic Followed by 400 Pallbearers Carrying 100 Flag-Draped Mock Coffins
la chusma insurrecta desea incendiar el paraiso
NOV 11-13: Arlington West Veterans Day Weekend (tags)
400 Volunteers are needed at Arlington West just north of Santa Monica Pier at 9AM on Saturday, November 12th to carry 100 flag draped coffins on a procession thru Santa Monica. To volunteer call Tonia at 310.455.2688.
The ill childhood of Ari Vatanen's son at UK's boarding school (tags)
Today's YP writes about reveals Kim Vatanen's - the son of Ari Vatanen - ill childhood based on nature writer Juha Jormanen's book "Hell Isle - Kim Vatanen's seven years in Boarding School [Helvetinsaari - Kim Vatasen seitsemän vuotta sisäoppilaitoksessa (Gummerus)]". Article also reveals how Kim Vatanen had to use therapy improving his mental health.
Barbara Bush shows no compassion for hurricane Katrina victims (tags)
Barbara Bush shows no compassion for the people who lost their lives, and homes, in the hurricane Katrina catastrophe.
'This is criminal': Report from New Orleans (tags)
There were enough school buses that could have evacuated 20,000 people easily, but they just let them be flooded. My son watched 40 buses go underwater - they just wouldn't move them, afraid they'd be stolen.
Camp Casey Is Here To Stay (tags)
There is a new song written to honor Cindy Sheehan's effort to stop the war in Iraq
lyrics posted below.
DOWNLOAD this song for FREE.
(Right click, and choose "Save as...")
Nothing to report from Iraq's front, America (tags)
Here is a president who purposefully, if blindly, took his nation to war, brandishing with equal mastery ignorance and incompetence...
Reflexiones en torno a la VI Declaración de la Selva Lacandona (tags)
* El Movimiento Libertario Cubano (MLC) presenta a consideración y debate colectivo sus reflexiones en torno al pronunciamiento hecho público en julio de 2005 por el EZLN, en el estado de Chiapas, México.
Military Father Speaks Out Against the Iraq War (link to mp3 audio) (tags)
A conversation with Dexter Kamilewicz, a Maine father who's son is speaking out about the conditions he and the other troops are really facing in Iraq.
Whether Bush was putting words in an Idaho mother’s mouth, or whether it was her own words, there’s a big difference between supporting the stationing of your kids in a war zone and having your kid killed there.
Cindy Sheehan disingenuous in denying writing that son died for Israel in Iraq (tags)
Cindy Sheehan disingenuous in denying writing that son died for Israel in Iraq
Rumsfeld Snubs Gold Star Mother (tags)
Rumsfeld Snubs Gold Star Mother
For the first time in Orange County, son jarocho & hip-hop on one stage! (tags)
July 29, Friday! 29 de Julio, el viernes! For the first time in Orange County, son jarocho & hip-hop on one stage! Musica de resistencia, comin' atcha!
El deseo y la necesidad (tags)
"No lograrán sus objetivos"
Local Sailor, Killed in Iraq, Honored (tags)
Ceremony honors fallen sailor. Pomona man died while serving in Iraq.
Local Sailor Killed in Iraq (tags)
A corpsman with a Marine patrol, Baez was killed by small- arms fire, said Navy spokeswoman on Friday. He had served 10 years in the Navy after serving four years in the Marine Corps.
Gold Star and Military Families Call for Truth Regarding Downing St. Memo (tags)
by MFSO (No verified email address) 14 Jun 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 14, 2005 Contact: Cindy Sheehan 707-365-7750 Celeste Zappala 215-570-5484 Gold Star and Military Families Call for Truth Regarding Downing St. Minutes (memo), Members to Visit Congress
Hunter Thompson was murdered. (tags)
Hunter was murdered The weapon used to end Hunter Thompson's life was found with a full clip and no round in the chamber, with a shell casing 'at his feet' from a weapon that kicks a shell OUT and ALWAYS RE-CHAMBERS the next round. Do you smell rotten fish?
SANTA ANA***CELEBRATE re-opening of El Centro Cultural De Mexico (tags)
this saturday, live show, free food!! help celebrate this very important community space in the santaana
PROTEST – Downey Killer Cops (tags)
As reported by twistedbadge ***** At high noon next Saturday, February 19, 2005, the family of slain motorist Gonzalo Martinez will lead a March for Justice in memory of their son, brother and cousin. The march will begin following a bilingual rally at the corner of Firestone & Woodruff in Downey.
We’ll soon have 150,000 U.S. troops stuck in the ever-expanding Iraqi quagmire, a number that will probably grow even larger before Iraq holds elections presently scheduled for the end of January ’05.
Set the date! Time to bring the troops home (tags)
Lawmakers rejected Bush’s boast in his State of the Union address that the Jan. 30 election in Iraq vindicates his war policy.
Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)
Oxnard soldier Army Pfc. Kevin M. Luna killed in Iraq accident.
Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)
Simi sailor dies in Iraq crash John House leaves wife, newborn son
What is the reality of the far left's favorite cult?
Children and Natural Disasters: Sylmar '71, Northridge '94, Quakes to Tsunamis (tags)
The recent Tsunami in Asia reminded me of the Northridge Earthquake in some ways. The chaotic aftermath, the immediate panic...It reminded me of the fears as a parent I have had during major earthquakes. So, I have written this essay talking about kids and parents in natural disasters...
Land of the Paranoid, Bunker of the Skittish (tags)
December 21, 2004 Bunker of the Skittish Losing It in America By DAVE LINDORFF In this post-Columbine, post 9-11 era, America has simply lost it. Just this past week, a 10-year old girl who brought a pair of scissors from home to school in her school bag to continue work on a magazine clipping class project, was summarily turned over to police in Philadelphia by a bureaucratically blinded principal, who allowed her to be shipped off to jail, handcuffed, in a police wagon. The principal didn't even bother to notify the frightened child's mother, who learned of her daughter's ordeal when police detectives called her and said they had her daughter in a holding cell. The school district is justifying its over-the-top handling of this incident by citing the several hundred cases of weapons and sharp objects being brought into Philadelphia schools this year, as well as some serious incidents of attacks on students by other students. Earlier, a young boy's parents in Ohio were interrogated by detectives from the local sheriff's office because their junior high school son, in a classroom discussion on the war in Iraq, had opined that he hoped American soldiers would all be killed in that military adventure. The boy had not engaged in violence, nor threatened it; he had merely expressed a perhaps unpopular and unpatriotic political wish. The list of these over-zealous persecutions of children resembles nothing so much as the mentality of the Puritans during the Salem witch trials. I experienced a little of this madness myself when my son's second-grade teacher called his mother and me in for a meeting. We had no idea what the problem was but the woman sounded dead serious. When we arrived, she sat us down in the classroom and handed us a sheet of drawing paper, saying in a voice that sounded like someone had just died, "I found your son drawing this in class." We looked at the page, on which were neatly arrayed a set of artfully drawn swords of all types-daggers, scimitars, cutlasses, epees, broadswords, dirks and the like. We both broke out in laughter, to the teacher's dismay. Our son, we explained, was fascinated with medieval weaponry, and this was a graphic cataloging of his knowledge. What did she think? That our second-grade, 48-lb son was going to come to school with a Roman broadsword and decapitate a few classmates someday? The teacher looked skeptical, but the matter was quietly dropped. What made this visit so annoying was that our son has never shown the least sign of violent or aggressive behavior, and in fact is known for his openness and willingness to be friends with everyone he meets. What is going on here? Universities report that they are losing foreign students, who used to flock to this country to study, because the immigration service now makes it so difficult for anyone from overseas to get a student visa. Many potential students have just given up the idea of going to the U.S. because it's not worth the hassle or the unpredictability of the visa process. Even in Taiwan, where I taught last spring, which has yet to send a terrorist to American shores and which probably ranks among the most pro-American societies in the world, frustrated students say they are given the third degree when they apply for a visa to study in the U.S. Every foreign student these days is viewed as a potential terrorist! The Home of the Brave has become the Bunker of the Skittish. It's not that the nation has become less safe, either. Schools always had bullies, kids with knives, and in fact, by most measures, the crime rate has been falling (though you wouldn't know this if you get your news watching local television). And don't get me wrong. I don't want kids coming to school with guns either. But probably the best way to guard against that would be to make it harder for them to get guns-something our perverse society and political leadership seem averse to doing. What seems to have gone wrong is this notion that bureaucratic rules and draconian punishments will cure the problem. Principals and teachers, like those involved in the above incidents are checking their common sense at home and turning into slavish automatons on the job. Administrators are handing down so-called "zero tolerance" guidelines on behavior and even speech that belong in China, the former Soviet Union or Iran, not in an American school. The answer to student alienation is not more draconian school rules, any more than the answer to anti-American terrorism is banning foreign exchange students. What we need are more humane and engaged schools. If the welfare and development of all students is the goal, students who misbehave or exhibit anti-social behavior will be treated with kindness and sensitivity, and offered appropriate treatment or therapy, not shipped off in cuffs in a police van.
Inner Dialog of a Backstabber (tags)
What goes around comes around.
Palabra Rebelde
Local Soldier Killed in Iraq, Grandmother Dies On Way to Funeral (tags)
Army Private First Class Jose Ricardo Flores The grandmother of a local soldier killed in Iraq earlier this week died in a car crash as she traveled from Mexico to attend his funeral.
Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)
For Soldier, Military was ‘His Mindset’ Cole Larsen, killed in Iraq, was the latest in a long family tradition of fighting at wartime.
Two Marine Corps Buddies Inseparable in Life, Death (tags)
Jeremiah A. Baro, and Jared P. Hubbard were best buddies and died together in Iraq.
2 California Soldiers Killed in Iraq (tags)
Marine Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro, 21, Fresno
Miles de pacientes muertos, la complicidad de importantes miembros de la comunidad médica y la codicia ciega de grandes corporaciones son algunos elementos de lo que, para muchos expertos, ya constituye una crisis farmacéutica mundial.
Globalización, Internet y “Nueva Economía” (tags)
1-GLOBALIZACION, INTERNET Y “NUEVA ECONOMIA” 2-WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION ? Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega(google)-Autor del libro “Diez horas con la globalización”(google,yahoo,wanadoo,elcorteingles,,amazon,,netbiblo.......) “ Los grandes beneficiarios de Internet no son las empresas de la nueva economía sino las de economía real, que pueden rediseñar ingresos, aumentar ventas y disminuir costes”.
I am a mother . . . The power in the lone feminine voice raised in protest (tags)
A voice is rising above the wails of grieving mothers heard around the world. It's a bold and angry voice speaking out against the tyrants who cold-heartedly consume our children in the name of phony "Wars on Drugs" and "Wars on Terror."
"President Bush, You Killed My Son! I dare you to tell me the Iraq war was justified! (tags)
An interview with Sue Niederer, Military Families Speak Out member, whose son Lt. Seth Dvorin was killed in Iraq on February 3rd, 2004
Marines Press Charges Against Distraught Dad (tags)
Marines Press Charges Against Distraught Dad
Father Torches Van After News of Son's Death in Iraq (tags)
Flames consume this van after a father who'd just learned his son died in Iraq set it afire while inside.
The thieves that stood before the cross, the betrayal as the foundation of parents who don't have a clue. The cries of spirituality that youth seeks within the circles of hell. who just don’t give a dam children who cry out for help, leaders who don't know how to lead, and social workers, who don't know how to be social, teachers who don't know how to teach.
"The pain of my son's death does not get any better, it just gets worse as time goes (tags)
Interview with Celeste Zappala, Mother of Army Sgt. Sherwood R. Baker
La preparación para el calor, con un ambiente de la protesta en mente, aliviará presión a l@s médicos de la calle que a menudo son abrumados por los casos derivados del calor, y te dará más energía, y menos malestar, durante protestas en verano....
Equality under the Law.. Not! (tags)
Blacks denied access to educational testing by California Law.
To Ronald Reagan the Death of a Son Of a Bitch (tags)
To Ronald Reagan the Death of a Son Of a Bitch poem by Mario Benedetti
Bringing Electricity To Their Asses (tags)
With the recent court-martial trial of one of the soldiers complicit in the widespread torturing of Iraqis in Abu Ghraib prison having come and gone, Iraqis see the newest promise made by the U.S. -- to clean up their act regarding the treatment of detained Iraqis -- as being yet more empty words.
Videotape shows revelers at celebration. Survivors of May 19 airstrike cast doubt on U.S. account
Video shows the truth about Iraqi wedding (tags)
OK, so there's a video of the wedding and a video taken after the US bombed the wedding that proves the Americans are lying.
Justice Draws Closer for Gonzalo Martinez (tags)
Family and friends held a candlelight vigil outside the Downey Police Station to mark the police killing of Gonzalo Martinez. Words of grief, encouragement and now finally solid hope were exchanged.
Parents blame Bush for son's execution (tags)
"That's really what cost my son his life, the fact that the United States government saw fit to keep him in custody for 13 days without any of his due process or civil rights" -- Mr Berg
An opinion piece on current elections using past events as a Point Of Reference.
US Army Pfc. Roger Lewis has been in Iraq for 13 months and is backing Bush in November. However his father, a Vietnam Vet, is throwing his support behind Kerry. But the one thing they both agree on is; the US has no business fighting this war.
The newspapers on December 30 reported that 477 American GIs had died in the war. But what is not usually reported is that for every death there are four or five men and women seriously wounded. The term "seriously wounded" does not begin to convey the horror. Sergeant Feldbusch's mother, Charlene Feldbusch, who, along with his father, virtually lived at his bedside for two months, one day saw a young woman soldier crawling past her in the corridor. She had no legs, and her three-year-old son was trailing behind. These people pay the price because Americans lack the courage to throw the lying government out on its ass. Every one of those crippled kids looks at America with one message in their eyes, "You could have stopped this, but didn't".
Grieving moms & dads: ‘End the war!’ (tags)
Capítulo actualizado del libro “Diez horas con la Globalización”(google)(Editado por Netbiblo en 2.001 Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega (google)-Autor del libro “Diez Horas con la globalización”(google,, amazon, foro-los retos de la globalización,, netbiblo, yahoo...) 1-LO QUE EMPIEZA A ESTAR RAZONABLENTE CLARO 2-PERFIL DEL TERRORISMO GLOBAL. 3-PERFIL DEL TERRORISTA GLOBAL Y SUS DIFERENCIAS CON EL TERRORISTA LOCAL 4-¿QUÉ HACER?.
An interview with Sherman Austin's Mother in G-spot (tags)
An interview with Sherman Austin's Mother, Jennifer Martin Ruggiero
The Passion of the Christ (tags)
A Muslim view on The Passion of the Christ.
It time to share the truth with others, please spread this far and wide...
Globalización, tiempo y angustia-“Diez horas con la globalización”(google) (tags)
According to the book-“DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACIÓN”(google,amazon,yahoo,Foro-los retos de la globalización, netbiblo,, “Hoy el tiempo se escapa a nuestras vidas, sin que logremos alcanzarlo, como consecuencia de una aparente aceleración del proceso vital-global .Se nos ofrecen cifras y porcentajes pero todos son inciertos, son obsoletos, han perdido su actualidad mientras nos los facilitaban”
Walking For A Better World - Melbourne Conference Speech (tags)
MFSO representative Jeff McKenzie's speech at the International Peace Pilgrimage Toward A Nuclear Free Future, Melbourne Conference on November 16th, 2003. Highlights include MFSO history, war in Iraq, protests in America, ending the nuclear cycle and the culture of war.
La prueba del SIDA de Naomi Klein (tags)
Escribo apesadumbrado por el sorprendente despliegue de ingenuidad de la autora de No Logo en su reciente "La prueba del Sida de Bush", publicado por Rebelión el 16 de octubre.
about the daily life as Tantalizer
Son of Nazi Becomes Governor (tags)
Its truly an incredible country where the son of a Nazi, admitted sexual harasser, and horrible actor becomes governor of the largest state in the United States, which also happens to be the fifth largest economy in the world. Like Don King says only in America.
When You Vote For Schwarzenegger, You Are His Bitch (tags)
A vote for Schwarzenegger is not a vote for an actor, or a politician, or a Republican, it is a vote for an ego.
They're out to get my son, the poor dumb bastard (tags)
They're out to get my son, the poor dumb bastard Chapter One: The Beginning of the End
Jesus Died Because Of Bush (tags)
The father of a soldier killed in Iraq accused President George Bush yesterday of being responsible for his son's death.
Answer to REAL POLITICS POST RE: “Sherman Austin” website (tags)
Yes, an injury to one is an injury to all, which is precisely the reason why you might want to consider researching the case so that you can gain a better understanding of the entrapment and coercion involved on the part of the government.
Revolution is the solution in PR (tags)
PR lives in a state of civil war with the violence in the streets perpetrated by drug traffic claiming 25 deaths / week. UJnemployment is rampant, and there have been cuts in education funding because of military expenditures
Hate Attack on Black Student in Murrieta (tags)
Sam Farr got beat up at school by two white students because he's black. The Deep South? South Central LA? No, Murrieta Valley High School.
Frontier ustice, Liberal Style (tags)
The idea of individualism, of personal responsibility, is the centerpiece, the granite foundation, of the very idea of a free people. For that reason, it is under direct attack on many fronts from people, who, through motives well-intentioned or ill, find such an idea intolerable because a nation of individuals is immune to repression, coercion, social engineering and control by the elite. The threat, as Lincoln so eloquently foresaw, comes from within and it is here, now, well-established and growing.
Último artículo del Unabomber (tags)
"Golpear donde duele", artículo del Unabomber traducido al castellano por
Give Lefty Money. See Lefty Whine. (tags)
You can't even give some people money without them complaining. Take these liberals for instance. Do you suppose they're crying because they're really upset, or is this just politics talking for them? I mean it's their money, right? Perhaps they should give the checks to charity? Perhaps they could endorse over their "ill gotten gains" to me? I'd be okay with that!
Aceleración del tiempo y angustia-"DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION"(Google,Amazo (tags)
"Hoy el tiempo se escapa a nuestras vidas, sin que logremos alcanzarlo, como consecuencia de una aparente aceleración del proceso vital-global .Se nos ofrecen cifras y porcentajes pero todos son inciertos, son obsoletos, han perdido su actualidad mientras nos los facilitaban"
''U.S. media misleading public on Iraq casualties'' (tags)
That the U.S. Media Lies is a Given. They are Paid Whores of the elites who own them. Here is one of the ways they lie.
New Press Sec's Pop's Book:: LBJ Killed JFK ? (tags)
Barr McClellan, father of newly appointed Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan, is reportedly soon to publish a book claiming he helped Lyndon Johnson plot the killing of John Kennedy in 1963.
Westwood Federal Building - Iranian March and Rally (tags)
July 8th 2003 Los Angeles CA -- Approximately 3000 marched down Wilshire Blvd through Westwood Village then rallied at the Federal Building The Event was held in solidarity with the Student Democracy Movement inside Iran. Huge support was displayed for George Bush and Reza Pahlavi, the late Shah of Iran’s son and heir to the throne.
Poor choices, missed chances, a life in trouble (tags)
Eric Daley, who was fleeing a traffic stop with more than two pounds, struck and killed trooper Johnson. Ironically it was not the state but Daley, described as a libertarian, who repeatedly failed to accept responsibility for his actions.
There are a great number of prisoners in Cuba living in subhuman conditions without having been charged, or have their names been released to the silent mainstream press. These are not Fidel Castro's prisoners, but prisoners of Bush's regime in Guantanamo, the US base.
Drug and alcohol addiction stops every day at Narconon Arrowhead. Below is an explanation of our program from the only source that matters -our students and their parents.
NYC: The Political Persecution of Juanita Young (tags)
The appalling loss of humanity (tags)
"Instead of apologizing for not letting me see my son, they won't even let me have the photographs. I never believed things would come to this," al-Ahmar said on the weekend in a telephone call from prison. "Do you know what I felt when the judge refused to let me have the photos? That I am living in the age of slavery, when children were taken from their fathers as soon as they were born."
FINDING KOBEHQ (sequel to finding nemo) (tags)
help us find out who is behind kobehq
War: John Brown by Dylan (tags)
Hear it in you heart of hearts. . .
Statement from Spokesperson for family of Injured Iraqi boy (tags)
Akbal Fithyab (Um Haider), the mother of Mostafa the 8-year-old Iraqi boy here in Los Angeles for medical care, wishes to thank those who have provided support and expressed interest in their story since their arrival. Both mother and son are resting from their travel and ask that no one disturb them for a few days.
'I saw the heads of my two little girls come off' (tags)
From April 2, 2003 Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney Australia
"Terrorismo global"-"DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION" (tags)
Objetividad-¿Tiene todo esto solución?-El fenómeno terrorista ya es global-Perfil del terorista global-Comprensión(UE) y autocrítica(EEUU)-14 actuaciones urgentes
Anti-war demonstrators wear blinders (tags)
The Iraqi nation is like a man who is kept captive and tortured by a gang of thugs. The anti-war protesters turn a blind eye.
"I thought those guys didn’t like the label ‘neocon.’ It means ‘new conservative,’ and they get upset when people use it to describe them. They’re really ‘former conservatives,’ aren’t they?" "All right, son, if you insist. If they are former conservatives, let’s not call them ‘neocons,’ but ‘ex-cons.’ Is that better?"
Families of military personnel and veterans speak out against war (tags)
The world has been galvanized into action against the Bush administration’s drive to war with Iraq. This is no less true in the United States. In all sectors of the U.S. population you will find anti-war sentiment – including in the armed forces and their families.
Bush Sr. Warns Son Over Unilateral Action (tags)
"This war is for Daddy" - how much legitimacy does he have now, when even "Daddy" says it's a bad idea?
Speak Out Against Police Brutality in Santa Ana-tonight (tags)
please see below
Speak Out Against Police Brutality in Santa Ana tomorrow (tags)
Come one, come all
I would like to inform you that my son, Mr. Alireza Ghazi Zahedi, is being held in INS Custody for 60 days without any legal bases. He is arrested illegally by the INS officers of San Bernardino, CA without any reasonable reason. Mr. Alireza Ghazi Zahedi is a peace & human rights activist. He has been faithful and great supporter of USA for advancing world peace. It is unfair and injustice for a great and peaceful country like USA to treat its supporters in this way.
Are we to apologize for Israel-bashing? -- Jeffrey Blankfort (tags)
Read journalist and Jewish anti-Zionist activist Jeffrey Blankfort’s response to racist Zionist apologist Rabbi Michael Lerner’s whining about his not being allowed to horn in on Sunday’s (2/16/03) huge San Francisco anti-war march and rally. (Posted by Joseph Anderson)
Need Callers ttonight at 6pm for Radio re Unjustified murder of Gonzalo Martinez (tags)
PLEASE CALL! We need callers for support on radio show that will be broadcast repeadetly until it is no longer necessary to obtain Justice for the wrongful death of Gonzalo Martinez. Join the parents of Gonzalo, Norberto & Norman on the anniversary of thei9r son's death.
Need Callers Gonzalo Martinez killed by Downey PD nearly 1 Year Ago (tags)
Need Callers, Thursday February 15th for support of Norberto & Norma Martinez and their son Gonzalo who was murdered by Downey PD
Dear Mr and Mrs Citizen (tags)
The kind of thing you can expect to find in your mailbox soon enough...
Michelle Taheripour, an immigration lawyer working to secure the release of a dozen of her clients, said INS officials had agreed late Thursday to waive bail for detainees whose bonds had been set below $5,000. As many as 300 detainees were expected to be released by nightfall, she said. Those detainees will be asked to return to immigration offices at a later date for questioning, she said.
parents of dying iraqii children vent fury at bush (tags)
pity itaq isnt a superduperpower, they could just attack america and do a regime change
Photoessay on MOVE emergency in Philadelphia, by W. Imarisha and H. Bennett (tags)
This photo-essay has work from both Walidah Imarisha and Hans Bennett. Walidah writes about the current emergency here in Philadelphia with the MOVE organization. Hans provides photos both from the MOVE home last week and of the demonstration on Friday.
Hacia donde va Indymedia? (tags)
Un aporte al debate abierto por Indymedia Thessaloniki
Deportations & The Drug War (tags)
Todos somos... argentinos - Mayo 37 (tags)
En Argentina y en todas las partes debemos gestionar directamente sin agentes estatales que son los partidos de izquirda, de derecha y los sindicatos. Esperemos que los militantes de base que militen en organizaciones "revolucionarias" argentinas abandonen estas las organizaciones y se disuelvan en los asambleas de populares y en los comites de obreros que nacen de vuestro movimiento y que abandonen, tambien, los esquemas politicos que mantienen los proletarios sometidos al capital.
Alleged Hijacker ALIVE?! (tags)
From the YAHOO World News page, comes this SHOCKING revelation.... the Father of one of the alleged Hijackers claims his Son is ALIVE!
Galician poetic activism / Activismo poético gallego (GZ) (tags)
Andar21 is the galician international poetry review, the voice of the galician poetic insurgency. Andar21 es la revista gallega de poesía internacional y el vocero de la insurgencia poética de Galiza. NON Á GUERRA!
Fortunate Son:Second Edition J.H. Hatfield (tags)
All of us here at Soft Skull mourn the passing of Jim Hatfield.
La situación de Colombia sigue empeorando (tags)
The war in Colombia rages on. The indigenous peoples especially are suffering the violence by the paramilitaries.
The Black Block in SD-FTAA Protest (bilingüe) (tags)
these are pictures of some of the protestors where some of the marchers were members of the Anarchist group who are self proclaimed as the Black Block... faces have been modified not only to protect the innocent, but just because I don't need these violent people on my ass... :-) Estas son fotos de unos protestantes que se auto-proclaman como el "Bloque Negro" o "Cuadrilla Negra" y basicamente son un grupo de anarchistas que se presentan a todas las protestas. he modificado la foto para no solo proteger el innocente, pero porque no quiero tener problemas con personas violentas como los del "bloque negro" je je...
USA TODAY - Special Edition on Mayday Monopoly (tags)
USA Today Corp.announces the year of 2001 as the year of Worldwide Mayday Monopoly.
KUCI Subversity show on D2K Protests (tags)
Realaudio file available of interview with civil rights attorney Carol Sobel on police overreaction after Rage Against the Machine concert Monday night (August 14, 2000); highlights from Mumia March on Sunday (August 13, 2000) including talks by Mumia's son; his lawyer Leonard Weinglass, and an interview with Weinglass.