fix articles 21780, a. the Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : a. the

a. the

US empire strikes back (tags)

Russia and China are no match for the United States’ Instruments of National Power. The Pale Blue Dot’s existence is at risk if nuclear weapons are employed by either one or both sides.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)

covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.

Why are the Lambs Silent? (tags)

Techniques-fragmentation and propaganda- make serious violations of moral norms by the ruling elites morally and cognitively invisible to the population. With many examples, professor Mausfeld gives insight in the management of our democracy and how people are kept in apathy.

Free Trade and Economic Growth instead of Democracy and Ecology (tags)

The TTIP agreement between the EU and the US creates a parallel private arbitration system where corporations can sue states for lost profits and decisions are irrevocable. Labor and environmental regulations can be invalidated as “takings” or “indirect expropriation.”

Politics Faded Out the Constitutional Offensiveness of Trade Agreements (tags)

The arbitration jurisdiction with the ISDS mechanism is the most controversial point of the two trade agreements. US corporations could file lawsuits against the German prohibition of gas production through fracking. Public interest laws could be stylized as "indirect expropriation."

World Shock At USA,s Atrocities (tags)

See a summary of the global study of my reports on the complete corruption of the government of the USA.

#UCLADivest (tags)

Some interesting news from twitter about BDS at UCLA.

TISA: Everything Will Be Marketed (tags)

A new agreement (TISA, Trade in Services Agreement) could privatize drinking water and health care through the back door. The resistance by many non-governmental organizations to the free trade agreement TTIP seems to pick up speed

Marilyn Manson video commemorates Abortion survivor and USA Holocaust Victim, slo-mo-tion (tags)

California has the largest prison population per capita in the USA and the USA has the largest on Earth. Marilyn Manson's video choreographer celebrates and SLO and Mobile Audit Club and more, Kurt Brown saint Ram Bone alleged survivor of abortion by FDIC murder

Book Review: "The Victory of Capital" (tags)

A society can only provide for the future by investing today in the production of tomorrow...What may be sensible economically for a private individual or individual business could be harmful for the national economy, particularly when the economy staggers.

14TH ANNUAL INT'L WOMEN’S DAY EVENT Women Surviving Globally, Surviving in SoCal (tags)

Rally at Downtown Jail.... March to the LAST BOOKSTORE.... Teach In.... under the banner Invest in Life and Welfare, Not War and Prisons!

In the Blockade Trap (tags)

Barack Obama must stimulate the economy with state spending. The astonishing example of Europe could convince republicans who in the past blocked everything... The monetary policy of a central bank cannot replace fiscal policy,

Republican Ideas on Copyright Silenced (tags)

A Republican Congressional committee wrote a paper on copyright that strongly aligned with the anti-SOPA movement, but it was quickly yanked after lobbying from the MPAA and RIAA.


An Orange County Superior Court judge has ordered a change of venue in a case pending against David Werdegar of San Francisco-based Institute on Aging (IOA).

Occupy L.A. Eviction (tags)

Lessons learned from Occupy L.A.

Collapsing Debt Towers (tags)

The crisis is 30 years old, not three years old. The causes of the crisis should be tracked down in the real goods-producing economy, not in the financial markets. The financial markets were keep alive up to the collapse of the speculative bubble by credit-financed demand.

Passionate Crew Makes Film (tags)

The Financial Crisis and the Failure of the Modern Economy (tags)

The US government debt shot up from 2.9% in 2007 to 5.9% in 2008 and 11.9% in 2009. At the summits of Washington, London and Pittsburg, the goat was made the gardener. Ineffective rules were resolved that hardly helped regulate the financial markets.

State Sponsored Terror U.S.A. (tags)

The government authored threat contained herein displays a custom, policy and procedure established in the United States for over a decade that is highly offensive to the United States Constitution and U.S. law.

Irvine Long War Memorial almost complete (tags)

The US's first and only memorial to ongoing wars is almost complete in Irvine, CA.

Orange County Adult Protective Services, Prosecuting and Stealing Property from Seniors (tags)

Did you work hard to make a fortune? Have you saved up for your retirement? Don't count on keeping your life's fortune if you live in Orange County, CA. The government wants everything you own.

Settlement Puts an End to Controversial Elephant Hill Development in Los Angeles (tags)

Settlement between City of LA and Monterey Hills Investors LLC puts an end to the controversial residential development of 24 luxury homes on Elephant Hill in the community of El Sereno in Los Angeles.

It Doesn't Matter Whether the CIA Lied to Pelosi (tags)

Don't be distracted by the finger pointing.

WA: Wells Fargo Attacked In Solidarity With Detainees (tags)

do something

Rep. Colón Wants County D.A. To Investigate Possible Fraud (tags)

Credenciales USA targeted for investigation on allegations of fraud and misrepresentation

"The End Game" by Elmar Altvater (tags)

Exodus from the fossil energy regime may not be entrance into a nuclear energy regime since that could lead to catastrophe. No one can exclude a new Chernobyl with 1300 new nuclear reactors by 2050. Elmar Altvater is an emeritus professor at the Free University of Berlin.

ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative) Has Brought Nicaragua out of Darkness (tags)

Nicaraguan foreign minister Samuel Santos explains how twice as many children are in school one year after the new government assumed power. Nicaragua now exports beans instead of importing beans. The South is helping itself.

Nazis in the Military (tags)

Swastikas at Hunter Airfield, and a Rabbi on the Run

Frank Moore's Presidential Campaign Speech Last Night (tags)

Last night, 2008 Presidential candidate Frank Moore delivered a campaign speech to an enthusiastic crowd of seniors, staffers and youth at the Claremont House retirement community in Oakland, CA. The text of his speech follows. Moore’s campaign has gained increasing popularity and media attention over the summer. He is considered one of the most interesting alternative candidates for President, and was just interviewed by London's The Independent for this very reason.

Global Warming Destroys Maple Sugar Industry (tags)

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet. We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

Reviewing Michael Parenti's "Democracy For the Few" - by Stephen Lendman (tags)

America's democracy serves only the privileged.

Thousands of Construction & Farm Workers Live in Hovels in Coachella Valley (tags)

The "Harvest of Shame" 1960 TV documentary program has been updated with the same horrifying conditions for the people who harvest our food and build and repair our homes, while they have almost no food and no homes, right here in filthy rich USA.

Come out with your hands up, Grover Trask! (tags)

Call for the arrest of several public officials, including the District Attorney of Riverside and two Superior Court judges for covering up/collusion in attempted murder.

Mumia's Best (and Last) Chance for a New Trial: A Legal Update (tags)

On October 23, attorney Robert R. Bryan (attorney for death-row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal) filed the 4th Step Reply Brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Philadelphia. Because this should be the last round of reply briefs, Bryan estimates that the public hearing of arguments should begin within three months. After the hearing, the panel of judges will then decide whether to grant Abu-Jamal a new trial.

Oppose and repeal The Military Commissions Act of 2006 (tags)

Now is the time to repeal the Military Commissions Act

Support needed for the South Central Farm activists in L.A. (tags)

Support needed for the South Central Farm activists in L.A.

Smuggling trial may come to an abrupt end (tags)

The courts may not agree with Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas imaginary law that you can conspire to smuggle yourself into the USA.

Media Non-event of 6/26/2006 (tags)

An important story was buried by the mainstream media last week: the 6/26 Senate Democrats hearing on Pre-Iraq War Intelligence. I offer this analysis of the media non-coverage of that damning (ergo, ignored) event. I hope you find it both enjoyable and informative -- and lament that no one else has done this bit of writing yet! Your servant, CPTMAY

SCF Farmers Market and Music Extravaganza Sunday (tags)

Julia Butterfly Hill Returns As Farmers and Supporters Maintain Vision For Saving The Farm

South Central Farm Crisis in Los Angeles (tags)

Willie Nelson, Darryl Hannah, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly-Hill support farmers in the struggle to save the nation's largest urban farm. Darryl Hannah appears on Larry King Live with Willie Nelson to show footage of eviction. Danny Glover calls eviction a Day of Mourning, a Day of Shame


The ACLA was so called convicted on threat statutes; also ordered to pay a HUGE civil award.) (This was the anti-abortion case-thing....

SOUTH CENTRAL FARM: Sheriffs expected to attempt evictions tomorrow at daybreak, Sat. morn (tags)

SOUTH CENTRAL FARM: Sheriffs expected to attempt evictions tomorrow at daybreak, Sat. Morning May 27.

Minutemen Coming to L.A. (tags)

The minuteklan will be in town tomorrow April 13th, 2006

Students March for Farmers at Cesar Chavez Walk L.A. (tags)

On Saturday, April 1st, at Historic Olvera Street in downtown Los Angeles, thousands gathered to celebrate the 8th Annual Cesar Chavez Walk L.A. The event was hosted by the United Farm Workers and the UFW Foundation. Hundreds of students support the UFW, South Central Farmers, and other organizations.

RIZAL IN THE U.S.A. (tags)

The anniversary of the death of the Philippines' national hero Jose Rizal this Dec. 30 affords us the occasion to reassess his work, particularly in the context of ongoing fierce class war in the Philippines between the oppressed, impoverished majority and the few privileged landlords and politicians bought by global capital. This is taking place at a time when the Philippines is being re-colonized by the U.S. as the world's imperialist hegemon. Would Rizal want the country partitioned to greedy transnational corporations and their national elites in the current terrorist war against peoples of color in particular? These reflections hope to provoke a re-thinking of what it means to be a Filipino with the Philippines in permanent crisis, using Rizal as a point of departure, especially in the light of its citizens becoming an embattled diaspora--more than ten million OFWs as exploited domestics and contract workers around the planet, while the country's rich natural resources, cultures and traditions are wasted by foreign profiteers of globalizing capital supported by local comprador parasites currently headed by the corrupt Arroyo regime. "O where is the hope of the motherland...."?


~~ Marking the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the FMLN, the party honors CISPES and other international solidarity organizations.

SOS to Exploit Racial Tensions in L.A. (tags)

The following was posted on the SOS website and was written by SOS founder, Joe Turner.

The G8 and Africa's unreported famine conditions (tags)

To close off the final day of the G8 summit, a special report I was saving for the end, and perhaps take my cue from the media to spread some wild rumours and maybe scare some people. Behind the scenes at Live 8 and the G8.

China's Rise to a Political and Economic Superpower (tags)

The US is increasingly losing its economic sovereignty..For the Chinese the third Iraq war was the harshest defeat in the short history of reintegration in the world economy. The more the US becomes entrenched in unilateralism the easier China finds allies.

Election 04: Stop US Aid to Israel (tags)

With the worldwide outcry at the murder and torture of Palestinians and theft of Palestinian land for 56 years with US tax dollars, it is long overdue that US voters demand that all candidates oppose US aid to Israel if they want our vote.

Life & Death in South L.A. (tags)

The decline of King/Drew Hospital should serve as a cautionary tale to anyone who clings to the notion that health care should be dispensed by the government.


That is four more dead troops in the bank for Persia. FOX NEWS CHANNEL lied as they paraphrased BIGADIER GENERAL MARK KIMETTE who will be dishonorably discharged from the military or I will deliver him personaly to the world court along with HENRY KISSINGER.

Big Brother (tags)

"There is every reason today to refer the negative utopia of George Orwell to the only remaining superpower - the America of George W. Bush. This is true for that schizophrenic form of mental indoctrination called `double think'.' Translated fr German

SOS2003 Speak Out At STRATCOM, August 1-3, Omaha, NE (tags)

The Bush administration wants to develop and deploy new nuclear weapons. Come to Omaha NE August 1-3, 2003 to speak out against this madness.

Crop Circle Update 7-2-2003 (tags)

Crop Circles continue to appear in fields around the world, yet the mainstream press' treatment is basically nonexistent.

It's better to ignore KOBE than to respond to KOBE. (tags)

How to deal with KOBE harassment of LA IndyMedia.


The installation's mission is to maintain fighter aircraft on continuous peacetime air defense alert to preserve U.S. air sovereignty. During wartime, the mission is to mobilize personnel and equipment for deployment to designated locations and to use air-to-air munitions in strategic defense of the North American continent.

We Speak America Screening (tags)

California Tomorrow would like to announce the LA debut of "We Speak America"

Talking The Talk (tags)

A meeting with the new Chief of Police was a great disappointment to local downtown residents.

ACTION ALERT: Stop the RAVE Act! (tags)

Late on Tuesday, April 8, 2003, a Senate and House Conference Committee, without a hearing, public notice or a debate in Congress, attached the Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act (formerly known as the RAVE Act) to the Amber Alert Bill (a child abduction bill). This is "backdoor" policy-making at its worst and in no way upholds the democratic principles rooted in our legislative process.

First hearing of (white wash) 9-11 commission set for Monday Morning in New York (tags)

The commission is conveniently timed to coincide with the Iraq war, when you Americans cannot question the pResident, the commander in chief of your armed forces, because now you have to be patriotic, right...

1) Pics of Westwood Anti-War Rally, More Civil Disobedience Arrests, Friday 03-21 (tags)

Report on 03-21-03. We had another tense evening in Westwood and West LA. The police tried again to intimidate the protesters with their excessive show of force. Many people got arrested, but the march went on anyway. The demonstrators put on another good show for the world to see. It felt so good to be there again with these beautiful people. Today (03-22-03) the demonstration on Hollywood boulevard and Wine at 12 Noon should be another huge success. I see you all there.



Location for protest of KKK white power music show in Southern CA 11-16 (tags)

Saturday November 16, at a Fairgrounds in Perris, CA in Riverside County. The address is 18700 Lake Perris Dr. Here are directions from LA.

(Updated) Thousands to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism (tags)

Massive Convergence at Ft. Benning, Georgia, November 15-17 to Close the School of the Americas; ACLU and SOA Watch Go to Court TODAY to Challenge Plan to Search Every Participant

ACLU & SOA Watch Challenge in Court Plan to Search Protest Participants (tags)

Thousands Expected to Arrive in Columbus, GA This Weekend to Expose Double Standard in the War on Terrorism


Who said who said?

Florida Farmworkers Visit Taco bell HQ (tags)

CIW delegation visiting Southern California stops by the Taco Bell Global Headquarters in Irvine.

CIW-Taco Bell Mini TruthTour arrives in Los Angeles (tags)

The Coalition of Immokalee Worker's "Mini-Tour" hits LA. The CIW delegation, shown here with student allies from UC-Berkeley at a demonstration in front of a Taco Bell on Friday, arrived in LA Sunday evening. Come out and join forces with the Taco Bell Boycott Monday at noon in Monterrey Park (near East LA) at the intersection of Atlantic and Cesar Chavez Blvds. for a lunchtime demo at a Taco Bell.

Join The Westwood Die In (tags)

Halloween comes early for the protests, and horror has come early to Afghanistan.

Saturday Anti-War March Meeting and Report On Said Meeting (tags)

Date and Times of Rally and commentary on tonights meeting.

Voz De Aztlan = Counter-Intelligence from Whitey-er, Pinche Vendidos! (tags)

Just a reminder to IMC non-Latinos and Chicanos to not be phased by the counter-intelligence coming from the middle class sell-outs ("vendidos") from Whitter, CA.

Boulder, CO Anti-FTAA Solidarity Action (tags)

An anti-FTAA and fair trade rally and march was held in Boulder, Colorado in solidarity with the FTAA demonstrations taking place everywhere. An estimated 150 people attended...


Urgent : City of San Diego Revokes Permit for US /Mexico Border Demonstration

Resist the FTAA in Arizona! (tags)

The Free Trade Area of the Americas plans to extend NAFTA across the entire Western hemisphere – from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego!

Students Storm Office, Deliver vote of no confidence to School Adminstration (tags)

Students Press for Adminastrative Reform and demand Alternative Models.

Arizona-Sonora Justice Alliance Takes On Republicrats; Turns Up the Heat On Gore (tags)

Arizona activist alliance news release for 8.14-15

Subway Turned Back in Downtown L.A. (tags)

The LAPD turn back a subway car headed into downtown L.A.

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