fix articles 2178, latino Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : latino


Soda Taxes (tags)

I wanted to open a discussion about the soda tax and other ways to try and discourage drinking sugary drinks.


After 11 days of testimony, trial ended this week in a landmark lawsuit filed by MALDEF alleging that Kern County unlawfully denies Latinos the right to elect candidates of their choice, in violation of Section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act. It was the first federal voting rights case in California in more than a decade.

34 countries, 17 states represented "100,000 Tweets for Oscar" Campaign Reaches over 500,0 (tags)

Over 500,000 people were reached on January 6, 2015, Oscar's 72nd birthday, as the National Boricua Human Rights Network and La Respuesta coordinated the "Social Media Campaign for Oscar López."

Latino Vegetarians: A Critical Mass (tags)

There are millions of anonymous Latina vegetarians. Here are brief stories of some Latino vegetarians.

Protest and March Against Columbus and White Supremacy! (tags)

Join us for our Anti-Columbus and Anti-White Supremacy protest, Saturday, October 12,2013 @11am, Placita Olvera st. 12pm March to Los Angeles Cathedral 1pm march back to Placita Olvera! 1-2pm Protest and Rally on Lawn of Placita Olvera. Signs will be provided by Mexica Movement. Bring water and sunscreen. Arrive early for parking and do your best to carpool! ***This will be a PEACEFUL protest. No bs tolerated. BOYCOTT THE AMERICAN LATINO MUSEUM! We are not Latinos! We are not Hispanics! This planned museum completely destroys our Indigenous identity and erases our presence. It is a complete act of genocide. Read the report for yourself and see the obvious cover-up. We are not Latinos! We are not Hispanics!

Napolitano to Head University of California (tags)


Everybody’s Home: An Unlikely Alliance Challenges the Financial Borg (tags)

"Día del Latino" en Occupy Riverside / Occupy Riverside's Latino Forum Celebrates (tags)

Sábado, 17 diciembre 2011
RIVERSIDE (California) - El Foro Latino de Occupy Riverside hoy celebró tres meses de la existencia del movimiento "Occupy" con comida tradicional, música de resistencia, y piñatas en el Parque Fairmount de esta ciudad del interior del sur de California.

Saturday, December 17, 2011
RIVERSIDE (California) - Occupy Riverside's Latino Forum celebrated three months of the movement's existence with traditional foods, music of resistance, and piñatas at Fairmount Park.

Federal indictment says Latino gang Azusa 13 targeted African-Americans (tags)

A federal indictment unsealed Tuesday accuses a Latino street gang in Azusa of trying to push black people out of the city. Authorities say it marks only the second time they?ve used federal civil rights laws against a criminal street gang.


US President Barack Obama on Tuesday stood at the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas again promised a ?comprehensive immigration reform? and a ?pathways to citizenship? to get Latino votes in the campaign for the coming 2011 elections. The EPCC stated that ? the EPCC is happy that the president and the Democratic Party is working to make their promise a reality. But he must do it now or before the election year, or else he will lose more popular votes?

Davy V. Confronts White America's Racism and prejudice against Latinos (tags)

Davy V. Confronts White America's Racism and prejudice against Latinos

Justice for Manuel Jamines (tags)

Demandamos que el Procurador Cooley Ponga Cargos de Asesinato y despidan a el policia Hernandez! Alto al Terror Policiaco en las comunidades Afro-Americanas, Latino and Migrantes. Alto a las Redadas de la Migra! Legalizacion total para todos!

Ramsey Muniz: Guilty of Being Latino and Activist in America (tags)

targeting the innocent unfairly




The Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) and Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana join the call made by the National Day Labor Organizing Network (NDLON), the National Latino Congreso, and the Southern California Immigration Coalition (SCIC) to call on the Lakers organization to add Los Lakers to their name to demonstrate their support for the good people of Arizona and oppose SB1070 similar to the Suns basketball initiative last week.


April 23, 2010, Washington, D.C. – Voto Latino condemns the passing of SB 1070, signed into law by Arizona governor Jan Brewer at 4:30 pm EST today. The bill grants law enforcement officers the ability to, without a warrant, arrest any person whom the officer, with probable cause, believes might be illegally residing in the U.S.

Lessons from the Oscar Grant Tragedy - We Need to Get to Work (tags)

A current look at the developments of the Johannes Mehserle murder trial, the work on behalf of Oscar Grant and the significance of these efforts to the broader movement for social justice.

Lessons from the Oscar Grant Tragedy – We Need to Get to Work (tags)

In many instances, the second pre-trial hearing for Johannes Mehserle could be seen as a victorious day for the family and supporters of Oscar Grant.


“Why don’t we just get nooses for everyone of those lowlifes and hang them from a tree? They’re used to that kind of treatment anyway!” read the message on an email sent to upscale co-op residents of a redevelopment project smack right in the middle of a Harlem neighborhood last October. The anonymous post which originated from one of the units within the co-op added: “I hope you all agree that the best thing that has happened to Harlem is gentrification. Let’s get rid of these ‘people’ and improve the neighborhood once and for all.”

Immigration advocates advise against holiday travel on bus and rail due to constant raids (tags)

Inland Empire Rapid Response Network and allies cite almost daily Border Patrol operations at local Greyhound bus stations and other transportation centers, racially profiling Latino passengers and other holiday travelers.

Milwaukee Common Council Approves Near South Side Area Plan (tags)

Development plan considered discriminatory towards new immigrants, low-income residents, and Latino businesses along the Historic Mitchell, W. National and W. Lincoln Ave. corridors

MP3 Audio – Jorge Amaro, of Latino Equality Alliance Reacts to Court Prop 8 Ruling (tags)

MP3 Audio – Jorge Amaro, of Latino Equality Alliance Reacts to Court Prop 8 Ruling

Latino Renaissance (tags)

A special panel discussion will be held on Latino Renaissance during the upcoming 8th Anniversary Celebration of the International Museum of Muslim Cultures at Jackson, MS.

Milwaukee Zoning Committee Unanimously Adopted Resolution (tags)

Spanish speaking taxpayers left out of the planning process

Controversial Near South Side Plan Heads To Zoning Committee (tags)

Historic Mitchell, National and Lincoln business districts seen as mix commercial, but the plan failed to acknowledge the present Latino businesses or to enhance their growth along these corridors


Los Angeles-- “ Que Queremos-Legalicacion, Cuando: AHORA! ( What do we want, Legalization, When do we want it; NOW!) This was the slogan that reverberated with more than 60,000 workers and immigrants turned out and marched all over Los Angeles . Meanwhile in major cities and towns hundreds of thousands marched and rallied US-wide for May 1 in a militant and defiant show of unity for a call for immigration reforms to the Obama administration. In the biggest rally for the day, more than 30,000 marchers led by the Full Rights For immigrant coalition turned out and marched from Broadway and Olympic intersection around 1;00 PM. Composed mostly of Latino workers who filled the streets, the militant march overflowed the main streets of LA. At the end of the march they held a rally at Temple and Broadway where a battery of labor leaders, immigrant rights advocates spoke. Among them were AJLPP West Coast Coordinator Arturo Garcia, HERMANIDAD Mexicana laders Raul Murillo and Angelica Corona, ANSWER-LA Preston Wood, Jim Lafferty of the NLG, UTLA President AJ Duffy and Latino Movement USA's Juan Jose Gutierrez gave their speeches at their end program.


Familias Unidas, Jamas Cerra Vencidos! (Familes United Can never be defeated) Hundreds of immigrants and advocates packed the old La Placita Olvera Church to hear testimonies from people who are affected by the broken immigration laws of the US and attend a congressional hearing on immigration reform law. Present at the hearings were Assistant Speaker Congressman Xavier Becerra, Congresswomen Grace Napolitan0, Lucille Royal-Allard and Diane Watson. They were members of the Latino and Black Caucus. They also presented people from their district who spoke on their concerns on immigration reform.


Familias Unidas, Jamas Cerra Vencidos! (Familes United Can never be defeated) Hundreds of immigrants and advocates packed the old La Placita Olvera Church to hear testimonies from people who are affected by the broken immigration laws of the US and attend a congressional hearing on immigration reform law. Present at the hearings were Assistant Speaker Congressman Xavier Becerra, Congresswomen Grace Napolitan0, Lucille Royal-Allard and Diane Watson. They were members of the Latino and Black Caucus. They also presented people from their district who spoke on their concerns on immigration reform.

Groups Appeal Elephant Hill Ruling (tags)

In a crucial attempt to protect a densely populated Latino neighborhood in Los Angeles, environmental justice advocates and community residents filed an appeal in court on March 3, 2009, seeking to overturn a decision to build luxury homes on a fragile hillside in El Sereno. The development on Elephant Hill would endanger residents and strip the community of its last open space.

Pancho Villa’s Last Surviving Son (tags)

The last surviving son of Pancho Villa meets the grandson of Eustorgio Ramón, captain of los Pronunciados de Don Catarino Garza

SPEAK OUT Against Police Brutality and Murder (tags)

Protestmeeting at Immanuel Presbyterian

Obama Sweeps Presidential Election (tags)

Barack Obama becomes the first black 44th U.S. President

Baldwin Park and its Agents of Gentrification, Mayor Lozano and Lover Sergio Corona (tags)

Baldinwin Park and its Agents of Gentrification. Mayor Lozano and his "Lover" Sergio Corona on the edge gentrifying and taking 125 Acres of Land for their sponsor, Bisno Developer.

June 24 March-Rally For Immigrants Rights in LA - A Success (tags)

More than 15,000 immigrants and advocates militantly but peacefully marched last Sunday, June 24 in Hollywood to express their sentiments on the ongoing immigrant rights bill in the U.S Congress. Despite the anti-Minutemen rally in south central LA earlier Saturday, threats of ICE raids against immigrants, the oppressive heat and the watchful presence of hundreds of police and county deputies, the more than an hour immigrant rights march occupied more than six blocks from Sunset Street to the rally site at Highland Street in Los Angeles. The April 7 Coalition that led the more than 50,000 mobilization in Los Angeles includes the Latino Movement USA, Hermanidad Mexican National, the ANSWER Coalition and the Coalition in Defense of immigrant Rights (CDIR) and People’s CORE, Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC), UTLA and COFEM led this march rally. Other groups that participated in the march rally were AJLPP, KmB, Gabriela, CHIRLA, Comite Pro Uno, Dream Act Students Coalition, Imigrantes Unid

25,000 March /Rally Renews Call for Immigrant rights: more than 20,000 Took Back Macarthur (tags)

[Editors' note: this article includes several uncited quotations from today's LA Times article "Park rally renews call for rights." In addition, the claim of 20-25,000 people seems to us to be (unfortunately) wishful thinking. We note that the rally at the church was confined by police to one full city block, and the number of people assembled in the Park before the march arrived was a similar number. We ask all contributors to LA Indymedia to please clearly indicate any and all quotes from other sources, and be realistic in your crowd estimates. Thank you.]

Immigrants and their advocated returned to the streets for the first time since May Day with Latino elected officials in tow, escorted by the LAPD who piggy backed for “public relations” during the march/rally to erase police brutality. More than 25,000 immigrant rights activists marched Thursday to Macarthur Park to again call for a path to citizenship for the nation's 12 million illegal immigrants. The Filipino contingent led by the Pilipino Workers Center and the AJLPP attended by scores of youth activists was very prominent in the march waving Filipino flags and charting MAKIBAKA, HUWAG MATAKOT! . Waving Mexican, Salvadorian, Honduran, Filipino and American flags and signs reading "No to Deportation," and calling for genuine legalization, about 25,000 marchers gathered about 6 p.m. for a brief rally in front of Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Wilshire Boulevard before heading to the park several blocks away.

Mujeres de la Tierra presentation at LA Greens, M16 (tags)

Los Angeles Greens present a talk by Irma Muñoz who started the first Latina Environmental organization in the country.

Stop Racist Military Recruiting at CSUF (tags)

While the CSU Fullerton recruiting event will be resisted, opponents are trying to prevent it from happening at all. Already, the University has expressed concern. For one thing, it specifically targets Latinos; for another, it uses state college facilities as a recruiting tool for the entire US military, not CSUF's own ROTC.

April 7 Coalition March Rally in Los Angeles Draws 75,000 (tags)

- Amnesty Now! Full Rights for All Immigrants, Now! With these resounding chants, more than 75,000 immigrants and immigrant rights advocates under the banner of the April 7 Coalition marched and rallied for full rights for all immigrants last Saturday, April 7, 2007, in Los Angeles. Unlike the disparate and fewer numbers of mobilized activities last March 25, 2007, the April 7 Coalition march for full rights for all immigrants became one of the largest to be held in Los Angeles after May 1, 2006. This brings a new momentum for the immigrant rights movement in California. The conservative L.A Times estimated the crowd as 10,000 while the Latino Channel 34 estimate of the crowd was 50,000.

Grand Opening (tags)

Grand opening of an art gallery in North Park for emerging Latino artists

Violence Against Day Laborers in L.A. (tags)

Sam is kneeing and wearing a Nike shirt. Dennis is standing on the right rear, wearing an Uncle Sam "I Want You" shirt.

Protest Military Recruiting in East L.A. (tags)

A vigil and nonviolent civil disobedience are planned for Monday, March 19 to protest the targeting of Latino students in East Los Angeles for military recruiting.

Islam Spreading Rapidly among the Latino in the US and Latin America (tags)

Islam Spreading Rapidly among the Latino in the US and Latin America. First Latino Muslims Speaking Tour in Florida was organized with Imam Ali Siddiqui who delivered an impressive Khutbah at Tampa, Fl

How Military Recruiters Pitch to Latinos: PowerPoint Racism (tags)

According to this racializing model, "right-brain" irrational Hispanics, unsuited for "America's system of education," will vote their way into Karl Rove's projected Republican majority, and for decades to come fill the ranks of the lowest echelons of the service sector, the prison system, and the combat units of America's imperial army. Were he alive today Che Guevara, whom a CIA operative once described as "fairly intellectual for a Latin," would undoubtedly be asking progressive Latinos what they plan to do about it.

Minuteman Project in Ventura County (Thousand Oaks) (tags)

Minuteman Project founder speaks at Thousand Oaks Borders 9/25 - - hiss, hiss, BOOOO

National Latino Congreso Endorses Public Campaign Financing (tags)

The National Latino Congreso is meeting in Los Angeles for the comprehensive Latino political gathering since 1977. Today, delegates unanimously endorsed a resolution specifically calling for public financing of election campaigns in California.

Hazleton codifies racism (tags)

Home-grown bigots are nothing new in America or Pennsylvania. Every city of any size has its particular variety spewing its brand of ignorance-based poison and racist nonsense. Then there's Hazleton, Pa., where last night they made hate official city policy.

Political Parties and Corporations Unite to Co-opt Immigrants Rights Movement. (tags)

July 10, 2006 Political parties and corporations unite to co-opt the immigrants rights movement.


By William I. Robinson

Filipinos All Over the United States Joined the May 1 Great American Boycott and Immigrant (tags)

From Los Angeles and Seattle in the West to Chicago in the Midwest to Houston in the South and Miami, Florida in the Southeast up to New York, Manhattan in the Northeast, hundreds of Filipinos joined their fellow immigrants in the millions to demand full immigrant rights and amnesty. Thousands of them joined the boycott or just watched and wildly cheered from the sidelines flying the American flags as the Filipino contingents marched by.


The Coalition to Defend Immigrant Rights (CDIR), a multi-ethnic alliance of immigrant rights advocates in Los Angeles, calls on the Filipino American community to march shoulder to shoulder with their Latino brothers and sisters and come out in force on May 1, 2006. Rallyists will assemble at Broadway and Olympic St at 12:00 PM and march to the City Hall and at 7th and Wilshire St. (MacArthur Park) to La Brea in Los Angeles.

The Gran Boicott is on, and the troqueros are in (tags)

Update on the Gran Boicott locally and the latest word from the Port of Aztlan.

La marcha en Los Angeles CA (tags)

La Marcha de los inmigrantes en Los Angeles California

"THE TREE" an URBANE opera (tags)

The soul of a tree falls in love


This quest for peace, in homage to Mahatma Gandhi's historic 1930 Salt March, will start in Tijuana, Mexico on March 12, go through the Marine Corps Depot at Camp Pendleton and the Cesar Chavez burial site in La Paz, CA (near Tehachapi), and end in The Mission district of San Francisco with a memorial ceremony and blood drive on March 27.

241 mile MARCH for PEACE: Latino Voice of Opposition to the War (tags)

A 241 mile march that aims at ensuring that the Latino voice of opposition to the War is heard loud and clear across the Americas.


Stop Attacks on Immigrants! No to "SOS" and Minutemen! Unite to stop the racists in their tracks!

Mass Deportation to Mexico in 1930s Spurs Apology (tags)

It was 1931. The administration of President Herbert Hoover backed a policy that would deport hundreds of thousands of Mexican Americans, more than half of them United States citizens.

Ed Roybal Presente (tags)

An honest appreciation, not uncritical, of the late Ed Roybal and his major contributions to coalition building and grass-roots politics.

U.S. Imperialism Creates "Hispanic Recruiting Market" for Desperate War Machine (tags)

The unexpected resistance in Iraq has not only led to a hollow “mission accomplished” but also presents a serious obstacle for keeping adequate numbers of soldiers available for the U. S. imperial war machine

Protest at Greyhound Bus Depot (tags)

Thursday, September 29, 12 noon Greyhound Bus Depot 1716 7th Street, Los Angeles (downtown)

1970: Chicano Moratorium — 2005: Latinos for Peace (tags)

La Raza did its part in bringing an end to the war in Vietnam. Some of us activists of the Chicano Moratorium era are coming together with other Latino activists we have come to know around the country and with the newer generations and immigrants. We call ourselves Latinos For Peace.

MSNBC Financing Racism, Part 1 (tags)

Katie Couric's interview with "cold feet" bride exposes truth of corporate media against Latino's


A.N.S.W.E.R. CONDEMNS THE LAPD KILLING OF SUZIE MARIE PEÑA Stop Racist Police Violence! Take Action Today!

Latinos and the new AIDS (tags)

A new AIDS is sweeping the Latino community.

News From The Front Lines: Baldwin Park Updates (tags)

I am merely relaying news information as reported from independent news reporters covering the protests in Baldwin Park by Save Our State (an Anti-Illegal Immigration Organization) and the citizens of greater Los Angeles who have come together in opposition to Save Our State. This protest is about a series of insriptions on a monument that reflects the struggles of Latino and Anglo relations. Save Our State finds that communities with Latino Americans are "Cease Pools" and their culture and history are offensive and wants the inscriptions removed.

police brutality against bike rider (tags)

6/23/05, 4:30 pm: Two officers from the Northeast Patrol Division were seen pummeling a young Latino in Echo Park. Witnesses said it was unprovoked, and that the victim was not resisting. . Someone videotaped the incident., but no mention in news. Critical mass (or anyone) -- could you follow through? Incident 3958 in police records.

A better job for the "Minutemen"? (tags)

Here's a satirical take on a better place for the Minutemen to "police the borders." Repost from Colorado Indymedia.

Mass Rally vs. Arnold's Education Cuts (tags)

Thousands of teachers, school employees, and other citizens concerned about cuts to education held a mass rally in Pershing Square yesterday to demand that funding stolen from schools by Governor Schwarzenegger be restored immediately.

Black High School Student slain in Corona (tags)

Racial Tensions STILL on the Rise; School Districts STILL Covering Up; Parents Furious at school's Lack of Response.

Baldwin Park counter-demo (tags)

Photos from the counter-demo

Miguel Contreras Remembered (tags)

Today we mourn the death of Miguel Contreras, a major figure in the Los Angeles and national trade union movement, who died suddenly last Friday of a heart attack. Miguel was the Secretary-Treasurer of the L.A. County Federation of Labor—that is, its executive director, field general, chief strategist and tactician.

MAPA Convention in Monterey Park DOES NOT endorse Kerry (tags)

Large state Latino political group shuns Democrats, leaves door open for support of Green for President, other elected seats (Oct. 2004)

Major Mexican-American political leader re-registers with Green Party (tags)

Major Mexican-American political leader re-registers GREEN, urges statewide Latino support for Green Party candidates in Fall elections

Latino Vote Part II (tags)

Why Latinos are anti Bush. Its the issues.

The Latino Vote Part I (tags)

The Latino Vote Can Crucial to the 2004 Election

Abierto 2004 - Autism Latino Benefit Event (tags)

Autism Society of America Orange County, Fiesta Educativa and Project SEA will be hosting a benefit event Thursday June 17, 2004 at The Mayan in downtown Los Angeles, California. Performers and special guests will bring forth a night of awareness, joy and excitement for all who attend.

Becerra Supports Draft (tags)

Congressman Xavier Becerra (D Los Angeles) is considering supporting a military draft. This is dangerous. Call him and tell him so.

Drivers Licenses, Not War! California Latino Economic Strike Great Success (tags)

Los Angeles, CA - Thousands of Latino workers, students and shopkeepers stayed away from work and school Dec. 12, in support of the statewide Latino Economic Strike. The Latino Economic boycott was called by the Mexican American Political Association and Hermandad Mexicana Latino Americana, with the support of hundreds of other organizations, to protest the repeal of SB 60, the law that allowed undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses.

Racism (tags)

"I will admit that there are some right-wing pseudo-christian, groups like voz de aztlan in whitey-er, I mean whittier, calfornia, that promote homophobia and anti-jewish american sentiment, but they reflect only a small, middle class, Anglo-identified segment of the larger Latino and Native American community. "

Only One KKK and Its "White" (tags)

In response to the ignorant post below about a "hispanic KKK," there is no such thing. There is only one KKK and it is made up of misguided people of European descent who falsely claim this land as well as a bogus sense of racial purity.

Producer (tags)

The Nosotros Latin Filmmakers Showcase on December 1st, 2003 is the answer to Hollywood’s quest for Latin talent behind the camera. ‘Falcon’ restaurant (7213 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, Ca 90046) 7:00pm

Represent What? Libertarian newspaper sheding ideals for marketshare (tags)

"In order to boost minority readership, the paper recently hired a writer to cover Latino entertainment and culture, and contracts minority reporters fresh out of college to cover prominent beats despite little experience. The editorial page of old would have called that bald tokenism,"

(2) Photos: Latino Moratorium, Latinas against the war, August 31st (tags)

Latino Moratorium, Latinas against the war, August 31st

Radical right imposes austerity on Texas (tags)

AUSTIN, Texas – After three years in power, the Bush administration’s vision is coming more sharply into focus

M30 Mass March and Rally (tags)

A report from todays powerful march and rally.

DO YOU KNOW THE MAN ARRESTED, FACEDOWN, after the oscars protest, near santa monica blvd? (tags)

I am looking for the name of the man (perhaps Latino) with bull horn leaving the Oscars demo that was pushed down by santa monica

ROTC Targets Latinos (tags)


Sister Dianna Ortiz : Author & Torture Survivor (tags)

The Latino Museum of History, Art and Culture and Amnesty International announced today that Human Rights Activist Sister Dianna Ortiz will hold a symposium at The Latino Museum to discuss her new memoir The Blindfold’s Eyes: My journey from Torture to Truth on Monday, October 28th, 2002 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

South Gate: Where City Hall's a Mix of Soap Opera and Bad Joke (tags)

Government: Officials are looking into suspected corruption. Council-watchers enjoy 'the meow lady.'


During the August 24th, 2002 march commemorating the Chicano Moratorium of 1970, some 300 Chicano/Mexicanos took to the streets to call for Health Care, Schools, Jobs, and an end to interventionist wars and Police Brutality.

CINCO DE MAYO - Art Show (tags)

Cinco de Mayo Artshow in the NoHo Arts district of North Hollywood

Judge Restricts Anti-Democratic Actions of the Police (tags)

[english] report on court restrictions of police activity, including confiscation of puppets. Also touches on actions of latino groups on Sunday (8/12/2000).

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