fix articles 21687, economics Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : economics


Only a progressive tax revolution can stop the climate collapse (tags)

There is an urgent need for a pluralistic opening of the economic sciences, so that the argumentative dispute about the ethically correct interpretation of market-competitive interaction relations and the status of market logic again becomes a normal part of economic discourse.

Limitation to 1.5 degrees is not possible with our economic system (tags)

In economics, an international mainstream dominates, which establishes optimized formal models that exclude many areas of economic relations, such as feminism, historical school, as well as post-Keynesianism, which considers the importance of demand and demand to be at least as important as good conditions for companies.

Shrink or Die? (tags)

Shrinkage means the voluntary downsizing of the national economy, including a reduction in gross domestic product. "Voluntary" here indicates a preference for voluntaristic solutions - though not as individualistic and unplanned where well-to-do opt out of the consumerist market model.

How the economic doctrine of salvation is changing education (tags)

Economy always takes place in social contexts - even more: It is itself a result of social contexts. In this respect, a discussion in the context of sociology, culture or politics is essential. However, this insight is already missing in academic economics.

End of a Career. Obituary The "Swabian housewife" (tags)

The "Swabian housewife" dominated politics. Now she was buried by her inventor. The state is not a business or a housewife but can borrow and become indebted to help present and future generations. System change, not climate change! Fight ignorance, not immigrants!

Stop Trump's tax plan (tags)

Trillions in deficits will be paid for by trillions in cuts to vital programs necessary for low- and middle-income Americans: Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, WIC food assistance, SNAP, Pell grants, The Legal Corporation, PBS, EPA, heating assistance, school lunches, Meals-on-Wheels...

The Fairy-tale of the End of the Financial Crisis (tags)

Between 2008 and 2010, the EU Commission approved state aid of 4.3 trillion euros. The potential crisis of the global economy has grown and not declined. A system crash was prevented by the actions of central banks and states.

Social Security works. Don't let Trump destroy it (tags)

Millions of people count on Social Security for their survival. Over 60 percent of seniors rely on Social Security payments for at least half their income. Approximately one-third of seniors rely on Social Security payments for at least 90 percent of their income.

The Civilization Crisis: Post-Factual Criticism of Politics (tags)

In Trumponomics, falling tax rates for businesses should increase tax revenues. When businesses do not invest in an under-financed infrastructure, the tax gifts lead to lower stater spending and higher stater debts at the end.

Poisoning the Well, or How Economic Theory Damages Moral Imagination (tags)

Markets are human inventions. Today's neoliberal economic dogma creates myths that strengthen the most powerful, most greedy, and most short-term economic actors and undermines the normal longings of people.Structures must change

The Crises of Today's Economy (tags)

The market is not a subject but an instrument. Nevertheless "the primacy of the market" replaced "the primacy of politics." Neoliberalism actually serves the interests of finance capital. A doctor whose therapy causes sicknesses cannot understand this. Our elites are in great distress.

The Crisis of Economists (tags)

The mainstream economy doesn't know what an argument is any more. Claims or assertions are made. This neoclassicism is not a science but resembles a religion that proclaims dogmas. The economy is a social science that offers interpretations.

Patients are not Customers (tags)

Mainstream economics is always based on the idea of homo oeconomicus, an egoist who maximizes his own advantages. In economics, the extreme form of egoism is treated as rationality. July 30 was Medicare's 50th birthday and August 14 is Social Security's 80th birthday. Celebrate!

Video: The Age of Uncertainty-The Big Corporation, 56 min (tags)

700 free movies, 700 free E-books and 450 audio books are given us on Enjoy the feast! John Kenneth Galbraith has 14 episodes in his Age of Uncertainty

Profit-Making is Different Than Profit-Maximizing (tags)

Discussions of jobs and the economy are often marked by trivialization, distortion, unreality and wishful thinking, The neoliberal model promotes profits, not investments and rationalization and digitalization lead to mass unemployment. System analysis and market failure are often glossed over

Economics is Onesided and Reactionary (tags)

The homo oeconomicus cannot be our hope and is not desirable or future-friendly. The economic benefits to the capitalist entrepreneur are in contradiction to nature and to the person..We face completely oversized financial markets that have uncoupled from the real economy creating value.

For a Different Economics (tags)

Economists are criticized everywhere for their onesidedness, their focus on markets and their inability to deal with the burning problems... From neoclassical assumptions "more is better" or markets lead to efficient distribution, a perspective on the world results that sets efficiency over justice

Capitalism and Its Crisis Proclivity (tags)

The liberal economists of the 19th century claimed no crises could occur in capitalism since every supply creates its demand. On the other hand, Marx and Engels recognized early on the causes for crises in capitalism. The contradictions of the accumulation process lead to crises.

Mainstream Economics: Monocultures at the University (tags)

The "Plural Economics Network" challenges breaking through the monoculture and intellectual one-sidedness in economics...Instead of viewing our varied social problems from different perspectives, all the answers are derived from very similar models.

Ha-Joon Chang on Economics (tags)

Ha-Joon Chang is a professor of politics and economics at Cambridge University.

Challenging the Ruling Economic Orthodoxy: Economics Students Begin to Revolt (tags)

Pete Dolack writes the Systemic Disorder blog. He has been activist with several groups.

Liberating the Economy from Prejudices (tags)

Economics is not an immutable unchangeable fate but a human system where changing rules changes outcomes. James Galbraith and Joseph Stiglitz are two well-known economists who question the myths of conventional economics, the self-healing, efficient and deregulated market

Expanding Social Security by Paul Krugman (tags)

Paul Krugman, professor of economics at Princeton, was the winner of a Nobel Prize in Economics in 2011/

The Economic Fall (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. Crisis and chance are represented by the same Chinese letter. Finance capitalism makes the state the errand boy of the banks. State debt crisis is a crisis of the myth of deregulation.

Studying Economics Today is Like Brainwashing (tags)

The blind trust in efficient markets must be replaced and bankers given a new understanding. Profit making is different than profit maximization. Banks should be a public function, not a casino and the real economy and the environment not abandoned.

Who is Saving Whom: Debunking the business case for ethics (tags)

Ulrich Thielemann is a professor of business ethics at the University of St. Galen, Switzerland.

Asset Distribution and the Financial Crisis (tags)

A perverse system arose out of the interaction of deregulation of the financial system and polarization of asset distribution. A reform of the financial system can only be part of the repair of the system. When wages grow again with productivity, an economic balance will be possible

"Change of Direction": James Galbraith (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. The time is right for alternative economics, access instead of excess, enough instead of more and qualitative growth instead of quantitative growth.

Real-World Economics Review, December 2012 (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. Access could replace excess; enough cou9ld replace more. Qualitative growith could replace quantitative growth.

Opinion: Independence, Propertylessness, and Basic Income (tags)

author: Karl Widerquist e-mail:e-mail: A free Internet book "Youth and Skills: Putting Education to Work" (October 2012) is available from

Plural Economics (tags)

Vancouver Canada has 23 community centers, some with swimming pools that can take your breath away. Learning from other cultures and countries is a sign of strength, not of weakness. Without a social contract we become wolves. Without public goods, the market economy fails.

Neoliberalism was the Godfather of the Financial Industry (tags)

Keynesianism was replaced by neoliberalism that guided the fallow investment capital into speculation.The development of social systems and the rise of real wages contributed to social peace and stabilizing the economic upswing by strengthening mass consumption.

On the Solutions of Liberal Economists (tags)

The crisis has shaken economics to its foundations. The neoliberal mainstream has lost its support; economists alternate between self-doubt and arrogance. Once they believed in the rationality of economic actors and markets and the notion that financial management exists to serve the real economy.

The Austerity Hoax (tags)

class war

Video: "What's the Economy for Anyway?" (2009) (tags)

David Batke from Earth Economics offers a systems approach and describes economics in relation to health and nature. Economies don't grow but are transformed. Our economic measurements focus on stuff.

Research as the Commons: Elinor Ostrom (tags)

Elinor Ostrom was well-known in 2009 when she was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for economics. In her analysis of governance of the commons, she put in question the past economic model that common goods can only be managed successfully by the market or the state.

New Economic Thinking - Turning Away from the Market Fetish (tags)

"New economic thinking" rejects the view of the person as "homo oeconomicus" reduced to maximization of individual benefits and offers a more comprehensive and realistic concept in which justice, norms, routines and emotions appear. "Homo recipocans" is an alternative.

America's Left and Romney's Economic Agenda (tags)

Axel-Fair Schulz is a professor of political science at the State University of New York, Potsdam.

The War of Economists (tags)

"A seeming consensus among economists can virtually force the shaping of political opinions.. For 30 years, neoliberalism marginalized all other schools, above all Keynesianism - and all of us hit a brick wall.."

Economist criticizes "pathological allegience" to economic models (tags)

The crisis was born when Maggie Thatcher and then Bill Clinton deregulated the financial markets. The explosive force that was detonated was incalculable. Economics gave support because it provides models.

The Great Devaluation (tags)

Democracy, risk and liability are turned upside down when trillions bailout the banks and workers, pensioners and unemployed must pay the bill. We live from those who say No to corruption, to the state reduced to a trough or errand boy for the banks (Bill Moyers).

The Autism of Economists (tags)

Analogous to a mechanical system, neoclassicists understood the economy as a perpetual cycle of production and consumption kept in balance by the price mechanism.

The Naked P{rophets (tags)

Economics' sharpest critics regard it as an auxiliary science of astrology, a sect that sings its same little song. Classical authors like John Kenneth Galbraith are finally rediscovered. Exactness is impossible. The coming generation should be protected from mono-cultural ideology

The Invisible Hand Doesn't Help Any More (tags)

Neoclassicism starts from the assumpti8ons that people always act rationally and market processes always lead to optimal results on account of the price mechanism. The market fails. Its view of the person as Homo oeconomicus must be replaced by the Homo cooperativus.

The Rule of Supply-Side Economists (tags)

Supply-side economists dominate wherever one looks in politics, economics and the media. That wages and salaries are not onl.y costs but also demand usually doesn't interest supply-side economists.

Beyond the Homo Economicus (tags)

The Homo economicus is a kind of calculating machine on two legs that incessantly calculates personal benefits and profit. His conduct follows the model of rational expectations. Incursions of the state will make possible more social equality.

Christian Wulff's Opening Speech (tags)

Christian Wulff, president of Germany, spoke at an economics conference in Lindau, Germany on August 24, 2011. The mild-mannered president deplored the violations of the coming generation. Angela Merkel also speaks with passion against the banks.

BTL:European Economic Crisis, Austerity Measures, Resistance Portend Future of U.S. Econom (tags)

Interview with Richard Wolff, economics professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, now visiting professor at the New School University's graduate program in international affairs, conducted by Scott Harris

The Economy Sinks in a Deep Crisis of Meaning (tags)

Economists are compared with astrologers and mocked as crystal-ball readers because they are frequently way off the mark with their growth forecasts. Economists have not learned the great lessons. Mainstream economy entrenched itself behind a model world and often faded out reality.

Video: Understanding the Financial Crisis (tags)

Distorted incentives drove the failure of risk management. There was an evaporization of trust in 2008. In September, Lehmann Brothers and AIG went bankrupt.

Re-imagining Trade: NAFTA and Beyond (tags)

"Free trade regimes have become charters of rights and freedoms for the corporation.. Free trade is the policy of the powerful after they have become powerful. German economist Frederick List spoke of "the kicking away of the ladder."

Video: Crisis is not Behind us (tags)

Randall Wray is a professor of economics at the University of Missouri.

Economics as Brainwashing and Careerist Gets the Job (tags)

The self-regulating market and stgylizing all problems as exogenous, not endogenous are fatal myths as proven by Enron, Tepco, Citigroup and all corporate tax cheats. Can the real economy survive when financial profits amount to 40% of all profits? Viva economic learning!

BTL:"Trickle-Down" Economics, Tax Cuts for the Rich Exacerbate Income Inequality (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Economics is not a Science (tags)

"Observations are central in a subject like economics where experiments are not possible.. Mathematics is misused to transport a certain ideology, the neoclassical theory of the market.. Capitalist crisis phenomena have made a fool of the harmony theory of the market.."

Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Finance (tags)

Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.

Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Banking and Finance (tags)

Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.

A Global Ecological Argument for a Basic Income (tags)

Erik Christensen is an associate professor of economics in Denmark.

VIDEO: Bush tax cuts suck (tags)

Tax cuts do not pay for themselves, grow the economy or help balance the budget. George Bush Sr debunked Reagan's voodoo economics that pretended tax cuts would help balance the budget.

CNN's cover-up of the corporate fraud of Globalization. (tags)

I am informing through Indymedia International, all the workers of the World that they themselves must build their own jobs. All institutions in America public or private are robbing the citizens. Each American must deal with the problem directly.

What is Inflation? (Ver. 2.1) (tags)

Inflation is a rise in the general price of things. As a result, people believe they are able to buy less things.

What is Inflation? (Version 2.0) (tags)

Inflation is a rise in the general price of things. As a result, people believe they are able to buy less things.

VIDEO: Paul Krugman - The Return of Depression Economics (tags)

The shadow banking system without regulations coupled with the mother of all bubbles in real estate made the 2008-2009 crisis worse than the 1929-1930 collapse.

Profits=Investments=Jobs? (tags)

The claimed connection between profits, investments and jobs is not right. Orders-literally demand-are more important than the profits that are investede for the creation of jobs. Market radicals repress market and system failure.

Miguel d'Escoto's Last Address as President of the 63rd UN General Assembly (tags)

A new world is possible and a new economics is necessary! As prejudice and narcissism can be gradually overcome, breaking the chains of profit worship, monopoly capital and empire building can bring hope and a new day for all people.

Open letter to Mogul Turner. (tags)

I hope that the jobless, dispossessed and homeless in America suffering the financial crisis fabricated by the financial extortionisits of America, will inform the Capitol and the While House of the conduct of all the Executives of the Ted Turner Global Media Empire.

GERMANY: What Lessons Do We Learn from the Financial Crisis? (tags)

Rating agencies were paid by the firms to be rated. Ultimately rational individual conduct led to an irrational collective result. The lesson is clear. On the way of regulation or taxation, banks must be given a massive incentive to remain small.

Stimulate or Die by Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

Joseph Stiglitz received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001.

From Obsuristan to Absurdistan: Barbarism or Human Future (tags)

Individual security can be emphasized so global vision fades. Half-truths and fish stories carry the day. "Communism is oppression of many by man and capitalism is just the reverse." Our challenge is to reawaken wonder and interdependence, to consider the way of nonviolent resistance.

VIDEO: A House of Cards: Richard Wolff (tags)

Most of economics depends on consuming. When employers stop raising wages, you force a dilemma on people. Borrowing substitutes for wages. We took on unprecedented debt and built a house of cards.

A Bank Bailout That Works (tags)

"The problem with America's banks is not just one of liquidity. Years of reckless behavior, including bad lending and gambling with derivatives, have left them, in effect, bankrupt."

The Global Collapse: a Non-orthodox View by Walden Bello (tags)

"Orthodox economics has long ceased to be of any help in understanding the crisis. Non-orthodox economics, on the other hand, provides extraordinarily powerful insights into the causes and dynamics of the current crisis.."

Time for a Bad Ideas Bank (tags)

The global economic disaster plunges economics into a legitimation crisis-not yet noticed by the vast majority of the affected. The current financial crisis involves dogmas that markets function best and correct their own mistakes.

III-the International Crisis WS Report (tags)

The Master in Economics and official of the Ecuadorian Central Bank, March Naranjo Chiriboga, asked help from the Mercosur countries, mainly from Brazil, to overcome the global financial crisis. He believes that Ecuador, which has no own currency and uses the U.S. dollar for internal commercial transactions, will feel the results of crisis in a more pronounced way and will be one of the most affected countries in Latin America.

International WShappens December the 6th to the 11th (tags)

We want a debate not from the perspective of the market because the market heralds resolved now that they will make the solution for what themselves caused, with their bad conduction of economic policy

Anatomy of the American Financial Crisis (tags)

Can a repetition of the US Great Depression of the 1930s or Japan's more recent protracted recession of the 1990s be avoided? Both were results of a severe banking crisis. The answer is yes, if the vicious cycle of asset price decline and banking credit crunch can be avoided.

IRS Federal TAX Property Liens Underwater (tags)

Federal IRS TAX Collection CRISIS Averted The major Federal tax enforcement and collection system in the United States is in jeopardy. Billions of dollars in IRS property liens are "underwater". IRS property lien collection payments and wage garnishments, based on a persons employment and property ownership, is in a catastrophic state of failure. The United States Federal Government has averted this failure by buying the mortgages and banks that hold these liens and write the paychecks.

Federal Government Border Patrol Checkpoints on Olympic Peninsula (tags)

I think people at these Federal Government Border Patrol Checkpoints, should be forced to produce a valid Federal Income Tax Return from the previous year. If you can not produce this document (FEDERAL INCOME TAX FROM PREVIOUS YEAR) you should be arrested and put in an internment camp and forced to work for the Federal Government.

Deforestation Costs More than Financial Crisis (tags)

It is a steep bill. Our shrinking forests cost us up to $5 trillion a year -- far more than the current banking crisis. Environmentalists hope the sobering calculation, made by a European Union commissioned team, will focus political will on funding conservation.

The Rich Get Hungrier (tags)

The global food problem is not being caused by a falling trend in world production. It is the result of accelerating demand. Amartya Sen teaches economics and philosophy at Harvard and received the Nobel Prize in economics in 1998.

Deregulated Markets and Alternative Economics (tags)

In the last ten years there was more speculationthan ever, more than before the 1930 worldwide economic crisis. A policy of deregulated financial markets made this possible. That real investment profits turn out relatively small encourages the speculation tendency.

Shouting from the Caboose (tags)

Hope lies beyond Social Darwinism and hyper-individualism. As the end of cheap oil could be the beginning of real community, the end of everyday time could be the beginning of kairos time, the time of decision. Black is a new consciousnessness, not a skin color (Steve Biko)

A Will for Change: New Economic Thinking (tags)

Since economic thinking shapes the world, we can't leave economists alone to putter with their theories. Too many of them hung up their thinking caps the moment they got their degrees, and stopped looking out the window.

Global Warming and Agriculture: Impact Estimates by Country (tags)

...while there is growing recognition that global warming is a problem, little attention has been paid to the likely impact at the country level, especially in the developing world. In this new book, William Cline, a joint senior fellow at CGD and the Peterson Institute for International Economics, provides the first ever estimates of the impact on agriculture by country, with a particular focus on social and economic implications in China, India, Brazil, and the poor countries of the tropical belt in Africa and Latin America.

Regional Economics Against Climate Change (tags)

Modern industrial society faces a dilemma. On one hand, people of industrial countries do not want to abandon their assets and habits or way of living. On the other hand, the climate problem ends up in destruction of humanity if emissions continue as in the past

Twilight and Dawning (tags)

The paradigm defining conventional social science, history, economics, social psychology needs to be changed. This article sets out a few of the needed pieces

The Nature of The Jevons Paradox (tags)

The Jevons Paradox is a multiple intersection of several issue threads including economics, peak oil, global warming, social movements, and the philosophy of science

Economist Milton Friedman dies at 94 (tags)

Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who advocated an unfettered free market and had the ear of three U.S. presidents, died Thursday at age 94.

Walmart Economics (tags)

Let's fuck America.





Economics for a Shrinking Planet (tags)

The expansion of humanity's ecological impact on the planet cannot continue much longer without violating natural thresholds. To survive, we must develop a new way of thinking about our economic activities. This article briefly describes the author's approach to such a new mode of thought.

Grip of Death (tags)

This is the world that has been pulled down over your eyes to blind you from the truth...

Nature as Healer and Teacher (tags)

Nature is a healer and teacher, a wounded healer and scorned teacher, a majestic fountain of awe, wonder and inspiration.. Nature cries in pain because she is reduced to a free good, external or sink by a one-dimensional economism.

Public health as a public good (tags)

Infectious diseases, though they manifest themselves in individuals, really are a public issue. We are no healthier than the health of our community, which itself has an ever-increasing scope.

Solidarity Economics is Ecology (tags)

How can there be a global movement with no platform and no economic vision and leaders who hide? If the Brazilian constitution defends the right of the starving to steal food, then surely the poor of the world have the right - under any way of thinking - to steal back control over their lives and their local economies.

Separation of Economics and State (tags)

We need a separation of economics and state - not just church and state.

An economic `menu of pain' - US government is going broke (tags)

Laurence Kotlikoff is chairman of the Dept of Economics at Bostin University and Jeffrey Sachs is a professor of economics at Columbia University.

Event In Westwood: Beyond War On Iraq / Scott Ritter and others / TODAY!! (tags)

Important gathering today. Here's the details


The DIALECTIC and the SOCIAL in PROUDHON Join some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years. 1- The DIALECTIC and the SOCIAL in PROUDHON 2 - INTRODUCTION TO THE FEDERATIVE PRINCIPLE OF PROUDHON

World Leaders Debate Environment and Economics at Largest UN Summit Ever Held (tags)

World leaders, activists, and business elite gather in Johannesburg to decide the fate of the planet in what is shaping up to be merely another clash between globolizatiion proponents who want to impose free markets and privatization as the path to sustainable development, versus environmental and social justice activists who say the neoliberal model is inherently unsustainable.

Economics Instructor speeks about FTAA (tags)

Economics Instructor speeks about FTAA

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