fix articles 21655, individual Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : individual


Multiple crisis and catastrophe (tags)

The official self-image of bourgeois society remains strangely untouched by crises. They are understood as improbable and short-lived interruptions of what are actually successful processes. Disruptions and crises are denied, are considered technical and, through a variety of individual measures, if not solvable, then at least postponable into the future.

Climate catastrophe and `freedom of consumption' (tags)

It is not five to twelve, but five past twelve, as philosopher Slavoj Žižek writes. The fact that climate change is a fact (the details may well be debated) and poses a serious threat to humanity is something that the last fool should have realized by now.1 It is also clear that the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases must be radically and rapidly reduced.

Persons without a center (tags)

"They have their great, constantly changing I, but none of them has a self, a core, an experience of identity (...) ...Without awareness & confidence in his own self, man, Fromm argues, is disconnected from both himself & environment."

The logic of coercion (tags)

Liberty restrictions such as lockdowns, contact restrictions, or mandatory masks are authoritarian by their very nature. Authoritarian action, however, does not correspond to a liberal state, but to a state of authority, as it was realized in the GDR (East Germany).

On the "end of the climate crisis" (tags)

"Global warming, environmental degradation, and growing inequality are primarily the consequences of an unleashed economic mode that is focused on profit and quarterly numbers, but not on the well-being of people and nature."

Practica Nova Imperialis Saxonica rerum criminalium (tags)

Practica Nova Imperialis Saxonica rerum criminalium

Digitization and poverty (tags)

Technology is replacing human labor. .. A widely acclaimed study by Carl Frey and Michael Osborne estimates that 47 percent of U.S. jobs in manufacturing, retail, or service industries such as medicine, banking, or architecture are at risk.

Rav Kook, Teshuvat HaPrat, Teshuvat HaKlal and Shoftim (tags)

Return to Self, Land, and God. The Tzadik State of Israel

Philosophical terror (tags)

Some wisdom i created and a exlusive (Key to Utopia) i did forget in the chicago posting...

The rediscovery of the soul (tags)

How apt are the words of Friedrich Schiller: "The world loves to blacken the radiant and to drag the sublime into the dust". And further he writes: "But fear not! There are still beautiful hearts that glow for the high, the glorious"

Self-reference in capital and in ourselves (tags)

"Lateral thinkers" defend their freedom. Capital serves no other purpose than the irrational end in itself of the multiplication of itself.

The car industry and the climate crisis (tags)

The car companies should now be converted into providers of mobility needs based on socio-ecological sustainability. Reduction of working hours-short full time of an average of 30 hours/4 days per week for all-part of the radical change for human survival amid plutocratic economics.

Hayek and the Social Question (tags)

Hayek, author of Road to Serfdom, said the market was self-healing and market outcomes were just outcomes. In his book "Submission is Freedom," Schreiner explains how public investments and market corrections are vital.

On Kedushah, Kedoshim, and Kiddush HaShem (tags)

Attacks On Synagogues, Holocaust Remembrance Day, The Torah Reading Kedoshim, Deep Deep Teachings

Steer clear of work morality! (tags)

The change must begin with a fundamental collective questioning of our world of work and work morality. Everyone should have the chance to find meaning and identity outside the world of work and develop more freely.

Be very careful about tax reform. (tags)

Tax reform might INCREASE YOUR TAXES instead of reducing them. Please be sure that Obamacare individual mandate repeal is in bill before voting for it.

Republicans against the Poor and the Sick (tags)

The US is experiencing a dramatic deterioration of its public health. President Trump is now trying to make the ACA "implode" through decrees. The insured are reacting to their higher premiums. A series of states have filed actions against the decrees.

Narcissism as a Subject Form of Capitalism (tags)

The narcissist knows only two states: the absolute sense of powerlessness and omnipotence fantasies. Socialization cannot be left to an unconscious process since society's values are increasingly dysfunctional.

Tom Marino Drug Czar; Another Prohibitionist Profiteer! (tags)

Trump's pick for drug czar Tom Marino (R-PA) is another Reagan-era drug warrior looking to continue the revolving door of prohibitionist policies.

Take a Step Back – Robert Tronge (tags)

I’m sure we’ve all heard the statement “walk a mile in his shoes”, but how many people are actually willing to step outside of their comfort zone and do this for a real. Most people are unwilling to see the other person’s point of view, especially when it violates their concept of right and wrong, whether that view of right or wrong is based on past experiences, ethnic, cultural, religious believes or outright bigotry.

Require a Citizenship and Constitutionality test for all Lawmaking Bodies – Robert George (tags)

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Thursday signed legislation that will require all Arizona High School students to take and pass the US Citizenship test before they are able to graduate.

The Unending Story of the Achievers (tags)

All personal and corporate success depended on state investments in roads, schools, hospitals, community centers, airwaves, food safety and water quality. The achievers' myth ignores this, Austrian researcher Bruno Rossmann explains.

Our Stories Are Puzzling For Many (tags)

In our time the stories of our fellow citizens under attack by government thugs may be viewed as a big puzzle, but...

Freedom and the Market (tags)

Neoliberalism as a movement and ideology is a world of ideas where egoism and personal responsibiilty are celebrated, the social is faded out and no place exists for solidarity and social balance. Everyone is the creator of his own happiness here.

Unconditional Basic Income Raises the Right Questions (tags)

In the basic income society, work is what one wants, not what one must. Work is the contribution I make, not the obligation I meet to survive..."Alone I can become free but I cannot become free alone. The drama of becoming free is a social drama" (Swiss philosopher Stefan Brotbeck)

Further redistribution of wealth from West to rest very likely. (tags)

Top sustainable development goal is to end poverty which very likely means a massive redistribution of wealth from West to rest. However, to achieve this the UN has seriously violated the Universal Declaration it claims as its authority.

Neoliberalism Blames Individuals for Inequality (tags)

In neoliberal theories, social justice is not a meaningful category and social inequality is a necessary result of market processes. Performance justice is a necessary illusion. Responsibility for poverty and misery is often shifted to individuals with the worst genes.

Global Iron Curtain: Repressive States control human rights at UN. (tags)

American Professor describes the World's State Criminals as deciding human rights at the UN. In my view, a Global Iron Curtain exists with the UN hiding very much of enormous and profound importance from humanity.

Human Rights Transparency needed to expose cultural cleansing of Genius and Greatness. (tags)

I consider Human Rights Transparency is needed. Some interpretations of the UDHR emphasize individual self-determination while neoliberal variants seek to culturally cleanse the latter and therefore Genius and Greatness.

Gifted, highly intelligent victims of cultural cleansing may seek accountability. (tags)

Some of the gifted, highly intelligent victims of the UN's and State's cultural cleansing of individual self-determination are likely to seek accountability.

Ethical human rights consigns UN's 'hidden collectivist agenda' to 'dust-bin' of history. (tags)

Ethical human rights is firmly based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so removes the UN's 'hidden collectivist agenda' which seeks to culturally cleanse the world of individual self-determination.

Individual Democrats can adapt to Republican majority (tags)

Individual democrats can improve their situation by trying to get along with Republicans and can benefit from cooperating with Republicans.

Neoliberalism has brought out the worst inus (tags)

Bullying used to be confined to schools; now it is a common feature of the workplace. This is a typical symptom of the impotent venting their frustration on the weak – in psychology it’s known as displaced aggression. There is a buried sense of fear, ranging from performance anxiety to a broader social fear of the threatening other.

Crisis of Freedom (tags)

Neoliberalism forms a free entrepreneur out of the oppressed worker, an entrepreneur of himself. Everyone is a self-exploited worker of his own enterprise. Everyone is master and servant in one person. The class struggle is also changed into an inner struggle. One problematicizes oneself...

Jury draft can cause military draft (tags)

When old people are required to serve on juries some of them advocate requiring young people to serve in the U.S. military.

UN's Gross Deceit: ethical human rights needed (tags)

Desc UN's gross deceit omitting certain human rights to enable operation IMF (human rights free zone) which pursues elitist globalization. Activists serious lack of understand of political globalization which sees dominance of bureaucrats. Also, decimation animal population.

I demand right to inform Chch post-quake victims of human rights truth and ethical plan. (tags)

Christchurch, NZ, post-quake victims are facing severe discrimination, a human rights issue. However, they are deprived of hearing the human rights truth and ethical plan. Need to be informed in mainstream media to reach democratic majority.

Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination driven by the bureaucrats. (tags)

Describes a Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination. Driven by the bureaucrats in the interest of secular, liberal collectivists it required a hijacking of human rights hidden by a 'divide and rule'.

Are Gay Men Being CREATED? (tags)

Are these gay men in Palm Springs an indication that homosexuality can be created?

Three Things That Make Libertarian Heads Explode (tags)

The inequality problem, the public goods problem and the regulation problem make libertarian heads explode.

Global turn-around: to persuade Western Powers to adopt 'bottom-up' ethical human rights. (tags)

Major Western Powers invited to New Zealand gives opportunity to adovate a global 'turn-around' by adopting the 'bottom-up' emphasis of global ethical human rights (developed in NZ) to replace 'near absolute', 'top-down' control of 'neoliberal absolutism'.

Criticism of Market Theory and Market Ideology (tags)

Market fundamentalists cling to the myths of the self-healing market and corporate beneficence..The real market economy functions very differently than the fantastic notions of the theoretical market economy. Maximum individual profit does not agree with social welfare.

Professional comments: global ethical human rights to replace neoliberal absolutism (tags)

More in the professional sector prepared to discuss global ethical human rights to replace neoliberal absolutism.

Total opposition - interview with anarchist writer Paul Cudenec (tags)

In an interview with The Vast Minority, writer Paul Cudenec calls for anarchists to unite in "total opposition" to the global capitalist system.

How Does Justice Come to the Economy? (tags)

TELL THE WORLD: Ethical human rights, develop, globaliz to replace Neoliberal Absolutism (tags)

TELL THE WORLD. Ethical human rights, development, globalization to replace Neoliberal Absolutism which now prevails. The latter rarely use direct violence but control by keeping people ignorant so the mainstream media have never informed the global community of the ethical alternative.

A letter: Neoliberal Absolutism and global ethical individual rights plan for youth. (tags)

The young need to know there is a plan they can peacefully fight for which will give them a future. The following includes a brief description of neoliberal absolutism which involves very extreme top-down control denying them their individual rights.

A ‘mixed’ economy brought down Sandinistas; same danger exists for Venezuela (tags)

The question of who owns, controls and/or manages production and distribution is what will be decisive. Venezuela’s economy remains mostly in the hands of capitalists, and that represents a threat to the Bolivarian Revolution.

Locating Witnesses for CHALK WALK Arrest (tags)

This is a call out to any witnesses that may have seen the arrest of Occupy LA protesters during Chalk Walk on July 12-13 at the police skirmish line of 4th and Spring in downtown LA.

Occupiers, Stop Using Consensus! (tags)

Consensus process (the idea that a group must strictly adhere to a protocol where all decisions are unanimous) is the absolute worst idea that has ever been introduced to the activist community.

Big Win for Predatory Healthcare Giants (tags)

class war

BTL:Single-Payer Advocates Favor High Court Overturning Obama Individual Mandate (tags)

Interview with Dr. Margaret Flowers, Maryland pediatrician and member of Physicians for a National Health Program, conducted by Scott Harris

Challenging Obamacare (tags)


Occupy Your Home (tags)

Does anybody care? PLEASE read this article ( and then SIGN the petition ( located on the White House's "WE the PEOPLE" website to stop foreclosures on mortgages made to individual homeowners belonging to the bottom 99%. Also, please help this go viral! It needs 150 signatures to be publicly visible on the site, and 25,000 by January 2, 2012 to be guaranteed a response.

Occupy The Courts (tags)

Please Sign the petition to amend the Constitution for revoking corporate personhood at:

World Week for the Abolition of Meat: 23-30 Sept 2011 (tags)

The idea is to claim loud and clear that it is not only the duty of each individual to stop supporting the murderous exploitation required by the consumption of animal flesh and "by-products", but that it is also, therefore, the duty of societies as a whole to declare themselves for the banning of farming, fishing and hunting.

Slutwalk 2011 [pt 1] (tags)

On January 24th, 2011, a representative of the Toronto Police gave a speech in which he stated: "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized."

Socialist Mimi Soltysik’s Pre-Election Message to California Voters (tags)

The Socialist Party USA stands for political activity independent of the two major corporate parties. Socialists believe that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy and that true democracy can only be achieved with society’s transformation to socialism.

Synthetic Telepathy - The Hidden Truth (tags)

The following article is an entry that appeared on Wikipedia. Within the last 24 hours a major "edit war" broke out and it appeared, at least to me, that the information was being suppressed. The article goes into depth about a field of espionage that employs a technology known as "silent sound" or "Synthetic telepathy". If you're interested in high tech espionage, this makes for a very good read.

Helicopter massacre is the Mai Lai of Iraq. (tags)

It must be exposed because the same is going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan every week.

Is Palin Marginalized—supporting McCain’s Campaign? See McCain’s Indefinite Detention Bill (tags)

Sen. McCain’s bill will drive lawful political activists underground, perhaps creating the domestic terrorists McCain said we needed to be protected from.

Capitalism and Democracy (tags)

Citizens are protected from incursions of the state and on the other side must accept the sovereignty of the state and the general law as prerequisites of property and security. Whoever has visions should be the physician. A good physician will urge changing one's way of life.

Are You Scheduled For Government Interrogation If Senate bill 3081 Is Passed? (tags)

S.3081 is so broadly written, it appears any “individual” who writes on the Internet or verbally express an opinion against U.S. Government or its coalition partners, might potentially be detained on the basis he or she is an “unprivileged enemy belligerent”, “supporting hostilities against U.S. Government.

Fontana PD impound 100 cars at checkpoint/Policía de Fontana confiscan 97 carros en retén (tags)

Once again, the scourge of militarization of our streets and our communities has resulted in nearly 100 cars impounded.

Otra vez, el azote de la militarización de nuestras calles y comunidades ha terminado con la encautación de casi 100 carros.

Albert Einstein was a socialist (tags)

Famous physicist Albert Einstein wrote the essay entitled "Why Socialism?" for the first issue of left-wing magazine "Monthly Review" (May 1949).

Economy Between Competition and Cooperation (tags)

"Market" already includes the concept of "symbiosis" in which two symbiots have advantages through their relation to one another. An increasing net consciousness will have a huge influence on economic interactions by strengthening the partnership principle.

Greed is the Nature of the System (tags)

Politics was corrupted byt he economy and lost control to the economy. In the private enterprise system, there are too many incentives that oppose the public interest. When company pensions end, workers speculate. When high profits are the norm, companies speculate.

Why Socialism? (by Albert Einstein) (tags)

This essay was originally published in the first issue of Monthly Review (May 1949).

Conscientious Objector Status—Who Should Decide? (tags)

It is a fallacious and legalistic straw man ploy for any society or organization (such as the Department of Defense) to arrogate, as definition, that an individual must oppose “all” war on religious or ethical grounds to be considered a “conscientious objector”. Simply to be “conscientious” means to act from one’s “own” conscience—not from the collective hearsay of any particular group or on legalistic grounds of some corporate presumption. The individual conscience is the moral compass of conscientious authority.

New Orleans North American Leaders’ Summit: Misrepresentation in SPP Joint Statement (tags)

Bush, Calderon and Harper, in their April 22, 2008 Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement statement emanating from New Orleans made spurious claims. They claim that “they are committed to democratic government, the rule of law and respect for individual freedoms”.

Criticism of Neoliberalism: Book Review (tags)

The neoliberal understanding of freedom restricts the possibilities of individuals to participation in the market. Structural and economic power are faded out.

48 Hour Health Care Vigil Downtown (tags)

It's Our Healthcare is protesting the Governor's veto of AB 8 and his proposed "health care" plan.

Body and Mind (tags)

During a long time the Medicine kept itself unprepared for understand the association of the diseases of the body with the psychosomatic beginnings, but, at present, doctors show itself well open to the emotional aspects of his patients, passing to consider the human bring as a whole one, and not barely like a liver or a heart.

Your Political Status: Sovereign or Citizen? (tags)

All humans are born Sovereigns. Membership, or "Citizenship" in governments implies a conscious revocation of each individual's sovereignity, giving rule of the individual over to the government. listen to these files


LA Artlab presents FIRE ESCAPE, a group showing of artwork thematically inspired by the concept of fire. The show features new work specifically created for the exhibit by 15 innovative emerging artists within the LA Artlab collective. Pieces on display will include individual and group installations, mixed media, painting, drawing, photography, video and digital media.

Nature and Narcissist Lifestyles (tags)

A tree is more than lumber and a national symbol.

Virginia Tech: Laying The Blame (tags)

There will be a lot of blame dished out in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre. But one element will be missing and that is the system itself. Capitalism and the society it nurtures will remain unscathed in the big business press.

Philippine party-list group Babae Ka to push for equal employment opportunity law (tags)

Babae para sa Kaunlaran or Babae Ka (You are a Woman) will be enacted by the 14th Congress of the Philippines. Women party-list group Babae Ka has announced that the group would prioritize the passage of the “equal employment opportunity law” which will ban discrimination by age, gender and religion in the process of employment.

General Dynamics, Crown Dynasty & Obama (tags)

Chicago Indymedia has a good article connecting the dots between war profiteer General Dynamics, the Crown family and Obama, a US Senator from Illinois.

Is The Bush White House Advancing Fascist Agenda? (tags)

With the illegal “war on terror,” renewal of the USA PARTIOT Act, the Real ID Act of 2005, and the implementation of the National Animal ID Act, is the Bush administration taking the Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of unwitting United States citizens? In this summary of the documentary “One Nation Under Siege,” we can see the pattern of our freedoms falling by the wayside, one at a time.

Governing against the People (tags)

The dream of 1989 that democracy and capitalism can be reconciled fades.. Elected governments orient their decisions in trans-national groups and global finance markets.

NGO of the Week: Basic Income Network (tags)

The internationally practiced social cuts sold as combating unemployment have terrible social and economic effects. A grave psychic depression has already seized society. Since the world economy becomes ever more efficient, what will become of 80% w/o work?

Economist Milton Friedman dies at 94 (tags)

Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who advocated an unfettered free market and had the ear of three U.S. presidents, died Thursday at age 94.

UPDATE: AnthraxGate and MurdochGate (tags)

Anthrax case getting legs again. It can now be reported that Russian microbiologists working with rogue U.S. CIA and British Intelligence aka Gary Best Inc. had anthrax in frozen form transported to the U.K. in late Sept. 2001. The anthrax in perfume vials then found its way to none other than Pier 92 New York City, New York. Pier 92 linked to the FEMA Command and Control Center during the 9/11 Attack on America. Reference: Is it a coincidence that Bush had lunch with Putin in Moscow today on his way to Vietnam? What was the desert? Anthrax a la mode.

Five Long Years with 9/11 (tags)

Israel also did not intend to strengthen Hezbollah when it initiated the recent war with Lebanon. Robert Jungk warned that the possibility of terrorist misuse of nuclear energy could necessitate a police and surveillance state.

Divisionism is Death (tags)

A well-known method of subjugation utilised by conquerors and rulers alike is, “divide and conquer”; this strategy applies equally in times of war and peace. It may surprise many but this method remains the principal means of social control in today’s western societies. The primary divisive structure today is the (separate, ‘closed-door’) nuclear family and the principal divided unit is the psychically isolated, competitive individual. [It should be noted that the ‘individual’, as distinct from the group, is a relatively recent social creation.]

No charges for London pigs who murdered Jean Charles de Menezes (tags)

No police officers are to be prosecuted over the fatal shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes at a Tube station last July.

Democracy and its Despisers (tags)

Characteristics earlier ascribed to totalitarianism like control of the whole social life by the state could now be considered typical for modern democracies.. The whole dfemocratic life degenerates to a kind of market.

Overlooked Dimensions in the War on Terrorism (tags)

A right-on-target essay written in December, 2001. Five years later, it turns out to be 100% correct.

Populist #28 (tags)

On the Electoral College

Pension cuts and inequality wiping out retirement for American workers (tags)

For a growing number of US workers, dreams of a decent retirement are quickly evaporating as companies shift retirement costs onto workers, in the form of deductions from already declining wages, in order to maintain profits in a competitive global economy. In the wake of the post-World War II business boom, US workers were granted certain limited concessions in a three-legged system of retirement security that included individual savings, government programs and private employer pensions. Between the 1940s and the 1980s, private pensions with a guaranteed payout (also known as defined-benefit pensions), became a standard component of compensation for a large section of the American workforce.

Psychology of a Guaranteed Income (tags)

The main obstacle to a guaranteed income seems to be psychological, the envy triggered by another's good fortune.. People will always work since boredom becomes overwhelming.

TUESDAY: "War on Terrorism and the Constitution" (CORRECTED PHONE #) (tags)

Associate Professor Scott Bowman will speak about executive power and individual rights in the post-9/11 era.

Talk at CSULA: War on Terror and Individual Rights (tags)

Professor Bowman will talk about executive power and individual rights in the War on Terror.


some minutemen are ex-intel using this on opposition to bush....the border guarding thing is an excuse...

Freedom Fried (tags)

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of despots.

Capitalism Criticism: Inexorable Struggle for Survival (tags)

"The civilized foundation of cooperative human life is furtively undermined by the capitalist form of organizing society.. Rational objectives often capsize into social irrationa-lity.. Unemployment is a form of violence.."

The Principles of Socialism (tags)

It is very likely that the hour is late, that capitalism will soon perish. It will happen sooner or later and if it does happen sooner, we have to be prepared. We need to debate the principles of our coming revolution; the principles of socialism.

Eleven Arguments for a Basic Income (tags)

Social logic is more future-friendly than profit logic. With the end of cheap oil and the dollar crash on the horizon, a basic income would make the future human rather than predatory Social Darwinism, winner-takes-all, hire-and fire and right of stronger could be dinosaurs.

Silent Violence (tags)

If you like peace the notion of silent violence may be uncomfortable - disturbing even. But the elements that make violence what it is; fear, pain, danger, and death are all contained within deprivation. The only difference perhaps is that one is a result of aggression and the other a result of ignorance.

What is Neoliberalism? (tags)

The market assumes control more and more while social policy is driven down with the argument of "personal responsibility." Growing impoverishment and social exclusion of ever-larger groups are the inexorable consequences.

Review: tghe Black Arrow, a Novel of Resistance and Rebellion (tags)

Radical libertarian Vin Suprynowicz has written an exciting novel of rebellion in a fascist America of the not to distant future.

What is Neoliberalism? (tags)

Every search for alternatives must question the "great narratives" of the free market, efficiency, competition and entrepreneurship. Economic laws could be analyzed as social constructions and economic models as social models.

Freedom and Liberty (tags)

“Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.” (Calvin 1962)

Backstabbed: The History of a Photograph (tags)

Don''t Hang Out With Neo-Cons.

The naked monkey facing the globalizatión. Do human beings really exist?(English/Spanish) (tags)

Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega (google).- Author of the book: “Diez Horas con la Globalización” (google, yahoo, wanadoo, foro-los retos de la globalización,,,,, netbiblo…...) 1- The naked monkey facing the globalizatión. Do human beings really exist?(English/Spanish) 2- Tribute to Alvin Toffler: the fourth and fifth wave (English/Spanish)(This article-publish-it complements the previous article) 2.1-From the “Information Society” to the “Useful Knowledge Society “ 2.2-From the “Useful Knowledge Society” to the “Human Beings Society”

Re: FBI seizes Global Indymedia Servers.(we told you this would come) (tags)

we alerted you to the fbi raiding individual servers across the US.

The FBI Lied, Again (tags)

The FBI lied to you when they said protesters planning to attend the anti-DNC marches in Boston were plotting to attack the media. The DNC is now complete and not a single report of an attack against the media has surfaced. Had such an attack occurred, it is doubtless that the media would have hyped it. No such attack occurred. Here is an article instigated by the FBI concerning the alleged plot by protesters to terrorize the media: Nets warned of threat.

US: Patriotic pride and fear (tags)

Exploring questions of societal madness and contemporary fascism, Goldstein interviews political scientist Michael Parenti and psychologist Daniel Burston.

Author Reading-"Liberty in Troubled Times" SM B&N 7/8 7:30pm (tags)

Author James Walsh reads from his 4th book "Liberty in Troubled TImes" 7:30pm Thursday July 8th, Barnes and Noble, 3rd St. Promenade, SM.

Un-manageable (tags)

Un-manageable Saturday July 24th 2004 at Flor y Canto 6 PM A discussion on the ways in which institutions have been using discipline and normalization as tools to mold the individual into docile and manageable bodies. The primary target of control is no longer just our body but also, if not primarily, our 'soul' ...

The Liberal Case Against Gay Marriage (tags)

It is commonly thought that the issue of gay marriage pits secular liberals against religious conservatives. While this understanding is accurate up to a point, it is also seriously misleading. The most stubborn and intransigent opponents in the conflict are both in their way sectarian.

Shared Johnathans:Federal Marriage Amendment To 'Dick-Walker-Off' Our Civil Liberties (tags)

GLBT civil rights. Intro. to Logic example to exercise. Petition to Sign being sent to President George Walker Bush against the federal marriage amendment.

Terrorist Atrocity in Madrid (tags)


The Choices Are Clear (tags)

The Choices Are Clear: Either Tyranny Or Enlightenment, The Race To Rainbow Bridge

Complex Adaptive Systems & Revolution (tags)

This paper proposes a new theory on revolutionary change. This paper is motivated by the desire to fill a gap in understanding between those bound to traditional anarchist methodology of change and the new disorganized resistance movement, a movement promulgated by the author. The hope is to facilitate understanding of this new paradigm of revolution among traditional anarchists. The disorganized resistance movement encourages multithreaded revolutionary activities and thus seeks not to replace the traditional methodologies but to increase their utility by supplementing traditional methodology, which we consider to be a necessary but insufficient component of revolutionary struggle with that which it lacks, a complete revolutionary methodology adapted to the realities of modern life. This new methodology embraces the concept of meme-warfare. However, before addressing meme-warfare in detail (as we will in a future article), we introduce you to the underlying concept space.


I am a concerned citizen who just came across a website that I think fall's under 18 U.S.C., Distribution with Intent.


I am a concerned citizen who just came across a website that I think fall's under 18 U.S.C., Distribution with Intent.

What Is Evil? (tags)

I invite one to examine the Constitution for language that authorizes the Federal Government to become involved in an individual's education. There is none. Evil, therefore, is any Congressman who voted (in willful violation of his Oath of Office) for any bill involving the FedGov with education.

Circumvention of the Rights of the 'Mentally Ill' (tags)

Once again, the 'mentally ill' suffer at the hands of psychiatry.

Socialism:the only way out of the bloodshed in Israel-Palestine (tags)


A Plea for Systemic Strategies (tags)

If we are to defeat the systems of oppression, we must in fact combat the very systems themselves.

Judge William Young Sentences the Shoe Bomber (tags)

JUDGE WILLIAM YOUNG, SENTENCES THE SHOE BOMBER I hope you will read every word! Pray for more Judges like this one.

Jobless? Blame the System, not Yourself! (tags)

"The economy dictates how many will be unemployed because no jobs are available. 10% of the workforce don't get lazy at a certain point of the business cycle..Each downturn sends millions more into unemp-loyment. Unemployment is a social problem."

When government is strong, the individual is weak. (tags)

To the extent that government is strong, the individual is weak.

Tax Slavery (tags)

If the Government takes as much, or more, from you in taxes as a Feudal Serf are you any free'er than that Feudal Serf?

Commencement Address by Neil Boortz (doublespeak) (tags)

It is quite easy to detect PROPAGANDA within written speeches. Just change right to left and conservative to liberal. It all just doublespeak.


One of the most beloved figures in popular music and culture has endorsed the populist presidential candidate, Dennis Kucinich.

Commencement Address by Neil Boortz (Excellent!) (tags)

This is pure dynamite. The guy rocks! Love to have been there to watch the faculty while he gave this speech - B.A.

What Anarchism Is, and What It is NOT (tags)

Foolish Anarchists, begging for money to fight people WITH money. Using their First Amendment Rights to protest the government which grants them. PATHETIC.


TRIBUTE: THE FOURH AND FIFTH WAVE-“DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION” According to the book “DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION”(Spanish) (AMAZON, GOOGLE, YAHOO, NETBIBLO, FORO-LOS RETOS DE LA GLOBALIZACIÓN) Autor: Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega ( 1-From the “Information Society” to the “Useful Knowledge Society 2-From the “Useful Knowledge Society” to the “Human Beings Society”

Sen. Boxer's Patriot Act amendment (tags)

see below.

Reinventing Libertaria (tags)

"Being a libertarian may be a step in the direction of conservatism, but being a Libertarian puts me in the pocket of people out to kill me."

Conformity & Uniformity the Collective Way (tags)

Hillary and Bill think they will rule the world.


CAPITULATE II.---TRIBUTE. : THE FOURTH AND FIFTH WAVE According to the Book.-“DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACIÓN” (Spanish)(AMAZON) -Of the Sociedad of the Information to theSociedad of the Useful Knowledge -Of the Sociedad of the Useful Knowledge to the Sociedad of the Human beings. A new type of alienation: the one of the conocimiento.

Serving the Individual Strengthens the Group (tags)

From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.

The Origin of Social Dysfunction (tags)

From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.

The Friendship seen by Proudhon (tags)

The Friendship seen by Proudhon

Stop Congressman Howard Coble (tags)

Howard Coble is going around saying it was a good idea to intern the Japanese Americans. It's an argument for the incarceration of Middle Eastern and Arab Americans.



Again-Palestine:On the tactics of the Intifada (tags)


Have any unwanted clothes, shoes, blankets? Donate them to FREE CLOTHING CO-OP! (tags)

Donate your unwanted clothes, shoes, blankets to Long Beach FREE CLOTHING CO-OP - RACUN Community Survival Program.

Pig Cabin Lonely, Tecumpse’s Contempt: Thinking ShawanoeNabeg or thinking ..... (tags)

Scary Pig Cabin Lonely People Need Good Will Too, to remember when tricking or treating this Ween. Trick, I didn’t proof read, your treat, but how much Nabeg-ness is on IMC. And that is the question, personally in the costumes of social constructions and maybe identity when and where they create bad or ill will. This is Dave ‘Min-like musing for a Indigenous or Nabeg Ween for everybody’s global tribal ‘anti-globalizm/anti-war’ door knocking. One reference article follows.



Why Socialism? By Albert Einstein (tags)

Clarity about the aims and problems of socialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition.

about the living dead (tags)

about the living dead


From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.


Director of the Humphrey Institute for Social Research at Ben Gurion University What is the difference between State terrorism and individual terrorist acts?

Greetings Terrorists (tags)

The following is a submission to the IMC-LA S11 art gallery

even "progressives" in usa want a simple, linear, "male" answer (tags)

there is no simple, linear, "male" answer - there never was & never will be. secular "progressive" thought & action, esp. in the usa with its valuation of the individual, is a bigger threat to any patriarchal theocracy, aristocracy or military dictatorship, than anything else. yes, an individual not a white american male can change the world...

A New Declaration of Independence by Emma Goldman (tags)

The history of the American kings of capital and authority is the history of repeated crimes, injustice, oppression, outrage, and abuse, all aiming at the suppression of individual liberties and the exploitation of the people.

$25,000 REWARD - La Raza Defense Committee (tags)

$25,000 REWARD for information leading to the arrest and conviction of cyber terrorists

Complete Text of Granny D's Santa Monica beach party speech (tags)

Granny D. -- who walked across the United States to demonstrate her suport of campaign finance reform -- calls on those concerned with justice to "vote their hearts."

Meir Kahane Rebuttal (tags)

LAPD rumored to fry protestors and IMC camera film (tags)

The LAPD is RUMORED to have started gathering x-ray generation devices of various kinds to 'fry' individual targets video and camera film.

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