fix articles 21650, personhood
Fake lives matter! A satirical look at corporate personhood (tags)
This is a satirical look at the racist origins of corporate personhood. This article shows how a slavery amendment (the 14th) was used to grant constitutional rights to corporations, while at the same time, denying those rights to freed slaves and their descendants. CC-BY-NC-SA
Time Protestor Person of the Year (tags)
Even if editorial staff at Time magazine dubbed “the Protestor” as this year’s “Person-of-the-Year” doesn’t necessarily mean people at the Time, or it’s backstage managers, has garnered much appreciation or respect for “personhood” of the average outspoken dissenter. Likely they surveyed the landscape and realized the inevitable conclusion—2011 has had a lot of ubiquitous protestation around the world. So then an inevitable conclusion became refreshingly obvious—popular dissent is here all over as many status quos are being challenged.
Please Sign the petition to amend the Constitution for revoking corporate personhood at:
Abortion backers operate on illogic (tags)
Just remember this the next time you hear pro-abortion protesters talk about extremists against choice: They're inadvertently describing themselves.