fix articles 216156, russians
On the Ukraine War: "The end result will be a frozen conflict" (tags)
The West, primarily the USA, will not accept a final peace agreement in which Russia retains a substantial part of Ukrainian territory. Even if it is a frozen conflict, the West and the Ukrainians will go to great lengths to undermine Russia's position in the areas of Ukraine it has conquered. The Russians will go to great lengths to ensure that the Ukrainian rump state remains weak.
The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression (tags)
This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev.
In Ukraine, it's coming down to an endless war of position (tags)
Russia sees itself as existentially threatened - regardless of whether NATO and the West ever had and have in mind to attack Russia. What is relevant is what the Russian leadership and the majority of Russians are convinced of.
Re-nationalizing Soviet History and Who breaks the international rules? (tags)
The construction of differentiated historical narratives that overcome one-dimensional perpetrator-victim polarizations in discourse with other affected nations and integrate one's own complicity step by step is an extremely laborious, painful process. It will probably take decades.
Russia's war against Ukraine and What are the war aims? (tags)
Erich Vad is an ex-brigade general. From 2006 to 2013, he was the military policy advisor to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He is one of the rare voices who spoke out publicly against arms deliveries to Ukraine early on, without political strategy or diplomatic efforts.
Much wants more and loses all (tags)
It is the West that cannot imagine a life without money and the resultant luxuries. Sanctions or no sanctions, Western companies will sooner or later (I bet: sooner) resume business with Russia because – as everybody in the West knows – “money makes the world go round”.
"I feel like I've been transported back 80 years" (tags)
People are desperately fleeing from bombs and rockets. I feel transported back almost 80 years and become pensive. Europe had sworn to itself: Never again fascism! Never again war! The scars remain - at the age of 94, I feel them more strongly than ever.
I don't want Russia and China marching arm in arm (tags)
We should also take a step back and look at somewhat longer horizons, not just the moment - the aim must be to win Russia back as a partner. One sentence by Egon Bahr remains true: "Without or against Russia, there will simply be no peaceful future on this continent."
Illegal Russians Invited to West Bank at Invitation of Israeli Government Outside jewish (tags)
Russians are not indigenous to the West bank in Palestine. That's the West Banl of the river Jordan. However Russians are being invited to illegally take over and live there at the invitation of the Israeli government in Tel Aviv and Palestinian homes are bulldozed while settlement housing goes up.
Illegal Russians Receiving Land and Homes in West Bank 2018 (tags)
We are against the current war in the middle east. What many people do not understand is that the state of Israel is actively allowing immigrant from Russia to settle on stp;en West Bank land that was the home to Palestinian families who were successful. this is illegal
Ethnic Cleansing in Syria (tags)
A guide to who's who.
Snubbing Russia, Reinventing History (tags)
Nemtsov Wanted Color Revolution Change in Russia (tags)
The CIA-Controlled Neocon Washington Post (tags)
NATO Expands, not Russia (tags)
For me the root of the present conflict lies in this decision of NATO that was dangerous and wrong...The simple technique is followed: demonizing the adversary, fomenting chaos and covering up one's own violence.
The Russians Aren't Coming (tags)
Look Out World,Russian Vladimir Putin's Environmental Mentality is $adly Based On Greed (tags)
The underwater battle for the world's resources continues, & apparently Greenpeace activists being held captive in Russia are just little pawns were used in the bigger picture of attempting to deter International plunder over Mother Earths Preservation..
Russian Company to luanch New Scotch brand after Us film star (tags)
Russian spirts maker to marked Russian made Scotch to world. Branded after a American films stars Character
The American government wants new world war.
Attention: Russians - Neocon Bushite are Enemies to Life (tags)
They do not support defending America, but destroying Humanity to escape their rightful arrests for the crimes of 911, among other things. Please speak for Russians, in lawful action to demand the arrests of those responsible for 911. General Ahmad funded 911's Atta.
in Afghanistan
Gorbachev Calls Cheney a "Durak" (fool, idiot) (tags)
It was Friday evening, May 19, 2006. My spouse (Carol DePrisco) and I were dining at Barron - the house restaurant of St. Petersburg's recently refurbished Petro Palace Hotel (located on Malaya Morskaya street, just one block east of St. Issac's Cathedral and two blocks west of bustling Nevsky Prospect). We were dining with a retired professor of English from St. Petersburg State University. At the very outset of our conversation, the professor inquired: "You are not a Republican, are you?" I assured her I wasn't, thus breaking the ice for a very pleasant and engaging conversation during dinner and afterward in our spacious hotel suite.
I always liked the way Einstein said it: “In my opinion, only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, but I’m not sure about the first.”
An open letter to the people of the United States regarding the future of humanity. (tags)
You Americans need to get of your high horse with all this "America is a great country" garbage. The American taxpayer funds a 500 billion dollar killing machine that has been committing genocide at home and abroad for hundreds of years.
It focuses on several points of contention Israel has with Russia's foreign policy. Russia's take on the peace process-the Palestinians; Russia's support for the Iranian nuclear program; Russia's relationship with Syria and its occupation of Lebanon.
Making the US safer? The jokes on us... (tags)
The Bush administration is running its election campaign on the assertion that it has made the US safer. Is this true? A report in today's LA Times indicates that in fact, the Bush administration has done precisely the opposite. How so?
"Russia doesn't conduct negotiations with terrorists — it destroys them." (tags)
its not over people, its a hard fact that something must be done to end the bloodshed and violence, and putins methods are not really working
Russia after the War in Irag (tags)
The Russians Are Coming (tags)
The Russians Are Coming
Anti-war rally in downtown LA draws hundreds (tags)
An emerging anti-war movement in Los Angeles held its second vigil Thursday evening in Pershing Square in downtown, drawing 300 to 400 people.