fix articles 214377, la democracia Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : la democracia

la democracia

October 2019 Honduras Coup update (tags)

Summary: A campesino of the Bajo Aguan territory struggle was kidnapped by soldiers and murdered. Political prisoner Rommel’s mental health crisis forced a transfer to the psychiatric hospital. A Garífuna kindy teacher killed. Campesinos growing food in Siguatepeque were oppressed by cops and courts. A Libre party leader was assassinated. A journalist’s family home was attacked. Police intimidated another media. 18 October 2019 was also a date of major protests nationally because the regime president JOH’s brother Tony Hernández – also then parliamentarian – was declared guilty in New York as a drug trafficker and assassin. Police attacked many times with gases and arrests against ongoing protests against the dictatorship. A teacher leader was kidnapped and left for dead. A Miskita indigenous leader and spouse (teacher) were murdered by hitmen. One more Guapinol community member who opposed Mining company Inversiones Los Pinares was arrested.

Honduras Coup Repeat Update 26 November 2017 to 14 December 2017 (tags)

This is part two of a news summary in Honduras, of the resistance against this again-coup following yet another fraudulent election, the repression is heavy, the military is constantly pulling out and firing their guns at people in barricades and protests, the curfew has been there, and hundreds have been arrested. Despite the danger the resistance and actions are immense and growing.

We don't want Vicente Fox at UCI! ¡No queremos que venga Vicente Fox a UCI! (tags)

Students at UC-Irvine in Orange County, CA, are fighting to keep Vicente Fox from giving "Democracy lectures" at their campus. We are asking for support and endorsements from groups anywhere in the world, to send a strong message that the world has not forgotten Chiapas, Atenco, and Oaxaca, and we will oppose Fox and other oppressors wherever they show their faces.

De Traidor y Fascista a Héroe Nacionalista y Víctima (tags)

Se enmarca la publicación en los planes de crear disturbios en el MERCOSUR en beneficio de embajadas extranjeras a la región, que ya han llevado al gobierno del obispo Fernando Lugo a instalar una innecesaria crisis con algunos sectores poderosos dominantes en Brasil.

Apelación urgente por Bolivia (tags)

Inició el año con la desagradable sensación de que la dramática apelación de Danielle Mitterrand en carta abierta a los dirigentes europeos, instándolos a salvar la democracia en Bolivia cayó en saco roto o fue abducida por las frivolidades que acompañan a las celebraciones navideñas.

La transición ya se produjo, ¡estúpido! (tags)

En Cuba la transición ya se produjo, y tuvo lugar el Primero de Enero de 1959. Una doble transición: de la dictadura a la democracia, y del capitalismo al socialismo

La CIA preocupada: señal de que Latinoamérica avanza (tags)

Revolución Bolivariana

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