fix articles 21367, project inform
Memorial Service for Ferd Eggan (tags)
Ferd Eggan, writer, activist, revolutionary, died 07/07/07 of liver cancer related to AIDS.
LA Transgenders Remember Gwen, Other Tragedies & Triumps of 2002-2003 (tags)
As the October 3 one year anniversay of the brutal slaying of Bay Area Transgender teen Gwen Araujo is remembered, Los Angeles' large community can recall other tragedies, and triumphs of the past year.
Deforming Miracles Four years later, after record-breaking approval by the Food and Drug Administration and in the absence of any long-term survival data, it has become clear that protease inhibitors are anything but “miraculous” or “safe.”
ACT UP Member Responds to Pharmaceutical Propaganda & Media Lies (tags)
The media is burying the scary prospect of quarantine for PWAs behind ACT UP criticism. ACT UP critics receive funding from the same pharmaceutical companies that funded Bush for president. Project Inform's Martin Delaney, ACT UPs' most ineffective lying critic, gets almost half his income from pharmaceutical companies!
Corporate-funded AIDS organizations jail PWAs (tags)
It's really sick that AIDS organizations funded by pharmaceutical companies are now spending their money to put people with AIDS in jail! Project Inform gets half their money from drug companies, whose drugs they then promote with a one-sided view. They used Morrison and Forrester to prosecute these people with AIDS. Morrison and Forrester represented the helicopter companies to get Plan Colombia passed in congress.