fix articles 21234, greater Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : greater


Economic Inequality Divides Economics and Society (tags)

An unequal distribution of income paralyzes the whole economy... Redistribution from top to bottom in a national economy ultimately depends on which social groups can enforce their interests more strongly.

A War the West Cannot Win (tags)

Andrew J. Bacevich is a professor emeritus at Boston University. His new book “America’s War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History’’ will appear in April 2016.

Brookings on Russia's Formidable Air and Sea Power (tags)


Netanyahu Vows Harsher Police State Viciousness on Palestinians (tags)


Panic Grips Markets (tags)


Greek PM Calls Snap Elections (tags)


Genocide Advocate Appointed Israeli UN Envoy (tags)


UK Special Forces Fighting Assad in Syria (tags)


$1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb (tags)


Anti-Climax in Greece: Epitaph for a Failed State (tags)


ECB May Deny Greek Banks More Emergency Funding (tags)


High Stakes Game of Chicken in Greece (tags)


Greece Declares Bank Holiday, Capital Controls Imposed (tags)


Plans for Destroying Greece Stall (tags)


Merkel and Hollande for Peace in Ukraine: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Washington's Ukraine Agenda Risks WW III (tags)


West Intends More Heavy Weapons for Kiev's Battered Military (tags)


Heading for War with Russia? (tags)


Sweden: How the welfare state was stolen (tags)

The entrance of private equity from 2005-6 was a big shift. They created a totally different logic, where short-term extraction of profit was the only goal. In 2011 the shit really hit the fan.

Militarism in Germany (tags)


Great World can be achieved by Great States ensuring an ethical human rights 'bottom-line' (tags)

Describes what I see as the UN’s gross neglect of duty re UN Charter (in my opinion, a ‘global crime against humanity’) to uphold UDHR. Also I consider greater political and national unity is planned to execute a ‘near absolute’ control in States.

Venezuelan Municipal Elections (tags)


High-Level Opposition to Escalating Syria's Conflict (tags)


Boston Black Ops: Manufacturing Terror (tags)

police state

Washington OK's Israeli Aggression on Syria (tags)


Intifada Activism Needed (tags)


Message of Solidarity to Gabriela Women's Party on its 11th Congress (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS), express our warmest greetings of solidarity to GABRIELA as you hold your 11th National Congress and celebrate your 28th year of activism and service to the Filipino women and the Filipino people in the struggle for national freedom and democracy.

Rebel or Perish (tags)


Spain: The Latest Shoe to Drop (tags)

class war

Shaky Economies (tags)

class war

Obama Authorizes Greater Wall Street Theft (tags)

class war

Legislating Greater Wall Street Theft (tags)

grand theft

Banker Occupied Europe and America (tags)


America's Great Divide Between Rich and Poor (tags)

class war

EU Protests Israeli Occupation Policies (tags)


Europe Lays an Egg (tags)

class war

Occupy United Way! Group founded and manifesto published (tags)

Grassroots activists and public education advocates take on the United Way for its complicity with the corporate education reform cabal!

Eurozone Bailout Deal (tags)

class war

Economic Tremors (tags)


Is Syria Next? (tags)

regime change

Economic End Times (tags)

class war

Rude Awakening (tags)


Rahm Emanuel: Chicago's War Criminal/Anti-Labor Mayor (tags)


Working America's Dismal State (tags)


Democracy, Haitian Style (tags)


America's Gulf: New Report Says It's Dying (tags)

willful malfeasance at fault

Chavez Given Enabling Law Power (tags)

legal in Venezuela

A World Full of Super-Bubbles: Ben Bernanke (tags)

In the last months, Ben Bernanke has emerged as a problem-intensifier, not a problem-solver. The man who flooded the world with cheap dollars faces the waste-heap of a sinking ship making the Titanic seem like a little rowing boat.

Legislation for Greater Agribusiness Empowerment (tags)

food safety off the table in these bills

America's Gulf: A Toxic Crime Scene (tags)

greatest ever environmental crime

Growing Health Crisis in the Gulf (tags)

criminal negligence at fault

Public Anger and Distrust of Business and Government (tags)

opposition to business and government

Washington-Industry Complicity Behind the Gulf Disaster (tags)

Blame Washington-industry complicity

Introducing the LA Anarchist Weekly (tags)

Introducing the LA Anarchist Weekly

Announcing the Opening of a LA Area Anarchist Twitter for Regional Anarchist Happenings (tags)

Announcing the opening of a twitter for anarchist events, news & articles pertaining to the Greater Los Angeles Area.

View Videos: Expose' of adding TOXIC Fluoride to LA/San Diego Drinking/Tap Waters (tags)

The Southern California Municipal Water District, after just 12 Directors voted 'YES!' last October 2007 [e.g. without Public Ballot Vote] to add toxic Silicofluoride to most of L.A./San Diego Drinking/Tap Waters faces LEGAL CHALLENGES. Videos following LINKS put MWD on NOTICE:

"Immoral Hazard" (tags)

Economic troubles are broad, deep and worrisome.

Big business hits Philippine SC ruling (tags)

The influential Makati Business Club (MBC) on Thursday said the Supreme Court decision on executive privilege did not conform to the “progressive standards of transparency” and restricted the ability of the legislature to check presidential abuse. In a statement, the MBC said it was “very concerned” about the tribunal’s ruling on the petition of then Director General Romulo Neri of the National Economic and Development Authority to stop the Senate from questioning him further on the $329-million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China’s ZTE Corp. “Their decision gives greater value to executive privilege than to the public’s right to know, which is not in keeping with progressive standards of transparency. It also has the effect of restricting the ability of the legislature to act as a countervailing force against executive abuse,” the MBC said.

So.CA MWD Directors voted to add Silicofluoride to Drinking Water --18 Million At RISK (tags)

Greater Los Angeles and San Diego get ‘SilicoFLUORIDE’ in their drinking/tap waters as of October 1, 2007. Please SIGN PETITION to Congress to End 12 So.CA Municipal Water District Directors 'fluoridation' Agenda at: hhtp://

Shifting Targets (tags)

The power of love is greater than the love of power. The power of nonviolence is greater than the power of irrational violence.

Market Efficiency Hokum (tags)

Debunking the myth that free markets work best.

The Greater Wrong Of The Right (tags)


War Against the Phantom (tags)

The Cheney formula of the terrorist world threat with its home in Iraq turns a blind eye to what the American government habitually ignroes: Iraqi nationalism..The Islamic state of Iraq, however phantom-like, is well suited for propagating the war in Iraq as part of the greater war.

To Chavez, Lula, Requião and Carlos Rovira. (tags)

Remote enawene nawe are only 420 and live mainly on the fishing. They are protesting against the plans of the soybean companies, directed by the greater producers of soybean of the world, the Maggi family, to dam the Juruena river and to obtain hydroelectric energy for the industry.

Left Wing Zionists to the Rescue? (tags)

According to a article by Gregory Levey there is a new left leaning lobbying group being set up by the likes of George Soros and Clinton adviser Jeremy Ben-Ami

Ludicrous Assumptions (tags)

Ludicrous assumptions are many but perhaps the most absurd is the assumption that those who steal the greater percentage of available wealth and continue to implement economic strategies designed to enslave are (somehow) safe and secure. From the Pacific islands to the pitch battles in Mainland China, exploited people of the world are retaliating against injustice.

Operation Expose the Government Terrorists 2 (tags)

A warning of a possible false-flag operation

Populist #32 (tags)

Centralization and Popular Elections

The Price of Growth (tags)

In "1984," George Orwell warned that war would become a domestic necessity to divert the people from economic contradictions. Inequality may promote productivity but also undermines public spirit and social ochesion

Revolution or Misapprehension (tags)

The people’s movement in LA, France, Thailand, China, Philippines, the South Americas etc., verifies a power dynamic outlined in an earlier paper:

“…the erosion and final dissolution of power concentrated in specific locations is rapidly occurring today. The ultra-right/left authoritarian contractionism we witness today is symptomatic of its failure to harmoniously engage the greater (world) dynamic. The ‘greater’ the contractionism/antagonism the greater attraction it creates for precisely those forces and conditions that would equalise it [dispersion] in the broader world context.”

Another Doomsday, Another Dollar: Shifting Science towards Peace and Ecology (tags)

Science must be urged to climb those mountains which promote sustainability, peace and ecology rather than those which place our planet in peril.

Part-Time Work for Everyone (tags)

The advantages of part-time work must gain general approval.. When the just distribution of work makes headway, the state and the economy will be freed from a considerable part of social expenditures and cuts in individual living standards will be balanced.

Latest picture to shock America : Slaughter on the street (tags)

This is the latest picture to shock America and pile even greater pressure on George Bush over Iraq.

Warning: This diet is not for everyone (tags)

Finding a quarter-billion acres for adequate feed grain harvests would mean at least a 7 percent increase in cropland worldwide at a time when farmers are already using most of the better land. Much of the newly plowed acreage would likely be marginal, subject to greater erosion and requiring extra generous applications of fertilizer and pesticides.

Government moves to make Patriot Act permanent (tags)

Congressional push to remove the sunset provisions from the Patriot Act some time before 2005. If the govt. truly seeks to make this country safer it should stop bombing innocent people around the world in its push for greater world hegemony. No amount of spying will create peace and safety in that climate.

Operation: Iraqi Freedom? (tags)

America "the great" appears to have fallen, and it can't get up.

Julian Simon and the Triumph of Energy Sustainability (tags)

From the book "Julian Simon and the Triumph of Energy Sustainability"

You Can't 'Contain' Saddam (tags)

Cold War doctrine doesn't apply in the age of terror. Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:01 a.m. EST

Toys for the World (tags)

Just in time for the holidays! [448 kb in MP3 format (57 sec)]

Sunday PROTEST against Benjamin Netanyahu (tags)

Former Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who thinks Arial Sharon is not hard enough on the Palestinians, will be speaking in L.A., Sunday morning. People who believe in Peace and Justice will be there to greet him.

Vancouver Stops Water Privatization Scheme (tags)

Read below.

Neighborhood Councils: Democracy or Crap? (tags)

Per the new L.A. City Charter (1999), we will have Neighborhood Councils, for better or for worse. The activist community in L.A., which seems to be gaining momentum, is perhaps the only constituency that can stop these councils from becoming a total sham.

Death Penalty Democrats (tags)

Death Penalty Democrat California Governor Gray Davis murders again, this time executing Robert Massie on March 27, 2001, who has been on and off Death Row for 36 years, courtesy us taxpayers. He was never rehabilitated, but was let out of prison, and thus killed again. Our tax dollars must go for rehabilitation, not punishment, if we are to solve any social problems at all.

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