fix articles 21206, consent Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : consent


Opinion: Military draft might have been reinstated by executive order (tags)

Opinion: President Joe Biden Might have reinstated the U.S. military draft with a executive order.

Covid Myth Busting Before It Was Fact Using Some Commonsense - Get Ready for 2024 (tags)

Commonsense trumps real science - which needs real data, not commonsense... and that empirical data comes too late sometimes as a consequence of nefarious policies and disguised political agendas. There'd have been no covid injuries and vaccine uptake would have been near zero had the vast majority of public worldwide exercised some shrewd commonsense and recognized snake oil for what it was / still is. Modernity's greatest hijacking through behavior control is co-opting public's commonsense. Even coercion requires a measure of public's consent. How not to withhold consent is the entire edifice upon which oligarchic controls rest. Understanding this gets back to the public using their commonsense to preempt the dystopic oligarchic agendas.

Manufacturing Dissent - Making the Public Mind (tags)

Book Announcement. Engineering Consent in free open democratic societies entails manufacturing both consent and dissent based on target demographics.

Palestinian Political Prisoners Protest Israeli Oppression (tags)


CIA Human Experimentation (tags)


Four Videos for the New Year (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. Shriveling the financial sector is vital for a future of generalized security and environmental caring.


At its most prestigous ceremony the LAPD will be awarding its highest honor, the Medal of Valor to 10 of the SWAT officers who murdered 18 month old baby Susie Pena.


At its most prestigous ceremony the LAPD will be awarding its highest honor, the Medal of Valor to 10 of the SWAT officers who murdered 18 month old baby Susie Pena.

The romance of rape (tags)

It is tempting to describe the decision of the Court of Appeals acquitting Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith of the crime of rape, promulgated by the all-female 11th special division, as the revenge of the “manangs”. The decision certainly seems to have been written by a conspiracy of spinsters, in vigorous denial of reality, and sustained by fantasies of chivalry (in favor of the American serviceman) and chastity (against the woman we all call “Nicole”). “This court finds [as] deceptively posturing Nicole’s portrayal of herself as a demure provinciana lass,” the CA ruled, contrary to the unflattering characterization, sometimes using colors supplied by the victim herself, that the trial painted of flirty, hard-drinking Nicole. “On hindsight, we see this protestation of decency as a protective shield against her own indecorous behavior.”

The San Angelo Witch Hunts (tags)

Why you should care about the raid on the FLDS ranch.

Phone Company Double Speak Allows Surveillance (tags)

department of homeland security is simply the melding of corrupt mexican/south american law enforcement with the bush drone/surveillance machine; its agents on the payroll around the country are putting spy devices on their neighbors for a few federal reserve dollars and using this as rationale to declare they are WORKING for the government and are not a white welfare state....nm governor cooperating with this byzantine corruption, using it to harass political opponents and activists, and to hide identities of people for various reasons....

The Mark Foley scandal: Where is the crime? Down with this reactionary crusade! (tags)

It is the capitalists and their parties who politicize sex. They claim to be defending the innocent and vulnerable, but anyone who has seen the pictures from Abu Ghraib prison knows that this government doesn't give a damn about sexual torture and molestation. Their real intent is to persecute anyone who strays outside the completely artificial bounds prescribed by the patriarchal, heterosexual bourgeois family, and in the process arrogate to themselves ever greater police powers.

“Warrantless Search Law Deskbook” (tags)

This is an interesting book of 601 pages which mostly explains why the 4th Amendment is more or less 99 percent null and void.

Support Indigenous Rights: Sign the Free Grassy Narrows Petition (tags)

In Ontario, Canada, an indigenous community called the Grassy Narrows First Nation are being subjected to human rights abuses. Logging companies, Weyerhaeuser and Abitibi are clear-cut logging their land without the community’s consent. This exploitation is poisoning their waters with toxins, robbing the community of economic opportunities, and destroying their way of life. Sign the petition -

IRS -- Israeli Revenue Service (tags)

Next time the irs comes visiting for a mandatory handout for israel, shove this in their face, and tell them to go away, or get blown away...

The Observer runs horror story (tags)

First published on THEN The New York Post the story has now made it to the highly respected British daily 'The Observer'.

3rd Amendment: Quartering of Soldiers in Peacetime (tags)

No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Manufacturing Consent (tags)

"The pure facts are not denied by Chomsky's adversaries but their interpretation..Chomsky believes in a strategy of the media moguls..Government-friendly reporting is better in the long run for the economy and for the media conglomerates." Trans fr German

Tax Slavery (tags)

If the Government takes as much, or more, from you in taxes as a Feudal Serf are you any free'er than that Feudal Serf?

Madison: 'Does 'consent of the governed' imply 'informed consent'?' (tags)

I found this posted over at Smirking Chimp and thought Madison made some good points. So, I lifted it and brought it over here as it is thought provoking.

bus riders union march (tags)

Bus Riders Union March today.

Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence (tags)

Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence: Shortly after the last witchhunt era, public schoolchildren were expected to memorize the first 1.5 paragraphs and the major statements of this document. Being long out of school, I have verified that these are direct quotes from the American Declaration of Independence, adopted on the 4th of July, 1776.

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