fix articles 211349, american israeli public affairs committee
BTL:Progressive Challenger to Hawkish Democrat Rep. Jane Harman Gets an Early Start (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
"Mission acomplished" or "Mission Over." (tags)
Can someone tell the President?
Special Political Alert (tags)
Harris and Halpern are on Hillary’s ABC Mickey Mouse Disney Mossad payroll, just like Chris Matthews of MSNBC... It was duly elected US President Albert Gore Jr. that has given the dynamic speeches at the “Daughters of the American Revolution” and at that has fingered Bush for what he is a criminal fascist. Bill Clinton now attacks Al Gore in this ridiculous book written by these two in-the-closet misfits. Accordingly do not be fooled by Bill Clinton’s Fox News stunt. He remains Daddy Bush’s Bitch.
Back Breaking News: Special Emergency Political Alert (tags)
Susan Ralston, former aide to Jack Abramoff and Karl Rove resigned today. She has been subpoenaed to reappear in front of the Fitzgerald Grand Jury vis a vis the Valerie Plame leak case. Interpol Intelligence sources are now reporting that 9-11/Oklahoma City (Murrah Building Bombing) aka Project Bojinka/WMD Plant/Greenberg Taurig/Tyco International and the Florida-Gate 2000 Dots have been connected.
Now it is time to hang the traitors
Time to Put America First (tags)
Another Israeli Spy, as reported by CBS is suspected in the Pentagon, though some news sources state this is the first time since Pollard during the 1980's one has been caught.
Email Congress to Stop Aid to Israel due to murder of a USA citizen (tags)
Email Congress to Stop Aid to Israel due to murder of Rachel Corrie a USA citizen
Israel is Buying Our Politicians! (tags)
According to a Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders, the second most powerful lobby in the United States is the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. A tape transcript in which former AIPAC president David Steiner discusses lobbying activities on behalf of the Israeli government reveals the blatant corruption in the American political system.