fix articles 21079, euros Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : euros


When will we finally end the party of the arms companies? (tags)

The people, however, want the opposite. They are afraid of war. They want peace and civil conflict resolution. They want social welfare and a decent standard of living.That is what politics should focus on. Unfortunately, in the current hysterical mood, there are only a few who have the courage to be pilloried as "party crashers", pro-Putin, pro-Hamas, pro-Mullah and other autocrats

Ukraine war: the business with death (tags)

State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Happy Anti-War Day! - September 1 - Say No! (tags)

War always has two losers. Neither side can win the Ukraine war. Russia will not lose a war of attrition. Ukraine lacks recruits, artillery and time!

Tax evasion and avoidance and Democracy at a tipping point (tags)

The biggest losses from tax evasion and avoidance are caused by multinational corporations, followed by wealthy individuals. Sums in the triple-digit billions up to one trillion. Euros are evaded annually in the EU. 21-32 trillion US dollars are undeclared via tax havens

Lay down your arms! (tags)

There are successful examples of non-violent, civil resistance in history. This spares human lives and, when things go well, achieves its goals at least as well as acts of war could. Ukrainian pacifists are trying to show a way out of the spiral of escalation.

Rents know no Corona (tags)

Numerous economists had predicted falling real estate prices and rental prices during the pandemic. But prices are rising. Once again, economists are surprised that reality does not want to follow their models... Central banks are squeezing even more money into the financial markets than ever before.

On Anti-War Day 2021 (tags)

It is long past time to finally bury the intervention doctrine, which has been marketed under the euphonious title "responsibility to protect"[5] since 2001, and to brand it for what it was from the beginning: a neocolonial project.

Economics in the times of the coronavirus (tags)

Most people’s thinking is determined by the development of the Covid-19 crisis, the return of “the hour of executive power” (Gerhard A. Ritter), i.e. state of exception legislation, and the fears which it evokes as well as the economic measures in response to the health crisis.

Selling off. The Price of Privatization in France (tags)

Liberalization and privatization have ultimately only confused consumers, but have whetted the appetite of the industry bosses and their puppets even more. The takeover of the state by the private sector is no longer about the realization of an ideological project.

Sowing Egoism and Harvesting Trump (tags)

Thomas Straubhaar urges rethinking globalization and inequality. "We have believed too long in the theory that free trade, free entrepreneurship and little state automatically lead to balance and that everyone would be rewarded in the end...We need a new reconciliation of social values."

Chaos.Thbe New Age of Revolutions (tags)

The End of the Megamachine brings to light the roots of the destructive forces threatening the future of humankind today. Dismantling Western progress mythologies, Scheidler shows how the logics of endless capital accumulation have devastated both human societies & ecosystems

Vienna: Housing is a Human Right (tags)

Housing as a human right is subverted by the right of speculation. The Vienna Housing Fund buys up potential development land and prevents speculation. Rents in Vienna are half the rents in Munich.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 18 (tags)

anne frank didn´t write her diary

Amazon, the Elephant in the Bookshop (tags)

Amazon is one of many examples of a gigantic problem. International corporation s shirk from contributing their just share to financing the community. Hosts of advisers and lawyers have created a "tax avoidance industry."

5 Questions on Tax Justice (tags)

Tax justice must be created and tax avoidance stopped to fight inequality and poverty. Apple paid 0.0005% tax on its profits in Ireland - merely 50 euros on a million euros profits. Corporations dodge their just contribution as part of society through tax avoidance.

State Investments and the Public Sector (tags)

The public infrastructure is something positive, even from a business perspective. it is a kind of advance concession, increases the entrepreneurial production potential and lowers the production costs. If state investments are trifling, this will have negative long-term effects

The Driving Force of Global Inequality (tags)

Behind closed doors, a powerful industry has developed worldwide since the 1980s: tax avoidance. Taxes that are avoided must be compensated by higher taxation of households with lower incomes.

ECB May Deny Greek Banks More Emergency Funding (tags)


Entrapping Greece in Debt (tags)


Scare-mongering Greeks to Vote "Yes" on Sunday (tags)


Plans for Destroying Greece Stall (tags)


Apple, the State and Social Rights (tags)

Apple only gained its profits with the iPhone through state promotion and investments in the Internet and language recognition software. The state suffers a revenue crisis in part because Apple, Google and dominant corporations transfer profits to tax havens or dummy Irish corporations.

Seven Good Reasons for a More Just Tax Policy (tags)

In the US, the top tax rate was over 70% from 1938 to 1982. Reagan cut the top rate to 35% and changed taxation from corporate to individual leading to exploding inequality and generalized insecurity. Taxation, investment, labor market, trade and distribution policies must change.

"This is a Cold Putsch Against the Constitution" (tags)

Sahra Wagenknecht, co-vice president of DIE LINKE (The Left Party) in Germany, is the author of many books and articles on economic justice, the financial transactions tax and creative socialism.

Greater Grand Theft Cyprus (tags)

class war

Cyprus Postmortems: Part II (tags)

class war

High Noon in Cyprus (tags)

class war

Grand Theft Cyprus (tags)

class war

Economic Policy, the Schwabian Housewife and Francois Hollande (tags)

"What is rational for individuals leads collectively into a cul-de-sac.. The fundamental error is that economic policy believes the crisis can be fought with the logic of a family budget. For that reason, the collapse of the euro zone threatens." France goes a different way than Italy and Spain.

The Pain in Spain (tags)

class war

Greece: The Epicenter of Global Pillage (tags)

class war

Striking port workers in Marseille know the truth (modified by General Joe) (tags)

"They (French workers) are “fighting privatization,” as we all should be. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be a slave to private capital either! This article, like most in the capitalist press, omits this essential information to benefit the owners and bosses. Get a clue folks and stand up and fight back or be prepared to have everything stolen from you. Remember, the rich don’t want but one thing. And that’s “everything.” Kind a makes the bank bailouts a little more understandable don’t you think. See “class war” all around you."

It's amazing (tags)

In the great US democracy, half of those eligible to vote are not registered, and half of those who are registered does not vote. Thus, the rulers are elected by only 25% of the electorate...

Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS (tags)

in your face you lazy superstitious fuckheads, i guess americans are going to get what they deserve soon...

Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS (tags)

Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged a communique from Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Levni which requests that all foreign aid payments and loans from the United States be made in Euros rather than in Dollars. Foreign Minister Levni cited the rapidly declining dollar and it's disfavor as a world currency as reasons for the request.

Global wheat prices soar to new highs (tags)

Compared with initial forecasts of a near-record crop of up to 26 million tonnes, dry weather has shrunk expected output to 20-22 million tonnes, according to industry forecasts. reuters

Basic Income: Freedom for Every Individual (tags)

Katya Kipping rightly characterizes basic income as a democracy package. Solving a material question and strengthening civil rights and personal autonomy are joined.

Basic Income Strengthens Workers' Negotiating Power (tags)

Basic income would be an effective instrument against the growing poverty, a kind of democracy package and a good vehicle for self-determined reduced working hours..Some leftists have a hard time because they follow a certain work fetishism

How the Rich Become Richer and the Poor Poorer (tags)

The rich become richer by taking more from the poorer and the poor.. How long will humanity fall to capitalism and the asocial drives of a small clique of beneficiaries?.. We can't afford the rich.

Monthly Pay for Everyone (tags)

A basic income means an income-securing existence allowing participation in social life. The basic income would do away with work coercion and tests of neediness.

The Iranian Oil Bourse (tags)

The denomination of oil sales is a pyure transaction affair.. In the present situation, the oil bourse represents a symbolic manifestation of Iran's desire to be less dependent on a US-dominated dollar-world.

The Four Day Week (tags)

"The neoliberal medicine Less State and More Market does not work.. That the neoliberal medicine does not heal the economy and society but damages them must be clear to everyone who hasn't suc-cumbed to the neoliberal delusion."

Millionaires and the Unemployed (tags)

"The millionaire could simply pay his unemployed. If we calculate 12X5X1000 is 60,000 Euros a year. This is the sum that the highest segment of this class saves by the lowering of the top tax rate from 48 to 42 percent planned by Mr. Schroeder."

Is it about to be the Christmas again? (tags)

There is no such thing like justice or Law in this World in the end. Anyone saying else would be telling a lie. There are only abusers and used until you are powerful enough to protect yourself.

The Real but Unspoken Reasons for the Iraq War (tags)

Although completely suppressed in the U.S. media, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking. The upcoming war in Iraq is actually an OIL CURRENCY war. The Real Reason for this upcoming war is this administration’s goal of preventing further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves. (This is a long essay)

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