fix articles 209235, pretext
US-Led Western Nations Plan Escalated War on Syria (tags)
Obama Heads for Full-Scale War on Syria (tags)
Obama Wants Congressional Authorization for Unlimited War (tags)
“Warrantless Search Law Deskbook” (tags)
This is an interesting book of 601 pages which mostly explains why the 4th Amendment is more or less 99 percent null and void.
Against the Liberal Instrumentalization of Auschwitz (tags)
Auschwitz becomes the pretext for diverse atrocities, the incentive for preventing what is worse..Auschwitz has become an export-hit.. Language, truth, community and logic are threatened when offense becomes defense and ends justify means.
Censorship by Amy Goodman and 'Democracy Now' (tags)
Censorship by Amy Goodman and 'Democracy Now'
The Nature of This Moment (tags)
Sheikh Janabi said that the United States was using Zarqawi as a pretext to attack Iraqis, just as it had once used weapons of mass destruction.
The Smirk Has Not Been Wiped From the Chimp's Face. (tags)
(Iran and Bush Regime's Pretext to War.)
Solidarity With Immigrants Under Attack: Demonstrate! (tags)
Protest- Fri., Jan. 10 at 8, 12 & 4:00 -INS office, Los Angeles & Temple St