fix articles 20848, united nation Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : united nation

united nation

The Enemy and the Libidinal Economy of the Apocalypse (tags)

The West continues to avoid introspection by invoking the Other as pure evil. While the terminal crisis of capitalist civilization is truly global, and no emancipatory model can be seen on the geopolitical chessboard, it is also evident that today’s anti-Russian sentiment stems from a consolidated ideological framework. To West, Russians have always been an inferior race,

Puerto Rico Debt Advisors Subject to Conflict Disclosure (tags)

After an investigation into potential conflicts of interest in Puerto Rico's debt restructuring, the island's oversight board notes it will increase disclosure requirements for advisors. The investigation began in response to a debt consultant whose affiliate company holds Puerto Rico debt.

Puerto Rico Debt Deal Receives Court Approval (tags)

Judge Laura Taylor Swain approved a deal to restructure $17 billion of Puerto Rico's $72 billion debt on Monday.

Judge Delays Ruling on Puerto Rico Debt Deal White House Opposes Island's Food Assistance (tags)

On Thursday, Judge Laura Taylor Swain delayed approval of a $17 billion debt deal between Puerto Rico "COFINA" creditors and the island's oversight board.

Debt and Tax Policies Needed to Prevent Crisis Says Finance Watchdog Group (tags)

Financial institutions, experts and economists fear a new wave of financial crises hitting countries from Ghana to Italy.

President Trump: Hurricane Relief Should not Pay Puerto Rico Debt (tags)

According to a report from Axios, President Trump told advisers that additional hurricane relief monies should not be sent to Puerto Rico as the monies could be used to pay the island's debt.

IMF Lowers Global Growth Projections and Raises Concerns of Financial Crisis (tags)

Bali, Indonesia - The International Monetary Fund released the World Economic Outlook Report and lowered global growth projections to 3.7 percent for 2018 and 2019.

Senate Bill offers Debt Relief for Puerto Rico (tags)

New Senate legislation offers additional options for Puerto Rico to cut its debt. Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Ed Markey (D-MA) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) introduced the US Territorial Relief Act. If Congress passes the act, US Territories that experience natural disasters could qualify for debt relief.

Archbishop and Evangelical Leader Tell Congress to Protect Puerto Rico in Tax Plans (tags)

As the Senate and House tax plans head to conference committee to reconcile tax plan differences, major religious leaders from Puerto Rico are asking Congress to protect the island from new proposed ‎taxes.

IMF and World Bank Meetings Begin With Growth Forecasts and Crisis Risk Warnings (tags)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank begin their annual meetings which run between October 13th and 15th.

IMF Reports Global Growth and Releases New Ways to Predict Economic Crisis (tags)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) releases its biannual report on global economic stability and presents new indicators it says can help predict financial crisis.

Hurricane Maria Slams Dominica and Heads Towards Puerto Rico (tags)

Caribbean islands recovering from Hurricane Irma, now confront Hurricane Maria.

Caribbean Bishops and Development Groups Urge Debt Relief for Irma-Struck Islands (tags)

On behalf of Caribbean Catholic Bishops, Bishop Gabriel Malzaire called for islands dealing with Hurricane Irma to receive debt relief.

Jubilee USA: Antigua and Barbuda and Islands Dealing with Irma Should Stop Debt Payments (tags)

As Hurricane Irma heads to the US coast, a religious development group is calling for debt payments to be suspended until Antigua and Barbuda and other severely impacted Caribbean nations recover from the storm.

Mozambique Audit Reveals Corruption and Short Falls in Financial System (tags)

Ahead of President Trump's first G20 meeting in Germany this weekend, Mozambique released an audit exposing violations of the country's laws to secure now-defaulted loans.

Global Economic Risks Ahead Warns International Monetary Fund (tags)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its bi-annual report on global economic stability, warning that the financial system could face serious risks in the year ahead.

IMF Warns of "Protectionism" and Risky Investing (tags)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its bi-annual report on the state of the global economy, predicting that global growth will continue steadily but slowly.

Trump Voids Dodd-Frank 1504 Transparency Rule (tags)

President Trump signed into law Congressional action to void requirements that the oil, gas and mining industries report financial activity in countries where they operate.

Giving Tuesday celebration great news for animals (tags)

Kind Traveler has launched “Double Your Impact” benefiting Animal Defenders International (ADI)

A Formal Response to California’s Death With Dignity Act Legislation (tags)

Recently a major and moral decision was made to quell California legislature as to whether people suffering with terminal illness should have the right to die with dignity. Democrats did not have enough votes although the legislation might come back later in the year? To the extent that there was much of a debate in the news it has been one-sided with a chorus of status quo preventivists. Religion has once again slammed up common sense and compassion

Nepal Post Earthquake Aid Falls Short of Goals: No Debt Relief Pledged at Nepal Recovery C (tags)

This week's Nepal donor conference pledged $4.4 billion in aid to Nepal, short of the $6.6 billion Nepal requested for earthquake recovery. About half of the total financing is loans and half is grants. Nepal did not receive any pledges of debt relief while world leaders gathered in Kathmandu. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Thursday Nepal will not qualify for its new emergency debt relief trust fund. "The initial aid pledges are helpful and we can close the $2 billion gap quickly with debt relief," said Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the religious development organization Jubilee USA Network. "One of the quickest ways that the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and governments can deliver rebuilding grants is by canceling debt." Nepal spends $600,000 a day paying its debt, or more than $35 million since the first April earthquake.‎ The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank pledged a combined $1.1 billion in new concessional loans and grants. Nepal already owes the World Bank and Asian Development Bank approximately $3 billion. Although the World Bank has not announced plans for a debt relief fund, the IMF created the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust in the wake of the Ebola crisis and cancelled $100 million of West Africa's debt. IMF spokesperson Gerry Rice said Thursday Nepal met the first requirement for relief but that the earthquake did not cause enough total economic damage. Rice did not reference whether or not damage to Nepal's "productive capacity" pulled another trigger for the fund to release about $23 million in debt relief.

Nepal Conference Hopes to Raise $6.6 Billion in Post Earthquake Aid Debt Relief Could Be (tags)

Nepal Conference Hopes to Raise $6.6 Billion in Post Earthquake Aid Debt Relief Could Be Part of Nepal Recovery Plan

Out of the Darkness: UN's (and often State's) hidden agenda. (tags)

Brief discussion on linkedin describing UN's human rights omissions from international human rights law.

Wheat Gluten May Cause Symptoms of Depression and Paranoia (tags)

The wheat lobby is responding to accusations that their product is causing allergic reactions in many more people than previously thought by expected deceptions and twisting of reality. Though the gluten-free movement may seem trendy, it is based on growing understanding that wheat gluten consumption may be causing illnesses and discomfort in many humans. If you take the gluten challenge and notice a difference, you could be susceptible to toxins in modern day wheat.

Philippines: They Destroy, We Suffer (tags)

Capitalism is destroying the planet. Now we suffer. The devastating horror unleashed by monster-typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) upon the eastern and central Philippines regions is unspeakable. As of writing, estimates of the number of casualties and actual damages are tentative because many areas remain isolated and communications, power, road and port systems are down.

UN: Over 60,000 Dead in Syria Conflict (tags)

UN: Over 60,000 Dead in Syria Conflict

Why UN Climate Agreements Fail (tags)

History will undoubtedly deliver the harshest condemnations of the UN climate talks currently underway in Doha, Qatar. But the conference was laughable before it began; the inept “goals” of the talks stand in tragic-comic opposition to what we already know about climate change — that the climate has already changed in profound ways and its trajectory spells doom for civilization if drastic, coordinated steps are not taken in the immediate future.

U.N. Vote on Palestinian Recognition Blocked by U.S., Israel and Germany (tags)

The right wing government of Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the unfortunate choice to side with the U.S. and Israel in blocking Palestinian recognition in the upcoming United Nations vote. However France, Spain, U.K. and many other nations are going to act with ethics to support Palestinian statehood instead of caving in to the imperialist whims of U.S. and Israeli pressures to maintain their state sanctioned apartheid and discrimination against the Palestinian people.

Top academics rebel against State capture in favor of truth and ethical human rights. (tags)

Top academics rebel against State capture and discuss ethical approach to human rights,development, globalization to replace neoliberalism and omitted children's rights. Former emphasizes bottom-up, unleashes potential the latter is top-down, crushes potential.

Syria Blamed for Turkish Provocation (tags)


PHILIPPINES: How to Slay the Oil Price Monster (tags)

Leaders are elected in order to take decisive action to solve problems. What is demanded from a leader is–after a careful weighing of costs and benefits–action that cuts the Gordian Knot of a seemingly complex reality.

Renewable energy solution to oil price hikes (tags)

Manila, Philippines: Akbayan Party today urged the Aquino administration to push for renewable energy as a long term solution to oil price hikes. Akbayan lawmaker Walden Bello said that the spiraling cost of fuel should send alarm signals to the government and stress the urgency of pushing for renewable energy to address the country’s energy needs.

International Day for Eradication of Poverty and Chris Hedges (tags)

Since 2000, October 17 has been the United Nation's International Day for Eradication of Poverty.

Netanyahu and Obama Spurn Peace (tags)


Anti-Israeli Rage in Egypt (tags)


HR 2829 Targets Palestinian Statehood (tags)


BTL:Critics Question Motivation Behind U.S. and Western Europe's Military Intervention in (tags)

Interview with Michael Mandel, professor of law, conducted by Scott Harris

“House of Numbers” Exposes the Faillings of the“HIV/AIDS” Myth (tags)

Brent Leung’s 2009 AIDS documentary, “House of Numbers," shows both sides of the controversy over whether the so-called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) actually causes AIDS. Leung got interviews with scientists, journalists and other experts on both sides, and showed that even within the HIV/AIDS mainstream the scientists are not anywhere as unified on key questions about AIDS as they pretend to be when they present themselves to the public. The film is available in two versions from Leung’s Web site, the basic theatrical version and a deluxe edition containing two discs' worth of additional material, some of which will be shown at the next meeting of H.E.A.L.-San Diego, Wednesday, October 6, 7 p.m. at the Activist Center, 4246 Wightman Street in City Heights. Please call (619) 688-1886 for more information.

Request for full investigation into 'unseen' major New Zealand tragedy and reply (tags)

I very much fear that America is following the same path as New Zealand. It is the 'truth' not power politics or the 'money grab' which will help overcome the climate of fear and hopelessness. Obama, I think, needs the assistance of some of the America's top thinkers and spiritual leaders.

BTL:U.N. and Human Rights Groups Challenge U.S. Use of Drones in Targeted Assassinations (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

In Response to Global Crises Ontario Tent City Homeless March Out to Route 66 (tags)

In Response to Global Crises, And Lack of Legal Shelter, Ontario Homeless March on Steinbeck's Route 66--To Plead That Housing, Food, Clothing and an End to All Homeless Criminalization Be Made A Basic, National, Civil Right

Al Gore shares Nobel's Explosive Peace Prize (tags)

Awarding Al Gore the Nobel Peace Prize reminds most people of the unbelievable awarding of this Prize to another infamous global warmonger, Henry Kissinger. Vietnam was still burning in 1973, and Le Duc Tho, who was supposed to share the Peace Prize with Kissinger, said the whole 'Nobel Prize business' was 'dishonorable'. Al Gore proves it again.

Rafik Hariri and the Salvador Option in Beirut (tags)

Suppressed evidence of US-Israel role in Lebanese PM Hariri's Killing

Experts warn North Pole will be 'ice free' by 2040 (tags)

..."but our research suggests that the decrease over the next few decades could be far more dramatic than anything that has happened so far," .... "These changes are surprisingly rapid."

Israel's Cluster Bomb War "What We Did Was Insane and Monstrous" (tags)

Dropped so late in the war, it's hard to imagine what specific military objective these bombs could possibly have been meant to accomplish. Instead, they seem to have been dropped as a final, gratuitous act of violence in a war waged against an entire population. The vast majority of the 1,200 Lebanese killed by Israeli bombardments were civilians; one in three was a child.

Digitally Erasing a Massacre:Why Hezbollywood Was Born (tags)

Maybe they did win. While the bombardment of Lebanon has claimed hundreds of lives, the controversy over a single demolished apartment building kept the media spotlight on Qana. The argument here in the United States shifted away from the brutality of Israel's actions and U.S. culpability for it, and became entrenched in whether casualties on the ground took place at all. Debate about the morality or reasons behind the death, destruction went up in a cloud of digitally manufactured smoke.

hopelessness (tags)

a broken dream

Haitian Mother Raped by UN forces (tags)

Haitian mother raped by UN forces

Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides (tags)

"I’m not meeting with that goddamned bitch," Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. "She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!"

Dear handicapped Friend! (tags)

Bringing 'US Democracy': the DREAD WEAPON SYSTEM: Devastating, Jam Proof, and Silent - No heat, no recoil, no sound, no gunpowder, no flash - just 120,000 rounds per minute of pulverizing (democracy) power.


For years there have been complaints about 'Réportères Sans Frontières' and their abject political - non-journalistic - approach to past and present dangers and developments in international journalism. They've sold their honour!

Pedophile Investigation is Huge! (tags)

Preacher, teacher, politician, musician, el creepo, leave those kids alone!

US: The origin of the mysterious 9/11 'melt down'? (tags)

"There was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Center burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes."

April Fool's Joke: Kissinger has a heart (tags)

Kissinger who has wrecked so many countries and is guilty of the murder of millions, definitely can not have a heart.

The US / Colombia Plot Against Venezuela (tags)

A major diplomatic and political conflict has exploded between Colombia and Venezuela after the revelation of a Colombian overnment covert operation in Venezuela, involving the recruitment of Venezuelan military and security officers in the kidnapping of a Colombian leftist leader.

BTL: U.N. Considers Proposals to Reform U.S.-Dominated Security Council (tags)

Interview with James Paul, executive director of the Global Policy Forum, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

President and Musician (tags)

you all are invitation to the UN day peace celebration with one of Africa hottest entertainer Rueben the Groover

Over 800 US fatalities in Iraq so far (tags)

The total US fatalities just passed the 800 mark today. The total for the whole coalition is over 900. For the month of May, there has been an average of 2.78 coalition fatalities per day. The average since the war began is 2.11 per day.

Madrid: UN's credibility critically wounded (tags)

With the UN's quick condemnation of the Basque group ETA for Madrid's carnage, a sad new triumph of politics over truth was born. And a lot of UN credibility died in its birth.

BTL:Troubled U.S. Timetable for Iraq's Transition to a... (tags)

...Provisional Government Linked to Bush Re-Election Campaign. Interview with Bruce St. John, author and commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Day of Peace Celebration in Temecula (tags)

Friends and neighbors from Peace Works! in Temecula Valley met together tonight to celebrate the International Day of Peace.

BTL:Military Families Call for End to Iraq Occupation and... (tags)

...Return Home of U.S. Troops.Interview with Susan Schuman, Military Families Speak Out, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

George Bush, Pedophiles & The CIA (tags)

There have been other reports suggestive of a connection between child abuse and top officials. On June 29, 1989, the Washington Times, shook the Bush White House to its very roots with the front page headline "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' The paper reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.''

Oil, Bush, Saudi Arabia, France, Russia, North Korea, Indonesia, the UN, Terror. (tags)

Oil, Bush, Saudi Arabia, France, Russia, North Korea, Indonesia, the UN, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and corruption... A review of how they all interconnect.

Petition to Howard Dean for Clarification of Stance on I/P Conflict (tags)

Time to corner and expose the "good Doctor"

A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess (tags)

In the early-1990s, there was a group of ideologues and power-politicians on the fringe of the Republican Party's far-right. The members of this group in 1997 would found The Project for the New American Century (PNAC); their aim was to prepare for the day when the Republicans regained control of the White House -- and, it was hoped, the other two branches of government as well -- so that their vision of how the U.S. should move in the world would be in place and ready to go, straight off-the-shelf into official policy.

George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse (tags)

Not only did King’s pedophile ring lead to the top echelons of the Republican Party it also lead to the top of the Bush administration and the Oval Office. Several of the children in Kings prostitution ring recount stories of seeing George Bush at some of King’s Parties. While an outsider would not suspect anything amiss, the children in the ring would know what was taking place. At least one of King’s young prostitutes reported that at one party, she saw George Bush pay King and then depart with a young black man.

BTL:Under White House Control, Iraq's Oil Wealth May Be Headed Toward... (tags)

...Privatization.Interview with Michael Renner, a senior researcher with World Watch Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Total war: resistance, humanitarian aid and the media (tags)

2003 is a year to live dangerously: of crimes against humanity and of heroic resistance; it is a time to reject the war and to extend our solidarity with the Iraqi people in this their moment of truth.

Call for International Antiprohibitionist Action Vienna 6th- 18th April 2003 (tags)

From underground to UPPERGROUND "A world free from prohibition: we can do it" International antiprohibitionist meeting for citizenship rights, personal liberties and freedom of therapy .

Call for international antiproibitionist action in Vienna (tags)

Meeting against United Nation's international conference for War on Drugs Vienna 6-18 April 2003

One More Casualty In the War on Terror? (tags)

Has Alireza Ghazi Zahedi's detainment by the INS in CA lasted so long because he is a peace activist?

Israel: America's Shame and Humanity's Stain (tags)

"I've never seen a president --I don't care who he is-- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want....If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don't have any idea what goes on."

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 12/6/02 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.6MB) and quick download (3.4MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands,Germany, Russia, and Cuba.


In an effort to turn the WSSD's sustainable development goals into profit-making ventures that will "green" its image, the business lobby gathered yesterday for a full program of "Business Day" activities, featuring representatives from notorious environmental destroyers such as Dow Chemical and Syngenta Corporation. They blamed poverty for the woes of the planet and tried to downplay their own abysmal records.

Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)

The weapons of mass destruction used by the United States on the Iraqi people.

First the Carrot, Then the Stick: Behind the Carnage in Palestine (tags)

A MUST READ!, by Prof. Finkelstein, a jew whose parents were extermination camps survivors

Humanitarian Aid Group Critical of U.S. Military Food Drops During... (tags)

Nicholas DeTorrente, executive director of Doctors Without Borders' U.S. office, critically assesses the Afghan refugee crisis and the Bush administration's decision to air drop military food rations over Afghanistan.

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