fix articles 208457, anne patterson
Anti-American Sentiment in Egypt (tags)
WikiLeaks Reveals Diplomatic Cables on Aafia Siddiqui (tags)
No smoking guns
WikiLeaks cables fuel hostility to US role in Pakistan (tags)
"Indeed, another cable cites a discussion between US Vice President Joe Biden and Zardari in early 2009 in which the Pakistani president expressed his concern that the “ISI director and [Gen. Ashfaq Parvez] Kayani will take me out.” The US government apparently knew more than it was sharing with Zardari. Another cable describes a conversation held during the same period in which General Kayani told Ambassador Patterson that he “might, however reluctantly,” move to force Zardari from office. Many of the cables expose Washington and Islamabad as partners in carrying out bloody crimes and deception against the Pakistani people. As the US has stepped up its military operations in the region, dubbing its intervention the “Afpak war,” the Zardari government has attempted to assuage popular anger by posing as an opponent of US violations of Pakistani sovereignty."
Obama, McCain urged to unite against terrorism (tags)
In spite of reports in The Washington Post and Pakistan's DAWN newspaper that Pakistani troops fired at a U.S. helicopter that was raiding an Al Qaeda safehouse in Southern Waziristan, the defence establishments in the two countries denied the incident. Realpolitick and business interests of the military-industrial complex seems to be blocking a sound U.S. policy on defanging Pakistan's military.
FARC gives empire a black eye. U.S. responds with threats and more lies (tags)
Will this be the excuse U.S. imperialism has been waiting for to directly intervene in Colombia's class war between a local mass based movement comprising 2 strong guerilla armies, a militant trade union movement, radical peasant organisations and the fascist paramilitary state?