fix articles 2082, terrorist Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : terrorist


Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)

The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Hiroshima is everywhere. The never-ending struggle (tags)

Times have changed considerably. In the past two decades, almost all disarmament and arms control treaties have been scrapped - exclusively on the initiative of the USA - including the most important INF Treaty signed by Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan at the end of 1987.

Feds report Terrorist Attacks possible on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Di (tags)

According to the Government the alarming terrorist plan is to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices

Les terrorismes (tags)

Mais la gratuité n'est pas terroriste...

Terrorist threaten United States through drug lords (tags)

Criminal organizations are constantly adapting their methods for trafficking across our borders

Boycott Reem's (tags)

Reem's Oakland bakery features a mural of the confessed Jew-killer Rasmea Odeh in her restaurant. Join Oakland residents who are feed up with violence to say "No to violence. No to hate"


one hoax goes out, and another comes in.

Stand Against Reem's. Stand Against hate. Stand Against Violence (tags)

Reem’s Bakery in the heart of Oakland’s Fruitvale neighborhood is a restaurant that glorifies terror

Reality Check: Palestinian-Israeli Coexistence is a Big Lie (tags)

This article looks at the issue of Palestinian-Israeli coexistence.

Death Shooter 4 Hack - Glitch - Cheats (tags)

As a special force, you will receive secret missions to eliminate enemies and terrorist. Sneak into terrorist's base, find them and zoom lens to aim your enemies! deep breathing - and pull the trigger. More than 200 different missions. Complete your missions in jungle, mountains, snowfield and military base. Variety missions targets: sniper, infantry, officer, armed medics, grenade man and radiomen, find them and aim them.

Friends (tags)

My friendship on FACEBOOK is an expression of universal contempt for torture and murder.

Reem Assil Drops Lawsuit Against Jewish Protesters (tags)

Cafe Honoring Palestinian Terrorist Drops Lawsuit Against Jewish Protesters

Notice of fbi criminality run amuck in a world in crisis (tags)

This report suggests that the fbi poses a deadly threat to people everywhere.

Mural of convicted terrorist gives rise to free-speech clash at California bakery (tags)

Bakery owner Reem Assil has a First Amendment right to display a mural at her shop honoring convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh, but protesters say she should respect their right to object to it.

The Two Sides of hate (tags)

What separates leftists sipping coffee under the mural of a murderer in Oakland from those marching with tiki torches in Charlottesville? Both are convinced that they are doing the right thing and neither has any intention of honestly examining their own beliefs.

California terrorism suspect arrested (tags)

“He wanted to plan to start a huge fire in an area near where he lived and he specifically mentioned the Berkeley Hills as a potential target,” Hasib told the court in December. “That was our first indication that we were dealing with someone in the Bay Area.”

Lies by CIA, etc (tags)

See proof of cia lies on behalf of fbi and cia.

FBI Bait Disabled 18 Year Old with 51 IQ into Joining ISIS as Terrorist (tags)

An 18 Year Old with an IQ of 51 was baited online by FBI agents into becoming a terrorist and joining ISIS. Though he can barely tie his own shoes and needs help while using the restroom, the FBI thought that he was prime material for ISIS and bomb making. He is being held in St. Clair County Alabama jail on $1 million dollar bail.

Bombing Strengthens the Islamic State (tags)

The attempts to stop Islamic terror through military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq have brought about the opposite. These attempts destabilized societies in those countries, promoted terror and triggered great streams of refugees. So the policy of the West bears a joint responsibility.

Baghdad OK's Russia Bombing ISIS in Iraq (tags)


Obama Rejects Fighting Terrorism (tags)


European Council Backs US Imperial Policy on Syria (tags)


Putin Is Right Saying US Officials Have Mush for Brains (tags)


Exponentially Rising Global Terrorism (tags)


Obama Abandons Scheme to Train Nonexistent Syrian Moderates (tags)


Russia and Syria on the Offensive Against ISIS (tags)


American Victims of palestinian Terror (tags)

Father of four Eitam Henkin joins a long list of Americans murdered by Palestinian and other terrorists since 1970:

US Attorney acomplice to fbi crimes (tags)

See this single piece of evidence that the U.S. Attorney continues for 25 years to assist the fbi in the torture programs against me.

The Latest NYT Propaganda Piece on Syria (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia in High Gear (tags)


The Russians Are Coming, Again (tags)


New Israeli Police State Measure (tags)


Israel Planning Ground Operations in Syria? (tags)


US Supports Egyptian Tyranny (tags)


Israel Intends Blitzkrieg Against Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Irresponsible US Iran Bashing (tags)


Obama Bombs Libya (tags)


fbi and Boston cop murder an innocent man (tags)

See the comparison of today's murder of an innocent man by the fbi and a Boston cop to similar efforts by fbi and police to kill me.

SJP Santa Cruz Hijacks Tuition Hike Rally (tags)

While the rest of the campus protested the tuition hikes, SJP screamed "Pay attention to me!"

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdad (tags)

Soon thereafter it was reported al-Baghdadi helped establish the terrorist group Jamaat Jaish Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaa. Sometime around 2004-2005 al-Baghdadi was captured in Fallujah by U.S. forces

Kharkov False Flag? (tags)


Copenhagen False Flag? (tags)


Police State France (tags)

EU Parliament Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Kiev Anti-Russian False Flag Planned? (tags)


Israel Partners with Obama's War on Syria (tags)


Reactions to Obama's Naked Aggression Against Syria (tags)


Sergey Lavrov: World Class Peace Advocate (tags)


Dreaming War, Threatening Humanity (tags)


Jewish Voice for Peace= Jewish voice for Hamas? (tags)

Written by Yitzhak Santis. Exposing the extremist, pro-terror agenda of Jewish voice for peace

Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panthers -An interview with Angela A. Allen-Bell (tags)

In her new law journal article, “Activism Unshackled & Justice Unchained,” law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell concludes that the US government’s multi-faceted response to the BPP, primarily within the framework of the FBI’s infamous COINTELPRO, was indeed the very definition of terrorism. Bell writes that “the magnitude of the unwarranted harm done to the BPP has not yet been explored in an appropriate fashion. Much like a fugitive, it has eluded justice.” As a result, “the FBI's full-scale assault on the social movements of the 1960s and 1970s remains an open wound for the nation itself. This is more than a national tragedy; this is a human wrong.

Feds report Terrorist Attacks on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Diego Immin (tags)

El Paso TX. Ft. Bliss military base that’s charged with the defense of our borders with Mexico is reported to be on alert. ISIS/ISIL and other related Islamic terrorist groups are operating in Mexico and are preparing attacks along the U.S. Mexican border from Galveston Texas to San Diego California.

Irresponsible Syria Bashing (tags)


NATO and Turkey’s genocidal war on Syria (tags)

Cem Ertür’s account of the crimes committed by Turkey and NATO in the ongoing war against Syria is laid out in meticulous detail and supported by a rich and credible bibliography. Much of this important information is from his reading of original reports published in the Turkish language which English readers would never otherwise hear. This report provides a convincing, up-to-date indictment of the governments of Turkey, other NATO countries and Israel for their savage, furtive war against the Syrian people and government. Cem’s spotlight illuminates a cross-border stage, exposing those hiding in the shadows of the media’s deceptive and confusing language.

Another False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack Planned (tags)


Egypt's Pinochet (tags)


Targeting Iran in Beirut (tags)


Palestinian Prisoner Releases (tags)


The NSA Isn't Foiling Terrorist Plots (tags)

There's still no credible evidence that the NSA's massive digital surveillance has disrupted any terrorist plots.

Another Fake US Terror Alert (tags)

police state

Duplicitous Committee of Inquiry on Syria (tags)


Longstanding Bahraini State Terror (tags)


EU Shamelessly Declares Hezbollah a Terrorist Organization (tags)


How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows (tags)

For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against Al-Qaeda and “its affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”

Israel joyfully supplies Air Support for their Al CIA Duh Salafist Brothers in Syria (tags)

The CIA's SS Likud Nazis in Israel unable to continue watching their CIA Backed Saudi Salafist Brothers in Arms in Syria suffer defeat have decided to Supply their CIA Backed Al CIA Duh Terrorist Brothers in Arms with Air Support and launched a Series of Airstrikes in both Damascus and Syrian Military Facilities, knocking out the newly supplied Russian Advanced Anti Aircraft Missiles and Weapons System. Furthermore Israel when told by both Russia and China that Attacks on Damascus would not be tolerated, told both Russia and China FU and if that Israel would Gladly Continue to Support their Fellow CIA Backed Saudi Salafist Al CIA Duh Takfiri Terrorist For Hire in Syria and if Russia and China didn't like it that was too bad.

America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (Part II) (tags)


America's War on Terror 2.0 (tags)


White Youth Can Be Muslim Terrorists Too (tags)

Proving what you say can be a difficult thing. Oftentimes, the only thing to if not the best, is to allow what you say to be proven organically. Sure, not having your hand on something to manipulate the message can be a test of will for those that need to control and manipulate constantly, or are even obsessed with it. But for the rest of us, sometimes if you give the thing you have been asserting space to prove itself, you will be rewarded by the simplicity of how easy it is to get to the truth. Just be patient.

The CIA and Al CIA Duh Run a Marathon of False Flag Terror in Boston (tags)

The CIA is up to their Arm Pits in Al CIA Duh Antic again, with The CIA and their Al CIA Duh Operatives Running a Marathon of a False Flag Terror Attack, and then having The CIA's Lip Service CNN NBC ABC CBS FOX BBC run The Shock and Awe CIA Terror Telethon and Maximizing The CIA's Cowardly Terrorist Attacks to Shift The Blame in a Direction That will Lead to More Draconian Measures and Ensure The CIA's War of Terror Escalates Further.

A Government to be Feared (tags)

A Government to be Feared

Obama Wades Deeper Into Syria’s Morass (tags)

The recent announcement that the United States would increase its “non lethal” military aid to Syria’s rebels shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Some speculated that Obama — having been repeatedly proved wrong about the Syria government’s stability — would leave Syria in silent humiliation.

Washington Backs Syrian Anti-Government Terrorism (tags)


Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)


New UN Report on Syria (tags)


The Syrian Revolution: Another Madness to Bring the Sharia Law (tags)

The so-called Syrian Revolution is being led by Wahhabist extremists against the rational secular government of Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. backed Wahhabists are seeking to overthrow the stable government of al-Assad to further escalate tensions between Iran and Israel. Once again U.S. foreign policy is in the same filthy gutter of deception where the GW Bush regime left off. Some change, eh?

The Demonization of Dissent in the United States (tags)

On Oct. 3rd, 2012 Wired.Com’s (or Wired Magazine’s) Danger Room came out with Spencer Ackerman’s story of a leaked although unclassified U.S. Army “chart” that lists indicators and behaviors for identifying people who are supposedly becoming radicalized to terrorist potential. But what is so startling about this Army’s presumptively rational analysis (more like propagandic analysis) is its broad categorization of symptoms for identifying those thought alienated enough to become potential terrorist material.

US to Delist & Arm American-Killing Terror Cult (tags)

Continuity of Agenda: Neo-Cons and Obama administration sponsor global terror against Iran.

San Jose Imam linked to Hezbollah arrested in Mexico (tags)

Rafic Mohammad Labboun Allaboun arrested in Mexico

US brands Haqqani network as terrorist organization (tags)

Months long heated debate on notorious Haqqani network has almost come to an end with announcement by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham ClintonHillary Rodham Clinton as she said in a statement on Friday that Haqqani network – that is allegedly based in Pakistan – has been branded as a foreign terrorist outfit.

WikiLeaks cable: Gaddafi funded, trained CPP-NPA rebels (tags)

MANILA, Philippines - Libyan strongman Moammar Gaddafi was a key financier of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its military wing, the New People's Army (NPA), according to a US Secretary of State secret cable published by anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

Stoking Fear Ahead of London's Olympics (tags)


Spoiling for Another Lebanon War (tags)


Insurgents Named Responsible for Syrian Massacres (tags)


UC Santa Cruz Palestinian Awareness Week 2012 (tags)

UC Santa Cruz Palestinian Awareness Week 2012

Stepped-Up Pressure on Assad (tags)


Iran Falsely Charged with India and Georgia Attacks (tags)


Occupy Riverside Challenges Indefinite Military Detention (tags)

Friday, December 23, 2011
RIVERSIDE (CA) - Occupy Riverside demonstrated at the offices of Ken Calvert and Barbara Boxer to protest their support of the latest effort to codify the police state.

Israel's Proposed Counterterrorism Law (tags)

police state

Upcoming Holy Land Foundation Appeal for Justice (tags)


America's Dirty War on Islam (tags)


Israeli Anti-Freedom Flotilla II Propaganda (tags)

state terror

Russell Defreitis: Terrorist or Political Prisoner? (tags)


Our Man in Havana (tags)


The Afghanistan War and International Law (tags)

From the standpoint of the invaded, this war was and is a brutal violation against the basic principle of international law in Art 2 of the UN Charter which strictly prohibits the threat and use of force in international relations. This war was and is a war of aggression and a crime against peace.

The Real Terrorist of The World are The Masterminds of The 9-11 Attacks (The CIA) (tags)

The real Terrorist of The World are The Masterminds of The 9-11 Attacks, London 7-7 Attacks, Madrid Train Bombings, Mumbai Train Bombings, Bombings of Mosques and Shrines in The Middle East, aka The Global Satanic Government (The CIA).

Washington’s “humanitarian” war and the KLA’s crimes (tags)

"This may come as no surprise to those who have witnessed his rise from terrorist thug to head of the newly “independent” state. But what will be a shock to many is the grotesque way in the KLA helped finance its operations—by removing and selling body organs from kidnapped Serb and Kosovan Albanian civilian prisoners." "Any prosecution of the KLA was made “impossible” by Washington, which has been its main sponsor since at least 1998. Following the Bosnian war of 1995, the KLA, seeking to capitalise on popular resentment among Kosovan Albanians against the regime of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia, pursued a strategy of destabilising Kosovo by acts of terrorism in the hope of provoking Western intervention." "US Senator Joseph Lieberman declared that “Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights."

Wikileaks Cablegate Documents (tags)

The Christofascist terrorists are attempting to suppress the latest Wikileaks evidence of mass human rights abuses and international terrorism committed by the Bush regime and now the Obama regime.

Open Season on Muslims in America (tags)

targeting innocent Muslims

Farooque Ahmed: Entrapped by an FBI Sting (tags)

more evidence of US lawlessness

The Cuban Five: Victims of US State Terrorism (tags)

US lawlessness

exercise in learning (tags)

exercise in learning

Obama's Justice Dept Attacks Peace Groups as "Terrorist" (tags)

Under Democrat Harry Truman, it was the Communist bogeyman that was used to destroy the Left that had built the labor movement; today Democrat Barack Obama uses the terrorist bogeyman to try to destroy the peace movement, both actions for the same goals: To maximize the profits of the capitalist class. Here is the news from Twin Cities and Chicago Indymedia of FBI terrorism across the country.

Obama Declares Another National Emergency When None Exists (tags)

Another national emergency?

Continuity of Government: Coup d'Etat Authority in America (tags)

America on a fast track toward despotism

Mexican Drug Cartels operating in the U.S. through street gangs (tags)

Mexican Drug Cartels have reached across the international border into the United States to kill people including Americans and their reach extends North, East and West across our nation. MDC’S have ordered the killings of drug dealers, American gang members, U.S. Consulate employees, a Detention Officer with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, DEA agent, ICE informant and U.S. Military personal. MDC’S are also responsible for many kidnapping’s of Americans on American soil and have taken Americans to Mexico to be tortured, maimed and murdered, with very little or no retaliation from the U.S. Government.

Venezuela Breaks Relations with Colombi (tags)

“There is no evidence, not a single piece of proof, of where those photographs were taken”, said Chaderton, adding that the “evidence” presented by Colombia was “confusing, imprecise and non-convincing. Last year Colombia opened its territory to seven US military bases in an agreement that the US Air Force claimed was necessary in order to conduct “full spectrum military operations” throughout South America to “combat the constant threat of anti-American governments in the region.”

CNN’s Objectivity Questioned in Sacking of Mideast Reporter (tags)

"Nasr’s comment was enough to spark fierce outrage from the various precincts of the neocon blog/twittersphere, who went after Nasr for her egregious failure to reduce Fadlallah to an anti-Israel, anti-American terrorist bogeyman," blogged Matt Duss, a National Security Researcher at the liberal Center For American Progress."


Nor the gutters like Americans.

High Court Injustice (tags)

Court destroying our rights and welfare

Using Alleged Terrorism to Escalate Wars and Homeland Repression (tags)

NY bomb incident may unleash a wave of homeland repression

Nuclear Power Plants Vulnerable to Attack, Former CIA Officer Says (tags)

One of the biggest problems is the fact that the union who presently represents these nuclear security officers the United Government Security Officers of America UGSOA has failed to negotiate for better wages, benefits and a higher standard of training for these nuclear security officers stated FCGOA President Guy James.

FCGOA Pres calls For Tougher Background Checks after Terror Suspect Infiltrated. Nuke Site (tags)

Guy James President of The International Union, Federal Contract Guards of America stated that “we must always be on the alert at nuclear facilities, federal buildings , airports and other high profile buildings where terrorist groups like Al-Qaida continue to target our infrastructure. The question we face each and everyday is not if a terrorist attack like 9/11 will happen again but when will it happen. That’s why our union FCGOA continues to call on our legislatures to strengthen stiffer background checks better training standards and a higher standard of qualifications of all private security companies and security guards / security police professionals throughout the country”.

Interview with Underwear Bomber Witness Hidden? (tags)

Flt. 253-Interview with Underwear Bomber Witness Hidden? Why? This is an important facet of the latest propaganda push to have a war in Yemen. Why was this hidden?

Ron Paul “They’re Terrorist Because We’re Occupiers” (tags)

Ron Paul “They’re Terrorist Because We’re Occupiers”

Israel has created a monster on the West Bank with their settlers and Yesha council. (tags)

Israel may have thought it was creating “facts on the ground” but now it discovers that it has a terrorist organization, outside the law, on its hands.

More Arrests in America's War on Islam (tags)

America's political persecution continues

Targeting Muslim Charities in America (tags)

the face of a police state

Lynne Stewart: Heroic Human Rights Lawyer Jailed (tags)

The US criminal justice system betrayed this heroic woman

America’s 9/11 Trail of terrorist (tags)

I love this country, I consider myself a true patriot. But I do think America’s so called juridical justice system stinks. The only justice one gets in America is the justice one can afford.As far as the monster terrorists are concerned I want those bastards to burn in hell, but not at the expense of our constitution and our own Bill of Rights.

House Resolution Designates Venezuela a State Sponsor of Terrorism (tags)

Chavez bashing continues

The Untold Story of the Cuban 5 (tags)

The Cuban 5 are 5 Cuban anti-terrorists working in Miami to expose terrorism against Cuba. They were framed up in Miami and are serving long prison terms here in the U.S. for doing nothing illegal. Below is part one of a series about their case.

Tariq Mehanna: Obama's Latest Muslim Target (tags)

It's the wrong time to be Muslim in America

Goldstone is a terrorist (tags)

And his report is a terrorist report that endangers peace

"The Internet is an Open Sewer" (tags)

The msintream media complains about how they're obsolete and how citizen journalism such as Indymedia is taking over.

No Letup in Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama (tags)

Obama political persecutions

Dr. Tiller's Murder: Fascist Terrorism and Its Pampered Apologists (tags)

The rampant terrorism and violence against women and health care professionals who dare to provide women's health services took its latest victim when Dr. George Tiller was brutally gunned down in his church on Sunday in Wichita, Kansas. The government and the corporate media coddle these anti-women terrorists. In the last 30 years, right-wing bigots have carried out 5,800 reported acts of violence against women's health care providers, including targeted assassination, bombings, arsons, death threats, kidnappings and assaults, according to NARAL. Hundreds of thousands, and perhaps millions, of women have been assaulted and harassed by the right wing as they tried to see a doctor.

A Look at our anti-Terrorism abilities (tags)

Terrorists have been able to develop their own sources of financing, which range from charities to illegal enterprises such as growing, producing and trafficking in narcotics, extortion, kidnapping and smuggling drugs and humans.

BTL:Obama Adopts Bush-Lite Policies on Guantanamo Detainees (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

FBI Christofascists Fake "Terrorist Threats" (tags)

Every time the Christofascists proclaim another "terrorist threat" to have been thwarted, it has ALWAYS turned out to have been a fake, the Christofascist State egging on mentally unstable people.

Largest drug bust in history in Afghanistan 92 tons (tags)

Most of it is turned into heroin and smuggled to markets in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The vast province is a known stronghold for the Taliban and al-Qaeda insurgency.

hamas terror tactics in Gaza (tags)

hamas terror tactics in Gaza

Israeli / Christian Terrorim (tags)

Israeli terrorists continue to commit crimes against humanity, backed by their Christian terrorist colleagues. The terrorist State continues to defend its crimes against humanity while the rest of the world refuses to hold the terrorist State response for its crimes.

Money laundering and counterfeiting by terrorist and drug traffickers (tags)

So now they are coming up with new ideas and ways to launder huge amounts of cash.

Charge Americans That Sell Guns To Drug-Dealers With Terrorist-Activity (tags)

Perhaps it would be more effective for U.S. Government to use current terrorist laws to charge Americans that knowingly supply U.S. and Mexico drug gangs with guns.

God the Terrorist (tags)

Watch out, God is an evil terrorist.

The Cuban Five Pending Supreme Court Case - Come hear about it!!! (tags)

The Cuban Five Host: Loyola Law School Chapter - National Lawyers Guild Date: Monday, March 23, 2009 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Location: Donovan Hall Street: 919 Albany Street City/Town: Los Angeles, CA Contact: Veronica

He was a terrorist (tags)

Just like Hamas.

Bush Cheney violated all Americans constitutional rights (tags)

The National Security Agency had access to all Americans' communications -- faxes, phone calls, and their computer communications

Nazi attack on Gaza (tags)

200 women and children dead and wounded.

Global arms dealer and financier of terrorists MONZER AL KASSAR convicted (tags)

These recent convictions represent the first time anyone has been charged with and convicted of the anti-aircraft missile statute.

Bush's False Flag Finale? (tags)

A Vigilant Shield Alert Update


US terrorists are increasing their attacks on Pakistani villages and have now extended their range of murderous operations to include terrorist strikes against civilian targets in Syria as well.

Am I a Terrorist? (tags)

Sometimes I wonder...

U.S. Afghanistan and Pakistan Alliance has stimulated the Drug Trade worldwide (tags)

According to news reports in the past financial connections between Bush Republicans and Osama bin Laden go way back and the political and economic connections have remained unbroken for 25 years. And what appears to be a "new" alliance with Pakistan is merely a new manifestation of a decades-long partnership in the drug trade.

Pro-Cuba celebration triumphs over right-wing terrorist threats (tags)

L.A. activists refuse to buckle under cowardly intimidation Despite an organized attempt by anti-communist reactionaries to shut down a July 26 Cuba Celebration in Los Angeles.

Now We Know: The Anthrax Attacks Were an Inside Job (tags)

Bush moves to clean up before leaving office.

PGMA-Bush Summit, A Meeting of Terrorist (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemns in the strongest terms possible the President Arroyo of the Philippines and US President Bush summit on June 24 in Washington DC and the coming President Arroyo’s visit to the United States from June 23 -27, 2008.The Arroyo-Bush summit is a meeting of two terrorist. It is a meeting of the most unpopular presidents in their respective countries, a summit between a colonial master and a puppet. Up for discussions are colonial relations, pure and simple. The Filipino people stand nothing to gain from such a meeting of two of the most criticized leaders in the world

McCain's Speech to AIPAC (tags)

Count the LIES.

DEA, FBI and CIA are all operating covertly in Mexico’s narco-trafficking underworld Many (tags)

While reports of federal agents and cops being involved in drug and other crimes like smuggling humans, drugs, guns and cash are almost routine. Many believe the estimates of corruption among our own officials are much higher. This problem is seriously hurting America. As a result of the flow of these drugs into the U.S. which end up on America’s streets are financing terrorist, and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world.

The FBI Is America's Worse Domestic Terrorist (tags)

The FBI continues to be the worst domestic terrorist regime operating within the United States. Responsible for every major act of domestic terrorism in the past 50 years, the FBI continues to commit acts of terrorism and treason against America.

CUBA proves links of U.S. Diplomats with Terrorists (tags)

Cuba denounced on Monday the scandalous links between US diplomats based in Havana and terrorists resident in the United States, by means of which Cuban counterrevolutionaries receive financial and material support.

Mexican Drug cartels using terrorist beheading tactics (tags)

At least 40 people have been decapitated in Mexico so far this year, with heads stuck on fence posts, found in trash bags and heads being tossed onto a nightclub dance floor for all to see

Terrorist Bomb Intended for 12-story police headquarters In Mexico City (tags)

The massive explosion blew out windows in apartment buildings, damaged several cars and caused panic in the American La Rosa area of Mexico City.

Mexican drug cartels and terrorist are recruiting for more fighters to train as soldiers (tags)

Iran is believed providing at least some of the money for this recruiting and training program. The training camps are teaching hit and run gorilla technique's. Cells of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) have sent their seasoned veterans to oversee the training of the new troops and to direct the war against the Mexican government on behalf of the Mexican Cartels.

Nuclear Threat From Mexico (tags)

Of growing concern to some U.S. officials is the way the terrorists south of the border are taking advantage of the lack of sophistication on the Mexicans part for their inability and unwillingness to protect their own borders from terrorist infiltration and are using the low Mexican immigration standards and the U.S. open border to slip into Mexico or the U.S. with a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb.

Lynne Stewart's Long Struggle for Justice (tags)

Police state America witch hunt persecutions

TODAY: Internet Forum by Cuban Students about the Cuban Five (tags)

The main purpose of the forum will be to discuss what Cuban university students and those in the rest of the world could do to help the release of the Five Cuban men, who were arrested for having infiltrated Miami- based anti-Cuba groups and trying to prevent criminal actions against the island.

Bush Cheney Oath (tags)

Bush and Cheney claim they want to stop terrorist all over the world from attacking western targets. Bush believes that the sell of drugs in America is connected to the terrorist than why is he not welling to stop them at our borders? We have the resources and the capability to do that, yet we don’t.

Heads-up warning to the American Peoples - Nuclear Attack on Iran appears imminent! (tags)

This heads-up wakeup call has embedded links for self-study so that the reader can affirm the truth or falsity of this warning and reach his or her own informed conclusions on the matter. The full url is

Merida Initiative Will It Work? (tags)

The question is will it work in the war on drugs and terror? The more than four decades of the fight on the war on drugs has been a dismal and total failure. That fight has costs Americans at the federal level, approximately $4.5 billion every year (40 years X 4.5 Billion = $180 Billion plus) and significant sums are also spent at the city, county and state levels as well.

U.S. Military Being Sent to the Border with Mexico (tags)

They are being staged and immediately available as emergency "on call" units for use against terrorist threats on the nation's border and local disasters, said Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., commander of United States Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Commander

Luis Posada Carriles: the versatile USAmerican terrorist still walking freely (tags)

While Arturo Hernández, Posada's attorney said: "Mr. Posada Carriles is not and has never been a terrorist"… "His lifelong ambition has been to bring democracy and freedom to his place of birth", declassified CIA and FBI documents, testimonies, and other compelling evidences suggest the contrary.

The Neocons’ Ties to the 9/11 Commission’s Report (tags)

There was little chance that the 9/11 Commission was going to establish the full truth. One reason why: Its Executive Director, the Neocon-loving Philip D. Zelikow, had his own agenda, to wit: protecting the interest of the Bush-Cheney Gang and linking “Al-Qaeda to Iraq.” Zelikow had previously written a book with Condi Rice, authored a paper used to justify the preemptive attack on Iraq and worked on Bush’s presidential transition team in 2000/2001.

U.S. Citizen Terrorist surveillance Program (tags)

The American public appears to be being hoodwinked into believing the Terrorist Surveillance program it is good for us and protects us from the terrorist. What it really does is takes away many of our constitutional rights guaranteed by our founding fathers

Bush "predicts" Bigger,Worse Terrorist Attacks! (tags)

Why would the Bush Govt.want to engineer and carry out another,more devestating 911 attack on America

United States-Mexican border is experiencing an alarming rise in drug-human and Terrorist (tags)

In addition to Federal agents, State, sheriff, and local police dept's are expected to help patrol the border areas.

Billboard on Cuban Five to Appear on Hollywood Boulevard (tags)

A new billboard to raise awareness of the case of the Cuban Five will soon be erected on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.

terrorist (tags)


CODEPINK's "Most Wanted" Campaign Targets Luis Posada Carriles for Terrorism (tags)

Call for Notorious Terrorist to be put on FBI Most Wanted List and Arrested

A friend of CUBA passes away… (tags)

On the evening of Monday, January 7, Philip B. Agee passed away in Havana. The US citizen was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official until he broke with the agency in 1968 for ethical reasons.

Message from Ramón Labañino, Cuban Five (tags)

Ramón is in lockdown since December 11 and for that reason he has not been able to send all the letters and salutations for the new year to his friends around the world...

The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism (tags)

The National Lawyers Guild and several legal and human rights organizations have called on the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture to launch a formal investigation of the United States government’s continuing violation of human rights of five political prisoners known as the Cuban Five.

September 11: The empire and its lies (tags)

Cuban President Fidel Castro on Wednesday reflected on the six long years since the painful September 11 episode in the US, about which it is known there has been deliberate disinformation...

Luis Posada Carriles, the White House terrorist (tags)

In an article published on April 10, 2007, president Fidel Castro declared, “Orders for Kathleen Cardone’s decision could only have come from the White House. President Bush constantly avoided the issue of the criminal and terrorist character of the accused. He was protected and charged with a simple immigration violation.”

US Hides the Truth on Cuban Five Case (tags)

"Someday the truth will prevail; meanwhile, we must persevere in our struggle to make the case known,"


ough talk from the police and the military on arresting some 130 Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Abu Sayyaf rebels whom they claimed massacred 14 Marines, with 10 of them beheaded in Basilan, and for which thousands of troops were sent to back up the elements of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in serving these arrest warrants, turned out to be nothing but bluster, in the military brass’ bid to get the troops to cool down their anger over the brutal slaying of their Marine comrades. The PNP yesterday returned to the court the warrants of arrests issued against 130 MILF and Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) suspects after they failed to serve the warrant to any of the suspects.

The Cuban Five: Mission against Terror and Hypocrisy (tags)

The allegation of «Conspiracy to gather and to transmit information on National Defense» is the technical charge, according to US criminal law (18USC & 794), commonly called «Conspiracy to commit espionage». It is without doubt the central topic of the legal process against five Cuban prisoners wrongly held in the United States...

Reds reject peace overture (tags)

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) yesterday rejected a ceasefire offered by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. in a bid to revive stalled peace talks. CPP founder Jose Maria Sison, in a statement from the Netherlands, where he is in self-exile, said the group will only return to the negotiating table when the Philippine government moves to have it removed from a terrorist blacklisting in the United States and Europe. He stressed the Arroyo administration must also show it is sincere about stopping the military from carrying out political killings, while also indemnifying victims of human rights violations.

Property/Casualty Insurance Industry Losing Steam as it Faces Increasing Threats of Terror (tags)

This year’s prediction is more ominous. Climate forecasters are not very optimistic either as they expect 10 hurricanes will hit the United States this year and half of those will be major storms. Fears of major terrorist offensive this summer were raised with the recent car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow.

Joma wants terror tag lifted (tags)

xiled communist leader Jose Maria Sison hit the Dutch embassy in Manila and the Philippine government for defying a European Union Court order, which has ruled that his rights were violated when he was included in list of terrorists by the European Union. Sison said the European Union’s Court of Justice has ruled in his favor but the Dutch embassy in Manila and Philippine government have insisted that he remains in the terrorist watch list.


In its judgment issued in Luxembourg yesterday, in Case T-47/03 of Jose Maria Sison versus Council of the European Union, the European Court of First Instance (ECFI) in Luxembourg annulled the Council of the European Union (EU) decision blacklisting Prof. Sison as a “terrorist”. The ECFI ruled that the Council of the EU violated the rights of Prof. Sison to defense, the obligation to state reasons and the right to effective judicial protection. There had never been any competent judicial authority calling him to a criminal investigation or any court hearing regarding any terrorist act. The ECFI also ordered the Council of the EU to bear the costs of the litigation incurred by Prof. Sison and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) which acted as an intervener in his favor.

DOJ Secretary Gonzalez eyes Abu Sayyaf, CPP and NPA for terror listing (tags)

Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez listed the bandit group Abu Sayyaf, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the New People's Army (NPA), among the groups being considered for inclusion in the terror list to be drawn up under the Human Security Act (HSA), said Tuesday. The outspoken Gonzalez also said he has already asked the Supreme Court to assign special courts to handle cases against suspected terrorists and terrorist organizations.

PHILIPPINES:Gonzales to Reds: Truce or terror tag? (tags)

National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales, who assumed his post yesterday as officer-in-charge of the defense department prior to the installation of the permanent defense secretary, warned communist rebels that they would be identified as terrorists once the anti-terror law or the Human Security Act of 2007 takes effect this month. Gonzales said the New People’s Army (NPA), however, could avoid the terrorist tag if the rebels declare a ceasefire. “If the NPA rebels refuse to implement a ceasefire, they will be branded as terrorist like the Abu Sayyaf, Rajah Solaiman Group and the Jemaah Islamiyah,” Gonzales told reporters during turnover rites at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City, attended by outgoing Defense Secretary Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. and Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita.

Our terrorists are winning (tags)

From the Afghan mountains to the cities of Gaza and Sadr we are now creating the terror that will hit us in the future

The terrorist among us (tags)

The making of a terrorist found on the internet

Larry Flynt's "Reward" for 911 info? (tags)

"Reward for info on just who "instigated" the 911 terrorist attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon?"

Another Fake Terror Plot (tags)

The weekend’s news in the US was dominated by screaming headlines and sensationalist broadcast coverage of an alleged plot in New York to blow up John F. Kennedy International Airport’s jet fuel tanks and supply lines. The attack would have been, according to many accounts, “more devastating than September 11.” Four men were charged in an indictment [] unveiled Sunday that included features that have become almost invariable in every such “terror” case brought by the government in recent years. First, the suspects had not only carried out no acts of terror, but they apparently lacked any means to realize such an attack. Second, a central figure in the alleged plot was a paid undercover informant of the FBI.

Sci-fi writers join war on terror (tags)

The group's motto is "Science Fiction in the National Interest."

Marty Peretz says Carter is a liar. (tags)

That's good coming from an anti-Semite racist like Peretz.

Made up intelligence (tags)

works every time

Posada and US Government Found Guilty in Cuba (tags)

Luis Posada Carriles was declared guilty Tuesday of committing several crimes against Cuba and its people at a public trial held in Havana. The United States was also found responsible for having financed and supported his activities.

Political conjunctions and Blurring definitions (tags)

A number of factors have recently formed a conjunction, which provided a new view of a popular ‘reality’. Whenever the flames of the terrorist ‘threat’ begin to wane convenient arrests are made that fan the embers back into flames of concern. Recent police raids in Sydney and Melbourne have resulted in the arrests of two Sri Lankan Tamils; “two men have appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on terrorism related charges,” ran the intro from one media outlet while another ran with, “men face terrorism charges after raids.” I’m sure we all get the drift but it should be noted that assistant commissioner to the Federal Police, Frank Prendergast, went to lengths "to make it clear that these men weren't involved in any possible attacks on Australian soil.” Well then, what?

Posada’s release exposes Washington’s hypocrisy (tags)

The decision by the US authorities to release the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles exposes before the eyes of the world the hypocritical attitude of the United States government to terrorism. Posada Carriles Posada is the author of the 1976 attack that brought down a Cubana de Aviación civilian airliner off the coast of Barbados, which cost the lives of 73 innocent people. By releasing this criminal, the US authorities have admitted that they support terrorism when this is in the interests of US imperialism. Bush's so-called war on terrorism therefore stands exposed as a shameful deception. In an editorial of April 20, the Los Angeles Times condemned the decision:

The Release of Posada Carriles: A BRUTAL REPLY (tags)

George W. Bush is undoubtedly the most genuine representative of a system of terror forced on the world by the technological, economic and political superiority of the most powerful country known to this planet.

Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks (tags)

Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Cheney’s speech at Sydney’s Shangri-la Hotel (tags)

The American Vice-President, Dick Cheney, today delivered his only address to the ‘public’ at the plush Shangri-la Hotel. He will later meet with the servile Defence Minister, Brendan Nelson and other minor government officials at Victoria Barracks, Paddington. The symbolism of Cheney’s visit in the last days of neo-conservative rule is not lost on Australians; the absence of the Prime Minster, John Howard, from the venue was the most notable aspect of the event!


Even without the Anti-Terror Act, euphemistically called the Human Security Act of 2007, the US-directed Arroyo regime has unleashed the counterrevolutionary military and police forces on the people and spurred them to commit all kinds of barbarities, including the massacre and massive displacement of people in the countryside and the extrajudicial killing, abduction and torture of so many unarmed legal activists. These atrocities are all in line with the Bush global war of terror and its Philippine puppet version called Oplan Bantay Laya I and II. Upon the signing of the Anti-Terror Act by Gloria M. Arroyo, the reactionary military and forces and their special operations teams and death squads are further licensed and further emboldened to commit acts of state terrorism. The main objective of the Act is to suppress the people’s movement for national liberation and democracy and the broad range of legal forces criticizing and opposing the regime. If the targets of the act were only such small groups like the supposedly Al Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf and Jema’ah Islamiyah, the existing system of security agencies and criminal law on murder would have sufficed.

9-11 Petition needs 15000 signatures before its present to Congress (tags)

A petition has been create to force the US govt to release information relevant to 9-11. The Jersey widows need 15000 signtures so they can present this to Congress. Lets get as many people to sign it as possible.

The Russian Bear rouses from Hibernation (tags)

Speaking at the Munich security conference, Vladimir Putin took the opportunity to denounce America for its pursuit of world domination. Putin’s verbal attack lacked the clout the old Soviet Union once possessed, however, the message was not lost on the Americans who immediately went into recovery/spin mode regarding their hegemonic pursuits.


The Alliance for the Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA vehemently condemn the recent judgment by the European Court of Justice that dismissed the appeal of Prof. Jose Maria Sison for access to the secret documents used by the Council of the European Union. By putting Prof. Sison in the so-called terrorist list and imposing on him punitive sanctions, the European Court dealt the peace process in the Philippines, a very heavy blow

Are You the Terrorist Next Door? The AETA and the Green Scare (tags)

Congress recently passed legislation called the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), which can be used to prosecute civil disobedience and speech as “domestic terrorism” when an animal-related business loses profits and property. The Act also protects corporations that pollute and destroy the environment.

Orchestrated Mindanao bombings to push ATB (tags)

The NDF condemns the recent bombings in key cities in Mindanao and highly suspects the war dogs of the Arroyo regime to be responsible for these atrocious acts.

Who are the Cuban Five? (tags)

Now is the time to demand the release of the Cuban Five. They were sentenced 5 years ago this month and have been imprisoned unjustly in the U.S. for 8 years for the crime of trying to defend their homeland against terrorist attacks...

UCLA Student Tortured on Camera (tags)

Welcome to the Christofascist terrorist regime and what it means for all of us.

Quality of FBI terror investigations criticized (tags)

Sounds like the FBI is either a bunch of racists, boobs or perhaps both!

Freedom Fighter effectively gets death sentence (tags)

Because of her cancer Lynne Stewart a freedom fighting civil rights lawyer has been given the death sentence.

Fighter jets in air minutes after crash (tags)

It is sure scary this police state mentality we now live with. Minutes after this plane crash in NYC the government sent up fighter planes up looking for terrorist airplanes to shoot down over NYC and other cities across the country.

On Terrorism and Mass Media (tags)

Reply to questions by Ms. Roselyn Beltran, BA Journalism student at the University of the Philippines (UP), for a paper on "Terrorism and Mass Media"

Government says its sorry for sending man to Syria to be tortured (tags)

Canada's top Mountie apologized Thursday for the "terrible injustices" done to a Canadian Muslim spirited to Syria and tortured for 10 months on false suspicions of terrorist ties.

I am outraged - my column for Bush Business (tags)

My own congressman, Dan Boren, has proven to me is not a man fit for office, or any position in life. How can he vote for torture? It is beyond my understanding...

Five Long Years with 9/11 (tags)

Israel also did not intend to strengthen Hezbollah when it initiated the recent war with Lebanon. Robert Jungk warned that the possibility of terrorist misuse of nuclear energy could necessitate a police and surveillance state.

BREAKING: Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo Program (tags)

Maher Arar Canadian Computer Consultant that was falsely arrested in the United States and accused of being a 9-11 Terrorist actually had done private contractual work for the Canadian Government and computer simulation activity vis a vis hijacked aircraft being used as terrorist weapons.

Against Terrorism... (tags)

Against Terrorism...

Ahmadinejad arrested (tags)

Bush says he is to be tortured in gitmo

Dubai boy slavery suit trumps House link to Abramoff, Dubai terrorist funding (tags)

Analysis of congressional personal financial documents reveals GOP House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner's conflicts in meeting in Dubai with a reported terrorist banker linked to indicted GOP fundraiser Jack AbramoffDubai's purchase of a building above New York's Grand Central Station with long-time Bush family friend Robert Bass acting as lead investor in the sale to the Dubai royal family and Sensenbrenner's pledge to support the spread of Islamic banking in the United States. We also raised questions about

BTL:Human Rights Groups, Top Pentagon Officials Oppose Bush's Proposal for... (tags)

...Military Tribunals to Try Terrorist Suspects ~ Interview with Jennifer Daskal, U.S. advocacy director with Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush demands congressional rubber-stamp for police-state powers (tags)

In the fourth of a series of speeches aimed at fueling public fears of terrorism to boost his administration’s failing political standing, President Bush appeared before an audience of right-wing policy experts in Atlanta, Georgia Thursday. The speech was focused on the demand that Congress move quickly to legalize the program of warrantless wiretapping of Americans, the existence of which was revealed late last year.

Contradictions, anomalies, questions mount in UK terror scare (tags)

A British court on Wednesday extended the warrants for 23 people held since August 10 in connection with the alleged plot to blow up commercial airliners flying from Britain to the US. An additional person was arrested Tuesday. The judge issued his ruling late in the evening following a closed-door hearing that lasted most of the day.

Emergency Report: World Spinning Out of Control (tags)

#1 - Alleged Terrorist detained today by FBI, from Flight 923 London Heathrow to Boston Logan diverted to Dulles Airport, can now be identified as an FBI translator. The alleged terrorist was carrying both Arab and English documents that originated from the US Embassy in London.

The politics of the latest terror scare (tags)

Five days after UK authorities arrested 24 British-born Muslims and announced that they and their American counterparts had thwarted a plot to blow up trans-Atlantic flights from London to the US, neither the British nor the American government has produced any facts to substantiate their dire claims.

BREAKING INTEL: Bush Prepares for Martial Law (tags)

U.S. Flag Officers Versus Pentagon-British-Mossad Neo-Cons US Military prepares for civil war and domestic insurrection as British Viceroy Occupunk Bushfraud prepares martial law script. Bushfraud, on advice from his handlers the British Monarchy, readies 20 day detainee legislation which would functionally destroy the US Constitution and end the Bill of Rights as we know it.

Terrorist Posada Carriles to ask a federal court for his freedom (tags)

International terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is to appear today in a U.S. federal court to ask for his freedom, in spite of his long criminal record, which includes the bombing of a Cubana Aviation passenger plane.

Bush-Blair & Murdoch's Terrorgate Dots Connected+Rupert Murdoch Spies On Prince Charles (tags)

Bush, Blair and Rupert Murdoch along with their global media empires have now been directly linked to a cooked up terrorist scare borrowed right out of Project Bojinka, a 1995 FBI Div 5 Terror script. Players included Robert Wachtel and Rami Yousf, Philippine based Terrorist that had direct ties to 9-11 and Oklahoma City.

London Airplane bomb plot bigger then 9/11 (tags)

OK so why are we supposed to beleive this terrorist attack would have been bigger then 9/11. The cops did not give any dates, times, flight number or even seize any explosives. How do we know this isn't a bunch of BS to scare us into wanting more cops????

Britain’s airline terror plot: Questions that need to be answered (tags)

The claim that American and British security forces have thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up commercial flights between Britain and the United States should not be accepted uncritically. It is impossible to determine at this point whether or not such an attack was in the offing, although the mass media have, as usual, reported the assertions of the British and American governments as indisputable fact, without bothering to ask for any specific information that would substantiate the official story.

the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet (tags)

the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet red or maybe sandstone orange???? and remember the government has banned toothpaste, makeup, suntan lotion, and all other liquids and gels from carry on luggage for your protection!!!

Terrorist Gang Stalking In America By Americans (tags)

Terrorist Gang Stalking is a tool employed by fascists who seek to quash freedom of speech along many other Constitutional rights. Please join us in the fight to expose and stop this insidious crime.

A jobs program for police state techies!!!!!! (tags)

Its nothing more then a jobs program for overpaid police state techies. And of course it is also creating a bigger better police state by spying on us all.

Death to Our Enemies - A God Exclusive (tags)

Again, soldiers everywhere, my friends, CBC, CNN, and FOXNews Zionist demon liar broadcasters KNOW the bushmob did 911, but forbid US to communicate freely for Justice. Instead, they wish US to war against each other for their demonic pleasures. Instead of me needlessly slaughtering ignorant ungodly bushite dumfuks, let's support the FBI's conclusion, on who TRULY funded the terrorist operations of 911 to nab the REAL EVIL doers. Or, suffer more from the tyrannies of YOUR cowardice to stand up for yourself as worth something.

Israeli spies in Lebanon (tags)

Another terrorist cell was caught earlier this year in Lebanon, which was charged with having links to the fundamentalist group Al-Qaeda. The group was also charged with planning the assassination of Hizbullah�s secretary-general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Attacked (tags)

Attacks on free speech continue with increasing brazenness

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Targeted (tags)

targeting the media under "self-defense" and with holocaust immunity

Israel is a failed terrorist state (tags)

And always was.

The Second American Revolution : Revolutionary Proverbs (tags)

A short collection of proverbs

Lawyers: Terror cases lack intent (tags)

In the two recent terrorist busts it seems like the feds are making a big deal about nothing

Government as Hostage (tags)

In the Bundestag, only the leftist party PDS condemned the Israeli action. Wolfgang Gehrcke dedlared it was "an unparalleled act of political terrorism and adventurism" to abduct eight ministers and 20 delegates of a freely elected government.

9/11 Con in LA (tags)

American Scholars Symposium

Hamas: A Pale Image of the Jewish Irgun And Lehi Gangs (tags)

The reality is that when faced with a superior military force, such as Britain possessed in 1947 and Israel does today against the Palestinians, terror is the underdog’s only viable weapon. Once a state has been established and legitimized, however, as in the cases of Israel and South Africa, the former “terrorists” tend to gain a veil of legitimacy as well. But legitimacy is now being denied Hamas.


The new FBI, has apparently confused a group of entrepreneurial fashion design trend setters and pop culture fad moguls in Miami, all according to ABC and other news sources, with a terrorist group. I think everybody in the US kinda knows that if some one asks you to swear allegiance to Al Quaeda, you might be talking to the FBI or something.

Will Terrorist Attacks Be Launched During the World Cup? (tags)

Fundamental principles of the American republic were thrown overboard by Spygate, the current spying scandal.. The Bush admin-istration crossed the Rubicon when Bush set himself above the law in the course of the bugging scandal.

Iran, Towards a War Pretext Incident? (tags)

Former CIA analyst and Presidential advisor Ray McGovern, fresh from his heated public confrontation with Donald Rumsfeld, fears that staged terror attacks across Europe and the US are probable in order to justify the Bush administration's plan to launch a military strike against Iran, which he thinks will take place in June or July. -Paul Joseph Watson


On Tuesday 30 May 2006 from 9 :30 a.m. onward, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities will examine the legality of the antiterrorist list adopted by the Council of the European Union in the case of Filipino professor Jose Maria Sison. Can the Ministers of the 25 European countries qualify a person as a terrorist and exclude him from economic life with neither evidence nor due process? The stake is crucial for all the defenders of fundamental rights in Europe.

A little perspective, please (tags)

Forget the Middle East: North America Harbors the World's Most Dangerous Terrorists

Terrorism cannot be fought everywhere but Palestine (tags)

Tashbih Sayyed, Ph.D. is editor-in-chief of Pakistan Today and Muslim World Today, California-based weekly newspapers, president of Council for Democracy and Tolerance and adjunct fellow of Hudson Institute.

Al-Arian's Guilt (tags)

16 August-------9/11. (tags)

Cheney and Rumsfeld knew.

Joint Terrorism Task Force Questions Professor (tags)

Dr. Miguel Tinker Salas, Pamona College Professor of Latin American Studies is visited by LA County Sheriffs/FBI Joint Task Force on Terrorism.

FBI Charles Rasner names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs Terrorist (tags)

And then a perpetrator or bunglar on the side of militaristic over reaction in the Waco tragedy has the nerve to call indymedia free speech supporters and a group 'food not bombs' that gives away vegetarian meals 'terrorists' ! ? Truly when the Bush Regime confines 'free speech' to a cage or 'corral' what more does Mr. Rasner want in his rage to gut the Constitution and the First Amendent ?

FBI names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs and “Anarchists” to Domestic Terrorist Watch Li (tags)

Austin's highly unprofessional FBI field office, famously staffed with bumbling losers, names IndyMedia a terrorist org...

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? (tags)

The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.

Who Benefits from a New Division of the World? (tags)

We in the West should be more prepared than ever to respect the cultural identities of other people. We should strive to accept their ideas and demands on us..The problem of the West is understanding the mental consti-tution of the poor and humiliated.

911 Terrorist Flght School linked to Jeb Bush (tags)

Even stranger, both Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris were providing celebrity endorsements to Hilliard's operation well after the company's Lear (N351WB) had been busted by DEA agents armed with machine guns.

After spy scandal, U.S. plans “massive” data sweep (tags)

"The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged...” The New York Times once said.

Updated Evidence on "A Flaw in The Fabric of Society." (tags)

First, The God News = My Television Show, "The Preacherman Show" is scheduled to be back on Television in The County of Los Angeles, California on Channel 24 in The Hollywood, CA on "COMCAST CABLE"


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

NSA Gave Other U.S. Agencies Information From Surveillance (tags)

As I've been reporting since 2003, online surveillance conducted by the Bush Regime was handed over to the DIA so that the DIA could (and did) conduct PsyOps against American dissidents opposed to Bush. Bush is a tyrant and must be impeached.

Terrorism comes to Duke (tags)

The ISM at Duke: The Saga Continues

SUPER TERRORISTS! 'Pollywood Studios' Latest Production (tags)

The Jordan bombing publicity has Pollywood (as in Pentagon's Hollywood) written all over it. Pollywood's favorite theme, after "THE NATION AT WAR" is "TERRORIST MASTERMINDS." The favorite script always stars a single villain, who is turned into a bogey man of superhuman proportions.

Ossama Bin Laden Makes Surprise Cameo Appearance in Beheading Video (tags)

Bin Laden Surprise Appearance

Hurricane Katrina and Synthetic Terrorism: Beware, America. (tags)

The leadership of the United States is literally a criminal syndicate operating in the service of a ruling class that is even more iniquitous. For the administration’s purposes, the expansion of America’s imperial war across the globe is not simply a chimerical pursuit for its own sake. It is a necessity, without which—in their view—American “primacy” will be eroded. In view of the U.S. administration’s determination, no catalytic event—however criminal—can be regarded as above the scope of its capability.



Our Terrorists (tags)


Terrorist atrocity in London (tags)


Ben Hecht & Sami Al-Arian: What’s the Difference? (tags)

The late Ben Hecht tried to save the Jews of Europe from the Nazi onslaught. Sami Al-Arian is struggling to lift the cruel Israeli occupation off the backs of the Palestinians. Hecht was praised for his First Amendment efforts, while Al-Arian faces trial in Florida “for supporting terrorism!” A devout Muslim, he has been a leader in the Tampa, Florida community. Al-Arian has also been fired from his tenured teaching position at the U. of South Florida.

Five US Marines Killed In Suicide Car Bombing In Fallujah (tags)

A short article about recent car bombings in Iraq.

Save Our State Minutemen Death Threats and More (tags)

Save Our State / Minutemen supporters telephone and email hundreds of terrorist threats while woman who was struck by a plastic water bottle calls the Constitutionally guarenteed right to protest against racism "domestic terrorism."

Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the (tags)

Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the

Sherman Austin detained for "Terrorist Ties" (tags)

Sherman Austin (former webmaster of detained for "terrorist ties"

New Film Made as a Action/Comedy Has Strong Anti Terrorist message (tags)

New Film By Director William Cheney Cheney's Tomorrow Never Comes? A political Action/comedy About a liberal newscaster that makes fake/slanted reports of Terrorists. He finds himself a terrorist working for North Korea and ex Russian KGB. He is hunted by the CIA,FBI,Canadian Intelligence and the US Department of State. In this cutting edge action comedy.With an all star cast.This is a must see. The trailer for the film can be viewed free at


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

USA Terrorist: Luis Posada Carriles (tags)

Luis Posada Carriles, who is in Florida seeking asylum, CIA agent and as one of the engineer[s] of the 1976 terrorist bombing of Cubana Airlines flight 455 that killed 73 passengers.

Venezuelan Torture Victim Denounces Posada Carriles (PL) (tags)

Extradition of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles now has almost unanimous support in Venezuela, told in the voice of one of his former victims.

Andrew Aaron Weisburd of Internet Haganah: Cyber Terrorist (tags)

Do the revolution a favor, give the Feds no excuse to ignore a cyber terrorist targeting IMCs.

After kissing Prince, W still ends up with an empty Oil can (tags)

After kissing Prince Abdullah on the cheeks, Boy George was hoping for an oil handout, in the form of more Saudi oil being 'pumped.' Alas, his Oil robber baron/partner rubbed the pretzel the wrong way by ignoring his pathetic plea, only making some rhetorical promises about increasing future production capacity.

Bush's Torture Tort Reform: Don't Sue, Don't Get Sued (tags)

So why did the Bush administration go to court and oppose a judgement ordering Iraq to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to 17 captured Americans tortured by Saddam back in the first Gulf War? He had to! If he’d gone along, hundreds of people tortured by U.S. forces in the current “War on Terror” could turn around and sue the U.S. government. ---------------------------------------

Facts? We don't need any stinkin' facts! (tags)

From Social Security to terror attacks, from pollution caps to casualties, Bush has used "fuzzy math" to cover up his financial interests. Never forget he is an oilman.

A Government By The Terrorists And For The Terrorists (tags)

You think you know what happened on 9/11?

WTC Attack Plan 1976 (tags)

More evidence of a government plot to bring down the Twin Towers.

Through a Glass Darkly: Scott Ritter's Raw Story Interview (tags)

Eric David Stein critiques Scott Ritters latest comments on the neocons and the possibility of a terrorist attack in the US, suggesting that Ritter's views carry serious political liabilities.

Plot by Islamic fundamentalist to murder anti-capitalist revolutionaries in Iraq (tags)

This is from the Worker-communist Party of Iraq, an anti-capitalist and anti-Stalinist organization. They say they have uncovered a plot to murder members of their group by the Islamic fundis associated with Mouktada Al-Sadr

Terror Intel Style (tags)

This is how the sheep dogs keep the sheep complaint and exploitable. Remember 911? Bali? Oklahoma? Notice that all this bullshit started around the time people were starting to stand up to parasites like the WTO? Think about it!!

Panamanian Abducted in LA by Police, Missing (tags)

Panamanian American arrested in LA on January 7.

News Gathering Illegal Under New Patriot Act ll, Sec. 102 (tags)

SECTION 102 of the new Patriot Act ll states clearly that any information gathering, regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign power. This makes news gathering illegal.

Open Letter to America from a Canadian (tags)

Originally published in the Baltimore Chronicle over two years ago, this piece just gets more prophetic with time

States 'can postpone' U.S. elections (tags)

Both President Bush and some State's - including Florida, New York and California - can potentially postpone the election in "emergency circumstances". Over the last 4 months, three Congressional Research Service reports addressed election postponement, their findings unsettling - Congress appears duly "concerned".

An Iran-Contra/al Quaeda Reader (tags)

"the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture ought to have raised blood red flags around the world..."

October Surprise and Senate Office Closings (tags)

The long awaited October Surprise is clearly on the horizon. Multimillionaire Senator Mark Dayton, Democrat, Minnesota, of the Target Corporation family, the 2d largest retailer in the US, closed his Washington office until after 11/2, and they all have received "hair-curling" briefings about alleged terrorist attacks pending in Wash, D.C.

The Iraq War has Increased Terrorism (tags)

"The British and American population does not believe that the war against iraq has made the world safer..Only 30 percent in the US agree with the government.. The Iraq war represents a great diversion from the global struggle against terrorism.."

Beyond Dissent by Jeff Luers (tags)

Jeff Luers' Latest Communique



No doubt you heard about us on national radio or television and want to learn more about the ISM and what to do about this subversive group that represents America’s and Israel’s enemies. In the coming year, it is our intention to reveal to the American public the key players of the ISM here in the USA, Canada and Europe and to educate the public who they really represent: the PLO, the PFLP, Hamas and other terrorists under Yasser Arafat. And we promise results.


Barghouti eats during a hunger strike. Arafat rips off the Palestinian treasury. Hamas leaders hide while they send off others to die. This article takes a look at these phenomena.

BUSH: The Spoons have been found! (tags)

They were hidden in the Elephant's Trunk!

Know thy enemy (tags)

Leftist KPFA Appeasers READ THIS (tags)

childish regression to fantasy about politics

Weapons found in Iraq! (tags)

stunning events from Iraq!

Drawing A Line In The Sand: Bush & The Election (tags)

Shortly after Bush stole the 2000 election, I wrote an article in which I suggested that it might be wise to consider the purchase of an AK47 as an investment. Today those words sound strangely prophetic, yet eerie alien.

Anti-Media Terrorism at the DNC? (tags)

Recent hype by the FBI concerning alleged "terrorist" attacks by a domestic group against media vehicles at the DNC protests led me to think, once again, about the role of the media in the debacle we know as the Bush Administration and its terrorist war against liberty, rights, Muslims and Arabs. While I suspect that the FBI's allegations are bogus and just another example of the paranoia they seek to provoke, I mused over another interpretation of the allegations. Since the word "terrorist" is often used by states as a term to smear freedom fighters, let's attempt to reverse engineer the FBI's PsyOps attempt with regard to their press release.

Heroes in the war against terrorism (tags)

She was soft-spoken and earnest.

Terror Threats To Be Used for 2004 Election Tampering (tags)

How a "terror threat" might be used to throw the 2004 elections.

New extremist terrorist group born in Lebanon (tags)

A new extremist terrorist group was born in Syrian-occupied Lebanon. The group made its debut in Lebanese territories where the Lebanese security forces are “banned” form entering, while the Lebanese authorities are paralyzed by the Syrian occupation troops. Here are the details per Nahar newspaper (the most renowned newspaper in Lebanon):


This flyer is pervect for getting the word out about the SEPTEMBER 11 COVEFR-UP.

Putin: Russia Gave Bush Iraq Intelligence (tags)

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AP) - Russia gave the Bush administration intelligence after the September 11 attacks that suggested Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq was preparing attacks in the United States, President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

The discovery of the Texas cyanide bomb (tags)

If it wasn't for a fluke, we might well have found ourselves facing another Oklahoma City-type atrocity.

'No top terrorists at Guantanamo' (tags)

Senior American intelligence and military officials directly contradicted the Bush administration yesterday, saying not a single detainee at Guantanamo Bay was a high-ranking terrorist.


The criminals who got away with 9/11 are planning more far larger scale attacks.

Screwing up by the Numbers (tags)

This War was a Deliberate screw up. Everything done wrong to provoke a strategy of terror. A new level of provocation deigned to create the new snakes of terrorism the enemy so badly needed at the fall of the Soviet Union and its co option, to provide the new excuse for military/ police spending.

More anti-terrorism power sought - JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SAYS PATRIOT ACT NOT ENOUGH (tags)

WASHINGTON - The Justice Department is seeking to expand its anti-terrorism powers again, adding, among other things, an FBI subpoena power so secret that even a lawsuit challenging it had to be kept under wraps.

Critics of Cuban Justice Should Look at Their Own Treatment of Prisoners (tags)

The UN Human Rights Commission narrowly passed an anti-Cuba resolution last month. This essay looks at how two countries behind the resolution treat their own prisoners.

Alan Dershowitz Wants To Legalize Torture (tags)

THE grisly revelations of torture and human rights abuses by American forces in Iraq have come as no surprise to Alan Dershowitz, the most famous civil liberties and criminal defence attorney in the United States.

The Hyena Press (tags)

This Shouldn't Be a Brutality Contest (tags)

"it is quite likely that a good number of the naked, hooded, and sexually abused Iraqis shown in those photos are completely innocent"

More than 100 Anti-Cuban Terrorist Groups Based in US (tags)


Message to America (tags)

spread it!

Bojinka: The Dog That Didn't Bark (tags)

That there is a huge cover-up in progress by the government and the media is obvious. However, there are two words that have not come from the lips of even Bush’s most virulent critics, the left-wing Democrats. Those two words are Project Bojinka.

The Pentagon is co-opting Northern Africa (tags)

The Pentagon's new "Africa Engagement" means it will not let ungoverned areas fester as terrorist havens -- and North Africa is on the receiving end of our military aid and our political will.

NEWSFLASH! Text of Bush's Aug., 6, 2001 Intel Brief (tags)

Text of Bush's Aug., 6, 2001 Intel Brief , as transcribed by the Associated Press


According to Fox news channel newswire, Fallujah residents have repeled the attack orderded by the NEW SADDAM and have forced a regime change. Apparantly, Bremer has installed a THIRD SADDAAM to keep an eye on him. I will be watching the THIRD SADDAM. ALSO news from the ONE CHINA.

Cuban Right-Wing Terrorist Group F-4 Commandos Training Venezuelan Paramilitaries in Miami (tags)

Hands Off Venezuela Campaign

Terrorist threat---My Ass!!! (tags)

Terrorist threat---My Ass!!!---We've been lied to and I can prove it. Despite what the Bush junta tells us about a terrorist threat in this country---they're damn liars.


As the world's leading terrorism, aunty terrorism, and counter-terrorism expert I would like to offer my analysis of today's 911 hearings. It is beggining to look like an act of sabotage was invited to the US to inspire an invasion of Iraq.

One Year Later: Iraq is in Shambles (tags)

A short article about the problems with the Bush Administration's policies in Iraq.


KIM JONG IL sent me a salute today on Fox News channel's newswire while other world leaders and the world's leading terrorist expert continues to obliterate all challengers so far. Pakistan wins the funniest terrorism award. The PCSCU won the award last year before General Musharaf wacked em.


After a terrorist attack by al-Qaida that left hundreds of their fellow countrymen dead, Spanish voters immediately voted to give the terrorists what they want -- a Socialist government that opposes America's war on terrorism. Al-Qaida has changed a government.


Fox news is reporting on the latest explosion in Bagdad as I write this article. Madeline Albright and Bill Clinton agreed to sit on GROUND ZERO live when the newsflash came in. Douglas Hunter ran his MOUTH to endanger people right after Kerry said he could WIN THE WAR ON TERRORISM.

Arissa Media Release Supporting Tre Arrow (tags)



Dennis Miller, who was castrated last week, is expected to chill out along with Donald Trump who has shut down his show "The apprentice". The appreintice will be a rerun. Fox news channel and the BBC are still running rampant and will be the primary focus of this weeks attacks by Al Kada.

Madrid Atrocities:Who is responsible? (tags)


Is Spain indeed a dress rehearsal for the 2004 election? (tags)

This train terrorist attack has the smear of another 'Al Kiduh' attack even without the clumsy salting of evidence ( god [b]less america!!) and the history of FBI directives not to investigate(CIA?) this world wide terrible terrorist terror. Anthrax.....yawn..( remember, it could have been anyone of us that displeased this administration and nothing from them. People died. Feel safe yet?)


GOP political operatives of every stripe are looking forward to more terrorist attacks like the one in Madrid yesterday. The GOP generally demands money before the dead bodies are picked up but in this case Spain payed in advance when their government chose to help Bush invade Irag despite widespread public opinion against the action.

Madrid Counts its Dead (tags)

Spain used to be hit by a traditional car bombing terrorism dued to the separatist ETA group. The bombings that caused death to 198 poeple in Madrid would be more comparable to an Al Quaeda scale terror act. This is Spain's first state-sponsored terrorist action.


Dennis Miller, political operative and former comedian, called on Bush for more killings. Bad guys is the term Miller used for the victims of the Bush cartel who rarely get trials before they are murdered. Miller made no joke at Bush's expense on CNBC.


Maria Bartiromo, CNBC's finest asset likes to spend a lot of money on her pets. Please leash and spank me soon. Maria sells ads to the Bush cartel. I think George Foreman can beat Arnold the Gubernator while you spank me ringside.

Terrorist Atrocity in Madrid (tags)


Terrorist Organizations Syria supports (tags)

State sponsored terrorism is synonymous with Syria and more closely with the Assad regime. During the reign of Hafez al-Assad, and continuing with his son Baschar, Syria's al-Baath Party has embarked on strengthening its political hand by using the crudest of methods: Terrorism.

'I Just Want To Shut It Off' (tags)

. . . The rappers laugh and boast "And they destroyed the two towers, ha, ha ha!"

Bricks (tags)

It's been brought.

Convicted for Alleging Israel's Involvement in 9-11! (tags)

NH Man Who Alleged that Israel and Others Orchestrated 9-11 Convicted of Trumped-Up Tax Charges!

Arnold Schwarzenegger does fundraiser for Congressman with former ties to al-Qaeda (tags)

Governor Groper will be in Huntington Beach tommorrow night to do a fundraiser for a Congressman with former ties al-Qaeda. So much for patriotism.

Former PLO terrorist a most unlikely Zionist (tags)

"The world does not see the truth about what's happening in the West Bank," Shoebat told the Star in an interview yesterday afternoon. "My purpose is to tell the West that they aren't getting the real picture, that what they're seeing is propaganda. I know the truth because I was there, I was part of it. And the truth is, we wanted to kill Jews long before the occupation. I wanted to kill Jews."

Fresno Woman Arrested for Having a Bad Dream (tags)

Denise Martin shared a dream she had with a friend. Her friend told the dream to Martin’s former employer and this led to Martin’s current nightmare.

The Rise of Fascism (tags)

"When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History" by Thom Hartmann Published on Sunday, March 16, 2003 by The 70th anniversary wasn't noticed in the United States, and was barely reported in the corporate media. But the Germans remembered well that fateful day seventy years ago - February 27, 1933. They commemorated the anniversary by joining in demonstrations for peace that mobilized citizens all across the world.

Watch List or Witch Hunt? (tags)

In 1962, a national security “watch list,” issued by the FBI, red-flagged all materials coming from Puerto Rico of an anti-American or pro-Soviet nature, peace groups going from the U.S. to the Soviet Union...

WAs The CIA Running A Terrorist Flight School? (tags)

One of three ver well-written articles I'm forwarding that announce Jeb Bush and CIA's involvement with 911 terrorist flight schools, Heorin smuggling, mobsters. Give credit to the authors they are tremendous investigators.V. Smith ( I don't "play" and I'm no "actress". I am however, a citizen concerned and very persecuted, "targeted", Christian.))

Jeb Bush Flies High With Terror Airways (tags)

One of three articles I'm forwarding that announce Jeb Bush and CIA's involvement with 911 terrorist flight schools, Heorin smuggling, mobsters. Give credit to the authors they are tremendous investigators.V. Smith ( I don't "play" and I'm no "actress". I am however, a citizen concerned and very persecuted, "targeted", Christian.))

American Freak Show (tags)

8 questions while the sappy hysterical euphoria dazzle all their mind

The CIA, the Miami mafia and terrorism against Cuba in December (tags)

NOW, more than ever, I am convinced that there is a reason for everything that happens in life, which can explain it or provide an answer, even though, in order for that to happen, some time has to pass or a succession of apparently disconnected events are eventually linked together. When dawn broke on that December 23, 1963, ...

Does al-Qaeda exist? (tags)

Does Al-Qaeda even exist, or is it a PR invention along with much of the other Smoke and Mirrors the White House is trying to sell. Is it any more real than the "Fabled" Weapons of Mass Distortion?

Lebanese Peaceful Revolution Against Syrian Occupation (tags)

The Lebanese universities youth, engineers, physicians, lawyers, workers and all society members are leading a peaceful revolution to implement the UN Security Council resolution 52O that calls for Syrian pullout of Lebanon. Hundreds are being arrested, tortured, imprisoned and even killed.

Does Syria sponsor terrorism? (tags)

Syria, a secular dictatorship with one of the worldâ??s worst human rights records, has been on the State Department list of countries sponsoring terrorism since the listâ??s inception in 1979

Yes, Bush lied (tags)

Even the pro-Republican World Net Daily now Admits that Bush LIED. Impeach the Liar. There is nothing in the Constitution which authorizes the pResident to lie to start a War.

Al Qaeda: A Monthly Review Of The Global Terrorist Network (tags)

The high lights for this months assessment of the global terrorist network activity finds new information from the UN (United Nations) on Al Qaeda’s real and dangerous threat of using biological and chemical weapons. The CIA is provided information on a new generation of biological and chemical weapons.

Their fear is my weapon; their screams are my reward. (tags)

The sky is blue the grass is green now get off your ass and join the Marines! -- Hondo

Gov't Prosecutes Man for Alleging that Israel and the Neo-Cons Conducted 9-11! (tags)

The Justice Department is prosecuting a New Hampshire man for alleging that Israel and the Neo-Cons of the Bush Administration orchestrated the September 11th terrorist attacks as a way to drag the U.S. into wars with all of Israel's enemies!

LA Fires More Than Economic Boom (tags)

The media's distorted coverage of the well-placed and perfectly orchestrated arsons.

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up on "Democracy Now" Today (tags)

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up on "Democracy Now" Today

The KGB's Man (tags)

The Israeli government has vowed to expel Yasser Arafat, calling him an "obstacle" to peace. But the 72-year-old Palestinian leader is much more than that; he is a career terrorist, trained, armed and bankrolled by the Soviet Union and its satellites for decades.

Real perspective on 9-11 (tags)

Can't wait to hear all the right wing apologists humming the same tune.LOL

KOBE posting as the JDL. (tags)

Lately, KOBE has decided to be open about its connections to the JDL and has been posting as "JDL."

Yes, Bush lied (tags)

The CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and the other U.S. spy agencies unanimously agreed that Baghdad:  had not sponsored past terrorist attacks against America,  was not operating in concert with al-Qaida,  and was not a terrorist threat to America.  "We have no specific intelligence information that Saddam's regime has directed attacks against U.S. territory," the report stated. 

FBI Funneled Money to Hamas for Terrorism in '90s (tags)

During the last years of the Clinton Admin., the FBI funneled cash to the reactionary Muslim fundamentalist Hamas group for terrorist attacks.


Peace Fresno was infiltrated by an agent working for the Fresno Sheriff’s Department.

This is war by Ann Coulter (tags)

THE NEXT WOMAN PRESIDENT? HERE'S A QUOTE FROM THE RIGHT WING COLUMNIST...We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

Israeli Left: Love Your Enemy, Hate Your Brother (tags)

All blood is red, and I guess Israel's lemmings can't tell the difference between the blood of innocent Israelis cut-down in the "act" of living their lives, and the blood of socio-pathic murderers, who Israel liquidates - in self-defense - before they can plan or kill again.

Wesley Clark, Defender of KLA Terrorists, Joins Race to White House (tags)

My question to Presidential Candidate Wesley Clark is simple: “What exactly is your position these days on collaborating with drug dealers and terrorists? Have you changed your mind, or do you still think you were doing the right thing to turn Kosovo into a drug dealers’, terrorist and white slave traffic paradise it has become under NATO jurisdiction?”

Answer me this? (tags)

15 things I don't understand about the Peace Process.

The Terror Enigma: Israel and the September 11 Connection (tags)

Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with “Urban Moving Systems” sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.

LA 8 (Palestinians) to be retried under Patriot Act (tags)

The Bush administration has decided to pursue a 16-year-old effort to deport two Palestinian activists who as students distributed magazines and raised funds for a group the government now considers a terrorist organization, despite several court rulings that the deportations are unconstitutional because the men were not involved in terrorist activity.

Why democrats act like republicans (tags)

But yourself in the shoes of a democratic politician: you need support. You need voters, volunteers, and donations. You try to move left. But people on the left join third parties, choose not to vote, or don't even care. So what can you do?

The Environment/Energy Balance (tags)

YES, I am a tree hugger. I drove down the Western Australian Coast with my feet up on the dash board, meditated and danced joyously by the rivers, strummed my guitar by the ocean and sang “Imagine” with my mates… Those days were much simpler; the environment/energy balance was really just a single issue then. Social balance was achieved by the extremes on both sides, the greenies against the capitalists. The environment cannot be looked at as a single issue anymore as the complexity of global war has heated up. A whole new paradigm of cause and effect is relevant on how we address the energy/environment balance.

Socialism:the only way out of the bloodshed in Israel-Palestine (tags)


Bali bomber thanks anti-war protesters (tags)

THE man who helped mix the deadly one-tonne Bali nightclub bomb Sawad, alias Sardjiyo, yesterday said he wanted to thank the Australian people who had supported his cause during recent Australian anti-Gulf War protests. "I want to thank the Australian people who supported our cause when they demonstrated against the policies of George Bush. Say thank you to all of them," Sawad said.

Next Stop: Lebanon (tags)

The Bush Junta and company's tirade would be getting old at this point, if it weren't for the thousands of innocent people getting needlessly slaughtered.

Judge William Young Sentences the Shoe Bomber (tags)

JUDGE WILLIAM YOUNG, SENTENCES THE SHOE BOMBER I hope you will read every word! Pray for more Judges like this one.

Help Stop Fascism! sue KOBEHQ. (tags)

Cyber terrorist organization KOBE, hate group and harasser of IndyMedia LA, has been trying to shut down our website through death threats, libel, slander, and harassment. Help us put an end to KOBE.

Big Brother (tags)

"There is every reason today to refer the negative utopia of George Orwell to the only remaining superpower - the America of George W. Bush. This is true for that schizophrenic form of mental indoctrination called `double think'.' Translated fr German

Wide Awake-Stop the Terrorists! (tags)

Stop the Terrorists

They're Coming to Take Me Away (tags)

Artie wasn't home when the Baltimore SWAT team broke down the door and then handcuffed his 72-year-old wife to the bedstead for seven hours, while they ransacked the couple's home. Elizabeth is a proud grandmother, in fact, great-grandmother to three youngsters. They took the couple's computer equipment, private papers and $8,000 in cash which the couple kept in their home for safety...for safety.


The Terrorist Infrastructure is on the eve of destruction. The complete dismantlement will take no more than 9 years, after which a new world will discover true freedom, justice, democracy and a better quality of life

US Govt Releases 9/11 Report (tags)

"In February 2002, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence agreed to conduct a Joint Inquiry into the activities of the U.S. Intelligence Community in connection with the terrorist attacks perpetrated against our nation on September 11, 2001. This report (available as both S. Rept. 107-351 and H. Rept. 107-792) consists of 832 pages that presents the joint inquiry’s findings and conclusions, an accompanying narrative, and a series of recommendations."

Total Police State Takeover (tags)

A Brief Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot Act II By Alex Jones (Posted Feb 10, 2003)

The Other Bush Lie (tags)

"The conclusion, then, is inescapable. The cadre of cheerleading hawks -- both inside and outside the administration -- who led the United States to war 19 months later had decided within 10 days of the terrorist attacks that 9/11 should be used as the pretext for Hussein's removal, even if there was absolutely no connection between the two."

Roadblocks Seen in Sept. 11 Inquiry (tags)

WASHINGTON -- The independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks says the Bush administration and Congress have failed to cooperate fully with requests for key documents and information and have presented other roadblocks to a thorough and timely inquiry.

Ex-Officials Dispute Iraq Tie to al-Qaida (tags)

``There was no significant pattern of cooperation between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist operation,'' former State Department intelligence official Greg Thielmann said this week.

Terrorismo de grupos cubanos de Miami contra EE UU (tags)

Acciones terroristas de grupos cubanos radicados en Miami contra intereses de EE UU dentro de su territorio.

The Invisible (Toll of the Terror War and it's Lies) (tags)

The problem goes beyond religion. A new xenophobia is abroad. In Connecticut, a resident told police that he had heard two "Arabs" talking about anthrax. Whereupon police officers arrested two Pakistani men suspected of having had the conversation at a gas station. They also hauled in an Indian businessman who was minding the station temporarily for his uncle, the owner. The man was held for 18 days and then released without charge or compensation.

Bush Lied and Soldiers Died (tags)

Several weeks have now passed since the end of the war, and WMD’s have yet to be found in Iraq. Specialized teams of engineers, scientists, and intelligence agents have been searching for these weapons since the outbreak of war, yet have been unable to locate even the slightest trace of chemical and biological weapons.

Rod Coronado = eco-terrorist? (tags)

Termed Terrorist: Unjustified

HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (June 1, 2003 version) (tags)

Cheney is Qaeda. Qaeda is Cheney.

Nazi Germany's War on Terrorism (tags)

No matter how things change they stay the same. "Killing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity."

Nightmare Scenarios: Today & 3 Years From Now (tags)

A look at what might happen if New York State Senate Bill 2996 becomes law and the FCC loosens ownership regulations for media corporations causing the further erosion of diverse, locally owned and operated newspapers and broadcast stations thanks to the consolidation of their ownership.

Which Came First - Terrorism or "Occupation"? (tags)

Which Came First - Terrorism or "Occupation"?

Who Is Running al-Qaeda? (tags)

But who runs al-Qaeda? Back in the 1980s, al-Qaeda was part of the U.S. intelligence operation in Afghanistan. When did the U.S. stop running al-Qaeda?

Under Surveillance In Lebanon (tags)

It is said that Abu Mahjen, leader of Esbat Al-Ansar, has established contact with people who believe in Al-Qaeda's orientations.


Four out of five people we asked have no idea who the JDL are, much less know that they are one of the TOP TEN FBI ACTIVE TERRORIST GANGS IN THE USA.

White House Refuses to Release Sept. 11 Info (tags)

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration and the nation's intelligence agencies are blocking the release of sensitive information about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon

Whose Disaster? OUR Disaster! (tags)

Operation Topoff - to take place in Seattle and Chicago, Mon, May 12, is designed to test the readiness of our emergency systems to meet a terrorist attack - and possibly to test the docility and credulity of the populace.

So he thinks it’s all over... (tags)

George Bush has announced the end of the war. But try telling that to the Shias and the Badr Brigade, says Robert Fisk

White House refuses to release Sept. 11 info (tags)

Disputed information includes a well publicized warning from an FBI agent that al-Qaida supporters might be training in U.S. flight schools and the names of the president and his national security adviser as people who may have received warnings that a terrorist attack was possible before Sept. 11, one official said.

The war at home It's time to defend our liberties before protest becomes a crime (tags)

The War On Freedom launched by the Bush Junta continues. If you value your freedom, the right to speak freely your mind speak now or it will become a crime.

The Rise of the Third Reich and Bush (tags)

This is why he projects his shadow on Saddam Hussein.

''Colombia: another front in broader U.S. war'' (tags)

By Matthew Riemer Columnist (United States)

When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History (tags)

To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice is again ours.

Tribulations: Terrror Targets Everwhere--Everyone (tags)

Danger from terrorism increase everywhere everyday. Be aware, be prepared and be brown skinned if you can (safer in most of the world from now on !). Al Qaeda and other terror cells laugh at US and its people who think their government spends good money to protect them

The hidden goal of war (tags)

The final goal of american strategists through the war against Iraq is to seek the worst terrorist chaos we ever seen in order to justify their future military dictatorship upon the entire world.

Disturbing Similarities of History - The Third Reich and the Presidency of George Bush (tags)

I just threw this timeline together, so it isn't perfect; I'm still working on it. However, notice the striking and horrifyingly blatant similarities between the two...

Long Beach Police Ask for Tips on Terrorist Neighbors (tags)

Long Beach Police Urge Finks to Call in and Report "Suspicious" People in their Neighborhoods.


americans are dumb

Terrorist strikes begin in response to attack on Iraq (tags)

Two small bombings on British interests overseas have taken place, and are a harbinger of things to come. Dangerous times are ahead, but in no place on the planet is it going to be more dangerous than in America, as a looming scandal drives the extreme right wing to ever more reckless actions...

South America, Future US Target (tags)

The next target?

Blade of grass threatens American Empire (tags)

CIA operatives among the Special Forces in Iraq have determined that this blade of grass, newly sprung near Baghdad, represents a threat to George Bush on account of its being alive.

Terrorist brandishing lethal weapon. (tags)

Top secret photograph of terrorist operative shown to George Bush during defense briefing and leaked to the press by unknown sources.

Wayne Green says there are 11 terrorist cells in many U.S. cities (tags)

Wayne Green said 5 years ago that there are 11 terrorist cells in many U.S. cities.

Secret services accused of masterminding deadly blast (tags)

Colombia's main rebel army FARC denies responsability in the bombing of an exclusive up-town club in Bogota that left 37 people dead. In a strong declaration against terrorism, the guerrillas instead blame the official secret services for the attack.

FBI whistleblower: 'We can't stop terrorism unleashed by Iraq war.' (tags)

(a conservative view, and not a "neo-conservative" take, which often is cozy with fascists)

Are You Prepared for WAR? (tags)

Switch off your brain to be freaked out - best for warfare


A little movie called "October Surprise" - about the U.S. coup d'etat of 1980 by the CIA, the Mossad, and the media-money monopoly - has gotten the FBI (Foolish Bureau of Intimidation) rather nervous. Gee, I wonder why?

Basques Feel the Sting of Spanish Democracy (tags)

This is a story about the repression experienced by the Basques, particularly by the spanish government. The only newspaper published in Basque, in the Basque Country, has been shut down by the Spanish government. They have been accused of terrorism. The Spanish government accuses any Basque entity which encourages the use of Basque language, or who speak out for Basque political rights, as being terrorist. It is not unusual---it happens everyday. This latest closing of the newspaper Egunkaria has just gone too far, though.


The frightening un-Patriot II is Gee Duhbya's legacy to the Founders. Cutting the Balls off of the Constitution. Circulated in secret Asscroft first claimed it was just a "draft of ideas" - except that copies had already been secretly sent to Dennis Hastert in the House of Representatives. These people are no friends to your liberty.



FBI Found Bush Guilty of Treason (tags)

FBI reports present solid evidence that President Bush planned World Trade Center attack in league with Bin Laden family friends, with whom he became aquainted in highschool, for socialist spies from the Russian Federation.

Terror Level Threat to be Sponsored By Looney Toons (tags)

A satirical news story about one possibile way to reduce the federal deficit.

Terrorist Power Always Ignores Its People, Yet... --with art! (tags)

According to Noam Chomsky and others, the USA is the leading terrorist state in the world. Since *Newspeak* is the Name of the Game, "our" government will always try to fool us with hype, and failing that, will *ram through* its policies anyway. One way we can remain vigilant is through a *resistance of consciousness*.

PAkistan Gateway to International Terror (tags)

PAkistan Gateway to International Terror

Osama Mama (tags)

Why is Osama Moma, Patty Murray, getting the kid glove treatment from the press? Only FOX is speaking out. Is the rest of the press just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party?

Hollywood Follies (tags)

Brave actors oppose a war with Iraq! City Journal 31 December 2002

Unprincipled capitalism shouldn't be for export (tags)

The corporate scandals caused by a handful of U.S. companies have highlighted the importance of rigorously adhering to American principles and the rule of law.


Well, surprise surprise. A Swiss lab suggests that the most recent Bin Laden tape is a fake. If this is true, I wonder who was responsible for creating this tape? (cough, cough) CIA. The release of that tape was also very convenient as it came during debate about passage of the Fatherland Security Bill.

Osama Bin Laden's Romance With Kola Boof (tags)

Sudanese author Kola Boof, who faces death by fatwa, has admitted to a brief love affair with Osama Bin Laden in Morrocco in 1996.

Have A Last Stroke & Die (Nov.5, 2002 version) (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

Have A Last Stroke & Die (Oct.31, 2002 version (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

whatever hapened to those good old freedom fighters (tags)

by Gwynne Dyer


Apparently, Mainstream Media is starting to (kind of) suggest what many people here have always said: that the Bush Regime was complicit--if not directly responsible--for 9-11. IN this article in the British newspaper, the Guardian, Gore Vidal suggests that the Bush Junta deliberately allowed the 9-11 attacks to occur. Indeed, given the fact that many of the hijackers were trained at secure US military bases in California and Alabama, as well CIA connected flight schools in Florida, one can suggest that Vidal doesn't go far enough. Bush not only knew. Bush did 9-11...

The West as Arrogant, Greedy and Self-Absorbed: Jean Chretien (tags)

"I believe the West is too rich in relation to the poor world. We are inevitably regarded as arrogant, self-absorbed, greedy and boundless. For me, September 11 was a chance to realize this more strongly.".Jean Chretien is the Canadian premier.

Urgent call for Congressional investigation (tags)

DoD and intelligence officials coerced to cook books! Congress needs to investigate these charges NOW - BEFORE continuing its deliberations on the war powers resolution. This changes everything.

HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 29, 2002 version) (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 22, 2002 version) (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.


If I were a terrorist (tags)

An indigenous perspective on terrorism.


The inclusion of the Colombian guerrilla organization FARC in the EU list of terrorist groups deals a fatal blow to the possibilities of striking humanitarian deals between rebels and government, says former peace broker Carlos Lozano.

White House Assigns Itself the Power to Determine Who is a Terrorist... (tags)

White House Assigns Itself the Power to Determine Who is a Terrorist, While Denying an American Defendant Due Process and Access to Attorney. Between The Lines' Scott Harris Interviews Theresa Younger, executive director of the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union.

A place for a terrorist to hide (tags)

General article on terrorism in our society.


Director of the Humphrey Institute for Social Research at Ben Gurion University What is the difference between State terrorism and individual terrorist acts?


When Bush declared 2002 the "war year," he claimed that Colombia was a terrorist stronghold, thus justifying his Plan Colombia. "Collateral Damage" is propaganda that furthers U.S. designs for an escalation of this war.

How could they? (tags)

There is a new bill to stop issue of non immigrant visas to Iranian nationalities. This will iclude students and scholars, parents and relatives. Also, this will imprison every Iranian student/visa holder in United States.

stop the terror (tags)

stop the terror in israel

Petition the senate to investigate 911 (tags)

There needs to be an investigation not just us government version of what really happened


Click on the link for profile of a TERRORIST:

Update on hearing by Subcommitee on Ecoterrorism (tags)

Question: Ben & Jerry's, Ford Foundation, PETA, Ruckus Society, RAN, and ELF ... what do they all have in common? Answer: They were all denounced today on Capitol Hill as either "terrorists" or "terrorist supporting".

FBI Calls Non-Lethal Vandalism Eco-Terrorism (tags)

the FBI is coining the term eco-terrorism for non lethal direct action on behalf of the environmental and animal liberation.

Help Needed to Free Rob "Ruckus" Middaugh! (tags)

Rob "Ruckus" Middaugh has been on the front lines in the war against state-sponsored terror!

The US Army SOA is a Terrorist Training Camp (tags)

The US Army School of the Americas is a terrorist training camp.

Flight instructor warned FBI in August: terrorist taking lessons! (tags)

"Do you realize how serious this is?" the instructor asked an FBI agent. "This man wants training on a 747. A 747 fully loaded with fuel could be used as a weapon!"

'The US is an indicted terrorist state' (tags)

"The United States is an indicted terrorist state," Chomsky said. It had committed several acts of aggression against other nations and frequently violated all canons of international law. He said it had no moral right to be a critic of terrorism, having committed the same crimes.

Common Terrorist Threats (tags)

Please read the following educational piece about free speech. Then answer the following questions: 1. Were the student and the rapper fully cognizant of what they were doing when they made the threats? Explain. 2. Are people more comfortable with inflamatory language in the movies than in real life? Explain.

Whose Terrorist? (tags)

At a Senate hearing last Thursday, Attorney General John Ashcroft finally defined the word terrorist for us. He also came up with the idea of Osama TV and waved an al Qaeda training manual around like McCarthy used to do in the '50s with his fake list of communists.

Bring War on Terrorism to California! (tags)

Terrorism is nothing new in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. For nearly three years there have been a number of documented incidents of racially motivated state sponsored terror.

Fight Terrorism!!! Boycott Shell Oil!!! (tags)

Include Shell Oil on the world's list of TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS and boycott them accordingly!

Global Relief Foundation sues US propaganda outlets for US$750 million (tags)

An Islamic charity based in suburban Bridgeview filed suit Thursday alleging it was defamed in numerous news accounts that accused the organization of being a terrorist front under investigation by federal authorities.

America's Terrorist Training Camp (tags)

Monbiot's story is about the U.S. terrorist training facility, innocuously called "Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation," or WHISC. It is based in Fort Benning, Georgia.

America-Slavery's Still in Effect (tags)

The WTO is set to begin its meeting Friday, November 9. The IMF/World Bank will follow in Ottawa on the 16th. These institutions are on the front lines to further America's agenda of commodifying the entire world's population, along with everything else, living and non-living. We must stop Uncle Sam, the ultimate terrorist, in his tracks.

Cuba and International Terrorism (11-6-2001) (tags)

A comprehensive and fully documented 14,000 word exposition of why Cuba cannot be labeled a state sponsor of international terrorism.

Consumers, Passengers, Pilots & Flight Attendants: Federalized Air Security (tags)

Organizations Representing Consumers, Passengers, Pilots and Flight Attendants Urge Congress to Federalize Aviation Security. Groups Call for Standardized Procedures, Trained and Motivated Security Workers.

Praise Jesus and pass the Humanitarian Relief (tags)

It was a wonderful sermon in church today!


In a normal terrorist event, the terrorists cannot wait to take credit, in order to link the violence to the socio-political intent of the terrorist organization.

OMB Watch: Anti-Terrorism Bill Could Impact Nonprofits (tags)

The anti-terrorism bill passed by the House yesterday could threaten nonprofits that advocate for changes in US foreign policy or provide social services to individuals targeted by government investigations, primarily due tp a vague, overbroad defintion of a new crime, "domestic terrorism". Acts of political protest could be covered, and anyone that provides material support or harbors a person designated as a terrorist can be charged with a crime.

Taliban Bombs US Terrorist Traning Camps (tags)

Afghanistan Bombs US Terrorist Training Camps at the unpopular Republocrat Regime that harbors them

PLAN Conference for Progressive Activists Draws 350+ From Over 160 Groups (tags)

LA, October 21. Saturday, hundreds of activists from over 160 different organizations came together for the first comprehensive political gathering since the terrorist attacks on September 11th. Originally, a 6-month progress report on how those commitments were faring was a major rationale for the planning of this conference, but the planners and presenters did an admirable job of reorienting their focus to deal with the radically changed and highly fluid circumstances in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

ACLU overview of new Surveillance Powers (tags)

On September 19, only eight days after the tragic terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the Bush Administration unveiled its proposed Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). These passed the house and the senate with only symbolic debate. Below are the ACLU's 5 major concerns. For a chart detailing all the changes please go to the website.

Red Cross Admits It is a Terrorist Group!!! (tags)

The International Red Cross Terrorist Organization warns US and tell them to KISS OUR ASS!

For US imperialism, people fighting for national liberation are also terrorists (tags)

Asked if the same distinction would be made between fighting terrorists and fighting guerrillas, Francis X. Taylor, head of State's Office of Counterterrorism said the three Colombian groups "get the same treatment as any other terrorist group in terms of our interest in going after them and ceasing their terrorist activities." (FARC and ELN are allies fighting for national liberation. The AUC is a CIA backed right wing paramilitary organization; protecting the rich corrupt Colombian elite)


The leading newspapers in a dozen Near East countries and India and Pakistan oppose the U.S. action in Afghganistan.


The leading newspapers in 12 Near East countries and others condemn U.S. action in Afghanistan.

Mumia sound file on 9-11 and racism (tags)

SOUND FILE BY MUMIA ABU-JAMAL ON 9-11 Mumia Abu-Jamal's comments on racist acts against Muslims and others in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 200l.

All the news that . . . shhhhush! (tags)

'New war' to be fought with unprecedented secrecy. Why? Becasue terrorist organizations lack the intelligence-gathering capacity that nations possess, relying instead on news organizations to find out what their enemies are doing. Could this be why the CIA subscribes to so many newspapers?

FBI closes 'pro-IRA' website (tags)

Security used to justify the shutting down of a web site.

Deja Vu: Bush jr's Administration says Sandinistas have Terrorist Ties (tags)

Here we go again: the Bush Administration says the Sandinistas, who might win the upcoming Nicaraugran elections, have terrorist ties. Is Iran/Contra II on the horizon? Osama/Contra, perhaps?

1st casualty = rule of law (Guardian) (tags)

Apparently Afghans in Britain are not all so happy that the US and UK are bombing their homeland. The US press seems to promote the opposite view for our domestic Afghan nationals. Why the discrepency?

Germans fear neo-Nazi link with Islamists (tags)

German investigators into terrorist 'sleepers' have switched their attention to right-wing extremists who could join forces with Islamic fundamentalists

S.D. Action Network Discusses "Progressive Response to Terrorism" (tags)

Though few people attended the September 28 San Diego Action Network meeting on "A Progressive Response to Terrorism," those who were there joined a lively discussion on the U.S.'s own terrorist actions, the need for the U.S. to cooperate with other nations, the desire that the terrorist acts be treated as crimes rather than war, and an end to America's dependence on Middle East oil through developing renewable energy sources.

U.S. Civil Liberties Endangered After Sept. 11 Terrorist Strike (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Michael Ratner, an attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, who takes a critical look at the Bush administration's proposed anti-terrorism legislation in the context of previous crises that led to the erosion of civil liberties.


A Recepie for Disaster

How it is Possible to Orchestrate & Mastermind a Terrorist Attack (tags)

How it is possible to orchestrate and mastermind a terrorist attack without the terrorists themselves even knowing who is really behind it.

Brooklyn Terrorist Safe House Raided by FBI and DEA (tags)

NY reporter exposes terrorist safe house and drug network operating in Brooklyn, NY. FBI and DEA raid safe house arresting family members for WTC bombing activities and drug trafficking.


Terrorists change. The terrorist of yesterday is the hero of today, and the hero of yesterday becomes the terrorist of today. In the 1930s &40s, the Jewish underground in Palestine was described as TERRORIST." Then came the Holocaust. By 1944-45, they were becoming "freedom fighters." In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men, Afghan Mujahiddin. He pointed towards them, and said, "These are the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers". Such examples serve as jumping-off point for an analysis that calls for honesty, integrity and the rule of law, rather than continuing the follies of the past.

CSICOP Tracks Misinformation and Hoaxes in the Wake of the Terrorist Attacks (tags)

CSICOP (The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) has created a Web page as a source for factual information that debunks much of the claptrap circulating in e-mails, the Internet and elsewhere. Everything from scam charities to Nostradmus and "images of Satan" in the smoke.

Students Call for Nonviolent Justice (tags)

Harvard University senior Molly McOwen of Northfield, Mass., holds a sign during a peace rally on the school's campus in Cambridge, Mass. Thursday, Sept. 20, 2001. Students called for non-violent justice, not revenge, for last week's terrorist attacks. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

Former Nuremberg Prosecutor Says "Rely More on Law than War" (tags)

Instead of war: "The United States should draw up an indictment against Osama Bin Laden and all of the terrorist groups known to the FBI, alleging the commission of crimes against humanity, details of which should be specified.... The US indictments should be submitted to the governments of Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, and any other nations where such terrorist groups may be operating."

New York-Washington Terror Attacks Aggravate Xenophobia and... (tags)

In our first interview, Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Sarah Wunsch, an attorney with the National Lawyers Guild, who considers the shocking terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D.C. and their likely impact on civil liberties for U.S. citizens and immigrants.

Destroy The Network By Henry Kissinger(Washington Post) (tags)

An attack such as yesterday's requires systematic planning, a good organization, a lot of money and a base. You cannot improvise something like this, ...

bin Laden went to terrorist school at the CIA! (tags)

Where did he go to terrorist school? At the CIA! Don’t take my word for it -- I saw a piece on MSNBC last year that laid it all out. When the Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan, the CIA trained him and his buddies in how to commits acts of terrorism against the Soviet forces. It worked! The Soviets turned and ran. Bin Laden was grateful for what we taught him and thought it might be fun to use those same techniques against us. We abhor terrorism -- unless we’re the ones doing the terrorizing.


Today millions of people throughout the world, particularly in the West Bank, celebrate the offensive by martyrs in New York and Washington. A symbol of militant resistance against the U.S. empire.

'The terrorist act is the action of some American group.' (tags)

A Pakistani newspaper said September 12, 2001 that Saudi militant Osama bin Laden had issued a denial of responsibility for the devastating terror attacks on the United States. 'The terrorist act is the action of some American group. I have nothing to do with it,' the newspaper Khabrain quoted bin Laden as saying through 'sources close to the Taliban.' bin Laden is seen in this undated file photo. (Reuters - Handout)


When there is a terrorist attack in a country, the first question has to be : « Is the State of this country behind this terrorist attack ? »


So called "terrorist" attacks are just an excuse to ignore crappy economy, boost support for missle defense, aggitate the middle-east conflict, and (worst yet) possibly institute FEMA measures (suspension of the constitution)...

U.S. propaganda attempts to justify military aid to Colombian terror state (tags)

Once again, the shameful U.S. propaganda newspaper the NY Times lies and attempts to deceive people with its disgusting news coverage. "Plan Colombia" is $7.5 billion mostly in military aid. It is well known that the Colombian military works hand in glove with the paramilitaries.

Matthew S. Taylor (a.k.a. Arrested! (tags)

The cyber terrorist Matthew S. Taylor a.k.a and has been arrested in Australia

scare the plain folk (tags)

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