fix articles 208113, lawrence livermore national labs
UC Hunger Strike Against Weapons Labs Passes 1-Week Mark (tags)
A hunger strike initiated by 44 UC students, several alumni and a professor has passed its 1-week mark. The hunger strikers are demanding that the UC Board of Regents withdraw from their contracts to operate Los Alamos and Livermore National Laboratories based on, “the grounds that the Reliable Replacement Warhead program and Los Alamos Labs’ ongoing preparations to conduct plutonium pit manufacturing both clearly violate Article VI of the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.” The hunger strikers have put their bodies on the line in a time of enormous flux for US nuclear weapons policy. Their target, the UC, has been identified by them as a site of strategic importance in the wider campaign against new nuclear weapons.
Bidding for the Bomb Lab: UC and LANL (tags)
Expect the University of California to bid for the contract to manage the Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab.