fix articles 20809, 4th
“Animaniacs in Concert!” Starring Voice Legend Rob Paulsen (tags)
“Animaniacs in Concert!” Starring Voice Legend Rob Paulsen Heads to The Cutting Room in NYC on Friday, January 4th
“Animaniacs in Concert!” with Voice Artist Rob Paulsen, Sun. Mar. 4th in Lake County (tags)
“Animaniacs in Concert!” with Voice Artist Rob Paulsen, Sunday, March 4th, 2018 at the James Lumber Center for the Performing Arts at The College of Lake County
Elect a Green to Congress in Los Angeles (tags)
A Green Party candidate is on the cusp of breaking the two party system, and getting into the runoffs.
KPFK'S under Pacifica's Board- LAST CHANCE TO VOTE JAN 4 (tags)
Now or never is the TIME TO VOTE for Pacifica's National Board, the Pacifica umbrella that reigns over KPFK, plus 4 other radio stations nationwide. Jan 4th - MONDAY is deadline.... Act now or watch any chance of having input diminished or maybe even removed...... owch !
KPFK NEEDS ALL VOTES - now please (tags)
The deadline is Jan 4th - coming soon - or KPFK gets stuck with Old-Past-Due board-members -- those who have let the station Down this perilous financial loss path to now... VOTE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE
July 4th, 1776 Was Deeply Symbolic Choice to USA's Masonic Founders (tags)
Key founders of the USA expertly and redundantly encoded hidden symbolic messages throughout our national symbols, including the purposeful choice of July 4th, 1776 for the absolutely stunning details this very unique date encapsulates.
Defend Public Education- March 4th Follow-up (tags)
Students, Teachers, workers and parents united last October to Strike and for a Day fo Aciton on March 4th. This is the second conference to Defend Public Education
LA Student Protest 4th set (tags)
4th set of images & video
Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 3 0f 3 (tags)
Photo set 3 ( of 3 ) from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.
Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 2 0f 3 (tags)
Photo set 2 ( of 3 ) from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.
Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 1 0f 3 (tags)
Photo set 1 from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.
California Socialist Party USA Endorses March 4th to Defend Education (tags)
Members of Socialist Party USA will be joining students and demonstrations nationwide on March 4th to defend education and to support the rights of students and working people.
Shut down LA March 4th! Mtgs (tags)
On March 4th cities across California and thorughout the nation will engage in strikes, work stoppages, occupations, and rallies for public education
California Socialist Party USA Endorses March 4th to Defend Education (tags)
Members of Socialist Party USA will be joining students and demonstrations nationwide on March 4th to defend education and to support the rights of students and working people.
Bush's 4th of July Visit to Oklahoma (tags)
Former President Bush is coming to Woodward, Oklahoma to celebrate July 4th. This Oklahoma farmer, rancher and father who lost his son in Iraq has something to say about his visit.
Fight for our Lives - 5th set of videos (tags)
5th set of videos from the protest
Fight for our Lives -4th set of videos (tags)
4th set of video
Fight for our Lives - HIV Budget Protest (4th set) (tags)
4th set of images from today's protest about the proposed cut of all HIV funding from the general funds.
Jews for Peace Protest Los Angeles January 4th (tags)
Jews For Peace Protest . In response to the Israeli Gaza Hamas incursion.
Maligayang Pasko! Scores of Filipino World War II Veterans with the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) marched along the busy Temple Street sidewalks together with more than a hundred seniors, young students and residents from the Manila Terrace Apartments to Search to Involve The Pilipino Americans (SIPA) compound with lighted lanterns or ” Parols “last Friday, December 19. Meanwhile, the JFAV-San Francisco held their Christmas program with a potluck lunch at the Wolff’s House in downtown San Francisco last Dec. 14. More than 60 veterans and widows attended the Christmas party.
Maligayang Pasko! Scores of Filipino World War II Veterans with the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) marched along the busy Temple Street sidewalks together with more than a hundred seniors, young students and residents from the Manila Terrace Apartments to Search to Involve The Pilipino Americans (SIPA) compound with lighted lanterns or ” Parols “last Friday, December 19. The Parol parade started at around 5:15 PM. Filipino American organizations like People’s CORE, veterans, students and parents from Burlington School, Pilipino American Democrats of Los Angeles(PALAD), Filipino Christian Church( FCC), Lord of Harvest Ministry, GEPENC, JFAV, PANA, TWNDC and SIPA marched up Temple St through the sidewalks.
Colombia: Full fire on guerilla, but total silence on state crimes. (tags)
The government of Alvaro Uribe has rallied Colombians to take part in a large march on Monday, February 4th under the slogan “No more kidnappings, no more lies, no more deaths, no more FARC”. and seeks to obscure the true face of the conflict: 75% of human rights violations in Colombia are committed by the Uribe administration and the paramilitary forces which are linked to the state. (Source: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch)
Kent State Shootings ORDERED on May 4th, 1970 (tags)
New evidence reveals that National Guardsmen at Kent State were given orders to shoot students on May 4th, 1970
4th Anniversary Vigil Wilshire & Veteran (tags)
4th Anniversary anti-war vigil at the Westwood Federal Building, same corner where many of us gathered on the first night too.
AJLPP-USA Nationwide Mobilization for March 17 -18 Protests in Four Major US Cities (tags)
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP), an alliance of Filipino American and allied solidarity organizations working for peace and justice, anti-war and racism in the United States and a member of the ANSWER Coalition will mobilize for the nationwide mass protests against the 4th year of the U.S Invasion and Occupation of Iraq and the 40th anniversary of the people’s march in Pentagon. March 1967 at the height of the US War in Vietnam. Los Angeles and Washington DC will be the focus of the anti-war mobilizations on March 17 while Seattle and San Francisco will mobilize tens of thousands of the anti-war protestors on March 18. AJLPP will be present on the four major cities mobilization against the war and racism both in the east and the west coast.
Join Revolutionaries Delegation to Venezuela (tags)
The objective of US - Venezuela Bolivarian Exchange is to build bridges between the Bolivarian movement in Venezuela and the social justice movement in the United States, facilitating exchanges of delegations between community-based organizations from each nation.
images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood. (tags)
4th set of images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood.
Reach out and help your community to survive and stop the pollution of the environment and air particles that may cause harm to humans living in the surrounding areas: URGENT WHEN: OCT 12, THURSDAY TODAY AT 7:00 P.M. TONIGHT MEETINGS OUR LADY OF TALPA AUDITORIUM 4TH STREET, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND EUCLID STREET. ACROSS THE STREET FROM EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND. Meeting with leaders of the community, Jose Huizar Councilmen, and owners of the property on Euclid and 4th, planning to built a high density antennas in our back yards. Come and meet the person(s) that want to do this structure. The resident have several concerns AND MORE, do you have questions and concerns, come and ask and make elected or commission people accountable to insure the safety of our community.
Night Dreams and Book Reviews on the 4th of July (tags)
Old Right Topic News editor Mark Dankof pens thoughts on a late night dream and Kevin Phillips's American Theocracy that suggest the Neo-Cons global war and the New World Order are soon to be consummated.
Government authorized ways to celebrate your freedoms, this 4th of July (tags)
Minutemen in Pacific Palisades 4th of July Parade (tags)
July 4, 2006 1:45pm
ALERT: Minutemen scheduled for 4th of July Parade (tags)
The anti-immigrant Minuteman Civil Defense Corps,, have found their way to Pacific Palisades and will be marching in the 4th of July parade.
Cindy Sheehan to provoke the Second American Revolution July 4th, 2006-Hunger Strike in DC (tags)
Locals to join national fast for peace WOODBURY -- About 10 people are expected to participate in the July 4 "Troops Home Fast" -- a nationwide fast to end the war in Iraq -- by gathering outside a congressman’s Woodbury office. Participants will spend 12 hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, in front of the office of U.S. Rep. Robert Andrews, D-1, of Haddon Heights, according to members of the Coalition for Peace and Justice and the South Jersey Campaign for Peace and Justice. The office is at 63 N. Broad St. Nationally known celebrities and activists, led by Cindy Sheehan and Fernando Suarez del Solar, whose sons were killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom, will start their fast at 12:01 a.m. July 4. Some will continue their fast until Sept. 21, which is International Peace Day.
100 Killed/ This Day in History: Tiananman Square (tags)
Activism*Human Rights*Global Unity ========================== Originally intending to do a write up commemorating the 400 injured and hundreds jailed and killed by the People's Liberation Army on June 4, 1989, I had the good fortune to interview a group of students from China. To my dismay, their views ranged from complete apathy to nationalistic rationalizations of the regime's actions (it was a long time ago/it was very complicated/those people weren't working). That view sharply contrasts with that of Americans towards, say, Kent State, where four antiwar protesters were shot by National Guardsment.
Thwart SOS July 4th a Complete Success (tags)
Thwart SOS July 4th a complete success.
The 8th Annual Farce of July Celebration (tags)
The 8th Annual Farce of July Celebration Monday July 4th
MOTHERS AND CHILDREN AGAINST WAR June 4th - Saturday 11AM in front of NBC news 3000 Wl Alamenda Ave, Burbank CA
Protest the MTV Movie Awards (tags)
This July 4th is Flag Burning Day! (tags)
Every summer good Americans don their best red white and blue, and gorge themselves on beer and hotdogs to celebrate our independence from England, but from its very beginnings this country has been built on illegitimacies.
KURT COBAIN & the 4th REICH (tags)
“Got to find a way, a better way, when I’m there” – From “Territorial Pissings” by Nirvana/Lyrics by Kurt Cobain.
4th Annual Regenerative Co-operative Sustainability Seminar (tags)
The Regenerative Co-operative of Pomona is holding their 4th annual Sustainability Seminar.............
Smash Nazi Demonstration In LA (2-4-2005) (tags)
Ingrid Zündel and others will meet at the Canadian Consulate in L.A. on Febuary 4th (tommorow) at noon to demonstrate. Smash this demonstration please.
SHAC 7 Benefit Show this SATURDAY! (tags)
Attention Southern Californians! The Animal Liberation Coalition is holding a SHAC 7 Benefit Concert on December 4th to support and raise awareness about the SHAC 7 and the Campaign to Close HLS (Huntingdon Life Sciences)!
"The Animal Liberation Front is claiming responsibility for the liberation of 401 animals from the University of Iowa in the early hours of November 14th, 2004. All animals on the third floor of the UI psychology department -- 88 mice and 313 rats -- were removed, examined and treated by a sympathetic veterinarian, and placed in loving homes.
St. Ann's update- Wednesday (August 4th) (tags)
Video George Bush Welcomed in WV for the 4th of July (tags)
Resident Bush visited Charleston, WV for an afternoon of lying to potential voters. The trip was labled a "Presidential Visit" instead of a "Campaign Visit" ... meaning TAXPAYERS PAID FOR IT. Also: Good Info on How To Become a Conscienous Objector
Arlington West - America’s Wake Up Call (tags)
Santa Monica CA - July 4th ’04 In stark contrast to the holiday’s doled out militarism and hubris via the 4th of July parade, Arlington West serves up the plain hard truth, our people are dying - feel the pain - what’s the reason?
Protest tomorrow
Adbusters Unbrand America (tags)
For this July 4th, Adbusters Media Foundation has launched a campaign to Unbrand America. The Corporate American Flag is set to fly across the nation and around the world. There are four ways to get involved. Join the call.
April 30th, 1970... The U.S. invades Cambodia, expanding the war against Vietnam. Protests break out across the U.S. Campuses are paralyzed by strikes and shutdowns. May 4th, 1970... National Guard troops at Kent State University fire live ammunition into crowds of unarmed demonstrators... killing four and wounding nine.
Candlelight Vigil & March in Santa Ana on Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 @ 5:30 P.M. (tags)
Bring the Troops Home Now! End the Occupations!
Audio Recording: Cancun-Vis Livestream (tags)
22 minute recording of the spontaneous live streaming conference between Cancun, Mexico and Vis, Croatia on 4th of Sept. 2003.
Treated as a terorist for seaching for his daughter in Iraq. UK man captured by USA. Iraq. (tags)
Along with Turkish Special Forces, Michael Todd, a British performance artist and writer was captured in North Iraq on 4th July. After been taken to Kirkuk Air Base the group were flown to Baghdad. The Turks were released on the 8th July but the British man, in Iraq to find his missing half-Iraqi daughter, was held as a prisoner of war / terrorist suspect for 3 weeks at Baghdad Airport under 24 hour armed guard. His crime? Walking down the street, searching for his daughter !
Wed. Two more U.S. troops killed in Iraq (tags)
While L.A. Indymedia talks about nothing else except SHERMAN AUSTIN... the war in Iraq grinds on.
Venceremos Brigade Cuba Travel Challenge (tags)
In a few days the Venceremos Brigade will travel to Cuba. The Venceremos Brigade is an educational work project that has traveled to Cuba every year since 1969 to work side by side with Cuban workers. We are united in opposing the travel ban and the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba.
Here's a bit of really accurate information on what's actually happening in Iraq. None of the Pacifica style disinformation here.
7/2: PJ Fest Conference: Fight Against Patriotic Acts, Know Your Legal Rights!! (tags)
ActionLA, Peace And Social Justice Convergence WEDNESDAY JULY 2, 2003 6 PM TO 11PM "A Celebration in Support of the Constitution"
Rummy's 4th of July--or ours? (tags)
Taking back the 4th of July from Bush and his warmongers.
Photos of Mar Vista Peace Vigil, Saturday, April 4th (tags)
About 60 people showed up Saturday April 4th at the corner of Mar Vista Park in Mar Vista to protest against the war on Iraq. The turn up was much larger than last week, despite a chilling wind and a temperature of only 51 degrees. A lot of people passing by in their cars showed their support against the war by honking their horns. The Mar Vista weekly Vigil is located at the corner of Palms & Mclaughlin. Please come next week from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Bring a placard or a banner. If the war is over my sign will read “U.S. out of Iraq,” or “Stop U.S. Imperialism in Iraq.”
Derek Milosavljevic, Green Party candidate for L.A. City Council, is only a thousand bucks away from city matching funds! Help us reach ALL the voters in the 4th District and put a Green in the nation's second largest City Council!
LA Peace Activists Take Message to the Pumps: NO WAR FOR OIL (tags)
A Peace Activists Take Message to the Pumps: NO WAR FOR OIL Day of Action at Gas Station Among Peace Demonstrations Across US
International Day of Action (tags)
On Febuary 4th, 2003 activists will gather at gas stations around the world to demonstrate the connection between the Bush Administration, Big Ol Companies & the growing threat of a US-led war against Iraq.
Italy: State repression and THOUGHTCRIME ! (tags)
english translation of the Feature about the arrests of the 4th of december in Italy
Burn a Flag, Burn a Bank this July 4th (tags)
Either you are a fascist, a spineless bystander, or you are part of the resistance.
Join "Peace Is Patriotic" Vigil on 4th of July (tags)
On July 4th, the Coalition for World Peace will hold a "Peace Is Patriotic" vigil from 6:45pm--9pm at Lincoln Blvd and Mindanao Way, Marina Del Rey. Please join us. Show your independence by standing up for peace, human rights,freedom and justice.
In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful (tags)
16 February 2002 With the grace of Allah the Qassam Brigades declare responsibility for the missile bombing with Qassam-2 missiles of the Zionist settlement complex in Palestinian lands occupied since 1948 to the east of steadfast Gaza city on Saturday 4th Thul Hijja 1422H – 16/2/2002Ad at 6.15 am. Our Palestinian people … our Arab and Islamic Ummah:
Jan 15th - PROTEST Corporate Headquarters of Taco Bell! (tags)
This is not the National Protest, just a picket to gear up for the March 11 Protest outside the Taco Bell Corporate Headquarters.
Tom Morello at Taco Bell Benefit show TOMORROW (tags)
that was supposed to be Morello not MORELLOW sorrrry
Tom Morellow at Boycott TAco Bell Benefit Show TOMORROW!!! (tags)
come and have fun and learn....
Rage Against The Machine's Tom Morello at Dec. 7 Taco Bell Boycott Benefit (tags)
Tom Morello of Rage Against The Machine will be at this event! Come early if you want to see him! And check out all the cool local artists who don't have the benefit of major commercial promotion, but still have very important things to say. Support Taco Bell's underpaid tomato pickers -- honor the hands that harvest the food you eat!
Things You Should Not Forget Archive #01 GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA EXPERTS IN CNN (tags)
If You're in the 4th CD, Vote For Denise (tags)
Los Angeles' city council has traditionally been home to the lowest kind of cash-register politics, where servile sycophants protect the interests of fat-cat land developers. Here's a rare opportunity to buck that trend.
Disclosure Project in Los Angeles (tags)
The Disclosure Project came to Los Angeles this past Saturday Aug. 4th. Progressive should become informed about this movement.
Food Not Bombs Benefit Show (tags)
When: Saturday August 4th 12-5 Where: Yak Center in Claremont Bands: The Voids, Drastic Action, Disarm, Pimp This
36 Democrats Give Bush, Big Oil Green Light To Drill in Alaska Wildlife Refuge (tags)
WASHINGTON - At 11:23 PM last night, 36 Democratic members of the US House joined with 186 Republicans to give George W. Bush and the oil industry a major victory in their plans to open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil drilling.
July 4th Power to the People Parade in Long Beach (tags)
July 4th Power to the People Parade in Long Beach
July 4th Power to the People Parade in Long Beach (tags)
July 4th Power to the People Parade in Long Beach
Medea Benjamin at the July 4th Festival of Interdependence in Long Beach (tags)
Medea Benjamin at the July 4th Festival of Interdependence in Long Beach
Nancy Perlman at the July 4th Festival of Interdependence in Long Beach (tags)
Nancy Perlman at the July 4th Festival of Interdependence in Long Beach
A 4th of July action.
The Shortwave Report 4/13 LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)
A 30 minute review of news stories recorded from a shortwave receiver. 13.6mb. FREE TO REBROADCAST! Stories from Netherlands, China, Germany, Russia, and Cuba. Global protests, global warming, euthanasia, spy plane, Kyoto protocols, Star Wars, Kossovo, KLA, stock market, Guatamalen immigrants.
The Shortwave Report 1/12/01 (tags)
The Shortwave Report is a 30 minute review of news stories and opinions recorded off a shortwave radio. New show 2nd and 4th Friday 9am. Broadcasters include Netherlands, Cuba Germany, Spain, China, Russia and others. News that is "overlooked" by the US media. mp3 format, free to rebroadcast. Includes time and frequencies for English-language broadcasts.
D2K Legal Struggles Continue, Join Broader Battles (tags)
Activists meet to continue organizing in support of those facing criminal charges from D2K and those brining civil lawsuits, and join together in the larger, ongoing battle for police accountability.
VCT Supporter, July 4th, Westwood, California (tags)
Young supporter of 'Voices Coming Together' - the south side of Wilshire in front of the Federal Building on July 4th, 2000.