fix articles 20726, after september
The Last Stage of the Middle Class (tags)
The emancipatory overcoming of the modern commodity-producing system and the associated separation requires a social intervention on a high level. The second article "The Collapse of Modernization" was published in Oct 2004. Robert Kurz, editor of the German leftist Krisis journal, died too early at 69.
Does Corona policy threaten our fundamental rights? Scientist warns of "creeping process" (tags)
The state is allowed to restrict citizens in a pandemic so as not to endanger public health. But the state doesn't have the right to harm citizens. It does not get to decide which life is worth protecting and which is not. This article was published in German on 2/22/2021.
State Indebtedness as a Power Strategy (tags)
Contracting debts exploded under neoliberalism since the 1980s - unlike the state debts in the Keynesian era from the 1950s to the 1970s - and produced s structural debt bondage for the overwhelming majority.
Facing a Possible State of Emergency (tags)
The danger of authoritarian "solutions" grows when the constitutional state is dismantled, undermined or suspended. Basic western values were betrayed in the so-called "war on terror." All persons have the same inalienable human rights irrespective of nationality, origin or religion.
Senator v. President Obama on War and Peace (tags)
Soldier Committed Violence and Abuse Against Palestinian Detainees (tags)
IDF crimes against Palestinians
Greenspan and the Guilt of Others (tags)
Before the committee, Greenspan immediately went on the offensive (cf. Creole trick). The irresponsible loans of banks caused the crisis, not the low interest of the Fed. The Fed failed in regulating the banks because its employees were not neutral.
Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:" Part II (tags)
the threat of totalitarian democracy
"Lying means saying untruths while knowing the truth," said Franz-Josef Strauss who was a master in inventing stories and dealing with political swindling. According to this definition, Bush may not have lied since he presumably believed his own swindle.
Denying Palestinians Free Movement in the West Bank (tags)
West Bank repression.
UN's Assessment of Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine (tags)
Israel's continued oppression in Occupied Palestine.
Merida Initiative Will It Work? (tags)
The question is will it work in the war on drugs and terror? The more than four decades of the fight on the war on drugs has been a dismal and total failure. That fight has costs Americans at the federal level, approximately $4.5 billion every year (40 years X 4.5 Billion = $180 Billion plus) and significant sums are also spent at the city, county and state levels as well.
Peak Oil: The Global War for Oil (tags)
Despite optimistic estimates, the market seems to accept peal oil since the rich oil companies are not investing in new refineries. The 150-year American expansion explains the military option. Speculation caused the tenfold increase of a barrel of oil from $10 (1998) to $100 (2008).
The current Gaza crisis reviewed.
What some called good flowed into chaos.. You wil know them by their fruits. Not even the Pentagon doubts that the fruits of Americans in Baghdad stink.
Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract (tags)
..president is headed to court on rape charges, it's Prime Minister is being investigated for corruption.. But that does not prevent them from getting sweet deals right here in the U.S.
When is a War Justified? (tags)
What is the future of the United Nations when its most powerful member treats it with contempt? The law is still the law even when it is broken.. The conflict over anticipatory self-defense is the real reason for the crisis of the UN, not the skirmish over reform.
translating Bush's speech (tags)
translating the speech from last night
Importance of French Workers’ Struggle to Keep 35 Hour Week Shouldn't be Underestimated (tags)
The real reason for U.S. capitalism's attempt to create anti-French sentiment is the French workers' stand for the 35 hour week at a time when U.S. and global capitalism is trying to normalize going backwards
Secret Memos Connect Bush and the Global Campaign of Torture (tags)
In Washington, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld fumed that the "distraction" of Abu Ghraib prison has to end. This theme has been taken up by the Republican Right. One congressman said that he was "outraged over the outrage."
Forget The Trial Get The Rope: Bush Approved The Torture!!! (tags)
While the shutter captured the gruesome horror in graphic detail, it missed capturing the full scope of the incident, as did CBS. This was not an isolated incident. It was not the result of a few rogues. Rather this incident was the result of careful long-term planning. In fact Bush and every other high official of this administration approved of the torture and we have their own words on that
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th 2004 Updates! (tags)
1. Iraqi Resistance Report Jan. 1-4, 2004 2. Newsletter From the International League of People's Struggle, formed by Comrade Jose Maria Sison, former head of the New People's Army of the Philippines (PDF) 3.***A Call to Support the March 20th Demonstrations!!!*** 4. Join the Anti-Imperialist Camp Delegation to Iraq! 5. ANSWER stands against Colonialism in Palestine, Iraq, the world! 6.International Progress Organization: PROSECUTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES IN IRAQ – LACK OF CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR WAR CRIMES TRIALS 7. The True Figures of Imperialist Casualities in Iraq! 8. Examples of online zionist hatred and racism against Palestinians
The imperial counter offensive: contradictions, challenges and opportunities. (tags)
A victory or prolonged war by the guerrillas in Colombia will provide breathing room for the rest of the left. Thus it is essential that maximum support and solidarity be extended to the Colombian struggle. Internationalism is not only the solidarity network against the new imperial military offensive, in general, but in support of the Colombian peasants and workers organized in their "Peoples Army."
the neo-cons are leading us down a treacherous road, but does anyone care?
The Sacramento Connection To 9/11 (tags)
In this excerpt taken from Kupferberg's article "Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11", Kupferberg looks at two copy-cat mass murder episodes in Sacramento which occurred just days before September 11.
Dude! Where's My Country ? (tags)
I have seven questions for you, Mr Bush. I ask them on behalf of the 3,000 who died that September day, and I ask them on behalf of the American people. We seek no revenge against you. We want only to know what happened, and what can be done to bring the murderers to justice, so we can prevent any future attacks on our citizens
Bush is losing support among Arab-Americans voters (tags)
Three quarters of the Arab-Americans polled want the President to apply balanced pressure to both Israelis and Palestinians, simultaneously ending settlements and stopping the bombings -- but less than one quarter believe Bush will be balanced.
Dressed Like Dixie Chicks Protesters to Hit Clear Channel the *Poster Child *for FCC Dereg (tags)
On Thursday, May 29--just four days before the Federal Communications Commission votes on a proposal to radically deregulate the media--free speech advocates and media consumers will protest at Clear Channel Communications radio stations in seven cities, including Los Angeles, to draw attention to the problems that resulted from the last media deregulation.
Protest Clear Channel as FCC Deregulates (tags)
On Thursday, May 29--just four days before the Federal Communications Commission votes on a proposal to radically deregulate the media--free speech advocates and media consumers will protest at Clear Channel Communications radio stations in seven cities, including Los Angeles, to draw attention to the problems that resulted from the last media deregulation.
Anarchists break away from ANSWER and take back streets (tags)
Anarchists Break from ANSWER protest (tags)
2000 Anarchists go on Rampage in San Francisco (tags)
Electronically Hijacking the World Trade Center Aircraft (tags)
Global Hawk is a means of remotely piloting aircraft (as NASA's Ames Research Center showed us, it can be done with nerve impulses). Utilizing the electrostatically charged SkyNet, we now have an Air Force controlled battle command. After September 11's demo (no pun intended), Boeing cannot keep UAV's (unmanned aerial vehicles) on the shelf. It all started with Home Run.
The Latest New "War on Terrorism" (tags)
The declaration of the Bush administration to wage open-ended "war" against international terrorism will have definite implications for dissent at home. They estimate the campaign will last five to ten years.
Long Beach CA: Police State USA (tags)
This is an excellent summary of the past two years of police repression in Long Beach CA.
While Inglewood Reacts: LONG BEACH CA: POLICE STATE USA (tags)
Here's the report which is in the current issue of Turning the Tide. Repression has continued. A June 14 Flag Day (flag burning) show at the info shop was shut done by the cops after repeated harassment. Young people living or shopping in the area of the info shop -- with no connection to anarchism, copwatch or the info shop-- have been stopped and hassled on the street by LB cops. The city attorney made a report to the LB city council last week about 'prosecution of anarchists' --
TTT report on persecution of Long Beach anarchists, activists (tags)
Here's the report which is in the current issue of Turning the Tide. Repression has continued.
An open dialogue supporting the exhibition: "Invisible... From Angel Island To The Underground Economy" Saturday, January 26, 2002, from 7 pm to 9 pm, at The Avenue 50 Studio.
SDSU event - After September 11th (tags)
Monday, November, 12th, 2001 at SDSU students, faculty, staff and community members participated in a series of lectures and workshops organized around the theme of "After September 11th: Reflecting on the Past, Imaging the Future."
Hundreds of thousands will starve if not helped by mid-November