fix articles 206913, denise munro robb
Vote Green! Piera-Avila for Council (tags)
For 3 decades, LINDA PIERA-AVILA has been a passionate environmental, social justice, electoral reform and peace activist. Now she is putting herself on the line and running for Santa Monica City Council to put the public back into public service!
L.A. Greens Launch Petra Kelly Scholarships (tags)
Honoring the inspirational German Green Party cofounder Petra Kelly, international peace and environmental leader, and cultivating a new generation of young activists; the Green Party Petra Kelly Scholarship awards $500 each to two students graduating from the Los Angeles Unified School District. The scholarship's inaugural winners are Rumeisha Bowyer and Carlos Hernandez.
L.A. Greens offer support and massages to UFCW Strikers (tags)
L.A.GREENS will walk the picket line while our massage therapists give free massages to the strikers. SAT OCT 18 10a - 12n Ralphs at 3rd and La Brea, LA SUN OCT 19 10a - 12n Ralphs at Sunset and Fuller, Hollywood
Council Dist. 4 (unofficial) election night results (tags)
Come on out and support Denise Robb's Campaign (tags)
Let's get out there and help elect a Green, and a lifelong activist, to the LA City Council in Tuesday's Fourth Council District election. I received the following impassioned call to support Denise Robb's campaign via e-mail.
If You're in the 4th CD, Vote For Denise (tags)
Los Angeles' city council has traditionally been home to the lowest kind of cash-register politics, where servile sycophants protect the interests of fat-cat land developers. Here's a rare opportunity to buck that trend.