fix articles 20511, karen parker
PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war (tags)
When used as directed, the depleted uranium bullets, shells and bombs become a lethal uranium gas or aerosol. The poison uranium oxide gas aerosols last for billions of years and never stop indiscriminately maiming and killing, which is a war crime in itself.
In recent months, we have witnessed billions of dollars pumped into the financial institutions WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Reckless behavior and greed have been graced with the most extravagant rewards, allowing the rich to get even richer. After receiving their bailout, A.I.G. executives resumed their plans for a retreat at a lavish resort. Meanwhile, foreclosures have risen, unemployment has soared, and misery has spread with virtually nothing being done for the millions of workers suffering from these afflictions. We cannot sit back and simply hope that things will get better. The financial executives have organized themselves and lobbied for bailouts. We must now do the same. We must organize ourselves and mount a campaign, insisting that government programs benefit the majority of the population first and foremost, not the super wealthy small minority.
Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign (tags)
Below is the introduction, ten point program, and partial list of endorsers for the Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign
Violation of Human Rights in CA: Interview with UN International Attorney, Karen Parker (tags)
A raging human rights battle is brewing between the Department of Energy and the people of the greater San Francisco/San Jose area. Citizen activists and environmental rights groups are up in arms over the right of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to explode toxic and radioactive materials into California’s air.
All Wars Are Now Nuclear Wars. (tags)
It's another government cover up. Our military has known from the very beginning that DU munitions were radioactive Weapons of Mass Destruction and they have criminally covered it up.
Nuclear Holocaust and The Politics of Radiation (tags)
This event featured three speakers: Doug Rokke, a Vietnam and Gulf War I Veteran and the Army's expert on depleted uranium; Leuren Moret, a whistle-blower from Livermore National Laboratory, expert lecturer on the health effects of depleted uranium; and Veteran Staff Sergeant Dennis Kyne who served as an Army medic during Gulf War I. Because they speak out about depleted uranium (DU), all three of these people are constantly harassed by the US government and its agents. Both Rokke and Kyne are in extremely serious medical condition because of their exposure to depleted uranium and other toxicants that the military tells our valiant warriors are safe. You may listen to all three lectures on by clicking on the appropriate link below. Rokke's and Moret's have been transcribed. If you have time, please help us by transcribing Dennis Kyne's lecture and we will post it.
Fundamentalist Christianity Weds the Military (tags)
Fundamentalist Christianity weds the military and their offspring is ecclesiastically induced genocidal war from the command center of Fatherland Patriarchy [1]
Confident U.S. generals commit war crimes (tags)
A force multiplier is a technological method to multiply the aggressiveness and lethality of an armed force.
Spoils of War Today? - Gulf War Syndrome (tags)
For our troops on Memorial Day - The Kings of Britain and France and many other empires were able to raise huge armies every several decades because the soldiers who survived the battles were rewarded with the riches that they could carry and women that they could rape at will.
Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe (tags)
The average radioactive dose, according to official government index based calculations, was about 23 million radioactive particles for the average adult male in Britain and Europe.
US Military, President Out of Control (tags)
- Nuremberg Tribunal, 1950 What Does "Mildly Radioactive" Mean, Anyway?
Can US officials be tried for war crimes? Karen Parker, J.D. (tags)
KPFA's Flashpoints Radio